
For some, the heat of summer nears its end. . . And for others, the blooms of spring appear.

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The Land of Great Mosfleur!

Started by NightThornFox, September 29, 2014, 05:14:01 PM

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OOC: Alright, I hope everyone who signed up has a fun time in the RP! We will take turns posting in the order that people posted their character sheets in the Sign-up thread, so I go first (of course), and then the first person to post their sheet will go after me, etc. If any of you have questions that you don't think needs to be asked inside the thread itself, just send me a PM.
Also, as far as primary goals of the story, I'm going for a sort of experimental roleplay, wherein, being the GM, I guess I'll just come up with plot points and twists to come up with as we progress. Okay then, let's have fun!


It was late in the evening, as Shade sat there alone in his room. The windows and doors closed, it was completely dark, aside from the glow of the glass monitor, illuminating Shade's face, making him appear as a ghostly head, floating among shadows of his room. He was mostly silent, aside from the occasional mumble or grumble to himself as he ticked away at the thick keys of the keyboard. Something seemed to be frustrating him, his keystrokes growing more violent, the tick-tack-tick of the keys growing louder.

The internet was full of fox-hating racists, and Shade had to tell them all how wrong they were. He went back and forth from window to window, Fumbler, Chipper, TailBook. As far as society had come in Mosfleur, racial tensions were still high, and grey fox were scorned by many, merely because of their loose connection with the more violent and vicious red fox. Granted, a grey fox was still a fox, and Shade, just like any other was cunning by nature, but he would not stand for anonymous creatures on the web insulting the integrity of his family or business.

He had went on like this for hours, losing track of time in the realms of the ether that Shade so enjoyed escaping to in his free time. It was about 2a.m. by the time he finally shut down the machine and threw himself in to bed, falling down, making the cheap wood of the frame creak from his added weight, the bed squeaking noisily as he made himself comfortable.

Awaking several hours later, his room still dark, with only a very thin string of light beaming through the wood shutters over his window. He sat up and yawned, scratching away the morning itches before throwing on his shop clothes and heading out of his room to the front of the building where the shop was. His folks were out for the weekend, so Shade was left alone to tend the store. He started by checking the cash register, then took stock of all the shelves, going from end to end, picking up each and every trinket and odd and end, meticulously counting and recounting each item to make sure he had counted them correctly. As he walked about, Shade took note of the stains in their carpet and the various areas of the walls where the wallpaper had been ripped or torn and was twisting away from the wall, exposing the thin boards within. He kept telling his folks they had to get that fixed, but repairs weren't exactly cheap, and with so many people buying their stuff online now, the business they made in the shop was barely providing them enough to make ends meet.

Shade stopped in the middle of his work and sighed as he stared up at the water-stains on the ceiling, fondly recalling the time when their shop bustled with customers. How he wished he could find a way to bring that success back to his family's pawnshop. He then laid his attention on the door to their "storeroom" and he sneered at it, regretting the fact that his family was forced to resort to dealing with less than reputable merchandise, just to keep themselves afloat. He sighed and continued his work.

After a couple hours, Shade went and grabbed his cloak from his room, donning it, and making sure to check the pocket along the inner hem, to be sure his switchblade was still there. He had to make sure he could defend himself in this region of town. Closing up the shop for a little while, Shade headed out into the littered and damp streets of the town, passing through a few back alleys and side streets. There were a few errands that had to be done each day, and now was as good a time as any. It wasn't as if anyone was going to try visiting the shop while he was away anyways.


Pavit lay in her bed staring threw the dark at the patterns of moonlight that decorated the carpeted floor. Her mind racing unable to sleep. She was a Journalist for her school newspaper. She had a article to wright and this time it was not just any article. It was on the new artifact at the Raywell museum. A legitimate blade of badger make. They say that it might even be the blade of martian himself though there where plenty that still thought that the story of Martian's blade was just folklore. Pavit had always love the stories and the ancient history of Mosfleur and for the most part believed them.

Tomorrow was the grand unveiling. She had called in ahead of time to make sure that she got in. She was supposed to write an article about the event and the blade itself. She had even arranged  for an interview with archaeologist Samson Strat the creature who found the blade. He was to speak at the event. She had to go threw a lot to get an interview she had almost not gotten in, many "legit" newspapers wanted to speak with him as well, but with a little ingenuity and help from her uncle, who had his connections, she got in.

