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How did you first find out about Redwall?

Started by Matthias720, June 10, 2011, 09:09:07 PM

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I first found out about Redwall during the summer between fourth grade and fifth. I was bored one afternoon, so I turned the TV to PBS, and it was then I became enchanted by this amazing animated TV show I had never seen before. I sat through the first episode of Redwall with hardly a breath passing my lips. I loved the show so much that I immediately told my mother all about it.

The next time I went to the library (which was pretty frequent, and still is), I looked on the library's computer catalog to see if this show had been based on a book; lo and behold, it was! Soon, I was reading through them with great alacrity. Brian Jacques had transported me into a world I didn't know that I wanted to go to, but was grateful I had found. Currently, I own the complete series, and have read through most of the books at least a dozen times (probably more) and I have a few of the audio books, too.

Now it's your turn. Please share how you found out about Redwall and your journey to being a fan. I can't wait to hear how you all became Redwallers. 8)

The Lady Shael

That's awesome you found out about it through the TV series!! I loved the series, it was a ritual for me to watch every single episode whenever they came on. And I never minded reruns, watching the story come to life was always so magical for me and my sister.

I heard about the Redwall series from my 6th grade teacher, but I didn't start reading them until the following year when I was homeschooled. I loved the series immediately, bought all the books (the most recent one was Taggerung, at the time), and soon logged on to find out how else I could express my love as a fan. =)
~The Lady Shael Varonne of Mossflower Country

Spring Breeze

I first found out about Redwall from a friend of mine when I was six and got the first book on tape and listened to the whole thing in two days!  I just couldn't stop!!  After that I continued listening to them until I could read them for myself and have been reading them since. 
I remember watching the show and one night missing an episode and my sister said "It was only a re-run" but even then I was so upset that I had missed it!
"Oh, golly.  Old Log-a-Thing's fallen over."
--Trubbs, "Mossflower"


Quote from: The Lady Shael on June 10, 2011, 09:18:17 PM
I heard about the Redwall series from my 6th grade teacher, but I didn't start reading them until the following year when I was homeschooled.
Glad to meet a fellow former homeschooler. :) I was homeschooled from 7th grade through 12th.

Quote from: The Lady Shael on June 10, 2011, 09:18:17 PM
I loved the series immediately, bought all the books (the most recent one was Taggerung, at the time), and soon logged on to find out how else I could express my love as a fan. =)
I slowly started buying the books when I would get the money, but the first one I bought when it first came out was Triss.

Quote from: Spring Breeze on June 10, 2011, 09:47:36 PM
I remember watching the show and one night missing an episode and my sister said "It was only a re-run" but even then I was so upset that I had missed it!
I remember that feeling well. That sudden horror when you realized that while you were busy with something like a toy (LEGOs in my case) time had slipped by you, and the show ended 20 minutes ago. Sometimes it irked me that by losing track of time, I had let something precious go by. That would make me feel sad inside. Then I would pick myself up, pop in a VHS I had recorded of all the episodes, find the one I just missed, and watch it again.

Flurgy Twinj

Back in 1986, I was 9 years old at the time and we used to have a leaflet come into the school every now and then for the kids to buy books and get into reading more, I think it was called the 'Chip Book Club' or something like that, and they used to highlight a book as their 'Editor's Choice' whenever they printed a new time they had The Hobbit as the editor's choice, for instance. Well, when Redwall was released it was featured as the editor's choice and when I read the description of it, I immediately pestered my mother to let me have some pocket money in advance to buy it with as I'd also bought The Hobbit and loved it, and Redwall immediately appealed to me.

Well I got the book and the rest is history, I've been collecting and reading them ever since, and in recent years have also enjoyed some of Brian's other non-Redwall related books like Castaways Of the Flying Dutchman.  :) (which I'm very fortunate to have a signed copy of).

Along with JRR Tolkien (thanks to The Hobbit), it was definitely Brian Jacques who really got me into reading as an enjoyable hobby all those years back, and I'll always be grateful to them for that.
From tummy ache, soretail and sniffs,
From grunge and whisker cramp,
From wobbly paws, and flurgy twinj,
O keep all in this camp.


Around the age of 9, I was directed towards the books by my elementary school librarian. Within a year I'd read all of them and was waiting on the next to come out. It pretty much sparked my enjoyment of reading that persists to this day.


