
For some, the heat of summer nears its end. . . And for others, the blooms of spring appear.

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RP: A Mountain's Call

Started by Muse, November 07, 2011, 03:50:16 PM

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Plugg Firetail


Yep, a badger who will become the first lord of Sal.

Pak watched the pirates come nearer to his hole and panicked. he leapt out and hissed at the suprised vermin.
Do not fear the unknown. It cannot hurt you.
What is truly worth fearing is the known.
By Muse

Plugg Firetail

Ooc:I'm going to assume that we have never seen salamanders before.

Bic:The whole group stared in surprise. None had ever seen this creature before. In a second 6 other creatures of his kind popped out of the hole. One jumped and bit Tearrip in the hand. Tearrip yowled in pain. The creatures started dragging him off towards the hole and after a while his shouts stopped. Ronja and the scouting party were still with shock. Tearrip was gone. Now their were no trackers to help them get back. Suddenly, something hit Streamsprit right in the face. It was the burned carcass of Tearrip, dipped into lava. Streamsprit shrieked with fear. The whole group were scared silly. The water rat pushed the body off of himself. Then the creatures attacked again.

Tiria Wildlough

A short distance away, Ness and  Brennar were sitting around a small fire. Ness looked at the fire mountain.
'Ever wondered what goes on up there, Brennar?'
'No, an' I don't plan to,' replied Brennar flatly. 'They say it's ruled by fire monsters.'
Ness snorted. 'Don't be stupid. There isn't any such thing as fire monsters.'
That was when they saw the salamanders.
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


With a sweeping blow, Foxuld decapitated a nearby howler monkey. The others ran off, and the otters looked to the badger with a newfound respect.
Do not fear the unknown. It cannot hurt you.
What is truly worth fearing is the known.
By Muse

Troy Troodon

The few remaining monkies including the dismayed and humiliated officer retreat and move far down south back to their settlement. Once their the officer dismounted his horse as he walked and nealed before a chair high and mighty, owned by their majesty himself, Harraie, with his Queenly wife, son, and daughter all atop a platform beside him as their lieutenant speaks in.

"My Lord... a thousand apologies, we were only a scounting unit, only 30 strong, 5 counting the baboons. We were bested by a badger, a tought creature some say who can rival a bear in ferocity. It would have been an easy win had he not been there. And with how monsterously he slain a near by troop, There was no telling what else he could comprehend."

But the king only gave a calm expression of his face with eyes closed, and his paw lifted. Then he took a sip from his goblet. And with a subtle clearance of his throat he answered back.

"You have done what you mearly could." Said his king; "The loss of only a few warriors is not that great. But the Badger on the other hand... Intrigues me. As do the courage of the otters and other creatures up in the north. As much as I detest their stubborn ways, We must respect, and even admire them for their ingenuity... Which in the right circumstances could be used against them.

Officer: "My Lord?"

Harraie gave a confident smile and smugly spoke: "Weather tamarin or howler, lemur or baboon, chimp or gorilla, We Simians of all sorts with our craft and hirouchary are a proud beastary, But there are those who hate those mear forgers as much as we do. I believe we have powerful friends on the other side my kin, not much but still very powerful friends indeed.

He turned swiftly and gave his next order.
"Return to your scene and bring some reinforcements, You howlers and tamarins shall cox up a fresh supply of flints and bows while the lemurs gather some wood along side the capuchins and spider monkeys, The baboons, macaques, and proboscis monkeys shall rally with their axes or lances to form the center ranks. The gibbons shall make ready some new of swords and spears as the orangutans and gorillas craft their own weapons. The chimps will meet you their on their own private route to surpervise as you get their, While the rest of you vervets and langurs reroute a fresh supply of cattle and horses, and get some camels and elephants make camp as soon as your reach your distention.

His wife Talia spoke.
"My king, My love, you seem to be taking this too extremely." to which the king replied;
"Nonsence Talia, I am only sending a small army not much." Talia questioned:
"Just how small and army, 100, 500, a thousand?" How do you know we are not sending our entire army to die? We don;t know how many of the enemy there is."

Harraie answered confidently with compassion "Again we are a proud race, There's alot more of us than you fear, even now reinforcements are on their way so if possible we could have an army of 10,000 while many more to spare as hard workers, farmers, husbands and fathers. Look at us, we are not a certain kind, We a monstrosity of the tall ones, Half of me is monkey, and the other half is chimp even as you and our kids." He spoke even soother as he gently stroke his wife's shoulders with face that meant not violance but sympathy "War is indeed wrong my queen, but it is all for the good of simian survival."

Then his daughter asked; "Where are you going father?" To which he replied, on a little trip, I shall return momentarily."; "Brassier, Fetch my horse."


So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.

Plugg Firetail

The creatures attacked again. Ronja threw his axe at one of them. It hit it in it's side,killing it. As he ran towards his axe, he saw Blackmouth and Fangbur had killed two of them with their spears. Ronja picked up his axe. There was three of those creatures left. Streamsprit slashed out with his rusted steel blade, striking a hit on one of the three. It screeched in pain and fell down wounded. The other two jumped on Streamsprit. Just then the rest of the crew came.