She had tossed and turned all night words and phrased, paragraphs and the old stories swirling around in her head. She blinked coming out of her day dream, no real dream would come and sleep was reluctant to take her. Pavit Sat up leaning on her elbow and looked at the clock on her desk, flashing red, glowing like eyes in the dark. It read 12:00. She fell back on her bed and looked up at the ceiling. At this point she just wanted relief.

Sleep did come but slowly and by the morning she woke unsure weather or not she had slept at all. She lay in bed the light of the gray before dawn lighting up her bedroom just enough to clearly see  across the room to her neat desk with her laptop sitting open atop it, its black screen staring back at her, and a stack of paper notes and a text book sitting next to it. She listened intently for the sound of water flowing threw the pipes of the house to tell her that her father was up and taking a shower. The house was silent. She sat up in bed and swung her feet over the edge still partially in indecision.

'Oh I'm already up, can't hurt' She thought getting up and without getting out of her pajamas, a pair of baggy pants and a t-shirt of a purple color, she sat down at her desk and turned the monitor on.  There was a whir of power and and the screen flashed on asking for her password. The light of the screen slapping her face and lighting up her features, tracing her face leaving the rest in complete darkness compared to the light. She had light gray fur but the odd light made it look almost white, a small pink nose, fine whiskers and a tuft of long fur that, at this moment, decided to fall into her eyes. She brushed it away with one paw before entering in the password and the tuft of fur returned to her eyes.

This time she ignored it. She was already searching "The legend of martians sword, basis in fact?". She spent the next two hours trying to find what facts where known about the Martin legend. She did not even notice when the smell of hot muffins with currents and apples drifted up to her room and the sunlight had made its way up her bedroom wall. The sound of bickering was what finally got her attention. 

"...But I want to lick the spatula! You got it last time..."
"You get the spoon... hey give it back... Ew you licked it!"
"You can have it back,"

Pavit sighed and looked up from her work finally realizing how much time had passed. She quickly saved the links to the sights she was looking at to a folder on her desktop before closing the browser. She then snapped the laptop shut and slipped it into its satchel case. She Quickly changed out of her PJs and into a blue skirt and white blouse. She then grabbed her shoes and socks and threw them by her desk for later. She bounded out the door and stopped short blinked and swerving back round into her bedroom. She grabbed her glasses of the desk, placed them on the bridge of her nose and started back out the door, and down to breakfast.

I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


OOC I'll go ahead and post again to keep the story going :) we should be fine until Corn gets a chance to join, we're so early in it'll be easy to jump in.


It was bright midday now, and Shade was walking down the damp sidewalk, nose pointed to the ground as he counted the wad of paper he had received after running he "errands" for the day. He smiled complacently to himself after he finished counting and slid the money into the hem pocket of his cloak. As he continued to walk, Shade found it a bit curious that the sidewalk was so wet, he didn't remember it raining last night, of course that could have just been due to losing himself on the web as he does most nights. He shrugged it off and continued to walk.

Now, the more questionable areas of town that Shade and other grey foxes typically dwelled in wrapped around the city of Reywell in a large arch, and it just so happened that the shortest route back to his family's shop led Shade to making a B-line directly through the more mid-class regions of the city, directly past the Reywell museum.

Today was rather peculiar. Shade didn't pay too much to the on-goings of creatures that lived closer to the center of the city, but he noticed today that there was a rather large gathering of citizens around the museum. Shade was not typically the curious type, but for some reason he couldn't keep himself from chancing a closer look at what was going on. Heading closer to the museum, a few creatures, a couple mice, a squirrel or two, and a hedgehog, noticed Shade walking near them and he clearly noticed them backing away from him, their faces showing the intimidation they felt in his presence.
Shade was no stranger to the racism towards grey-fox that was still rampant in Mosfluer. To some creatures, the fact that the grey-fox helped the ancient society of Redwall and have been allies with Mosfluer since its founding just isn't enough to outweigh the fact that they're still fox. By this time he was more or less accustomed to it, and it didn't bother him much, he just went about his own business.

Continuing towards the museum, Shade was caught rather off-guard when all of a sudden he was rammed into from behind. Stumbling forward and turning around in shock, an angry look plastered on his face, he saw a short grey mouse in a blue skirt and white blouse, he imagined a school uniform of some sort. She was on all fours, stumbling around on the ground to find something while repeatedly apologizing for bumping into him. Finally she found what she was looking for, and upon her small nose she placed a tiny pair of glasses, then picked up the black satchel she was carrying with herself as she stood up. The mouse apologized once more to Shade, and left in a confused state, the only thing he could do was act upon the bit of frustration this awkward encounter provided and he scowled at the mouse with an ugly face before walking off into the crowd in a huff.

