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A Tale of Two Warlords: Rp

Started by Gears, December 04, 2011, 02:57:01 PM

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OCC: Sorry this is so late! i have been super busy! anywho,

BIC: Tarrel Piketooth was fearless. With an army of a thousand at his back, he felt unstoppable. Ravaging all in his path, he arrived at Mossflower! ah, untainted beauty! Tarrel was coming! But,  Lord SteelClaw, Ru;er of Salamandastron, was ready for him, he was ready! 
Yeah, I do stuff sometimes.


Lord Steelclaw or Lord Steelclaw The Mighty as he is known by his full title was gazing into the distance, he had his trusty sword on his back and his mace hung to his belt, even know he didnt need them  they made him feel complete, ahh but Tarrel Piketooth, he would finish him with his bare hands for a quick death was to good for him, he was the son of the devil and pue evil, he was the scum of the earth and he would die for Lord Steelcalw said it so and so it was written


Tarrel Marched accross the barren wastes for days! he had scaled mountains, and now he was encountering tall dunes. After a week of marching in this scorched desert, Tarrel came upon a mountain of great height. Salamandastron!
Yeah, I do stuff sometimes.

Tiria Wildlough

Ferila Windclaw gazed up at the mountain. She turned to Tarrel. 'Something tells me we ought to be ready for battle, master. The warriors from that fortress do not just lie down and die.'
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


OOC:is it okay if a patrol of hares attacks you?you can capture one i you want)
BIC: under the command of Captin Seawood a patrol of hares jumped out of some dunes, quickly firing off most of their arrows with deadly accuracy they ran off back to the mountain and back to their Lord Steelclaw


OCC: NOOO!! Just kidding! its fine!
BIC: 3 rats and a ferret fell dead another weasel was wounded in the vicious assault. Tarrel turned to Ferila and Roared in her face "GET THEM!!! and after you do that, ready the troops for battle, i want that mountain!"
Yeah, I do stuff sometimes.

Tiria Wildlough

Ferila bounded into the hares and singled out one. She pounced on the terrified beast and knocked it out.
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


OOC:the hare you capture can be captin Seawood
BIC:The hares turned back to help their captin but as the mass of vermin desecended they fired off their remaining arrows and retreated to the mountain to bring the bad news


OOC: ok!
BIC: After the Hares had retreated inside the mountain, Captain Seawood began to revive. Tarrel quickly bound him and called out I have your Rabbet! come and get 'im!
Yeah, I do stuff sometimes.


Lord Steelclaw had head the news, at the sound and sight of the vemin he climbed to his chamber and bellowed out "LET HIM GO OR YOU SHALL SUFFER PAINFULLY AND SLOWLY" his breathing got heavier and his eyes slowly turned red


How Could you? Tarrel asked? You are in a fortress and i have a thousand ready warriors intent on slaying you and your bunnies!
Yeah, I do stuff sometimes.


Lord Steelclaw let out a mighty roar and started sliding and climbing down the mountainside, he charged forward, it was a brave attempt but he had little armour though he had both his trusty weapons

"goodness gracious!" exclamied sergeant Thyme "rally the troops!" she left enough hares at the fortress and led a charge after the mighty Lord Steelclaw "Blood'n'Vingar chaps!" they came up to Lord Steelclaw who was charging forward but when they tried o talk to him the only reply he gave was a mighty eulalia

Tiria Wildlough

Ferila happened to be right in the badger's way. She stood riveted with horror as he charged.
OOC: Should I kill her off?
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


OOC: Nice pic! you can if you want to, then you can take up another character and be that one, or stop playing!

Tarrel saw the path that lord steelclaw was taking. He grabbed his pike and hurled it into the chinks of the armour! but that did not slow him down.
Yeah, I do stuff sometimes.


OOC:thats up to you since its you character, ill leave them alive untill you decide