Troy Troodon

The next day about twice as many monkies headed north, 20 tamarins, 30 langurs, 15 howlers and spider monkeys, and 5 gibbons, with 10 baboons for back up. All lead by 4 macaques on horses. It was dawn and the drumbs rolled. By the time they made into the open woodlands they halted made camp and work there.

Baboon Guard: Captain, what orders from the king?

The captain is green eyed macaque, weraing a good iron shirt with a brass helm and half blunt scimatar, He dismounted from his horse and replied; "He says we have powerful friends up here, very powerful friends."

Then a langur aksed; "And who are they sir? Rats, Stoats, Foxes?

Captain: "We shall soon find out. Alright everyone, make camp and increase our numbers."
So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.

Tiria Wildlough

OOC: Brr. . .monkeys creep me out. Just so you know, my hare character doesn't use the warcry 'Eulalia'.

BIC: Ness reached for her javelin. 'Um...Brennar, I think these beasts mean business.'
Brennar shrugged. 'Well, so do we, matey,' She swung her bolas and flattened a salamander who got too close.
The others immediately charged. Just as they were about to attack, a piercing yell rang out.
'Haway the braaaaw! 'S'death!'
A large hare jumped into the fray, swinging a stone-tipped staff. She laid flat several salamanders, and held the rest back with the staff.
'Was ye troubled bah them lizards?' she asked the otters. Dumbstruck, Ness could only nod.
'Weel, ah fixed 'em reet well fer ye. Ah'm Tamilar. Whit're yore names, misses
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.

Mad Maudie

OOC hey tiria is it OK if Lilith is with you guys?
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?



Foxuld gazed around at the huge cave. Holt Summerdell had improved since his last visit, clean, and rid of the monkey savages. The Skipper, named Talgrif Galedeep, shook Foxuld's paw soundly.
"Thank's messmate. "Tweren't for ye, we would'a died fer sure. This 'ere's Halrt. 'e's in trainin' teh be th' next bard o' Green Isle."
The young otter bowed to Foxuld. "It brings me great pleasure to welcome thee to our humble abode."
Talgrif ruffled Harlt's ears fondly. "Talks fancy, don't 'ee? Tell me, friend, wot're yew doin' here?"
The otters grew silent as Foxuld recounted his tale.
Do not fear the unknown. It cannot hurt you.
What is truly worth fearing is the known.
By Muse

Plugg Firetail

Streamsprit was down. Ronja acted quickly. He took out his axe. With great accuracy, Ronja whipped the axe at the first creature. It died without a sound. He looked at the other creatures. There was none. They had ran away. Tearrip was dead, and Streamsprit was wounded badly. Rangfur raced up to Ronja. Rangfur nodded towards the crew mob. The Cap'n was here.

Troy Troodon

Not far away, a an extra battalian regarding to the simian empire consisting of 6 baboons, 11 gibbons and 14 ringtailed lemurs and a gorilla lead by a 2 more macaque lieutenants were on brigade. There one of the macaques on horseback halted his troops as they are soon greeted by their king. Harraie, now in full armour and aided with his riderless horse, riding instead a great beast which he recently liberated from an abandoned circus while on his way, Big and on all fours it was like an ox, with a long snout, flapping ears and tusks like a boar, It was what they call an elephant one of harraie's best means for battle. There they were being watched from the opposite side.

An army of rats, weasels, and foxes lead by a cat on a stag deer. He ordered his archers to fire and thus one arrow struck an unsuspecting lemur. one of the mounted macaques retaliated along side a lemur armed with a javelin.  They both charged on a speeding horse ramming though the rats innumerable while the tamarin alone thrusted one of his spears at a nearby archer who was about to fire. Then the cat general retaliated by charging on his own steed with a heavy pike, gouging the both of them.

As the enemy charges for them, Harraie sent his best means of defence, The elephant which he had now just dismounted then lead by the gorilla to charge through the enemy ranks. The rats and weasels halted with horror before the sights of a monster they never seen before. They attempted to slay it with arrows but it only maid the great beast madder and thus while attempting to retreat the elephant only caught up with them and sent some of them flying with a kick from it's front hoof and even trampled some in the process, It wasn't pretty and it wasn't clinical, but it was ruthlessly efficient. But their captain had a trick up his sleave, for while the elephant continued it's stampede a few weasels from atop a tree on his command poured a pot of boiling hot water on the monster's back sending him in panic and thus ran off couse from the battle scene.

While the rest of both vermin armies continued fighting The monkies were outnumbered two to one. But it was the courage of their King Harraie that helped his few remaining troops fight back, Now charging on his own horse  jousted againt the cat general on his stag (only to have both steeds render themselves sencless as they rammed each other) Now on foot both leaders fought in sword combat only to be evenly matched. Then the cat ordered his trops to stand down as he spoke to the king.

Cat: King Harraie I presume?
Harraie: The Same!
Cat: Now this is no way to greet a friend now is it?

Harraie then realized the the assaulting vermin are his allies and thus he layed down his weapon. And the Two Continued to conversate.

(Anyone care to continue? and if nobody likes it I will edit it later)
So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.


Hey Troy, that's good, but remember, they're on a small isle. I don't think there's much room for theother army, or for elephants. The rest is good, though. The other army can be just a small yet dngerous tribe, maybe...
Do not fear the unknown. It cannot hurt you.
What is truly worth fearing is the known.
By Muse

Plugg Firetail