I randomly picked up a copy of The Bellmaker at my local library when I was 9.  I had never heard of Redwall before, but I remember loving how heavy the hardcover book felt in my hand, how thick it was, how the pages smelled when I flipped through it.  It was really worn, but you could tell that no one had damaged it on purpose; just that many people had read this book and loved it.  Just from looking at the magnificient cover illustrations, I knew that this would be a book full of adventure, glory and other romanticisms that would satisfy me for months.  It took me the whole summer to get through The Bellmaker, but I loved every hour I spent poring through its pages, trying to fathom out questions like "Is this is a religious book?" (I thought Martin was a symbol for some kind of religious figure) and "What on earth is a Dibbun?"  Eventually I read the series in order after consulting a friend, but The Bellmaker will always be my favorite book.

Log a Log Grenn

I was walking around town with my grandmother when I was 9 or 10
and went in to the second hand bookshop
I asked them if they had any brand new  kids books that just came out
and they showed me a few but I was just about to leave when I saw Outcast of Redwall and enjoyed every bit of it
After that I lost it when I was 12 or 13
But then I saw it in a bookshop one day a few months ago and remembered it
I'm collecting the series now
So far I own all of them up to The Taggerung
and I'm hopefully getting a few more in 2 weeks  :)
My favorite book is Mossflower

Log a Log Grenn
Redwall is the best thing that ever happened to me


First of all Go homeschoolers :)  I first heard of redwall about five years ago when a friend of my brother told him about the books, my brother checked one of the books out from our library and he loved it, he told me i that i should read it but i didn't think i would like it so i ignored his advice (Big mistake) he started to collect the redwall books and read them(He owns almost all of them now). after a few months of listening to him telling me how great these books where i finally decided to read them and i was hooked. i have ready all but his newest two books and i am loving them. I think one  of the thing s that made me love these books and Brian Jacques writing was how descriptive he is when writing, i can see every thing that he is describing as if they where right in front  of me, especially when he describes the feasts of redwall (they make me so hungry ), i will miss waiting to see his next book, R.I.P Brian Jacques you will be missed


I first found out about Redwall by checking out a redwall book in my library.
I checked out martin the warrior, and fell in love with it. I have been a huge redwall fan ever since.
I also love the Legend of Luke and Mossflower those three are my favs.
I enjoyed Martin the Warrior so much I read it again and again. I plan on keeping it and my other books for a long time, because they could possibly be worth something someday. ;)
I wish Brian would have written more books about Martin, because all the books about him are ALWAYS exciting. Brian Jacques if not my favorite author he's in my top three, and here they are.
2. BRIAN JACQUES and the REDWALL series. ( Except for Martin the Warrior. )
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Go Redwall!!!!!!!!
LateRose is locked up in Martin's heart, and there she's bound to stay.


Quote from: martins#1fan on June 11, 2011, 07:57:09 PM
I first found out about Redwall by checking out a redwall book in my library.
I checked out martin the warrior, and fell in love with it. I have been a huge redwall fan ever since.
I also love the Legend of Luke and Mossflower those three are my favs.

Let me're a fan of Martin.  How did I know?


Quote from: Mariel on June 12, 2011, 02:01:18 AM
Quote from: martins#1fan on June 11, 2011, 07:57:09 PM
I first found out about Redwall by checking out a redwall book in my library.
I checked out martin the warrior, and fell in love with it. I have been a huge redwall fan ever since.
I also love the Legend of Luke and Mossflower those three are my favs.

Let me're a fan of Martin.  How did I know?


I found Redwall when I was in fifth grade. It seemed like everybody was reading it but I'd never been particularly interested because for some reason I thought it'd be like Where the Red Fern Grows, not something I was fond of at the time. I didn't like Redwall particularly but continued with the series out of boredom anyway and fell in love with Gonff and Martin - especially Gonff!

These days I love the hares most, but it was Gonff that got me into the series for good.

I didn't hear about the TV series until it had stopped running, I'm so jealous! I'd love to get my hands on it!
Redwall is always open, its tables laden, to you and any of good heart.

The Lady Shael

Quote from: osu on June 13, 2011, 03:35:22 AM
I didn't hear about the TV series until it had stopped running, I'm so jealous! I'd love to get my hands on it!

All of the Redwall TV series are on youtube. :) (but shh don't tell anyone I'm pretty sure this isn't legal =p)

Beginning of Redwall, Episode 1

Beginning of Mattimeo, Episode 1

Beginning of Martin the Warrior, Episode 1

[edit] gosh, I still get chills watching the openings of the episodes, all these years later.
~The Lady Shael Varonne of Mossflower Country


Quote from: The Lady Shael on June 13, 2011, 06:35:39 AM
gosh, I still get chills watching the openings of the episodes, all these years later.
I get that too. It's probably because the show is just so awesome. 8)