A minute or two later after the mouse was gone and he was alone, Shade looked down at the grown and sighed, slapping himself on the forehead. 'Why did you do that, you dolt?' Shade asked himself as he stood there. Shade attributed it to his short temper, but what it really was he would not admit to himself. He knew that in that moment he was flustered by the sudden encounter with a mouse he actually thought was cute, but even the idea he would not allow his own mind to process, as grey-fox were looked down upon by other races, and gray-fox were quick to outcast others of their own kind that would dare fraternize in such a way with other races.

He stopped thinking about it finally and brought his attention back to his initial curiosity, which was why so many citizens were gathered at the museum today. He began walking towards the museum, but suddenly, as he drew closer to the museum, he bent over and clutched at his head, besieged by a violent headache. He let out a soft yell in pain, drowned out by the crowd around him, and he swore that he could hear a very distinctive voice. The voice was deep and warm, but strong and commanding. He heard. "Shaaaade. Come, Night Thorn!"


Pavit was late, Of all days to be late she just had to chose today. She had planed on getting there early but fate had had something else in store for her. She had missed her first buss and had to wait for the next one which of course did not go past the museum. She had to get of at another stop and board a second bus which was now coming to a halt at its stop. She brushed her fur out of her eyes and jumped to her feet almost before the bus came squeaking to a halt. She jostled a middle aged rabbit in a business suit on her way out and she shouted her apology as she jumped to the curb. He muttered something about how people should watch where they where going but Pavit was no longer there the hear it. She still had two blocks to go before she reached the museum.

She broke into a run only stopping to impatiently wait for a light at a crossroad before continuing. The whole time she kept chastising herself under her breath. "You just had to let this happen, today of all days, If you're late... On one of the most important days of your life..." She didn't even slow when she reached the museum in fact she may have sped up weaving between the people. Banners hung from street lamps and a large pavilion crowded with a mass of creatures all come to see the blade. She expected that a good number of them where Martinists. She was not one her self but she had always enjoyed the stories, it wasn't even that she didn't believe in them just that she didn't think there was any real ghost of a long dead warrior and she certainly didn't worship it.

She wasn't looking where she was going her eyes fixed on the ground to keep from tripping and she leaped up the stone steps to the pavilion reaching the top she darted forward and *Fwump* she collided with some beast and was sitting on the ground staring up at the smudges of blurry white cloud decorating the blue canvas of the sky. Her paw flew to the bridge of her nose where her glasses should rest but they where not there. She glanced around frantically trying to find them before some beast stepped on them the whole time apologizing to the creature she had run into who now stood watching her.

Finally she found them and snatched them up putting them back in their place she stood and for the first time, saw just who she had run into. She started slightly, it was not that he was a fox exactly. She had always been warned that most vermin where no good and to stay away from them but she also knew her history. Even her parents where in agreement that most Gray-foxes where not as bad as the rest of there race. No it was not that. Perhaps it was his age, he was round her age, and the odd black cloak her wore.  "Oh, so sorry sir," She said brushing her fur out of her eyes. He just snarled at her and stormed off.

This was of course understandable. She had just bowled him over. She did not really wait for him to respond though and had rushed off cheeks flushed at the first opportunity. "Late, late, why today," She muttered still flustered from the indecent. She weaved her way threw the people, this time watching where she was going, and bounded up the stairs that lead to the main entrance of the oddly colored red stone building.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


OOC  I hope it doesn't count as PP, but near the end of my post I described my character seeing your character heading home. I didn't describe anything your character did, I just made the assumption that since it was very late in the day by the time I got to the end of the post that everyone would be heading home.


As uncomfortable as he felt, surrounded by the faces of strange creatures, Shade was determined, for some reason, unbeknownst to him, to find out what all the commotion was about. Now with the small migraine he had moments ago now out of his mind, he strode ahead, carefully slithering his way between the creatures ahead of him. Some noticed him and cautiously stepped out of his way, but most seemed too distracted by what they were trying to see to notice him.

Finally near the front, now able to approach what all the commotion was about, Shade saw a large glass case, and inside was displayed a sword. Shade was familiar with blades, but was curious as to why this one was so special. He did notice, though, that he had never seen a sword quite like it. The metal of the blade was not like any sword he had seen before. It was very dark and had an almost other-worldly sheen to it. It had a typical straight hand-guard, and the grip was bound with black leather, and the sword was engraved with a red pommel stone.

