
For some, the heat of summer nears its end. . . And for others, the blooms of spring appear.

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A Thirst For Adventure

Started by ShrewsForever, March 24, 2015, 09:56:41 PM

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It was a beautiful spring morning in the land of Dawnriver. The sky was a bright, beautiful orange. The clouds moved at a leisurely pace, pushed along by a light breeze. Birds chirped noisily in the distance. The waters of a nearby river seemed to change color from the sunlight. Flower petals were blown into the water by the wind. One delicate little petal settled on the white muzzle of a young mink named Snap Springpaw.

Snap began to stir. Slowly she rose from her slumber, unwrapping herself from the brown cloak she was bundled up in. The mink sneezed an offending object from her delicate nose. She rubbed her eyes with her furry brown paws and looked at the small, pink thing that had attacked her in her sleep. "A petal," she thought. "The wind must've blown it on my face." Snap flicked the annoying little petal of off her lap, and watched as it was gently carried away by the breeze. "Bummer, I was having a really great dream. Oh well. Time to eat!" She stood up, trudged a few feet away from her previous spot, and began to fish around in an old sack leaning against a big nearby tree for something to eat for breakfast. The drowsy young mink wondered if anybody else was up at this time, and if any of them would be woken in the same irritating way as she was.

Gonff the Mousethief

Marshall was lying near a small river of water. The sound of it seemed to help him sleep. Since he had to survive on his own most of his life, his hearing had to be very keen. He heard Snap awake and move around. Slowly, he liftef the raccoon hat from above his eyes and started to stand up.

Acirema was still sound asleep. She was having a nice dream about her life before the awful raids on the village she knew as home. Everything was peaceful. The sky, wind, and small daises that dotted the ground. All was well in her world.
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.


Nutt rested snugly in a crook of the tree her back securely pressed against the trunk and her scruffy tail tucked behind her head for a pillow. The sun came up over the horizon and a ray came threw the masses  of delicate pink petals that made up the branches of the tree to shine on the squirrels face and threw the lid of her one good eye.  A soft morning breeze rustled the petals and they showered down to rest in the squirrels unkempt dark fur. She shook her herself and opened her eyes. a spectacular view greeted her from where she perched high up in the tallest tree that looked out over all the rest with there flowers all in bloom like a candy coating and the orange light of dawn turning the river to gold as it snaked along into the distance, but this was all lost to her.

She turned and climbed down the tree jumping down the last bit landing on all fours to Snaps left. She stood up and her blind white eye stared at the mink unseeing before she turned and ran to the waters edge and dove in splitting the water like a knife.She came up a moment later and pulled herself out onto the opposite bank A good sized wriggling silver fish griped in her paw her claws digging into its neck and gills, her fur and ranged tunic dripping water creating puddles and mud in the grass. She threw the thing  down on the ground and watching it struggle a moment before she stabled it threw the neck with her dagger and watched as its efforts weakened and died. Only then did she look up and stare across the water at Snap. 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Gonff the Mousethief

Marshall finished stretching and looked down in his small pack for food. His appetite was soon messed over as he saw the insane squirrel basically torture her breakfast to death. Ugh, why did he have to go adventuring with that thing? Anywho, he got an apple and some honey from his bag and started to munch. Eh, it was good enough.
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.


OOC: We're by a waterfall & stream, right?

BIC: Aaron leaped out of the nearby water in one swift movement, landing on the bank. He stood up, observing the beasts going about their breakfasts. He himself had caught a trout, and supplemented the fish with apples picked from an overhanging tree, and watercress in the shallows. He rekindled the fire he had built last night, and made a spit for the fish.

Husk grumbled to himself as he woke up. Morning already? Blinking, he glanced around, aaverting his gaze when he came upon Nutt. What was up? Why did he choose to do this? Husk opened a barkcloth food pack, taking out several scones and a sealed beaker of springwater. He admired the scones, knowing they were made by his only relative, who was now far far away.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Nutt sat crosslegged on the grass, still dripping like a rain cloud, and proceed to skin, clean, and debone the fish. She wiped water out of her good eye and off her nose with the back of her paw so she could see better. When she finished she placed the fish on the flat of her blade using it like a plate and began to eat the thing raw, picking little bits off with her paw and popping them in her mouth. Like a bird pecking at crumbs. She watched the others curiously while she ate her head turning to the right every few seconds so that she could see what was in her blind spot her right ear constantly twitching and alert despite the large tare in it.  Her appearance alone would have been enough to unnerve a beast, her blind white eyes, the large scare that crossed her face, the ripped ear, and dark unkempt fur which made her look as if she hadn't slept well in days. Her one gold eye had a deep intensity and alertness about it that made you want to look away even when she was not looking at you. Add to that the Bone necklace, the feathers and the snake skin belt, all which had come from things she had killed, and it was a more than enough to make a beast uncomfortable around her.

I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Aaron had finished the spit and the fire was now fully aflame. With quick, deft movements he used the schiavona blade to skin the fish, levering out bits of bone with a sharpened twig.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

LT Sandpaw

Fiver struggled to stay asleep he was still tiered and not one to wake up early. The noise of the camp grew louder as more beasts woke his attempts were for naught. Grumbling irritably and yawning wide he finally gave in and sat up. Fiver slowly stood and stretched before sitting against a tree allowing the rising sun to warm his face. After a good while he rolled up his sleeping mat and blanket before checking his haversack for something to eat.

The mouse wasn't disappointed finding a good assortment nuts and dried fruit. He ate quickly trying not too look at the squirrel Nutt as she ate across the stream. Fiver finished eating and spotted the expeditions leader, a mink named Snap.

"Where will we be going today chief?" Fiver asked jokingly.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Aaron finally finished preparing the fish and stuck it ont he spit. He turned it every few minutes, making sure the whole fish was roasted. He bit into an apple occasionally, the sund not unsimilar to a shovel grinding into gravel.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Gonff the Mousethief

Acirema finally woke up from the serenity of her dream. She wasn't to hungry, for she had learned to not each much when traveling with others. She did though, want some meat and needed some for the rest of the day. Quickly and quietly, she climbed on top of a small boulder and aimed her crossbow to the sky and fired a bolt up at a group of geese flying above, looking for a morning meal as well. One fell however, but smack dab in the middle of the river. Hesitantly, she went over to get. She had to gain confidence though, for the insane beast was near where her meal had landed. Slowly she walked to pick it up.
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.


OOC: Are we going to make our characters talk to each other? Seems a little held back right now...

BIC: Aaron finLly got the chance to eat the fish. He dug in with vigour, having seasoned the fish with herbs. HE stoppped only a few times, to take bites of apple. He reminded himself to leave some meat uneten. He'd need it for the trip.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Nutt put down her fish and stood up and wading into the water she pulled the goose out by its feet and turning to Acirema and handed it to her. "Goose is a good choice, perhaps you kin share et wit' me,"  She said with a wide grin that showed all her sharp white teeth.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Husk was up and about, having finished his breakfast. He sharpened his blade on a rock. It made grating sounds when he dragged it across.

OOC: People who have played Halo Reach know what that might sound like  ;)
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Gonff the Mousethief

The shy Raccoon pushed back the goose.
"Oh no, Its fine. Ill just go get another one."
She took the bolt out of the dead creature's body and put it in her pouch, then quickly walked away from the insane beast.
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.


Aaron packed up the remainder of his food in a haversack, then proceeded to clean his schiavona. After that, he dived back in the water to freshen up. It was a warm day, perfect for frolicking.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.