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Guests are doing something secretly!

Started by Søren, January 16, 2015, 02:50:24 AM

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Who will win?

Guests, Member/Guests Mods and Nods
DDB Allies

Russa Nodrey


Lady Amber

Lady Ashenwyte

*Comes in riding a giant turtle* YOU NEVER EXPECTED MY BETRAYAL, DID YOU? WARRIORS, CHARGE!!! *Thousands of armoured knights surround the mods and the members.*
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.


Have you been drinking dumpster juice, Ash? 'Cause if so that's awesome. Have some more!

*passes Ash dumpster juice*

Lady Ashenwyte


Something happened to Ash, and Mhera offered him dumpster juice. Check back in five minutes for more, The Forum Wars!
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.


 *Melts Ash into a puddle* Nice try, friend.


*fires Klingon disruptor at Mhera*
*hands disruptors out to the fellow comrads*

I'm retired from the forum


No need! *Pilots Delta Flyer and obliterates means of transportation of the guests and the mods.*
Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.

Russa Nodrey

*Throws acid filled balloons at the mods*


Quote from: Delthion on March 03, 2015, 04:19:42 PM
No need! *Pilots Delta Flyer and obliterates means of transportation of the guests and the mods.*
Com'on man. Who needs the delta Flyer when you can have the Defiant?
*blows up guests with phaser cannons and quantum torpedoes.*

I'm retired from the forum

LT Sandpaw

*Wraps guests in duct tape* Forward Comrades, Were Winning!

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Quote from: Soren the Warrior on March 03, 2015, 05:28:26 PM
Quote from: Delthion on March 03, 2015, 04:19:42 PM
No need! *Pilots Delta Flyer and obliterates means of transportation of the guests and the mods.*
Com'on man. Who needs the delta Flyer when you can have the Defiant?
*blows up guests with phaser cannons and quantum torpedoes.*

Seriously? *Resounding voices.* We are the guests. Lower your shields and prepare to be assimilated. Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own. *Voices end. Seven hundred Borg cubes arise on the horizon.* This is the Omega Battle Fleet. I am Captain Delthion of the U.S.S. Prometheus. Raise shields, and prepare to engage the Borg!
Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.

Wylder Treejumper

You're all being stupid...  ::)

*Death Star appears and blows up all the Borg Cubes*

There. Problem solved. Now, there just remains the problem of the mods...
"'Tis the business of small minds to shrink, but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death."
-Thomas Paine

"Integrity and firmness is all I can promise; these, be the voyage long or short, shall never forsake me although I may be deserted by all men."
-George Washington

Courage: Not only the willingness to die manfully, but also the determination to live decently.


I'm sorry, that sort of takes the fun out of it, and the Death Star. All that I know about it is that it was destroyed by an exhaust manifold problem, I think that the Borg would be able to defeat it with merely a drone.
Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.

James Gryphon

If you mean the first Death Star, it was destroyed by a torpedo through the exhaust port. To attack it, you need a guided weapon that can go in there, and I'm not sure whether the Borg have ever been seen using anything besides straight-line beams.

As far as beaming something in goes, transporters are unlikely to work against the Death Star's powerful shields. And if they got close enough to the surface of the Death Star to get past the ship's ray shields (like the X-Wings and Y-Wings did) they would be torn to pieces by the thousands of anti-capital ship turbolasers.

The second Death Star is theoretically more vulnerable, since it's literally left wide open, but I'm not sure if the Borg have any ships small enough to fly into its inner works. It also has a lot more ship defenses, and a better superlaser that can target and destroy capital ships.
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