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Do you think that the animated series is for little kids??

Started by Driffle, December 17, 2011, 04:31:40 PM

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My "friend" says that the tv series is for little kids!!!!! do  you agree?


It certainly feels that way. It looks like a kid's cartoon and has plenty of goofy moments (Badrang: "At least I didn't have the gall to call the slaves my 'friends'!" Clogg: "They said they'd wash my T-shirts!"), and most telling they have almost all the deaths occur off-screen.

That's in contrast to the actual nature of Redwall, which is quite serious and can get pretty violent at times. Maybe it's the unique voices, but this definitely doesn't sound like your average cheery cartoon. Vermin die frequently in the books and in the series. It's a surprise then that in the first season, a downed vermin shows blood where he was hit. It's just a small bit, but I figure if they're willing to go that far, why not all the way? Maybe they got complaints from concerned parents. The cartoon always felt like it was skewing towards something more adult despite the efforts to make it for kids, which is disappointing because letting it be young adult might have made it better. This doesn't mean I want a lot of violence, just I don't want to see censorship as blatant.

I think whoever's old enough to read Redwall would be able to appreciate the cartoon. I hesitate to think very young kids would be able to get into it given the lack of comedy and how many deaths (or threats of death) there are. So, I do not believe it's for kids (especially not what happens in the third season), it's okay for young adults (maybe like 10 or 13), but it has the appearance of a kid's cartoon.


Wait a flipping sec me scout. A cartoon? Sweet flanso berries! If I knew this perhaps I shall watch it. Please what channel? The name of the channel. I mean,  ahem. A catoon of redwall sounds kiddish. Think of it this way, Brian Jacques showed up in classrooms all over, to me, this suggests that he might have had kids in mind when he made his books. Particularly the stories the fumed slot, like the story about the winter badger. But weather the show is kiddy or not sounds more opinionated , to me anyway. But I beg you, what is the name of the channel the cation comes on ? I am tryin to be a big fan, I must know!

Tiria Wildlough

Just look it up on YouTube and you'll find all of the episodes there.
I think that a small child might be able to watch it without being terribly bothered, but I don't think they would understand it all that well. I personally think that they made it too tame.
Quote from: Folgrimeo on December 17, 2011, 07:28:53 PM
So, I do not believe it's for kids (especially not what happens in the third season), it's okay for young adults (maybe like 10 or 13), but it has the appearance of a kid's cartoon.
'What happened in the third season', as you call it, could have been worse. I think that it doesn't depend on how old the kid is, it's how mature they are. The series is definitely not for _little_ kids, but more because they wouldn't understand it, than because they would be scared or anything.
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well,m the cartoon was created for children, no denying that, but im 18 and I secretly enjoyed the cartoon when I watched it earlier this year
Hmm ... Dolohov ...

Tiria Wildlough

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The series as it was created, is not for little kids, but definitely is not one of those darker animated ones like Secret of NIMH, or gruesome like Watership Down.  If the kids are too young, they may not follow the storyline which you need to do to get what is going on.  Its not that a new episode is something totally new which is common among young kids programs.
Ya Ottah! ~ Sierra


WAS SECRET OF THE NIMH A SERIES OF EPISODES?! I loved that movie when I was little! I recently started watership down but it's wierd with their gods and stuff. I like Redwall the best!I loved it  and so did my younger brother because he cant read the books yet, I think older kids could watch it and enjoy it but it depends on who you are. I wish they did put blood in it though (not that I'm bloodthirsty or anything but to be more dramatic) SPOILER ALERT!even if in redwall they made matthias save cornflower from the watermill  it made it more dramatic and the scene where badrang killed rose.
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Secret of NIMH was a movie, never a series of episodes.  Watership Down was both a movie from the 1970s and a TV series made around 2000.
Ya Ottah! ~ Sierra


Aha!  Here at last is a place to put my rant about the tv series! :D :D :D Do not continue to read if you don't want to hear a rather boring speech about what I think of Redwall as a cartoon.