Beside the glass case that sword resided within, was a rather tall and thinly-statured hare, dressed up in rather flamboyantly-sophisticated clothing, something that seemed to be expected of hares since time unmemorable. He stood erect at the center of the crowd and raising his paw for silence, the hare gave a quick bow and began to speak.

"I di-rect your attenshun to the sword afore you, good sahs and madams. Now in the possession of Reywell's very own museum of history, we believe, that wot you see hyere, is none other than the very sword of the legend'ry Martin! The very same, passed down from his fatha', and his fatha's fatha'. Ahem. As the anshunt texts would have us believe. Discovahd off the coast of Salamstr'n below the waves, for wot reason we have yet t' deduce, our historian o-fis-i-als were quick to iden-tee-fy the blade as such, and have brought it here to its rightful place as a historical arteefact..."

The hare went on and on for some time, Shade paying little attention, as he was in an almost trance-like state, staring at the curious blade inside the case. Wanting a closer look, Shade leaned forward, the glare from the ceiling lights showing him his reflection in the glass. Shade stared intently, peering through his own reflection, only to be shocked and taken aback as his reflection had suddenly changed in an instant. No longer did he see his own face on the glass, but the face of a mouse, a mouse with eyes that burned with intensity and wildfire. Shade jumped back in fright, rubbing his eyes, and when he looked again, the face was gone.

After that, Shade decided that he had had too long of a day, and was likely starting to see things from being tired. Shade promptly turned around and made his way out of the museum and back onto the street where he began to make his way home. Although he was not yet back into the slums of town, where his home was, the area where the museum was wasn't too far from the area where he lived, so it was easy enough for him to just walk. Shade typically didn't like buses anyways, because they were always filled with strangers, and Shade was never fond of having to sit so close to strangers.

A short walk later and Shade found himself back at his family's pawnshop. Unlocking the door and heading inside, he did a quick stock of inventory just to make sure no one had snuck in while he was away, and then went back to his room to check his email. A short wait for boot and a few clicks later, and Shade was shocked to find a note in his inbox, requesting him to make a delivery. This was especially odd because he had no recollection of the address he was supposed to go to, and there was no way he wouldn't recognize the address, because Shade had been the only one in the shop for the past few days, so any call for a delivery would have been taken by him. Shade figured it must have been some sort of prank, but, desperate for potential business, Shade decided to take the delivery anyways.

It didn't take him long to pack up all the items requested in the delivery. They seemed like pretty random and meaningless items, just a few nick-nacks and desk trinkets, all the sort of sentimental items that only poor mice traded into their shop. He sealed the box up and strapped it over his shoulder before heading back into the town. He had wanted to take a nap initially, but now that his curiosity was piqued again, something he seemed to be having problems with today, he felt quite re-invigorated. After some time he had finally found the area he was looking for. It was a quaint little neighborhood of small upper-middle class homes, most of the homes inhabited by mice and squirrels, and by the looks of the drunken dad screaming at his kids from the porch, a single family of hedgehogs as well.

Now looking at the piece of paper with the address on it, Shade quickly glanced up at the sky, realizing the sun was going down; he had to try and find the house quick. Walking down the street and reading the mailboxes, it wasn't long before he found the house he was looking for, a few yards down the sidewalk from where he was. Giving a smug smile to himself and walking forward, Shade suddenly stopped dead in his tracks and ducked behind a bush. It was that same mouse from the museum earlier that day, heading straight for the house he was supposed to make the delivery to. "Just my luck" Shade thought to himself, sighing as he rubbed his temples in frustration. Shade didn't like the idea of having to make a delivery to the cute mouse he had embarrassed himself in front of earlier that same day, but he was still determined to get to the bottom of that email he received, and so with firm resolution, he waited until she had entered the house and strode forward, heading down the sidewalk, then to the front walkway of the quaint home before arriving at the door. Shade took a deep breath and pulled the package off his back. His cloak was pulled over his head as he stared at the ground in a weak attempt to hide his face, and he knocked firmly at the door. He could make out the faint sound of some very young mice arguing about something, then someone shouting at the young voices, and finally after a few moments the knob to the door turned.

Cornflower MM


Pavit stopped at the front of the crowd where she could clearly see the artifact siting in its glass case. It looked old beyond measure yet at the same time seemed untouched by rust and decay. It captivated her and she could barely tare her eyes away. Once she had managed to do so she glanced down and rummaged around in her satchels side pocket and pulled out a note pad and pencil.

