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Forbidden Truce ~ Chapter Three

Started by Faiyloe, December 21, 2014, 09:19:26 PM

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David sat on a low wall by the back corner of the castle grounds watching Grace eat her picnic breakfast. She had insisted that she eat her meal outside so David had taken her here where they would not be disturbed. He looked down at the paper in his paws and read the words for the hundredth time.

"Twin emerald stars in the sky before dawn.
Two pools of water that flow from the sun.
sister of morning that leaves no escape
Takes flight at dawn fire in his wake "

It had happened just as she said it would. He looked over at where she sat and his heart filled with guilt.

"She should never know,". He whispered and folding the paper he slipped it back into one of his pouches.  Just then a servant came running up. He gave Grace an odd look but David gave him a look that he knew what he was talking about "She's with me,"

"Well then, Orvil wishes to see you in Donavin's office," David nodded and sent him away. He then went over to where Grace was.

"Who was that?" She asked.

"I've got business, and I can't be leaven you here so yer gonna have ta come with me,"

"I didn't ask to come here," She said stubbornly

"Well you're here now and Nothing you say is gonna change that,"

"Oh! I don't need a baby sitter! I can take care of myself!"

"I'm sure you can but right now I don't want to have to brake you out of a prison cell,"

"'Fine," Grace said with a scowl as she put her things away and got to her paws.

((OOC: Hey Rachel check the OOC topic))

I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


OOC Ok I did. But I'm not entirly sure what to do. I can't even remeber what had happened last.

Cornflower MM

OOC: I'm assuming it's the next morning, okay?

BIC: Caldroc was happily in the kitchens of Bryony's castle, making his wife some breakfast, although he really wasn't all that good at cooking. The honeyed oatmeal was way too think, and the bread he'd tried to toast lightly was rather scorched on one side. But at least he couldn't really do anything to the cordial.


Quote from: rachel25 on December 22, 2014, 10:53:36 PM
OOC Ok I did. But I'm not entirly sure what to do. I can't even remember what had happened last.

OOC: Well the town burned down the castle caught fire and Zuzucath is now trying to get us all killed.  :P


David stopped outside of Donavins office.

"Now you stay put, don't go anywhere and don't start any fights and if some one asks you what you are doing here tell them your my girlfriend or something,"

Grace gave him a look of disgust "Are you crazy! cant you think of a better excuse?"

"Just go with it. If they know me they know that is something I would do. It's more believable that way," David didn't give Grace anymore room to argue. He knocked sharply on the door before letting himself in.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


OOC Ok......thanks for the sum up. What does Orvil want David to do again,   BIC Orvil was sat behind Donavin's desk with stacks of scrolls and books in front of him. It looked like he hadn't slept all night. "Someone's got to clean Donavin's mess up." Orvil sighed.


OOC: Send him on some sort of undercover mission into Lonel land. Steal things find a way into the lonel castle find out there plans, what ever you want basically.


"Ah, mess is an understatement," David said rolling his eyes. "So what did ye want me fer?" He said leaning against a chair which was at the moment covered with papers and books and things.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


OOC ok. BIC "I want you to go undercover into the Lonel lands. I highly doubt Lady Bryony will have just forgiven us for the death of her sister. I want to find out what she's planning."      "That sounds fun!" Came a slurred voice from the doorway. Donavin stood there, bottle in paw and looking even more rough than Orvil.


A sly grin spread across Davids face. Finally something to do.

"That sounds fun!" David turned to see Donavin standing in the doorway

"Hey! who do you think you are" Came the disgruntled voice of Grace. Donavin had obviously done or said something to brush her fur the wrong way.

"He's the Lord Donavin, show some respect miss!" David called back, and then to Donavin "You look awful mate,"
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


"Feel it too." Donavin chuckled then looked back at Grace and winked mockingly. "Who's the pretty squirrel lass?" He asked looking at David before taking a pull from his bottle.


"Ah met 'er en a tavern. Her house burned down in the fire so ah offered ta 'elp her find a new one," David said with a roguish grin. Grace was still glaring at Donavin and sulking to herself but she was smart enough to keep her mouth shut. 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Donavin shrugged,"Fine. Now Orvy what about this 'secret mission' you were talking to David about?" Orvil glared at Donavin"Its none of your bussienss and go away?"        "Hey!" Donavin held his paws up, "Its my castle! Everythings my bussieness."


"Ye should sit down mate, wait till yer heads clear afore ye go maken' accusation and demands," David said then he add under his breath " Not sure 'is 'eads was ever clear,"
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Donavin glared at the squirrel, "I heard that! Now unless you want me to have your girlfried locked up, shuttit!"


At this Davids eyes turned a dangerous green "Ah don't work for you an' If Ya dare lay a paw on 'er yell find out just how dangerous I can be," He said coldly. He gave Donavin a long meaningful look before leaving the room and taking Grace with him. once they where out of ear shot he said "I'm taking you home." 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Donavin chuckled and turned to Orvil, "Where do you dig these people up?" Orvil just gritted his teeth and went back to his scrolls but not before saying, "I wouldn't get into a fight with David if I were you. He's dangerous." Donavin then looked at Orvil, a strange and unsettiling look in his eyes. "Aw brother, but we both know how dangerous I can be. Don't you remember?" Orvil shuddered slighlty. He remembered, all to well.