
"Beep-Bloop" -Matti, probably

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The Winter Wonderland

Started by Hickory, February 28, 2015, 09:24:40 PM

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LT Sandpaw

"Fiver's eyes went wide, he could imagine it the great mounds of gold and jewels. It would be ore then enough to raise a small army and hunt down the last creature on his list, he would need a army to defeat him anyway and here was the perfect opportunity.

"Wait, wait hold there foxy, you say you need a guide that can read maps, well your looking at the very beast. An not only that many seasons ago I was in that area, granted it was different then." He said quickly holding up a paw gesturing for her to sit back down.

"Lets talk business Stashi."

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Stashi smiled slyly, knowing she had the rat right where she wanted him, "Oh, alright." She said, her eyes twinkling as she sat down and placed the map on the table, "So, you were in the area. What was it like, were there many foebeasts, where is it located? Is it by the sea or more inland?" She asked.
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.


Brooks traveled for only about fifteen minutes when he heard someone behind him. He turned around and there was a stoat from the gang of thieves he had been a part of.

"What are you doing out here? It's the middle of the night! You ain't leaving, are you?"

Brooks did not answer. It was none of the stoat's business what he was doing.

The stoat drew a knife and closed in on him. "Tell me, chief. Oh, and explain what happened to good ol' Hulmar. You kill him? His carcass was outside your house! Awfully suspicious, if you ask me."

"No! I'm--" he didn't get a chance to finish. The stoat went after him. Brooks defended himself with his sword and quickly dispatched the stoat. "Sorry." He didn't mind stealing, but he never enjoyed killing.

He noticed that his survival supplies were pretty much ruined in the fight with the blood. He decided to go back into town. Hopefully, none of the others would see him. He left his supplies where they were, cleaned his sword, and headed back into town. Fortunately, the tavern was still open. He went inside.


Guards raced after the mouse, having been in the area when Dordan shouted.

OOC: WOuld you rather the mouse be caught,, oor that he escape?
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

LT Sandpaw

Fiver thought long and hard before answering, occasionally glancing around the room.

"The land is rough there, the location if this map is correct is in the middle of the volcano slamand, das, mas? Er, the mountain fortress. Probably not many other creatures to get in our way up there, though there might be some wolverines."

He closed his eyes slightly and sighed scratching out some loose wood on the table. "The real problem is getting supplies, it wont be cheap and I just don't have that kind of resource only a few coins, we'll need somebeast that can supply us."

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


OOC: You can catch the mouse or let him escape if you want.


All of those in the tavern were creatures Brooks had not seen before. He heard a rat mention a map. He sat nearby unassumingly and hoped they did not notice him listening in on their conversation. At the same time, he watched the door to make sure no others were coming after him.


Stashi laughed, shaking her head, "Nah, who needs money? I can get what I want without money, everything is mine. I take it and vanish like smoke, no problem. Those guards might still be looking for me, so I'll probably have to wait until things calm down. I only need a few things, so tell me what you want and it's yours." She said, her eyes darting over to the side. She hesitated, watching a wildcat who was sitting close to them. She narrowed her eyes, staring at the eavesdropper, "Lissen, matey. I think we've got a cat listening to our little conversation." She muttered under her breath.
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.

LT Sandpaw

Fiver glanced over at the cat touching his rapier threateningly he glared at the creature before turning back to Stashi.

"It wont bother us foxy, so now what do we need." He mused for a minute contemplating what they might need. "I don't doubt your skills as a thief however such actions have some risk, don't ruin this for something we can just purchase." He warned before listing off the items.

"We'll need haversacks, packs, tents, snow shoes, ice picks, shovels, lots of rations good solid foods, some good flint, lots and lots of rope, extra thick cloaks, grapples, extra cloth for wrapping limbs, canteens, and as many blankets that you can lift off, cooking utensils." He paused counting off on his claws trying to think of some other item they might need.

"That's all for now, good luck Stashi, also where should we meet to start this adventure?" He asked.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Stashi thought for a second, "I have a camp set up outside Huvin, my friend is watching it. We could meet up outside the city and I'll show you the place. I hope you don't mind her coming with us, she'll be very useful. A kestral, she's gotten me out of trouble many times. As for all those supplies, I don't need half of them, I'll get them for you. Don't worry, I'll use the money you picked up from that weasel." She said.
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.


Nyu had silently left the camp Night was stationed at. She continued with her walk to Huvin.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

LT Sandpaw

"Whatever you say Stashi, but you might want some of it later on but no matter." With a wink Fiver slipped out of the tavern brushing past the wildcat on the way out. Throwing on his hood he stepped out into the cold night and disappeared into the blackness.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Stashi wandered through the streets, having nearly everything she needed. She had run out of money sometime ago, and managed to pickpocket a wealthy hare. Now all she needed was rope and flint, and she couldn't find a shop that sold rope. She was following a guard who was carrying a large bundle of it, if only she could find a way to take it without being noticed. She stepped down an alley, finding a place to hide all her supplies, it would be easier to steal if she wasn't carrying so many things. After hiding it, she turned to leave only to find herself facing guards. Most of them were squirrels, and one of them laughed, "Marlfox, eh? Well get yourself outta this mess!" He sneered. She backed away slowly, her paw straying to the dagger at her side, "Oh, it won't be hard, bushtail." She snarled as she crouched down, ready to fight.

OOC: if someone wants to play as a guard, you can  :)
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.

LT Sandpaw

OOC: I'll do the guards and Sagetip can take over if he wants.


"Don't move fox, and drop the weapon we outnumber you." Jerking his head the lead gave the others their orders. "Don't let her get away, try to surround her and tie her paws."
The squirrels and one otter began to encircle Stashi paws ready on their weapons the five tried to surround the fox.


Fiver walked steadily along a bottle in one paw and a small bag in the other, feet crunching in the light snow. Not sure where exactly the camp was he stopped when he saw the glow of a fire. Changing course he veered heading towards the glow. Noting the large prints in the snow Fiver hid his relief at missing the creature on the journey. Approaching the fire Fiver sat on the opposite side of the fire to the kestrel warming his paws. Nodding only once to acknowledge the large bird.

OOC: Hey Eul I say just PP the guards and run away but you do whatever you want.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


OOC: ok

BIC: Stashi narrowed her pale eyes, looking for a way to escape. She lept over one of the squirrels, grabbing onto a window sill and beginning to push herself up. One of them lashed out, hitting her leg with their spear. She gave a screech of pain, almost falling back down. Before the squirrel could strike again, she pulled herself up onto the roof, limping away. The squirrels followed, leaping after her quickly. She whirled around, killing one with her dagger and shoving it in the way of the others. Snarling, she jumped down among the crowd, pulling the hood over her head and trying to blend in. She limped along, looking desperately for the gates. They were somewhere nearby, if she could make it to the camp, Night would help. She dodged a spear, her eyes lighting up with hope as she spotted the rusty gate. She began limping towards it, the squirrels close on her tail. She reached it, turning and stabbing at a squirrel. Then she made a wild dash, biting her lip to keep her from crying out in pain. She limped towards a glow in the distance, screeching at the top of her lungs, "Night! Night! Night!" She roared just as the squirrels caught up with her. One hit her head with the hilt of their sword and she collapse, unconscious.
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.