The sword blade is well polished and immensely old looking. However is seems untouched by rust and decay. The edge still seems sharp The edge is still sharp and the mettle shines with the knowledge of the ages past and battles won.

'I like that,' She thought to herself. 'need to use it somewhere' She glanced around at the people and noticed three that stood out the most lingering on the edge of the crowed. What made them so different where thier cloths. All three of them wore habits two of them where green but the elderly mouse who looked like the leader whore one of nut brown. 'They must be Martinists monks'. She thought. 'I should see if I can talk to them before the night is up,'.

Just then the Hare that stood next to the case began his speech. She quickly jotted down what he said for reference and quoting latter. She was so preoccupied that she didn't notice the fox nearby start at his reflection in the glass.

I direct your attention to the sword before you, good sahs and madams. Now in the possession of Reywell's very own museum of history, we believe, that wot you see here, is none other than the very sword of the legendary Martin! The very same, passed down from his father, and his father's father. As the ancient texts would have us believe. Discovered off the coast of Salamstr'n below the waves, for wot reason we have yet to deduce, our historian officials were quick to identify the blade as such, and have brought it here to its rightful place as a historical artifact...

Time wore on and so did the speech, Pavit's pencil keeping track. She had been able to catch a good bit of it before the words where lost.

"It is not!" Cried the graying mouse as he stepped forward interrupting the hares speech.  

"I'm not finushed sah! as I was saying-"

"Well neither am I" the monk said. "The sword is a religious artifact and belongs in the abbey at Seynin,"

"I say sah! that is highly out of tha question," The Hare spluttered. Pavit's pencil nearly flew across the page trying to keep track of what was happening. Oh she was lucky today.

"We will see..." The monk said placing his paws in the sleeves of his habit and slowly walked to the exit the two other monks following him. Every one stared after him and there was silence, which turned into a murmur, which turned into a roar. The room was alive with tons of exited gossiping people. It took the hare several tries to calm them down and regain control. His speech having been interrupted and spoiled he tried to resume but his words fell flat and in the end he cut it short and offered refreshments. Pavit did not go for these however. Instead she went over to an employees only door guarded by a otter security guard. She showed him a card that she had been given and entered.

This part of the building looked much different from the rest. The ceiling was much lower and made up of office ceiling tiles. The stone was a different color the floor was carpeted and at a certain point the stone stopped completely and turned to drywall. The part of the building also looked much newer then the rest and must have been added at a latter date.

She walked down the hall and stopped in front of a young squirrel secretary sitting behind a desk. "I am here to see Mr. Strat." She said. The girl at the desk glanced up as if there was nothing unusual about a young school girl wandering the employee only halls of the museum.

"He's in there, said ta go right in," she said flicking a finger in the direction of a room with a closed cherry wood door and a gold (or what looked like gold) Name plate reading Samson Strat in neat black letters. Pavit strode over and grabbed the "gold" door knob and the door swung inwards.

A middle aged mouse sat in an armchair to her right, a messy desk to her left. It was covered in all sorts of old looking things a round glass and pieces of stone, pottery, metal, gems and other nameless things that looked as if they had withstood ages of torment. Among these things, in every possible space left available, there where stacked, shoved and propped, papers and books, pens and pencils which flowed of the desk and on to the floor. Dancing there way over to the coffee table by the armchair and as hard as she tried she could not see a desk chair anywhere. Not that that meant there wasn't one.

As for the mouse himself, his fur was a light brown. His eyes, black and young, yet gray threatened to take his whiskers. He wore simple artier that seemed oddly out of place yet seemed to be just right in some odd perfect kind of way. He wore a lose tan vest with over four pockets, matching pants, a pare of brown boots and an old battered fedora. An amused grin crept over his face as soon as he laid eyes on her. "I knew I would like you as soon as I heard your voice over the phone," He said putting down a mug with something hot and black in it which she thought might be coffee... might.

"Please, sit," He said indicating another armchair across from him which was covered in books and papers. Realizing this he jumped up and pushed them on to the floor and sat back down. Pavit was, for once unable to find the right words so she just sat down and turned to a fresh page of her note book. She had intended this to be strictly professional but what first came out of her mouth was not of that kind, and she was ok with it. She didn't know why she just was.

"I, I was surprised to have gotten an interview with you at all Sir.,"

"Oh none of that Sir nonsense now. Just call me Samson. You'll make me feel old. I actually wasn't going to do any interviews, never liked the publicity. S'why I'm not out there. Much rather be inhere working. When I heard you where writing it for a school paper I thought I would help you out a bit. I never like the grown reporters they twist the truth and turn it on its head so that it is... exiting. but it is no longer the truth."

