
"Beep-Bloop" -Matti, probably

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The Unlikelyest (closed)

Started by Faiyloe, December 08, 2014, 04:56:07 AM

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Twilight descended upon Mossflower like a blanket. The beasts of Redwall Abbey all slowly prepared for night and tidied up the last few tendrils of the days activitys. The dibbuns had all been tucked in and the elders were all retiring one by one to their beds. The only two left where the Abbott, an elderly mouse by the name of Karl, and the gatehouse keeper, a hedgehog with an over sized gut by the name of Gabe. They stayed up talking for two hours before they herd a muffled crash coming from the kitchens. The both jumped up and ran as quickly as an aged mouse and tubby hedgehog could.

They where met by a fallen lantern (that was the crash they had heard) and an extremely guilty looking ferrettes frozen where she stood with her arms full of food. They stood and stared at each other for a moment and then everything happened at once. The Abbott shouted, raising the alarm and Gabe grabbed a frying pan to us as a weapon.  The ferretes darted for the other exit but was blocked by the friar who had been roused by the abbots shouts. She knocked him over slamming him into the wall and out of her way. She made a beeline for the nearest wall gate and was gone before they could catch her. She was Ravax-Setna, night wind.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

The Skarzs

Burian Hardpaw sat with his back rested against the solid trunk of a gnarled maple. It was late, and he had been traveling for a while without a rest. Taking a sip of water from a canteen, he closed the cap and replaced it in his sack. The otter closed his eyes as he mulled over what he was going to do on the morrow: He could go to Redwall, a place that was supposedly somewhere where beasts could find peace and good hospitality, but he decided against it: Too many creatures, he thought. No, I'll just keep moving. Why did he travel? He could easily find a place in Redwall, or even an otter holt where he might find a mate. Still, something made him not want to live such a life around beasts: He had seen darkness of both "goodbeasts" and "badbeasts". Perhaps he would travel forever.
With these thoughts, Burian allowed himself to fall asleep.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Ravax stopped in a clearing and put all her food in her satchel before continuing. After she had gone for a good distance she saw the glimmer of the embers of a fire threw the trees. She drew her dagger from her belt and approached cautiously, keeping to the darkest shadows.  She crouched in the brush, her eyes taking in the seen, there was a dead fire, and an otter asleep by the tree, he seemed to be alone but then again you can never be to cautious. She made note of the sword he carried but what really caught her eye was the  travailing pack that lay next to him on the ground. She glanced around making sure that the coast was clear before creeping out into the clearing. she opened his pack and took some food and the few medicinal herbs he had in there. She was about to turn and leave when something caught her eye. It was his knife (an odd curved looking thing). It would sell for a good price, she could probably get a good weeks worth of supplies for it. Stowing the stolen food in her pack she crept crosser careful not to touch the otter she began to slowly slide the weapon out of his belt.

OOC: Permission to do a bit of PP. Just so long as you don't draw blood or knock her out or something.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

The Skarzs

OOC: No worries.

BIC: Bur felt a slight shift in his belt, and he opened his eyes slowly. He woke up even more as he felt it again, and turned to see a female ferret trying to steal his knife.
"'Ey!" He rolled to the side, causing the object of want to fall on the ground, but the otter sprang up and lunged at Ravax. Even if his body didn't collide with her, the thief would be hit by his spread arms.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


She had almost got it, just a little farther and... The otter woke up. He rolled over and lunged at her. She lay sprawled on her back but didn't stay that way for long. She swung back up into a crouch and grabbed her other dagger from her boot in one swift motion (She had left the other dagger stuck in the earth by the food pack). She pointed the weapon at him and bared her teeth.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

The Skarzs

Burian now drew his sword and held it directed at Ravax. She looked thin and desperate, and less ruthless and cold-hearted than others; if she had meant to kill him, she would have done it when he was asleep.
"Come on now, nobeast needs to get hurt here; hand me back my pack and you can go in peace. Otherwise. . ." He took a step closer to show he was serious.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Ravax held the pack closer, and eyed the weapon. She was not about to just had it over but she had not chance in a fight against a sword. She relaxed and slowly got to her feet as if in submission even going as far as almost throwing the pack to the otter but right before she "let go" she turned and ran. If he wanted his pack back he would have to catch her first.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

The Skarzs

Burian gritted his teeth and cursed slightly under his breath at the ferret's action. Grabbing the kukri up from where it lay, he leapt off after the other. Why did they have to try and steal? She could have asked for food, at least. "Come on, come on," he thought as he ran.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


The one thing that Ravax highly regretted was having to leave one of her daggers behind, it was her best one too. She would have to try and get it back another time, that is if she got out of this in the first place. She had an ok head start but the otter was much larger than she was and faster. She was not going to out run him like this. She slung his pack over her shoulder and spun around, jumping up and grabbing the tree limb above her. She then swung her feet at the otters chest.

I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

The Skarzs

Burian's eyes grew large as Ravax swung directly into his oncoming body; it was definitely not an attack he would have expected. The ferret's paws connected solidly with his chest, sending his footpaws flying out from under him as he fell backwards. The wind was knocked from his body as he crashed to the ground several feet beyond where he was first struck.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Ravax dropped to the ground and darted back into the forest grinning at her success. She was going to make it. It was then that she tripped over a protruding tree root and went sprawling.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

The Skarzs

Gasping for breath, Burian sat up as soon as he could, just in time to see Ravax dash off into the trees. The otter scrambled to his feet and ran painfully after her, and when he saw the ferret trip, he called out, "Stop!"
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


"Stop!" Ravax heard him shout behind her. She scrambled to her feet cursing at her lost advantage. "Give me one good reason!" She called back and continued doggedly on. She was beguining to wonder how much longer she could go on like this.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

The Skarzs

"Is 'not hurting you' a good enough reason?" Bur gritted to himself. The otter wheezed as he continued, peering as well as he could through the gloom to where Ravax had gone; he had caught his wind from when the ferret had hit him, but it wasn't much better because he was tiring from the chase.
"Can't keep going like this!" he yelled at the running figure in front of him.

OOC: Not sure how we're going to end this. . . :P
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


her breathing was growing coarse, and her pace desperate. She did not want to know what would happen when he caught up with her but it seemed as if she was about to find out. She glanced over her shoulder, He was right behind her and... SMACK! She ran into the low hanging limb of a pine and fell back hard and knocking the wind from her.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?