Pavit relaxed she liked him, he was not what she would have thought but she liked him. She spent the next 30 minuet in that room. She would ask him some professional questions and he would answer but then the questions would slip away and turn more personal. The kind a young child would ask there uncle or grand father and these would turn in to narrations of one story or another. Pavit was entranced and 30 minutes turned to 40 and then an hour had passed. She glance at her watch and a look of surprise crossed it "I really ought to be going Sir... I mean Samson Sir... I mean, Samson," She said standing.

"Oh really, it has been that long?" he said glancing at a very old clock, which she had not noticed before, sitting on the coffee table. "Well be sure to come again some day. That was a nice little chat we had," Pavit turned and started for the door  "Oh wait I almost forgot," He said pulling a USB flash drive out of one of his vest pockets and handed it to her with a wink, "For your article,"  

"Thank you Si- Samson." She said "Thank for every thing," She turned and a wide grin spread across her face. She walked all the way to front of the museum but when she got there she could no longer contain herself and broke into a run, there was even a skip in there somewhere. Time seemed to fly and one bus ride later she was dropped off a few blocks from her house. She hadn't even bothered to work on her laptop during the drive which she usually did.

Pavit walked down the street and approached her house. It was a neat little house with clean cut but sun bleached grass so that it was a pore yellowish green color. There was a newly trimmed bush by a white and black mail box which while looking nice and neat was not new and the paint did not shine. The place where the red flag flipped up was beginning to rub away and if any one chanced to open it it squeaked. The front of the house was brick and the steps lead up to a small porch painted a faded blue which pealed a little in one or two places. The porch had a rocking chair on it  that looked like it had not been sat in for a while and a two person bench swing in the same condition. In front of the door sat an old much used welcome mat. The floor was littered with random toys, a jump rope, a hula hoop one or two sticks which had been more fun than any of the other toys put together, a ball and a scooter. On the lawn lay a pink bike abandoned in a moment of some new novelty and never put away. Despite all this the house did not look in any way shabby just well used.

Pavit sighed at the mess but didn't mind to much at least not today. She skipped up the steeps opened the front door and almost tripped over a pare of muddy yellow galoshes. It hadn't even rained that day, she was clearly puzzled but she had gotten, mostly, used to these sorts of things by now and she was sure the reason would come out eventually. She grabbed them and flung them out onto the porch next to the door. While shouting into the house "Don't leave your shoos in front of the door!"

The main entry was a small space with a table and a mirror to her right, which sat next to a coat closet containing much more than just coats if one where to open it. To her left was a staircase that lead upstairs. Directly in front of her was a hall which lead to the kitchen and to her left was a door to the living room. The floor here was wood but a round door mat sat askew by the door. She fixed it and then started up the stairs to her room. She was half way up when she heard the doorbell ring and a clamor for the door.  She leaned back over the railing at the point where it met the ceiling to see who it was.

Max, Pavit's nine year old sister, got the door, her full name being Maxine Grace DeColvat, with Maggie, her 5 year old sister, close behind her. To her surprise it was the gray fox she had bumped into earlier that day. "See I told you it would work!" Max said "The internet is awesome," Pavit started back down the stairs towards her sisters. "What where you thinking. You can't just randomly order things online, you have to still pay for it." She said her face burning red. She pushed them aside as she went out on to the porch closing the front door behind her. "So sorry about that Sir." She said rummaging round in he satchel not looking directly at the fox. "I'll see if I can pay for everything, least for your trouble," She puled out a wallet "How much would that be?" She asked finally looking him in the face.

I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


OOC Awesome post! Lots of great detail :) i love this back and forth of filling in the gaps we've been doing,


Shade had never been much of a social creature. He was accustomed to staying to himself and interacting directly with others only when it was necessary for the family business. His interactions with others were almost always limited to that which he had while tucked away in his bedroom, sitting behind a glowing monitor. Even now, as that pretty mouse stared straight up at him and into his eyes, he wished he could slink away, hide under his cloak and return to his dark bedroom, and yet at the same time, he cherished the moment. Never before had he seen another creature look at him so genuinely. The expression on her face told him, she did not see a fox. She did not see a vermin. All she saw was another creature, trying to coexist in this ever-changing world. For only a brief moment, Shade grew weak in the knees, and he felt a heat in his chest that he had never felt before. But reality was never far away, and it always comes back to hit you over the head when you begin to float away.

Shade shook his head real quick, a light blush coloring his cheeks, though one would be hard-pressed to notice it below his dark-fur. He averted his eyes from the gaze of the pretty mouse before him and spoke.

"Oh! Uh, It's no trouble really, I uhm..I know how family is. There's really no need to pay though. I, erm...oh! We was planning to throw all this here stuff out! Yea, yea, that's it. Luckily for yer sis this lot was just a bunch o' trinkets we'd been keepin' in the back. We was 'bout to throw the lot away anyhows cuz no-beast seemed interested in it. Not a whole lot o' creatures 'round our part of town being interested in this sort of stuff."

He tried his best to grin a big friendly grin, but it ended up coming off more creepy than anything, and without much else to say, he laid the box on the front porch in front of the mouse and turned around to begin walking away.

Unfortunately, destiny would not have any of this behavior from Shade Furr. Before the mouse had returned inside, and before Shade had even left her front yard, he was again struck with a migraine, but this time far more severe than the first. The pain was so violent that Shade could not resist the urge to shout out in pain. He collapse on the ground, clutching at his head in agony, the same voice from before booming in his mind.


The voice was saying something else beyond that, the rhyme was not yet done, but it grew quiet quickly, and Shade could not hear any more of the passage screaming in his brain. He fell to the ground in the mouse girl's yard, quickly losing consciousness.

OOC sorry this post is much shorter than all those before, but we seem to be narrowing in the story now. We seem to be finding a direction :)


Pavit smiled as the fox tumbled over his word's He was not that bad after all. Not the hard scowling beast she had run into earlier that day. "Thank you for being so understanding, little sister can really be a pare of nut head at times." She was glad he understood she had not wanted to know what would happen if he had been angry. She stood and watched him leave but he had not gone 20 paces before he cried out in pain grasping his head and fell to the grass. Pavit leaped over the box, stumbled down the steps and jumped clumsily in her hast across the yard to where he lay. He was unconscious. Here eyes grew wide and a panic jumped up in her chest threatening to take over here ability to think. Nothing like this had ever happened before. She was a smart girl though and fought the urge to loose her common sense.

She jumped up and ran back to the house yelling for her mom as she came threw the front door pushing her bickering sisters out of her way on the way to the kitchen where her mom was. "MOM, MOM! THE DELIVERY BOY! HE PASSED OUT ON THE FRONT LAWN!" her mom met her in the hall spoon still in paw, She was a well built mouse only a tad shorter than Pavit. "What delivery boy?!"  She sad passing Pavit and already out the door.

5 minuts later Shade lay on the couch in the family room of the entry way and Pavit sat in the arm chair. Her mother had called 911 and after Pavit had explained what had happened sent Max and Maggie to their rooms banning them from using the computer for a good long time. They didn't know why he had passed out. It could have been anything. He could have forgotten to take his medication, or a heat stroke, or... or... Thoughts and possibilities passed threw her mind as she watched him.

OOC: So so sorry about how long that took to get up...  :P
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


OOC That's perfectly fine :) I understand we get busy from time to time.


For what seemed like an eternity, Shade was floating in the dark abyss that was his unconscious mind. He simply idled in an expanse of nothing, looking about himself, trying to figure out where he was. Then suddenly, a ray of light lit up the features of his face. Shade covered his eyes, but the light was too overpowering and even as he shut the lids of his eyes tightly, the light still flooded his vision.


He suddenly opened his eyes. The familiar voice, ringing in his ears just as it had once before, only calmer this time. He  turned to the direction from which the voice came, and there, standing far off in the distance, he could see the figure of a mouse, standing at the gates of Dark Forest. At first the sight scared Shade, but he was soon calmed by the voice calling out his name once more.

"Shaaade. Do not fear me Night Thorn."

The voice seemed somewhat reassuring. The bright, yet absent eyes of the mouse stared deeply into Shade, and from only that silent glance, Shade knew everything. As shade looked down, he saw what looked to be the spirit of a mouse, stepping out of his own body. It turned back to look at him and smiled, nodding to Shade, before stepping forward and returning back inside Shade's body from whence he came. Looking up, Shade smiled back at the image of the mouse, standing affront those gates, and within an instance the mouse vanished, and once more he was thrown into blackness, before his eyes burst open and he sat up stock still on the couch of the mouse family.

"Martin!!" Shade shouted as he awoke, the realization of what had happened hitting him like a bag of bricks. He sat there panting, looking around himself at the quaint little room, and the very confused and somewhat frightened family staring back at him. He turned and slid his feet to the floor, making an attempt to stand, but quickly sat back down and winced, as he seemed to have sprained his ankle quite badly when he fell unconscious, having landed on his ankle in a very uncomfortable fashion.

"I..I uhm...I'm sorry, 'bout all this." He said solemnly, staring down at the floor, and then up at the mouse girl from before, before quickly looking back down and blushing beneath his dark fur.


"Martin!!" The fox shouted and Pavit sat strait up in her chair. Did he just say Martin, as in the one from the stories the one that the sword in the museum supposedly belonged to and the one that the Martinists followed. He sat up and began mumbling an apology. She was just glad that he was ok and she was able to relax. No one had passed out in their front yard before. Least not a delivery man. there was that time that there dad had got a heat stroke from working all day in the hot sun but that was different.

"It's ok, what's your name?" Misses DeColvat asked.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Shade looked up at the mother mouse, his expression a mix of fear, uncertainty, and remorse. He looked away, his eyes closed as he winced slightly as the burning in his sprained ankle. He responded quietly while his eyes were averted.
"Shade...Shade Furr"
He said, opening his eyes again and looking around a little at the room around him. He had never been inside a home of mice before. Just as he had imagined, the ceiling was much lower, and the couch he sat on seemed a bit small for a creature of his size, although it wasn't too small. Looking at the doorway he figured he'd only likely have to duck just a little bit get through the door. He looked back at the family of mice, and they all smiled at him, but they had a look of concern in their eyes.
He looked back down at the floor and rubbed his side in embarrassment. He had never known another creature, aside from his own family, to actually be concerned for a fox's well-being.


"Pavit go get our guest a glass of water," Misses DeColvat said. Pavit jumped up and rushed out of the room and down the hall to the kitchen. "I am Misses DeColvat. Now Shade, are you ok? What happened and has this happened before?" She asked. Pavit entered the kitchen a small affair with a yellow tiled floor a wight frig and dish washer a black oven a stainless steal sink and a row of maple toned cupboards above the laminated counter. She took a mug out of the cupboard, they didn't have many glasses anymore, and taking the water pitcher from the fridge she pored it into the mug. She left the pitcher on the counter, which their mother always told them not to do but under the circumstances she could be excused, and ran or more like walked very quickly as so not to spill back and place the cup on the coffee table by shade.   

OOC: You can play the medics if they come at all seeing as they will be dealing a lot with your character It would be faster if you did it.     
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


OOC Hmm, I have an idea


Shade accepted the water gratefully without looking up at Pavit and took a long drink before replying. " marm. Ain't never happened t' me afore. Not sure what 'twas really.." Shade spoke calmly and solemnly, his distinct grey fox accent becoming a bit more distinct now as he spoke more casually."...I coul'n't tell yer" this of course was a lie, as he knew full well inside why it had happened, but he dared not say why. He placed the mug down and just sat silently for a moment.

He was certain they had called the paramedics and he didn't want to cause these nice folks any trouble, so he figured it would be best for them if he waited for the medics to arrive, but he knew they wouldn't. Some time passed and Pavit's mother asked him a few more questions about where he lived and who his family was. These were just typical questions you ask someone who had been through that kind of situation, to make sure they're alright. He appreciated the gesture, but never felt all that comfortable talking about himself, and that would be apparent were he to have looked up at the mice.

Some time passed and the medics still had not arrived. 'They would have been here long by now if they were coming at all' Shade thought to himself. Shade appreciated the hospitality of the mice, but they were naive. He knew that Pavit's mother must have told the paramedics he was a "fox". Hospitals and other emergency services that were ran by non-foxes rarely ever 'wasted' their resources on his kind. He shook his head and looked up at the mother mouse.

"With all r'spects, marm, they isn't comin'"


OOC: Lets just pretend that they gave him some ice to put on the sprain. It was my lack of experience not theirs that made me over look that point.  And sorry about the short post :D :P

A perplexed look crossed her mothers face which changed to realization then the frustration. Pavit thought she was going to say some bad words but she didn't. Pavit was not sure why the medics were not coming. Her mother sighed and stood saying "I'll drive you home but first lets see what we can do about that sprain, wait here," She said and left the room.

As soon as her mother had left Pavit bit her lip and shifted in her chair. "Sorry about earlier, and running into you, and the package, Max and Magpie can be so... immature," She said. 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?