Still reading?  Ok, well, I warned you!  So here we go:
I think the Redwall cartoons are MUCH more geared towards kids.  I mean, my 5 year old brother watched them with no problem.  To me, Redwall should be a bit too "grown-up" for a person of that age.  I also wish the cartoons (especially "Redwall") were a bit more true to the books.  The battle scenes in "Redwall" are kinda......lame.  Yeah. Just a bit.  I mean, the "exciting scene" is where they have a view of the ditch on one side of the screen, and the battlements on the other, and a hail of arrows going back and forth--half going into the ditch, and half going toward the abbey. The battles in the books are MUCH more exciting and detailed. The gap between the books and the cartoons is pretty big in my mind.  The books are fabulous.  The cartoons, while not bad cartoons, are a far cry from the awesomeness of the books themselves.  Actually, I was rather horrified recently when I discovered that some of my cousins had seen a good part of the cartoons, but had not read a single book! :o  I kept saying "But the books are so much better!!!!!!"
That being said, I enjoyed "Martin the Warrior" pretty well.  I liked being able to see Rose and Martin.  I thought that was the best-done one out of all three...though it could just be because I don't like the books Mattimeo and Redwall as much as I do Martin the Warrior. 
So anyway, that is my rant on the cartoons, and it feels much better to get it out. :P
"Aha! Today I shall become an author, and I shall auth, and auth, and auth, and make a squillion dollars! Whoopee!!!"
~Brian Jacques


Quote from: Dotti on January 02, 2012, 03:20:43 AM
Aha!  Here at last is a place to put my rant about the tv series! :D :D :D Do not continue to read if you don't want to hear a rather boring speech about what I think of Redwall as a cartoon.

Still reading?  Ok, well, I warned you!  So here we go:
I think the Redwall cartoons are MUCH more geared towards kids.  I mean, my 5 year old brother watched them with no problem.  To me, Redwall should be a bit too "grown-up" for a person of that age.  I also wish the cartoons (especially "Redwall") were a bit more true to the books.  The battle scenes in "Redwall" are kinda......lame.  Yeah. Just a bit.  I mean, the "exciting scene" is where they have a view of the ditch on one side of the screen, and the battlements on the other, and a hail of arrows going back and forth--half going into the ditch, and half going toward the abbey. The battles in the books are MUCH more exciting and detailed. The gap between the books and the cartoons is pretty big in my mind.  The books are fabulous.  The cartoons, while not bad cartoons, are a far cry from the awesomeness of the books themselves.  Actually, I was rather horrified recently when I discovered that some of my cousins had seen a good part of the cartoons, but had not read a single book! :o  I kept saying "But the books are so much better!!!!!!"
That being said, I enjoyed "Martin the Warrior" pretty well.  I liked being able to see Rose and Martin.  I thought that was the best-done one out of all three...though it could just be because I don't like the books Mattimeo and Redwall as much as I do Martin the Warrior. 
So anyway, that is my rant on the cartoons, and it feels much better to get it out. :P
My thoughts exactly, except that I think Redwall should be a child's book, but more geared towards 8 and up. Don't get me wrong, it is still an AMAZING book for adults as well, I just think since it was written more for children, it should be interesting and intense, but still appropriate for younger children. My little sister loved watching the cartoons, actually begged me to watch them with her, but I agree that the cartoon was bit cheesy.
Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God. For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.

Psalm 90:2,4

Redwall Musician

Quote from: Dotti on January 02, 2012, 03:20:43 AM
I think the Redwall cartoons are MUCH more geared towards kids.  I mean, my 5 year old brother watched them with no problem.  To me, Redwall should be a bit too "grown-up" for a person of that age.

I'm going to stand firm on the idea that Redwall was made for people of all ages. Young or old, small or large, strong or weak, all are welcome at Redwall!

Now I happen to like the TV series because it was what started me on the books (well, it started my brother off liking them and he told me to read the books). I'm always wanting to spread Redwall cheer, and the TV series helped me do it with my siblings.

Is it for little kids? Well, not exactly. The animation may be more for kids but those who have the hearts for it would like it.
..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."

Tiria Wildlough

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Plugg Firetail

Quote from: GeminyaTome on January 04, 2012, 08:18:24 PM
Quote from: Dotti on January 02, 2012, 03:20:43 AM
Aha!  Here at last is a place to put my rant about the tv series! :D :D :D Do not continue to read if you don't want to hear a rather boring speech about what I think of Redwall as a cartoon.

Still reading?  Ok, well, I warned you!  So here we go:
I think the Redwall cartoons are MUCH more geared towards kids.  I mean, my 5 year old brother watched them with no problem.  To me, Redwall should be a bit too "grown-up" for a person of that age.  I also wish the cartoons (especially "Redwall") were a bit more true to the books.  The battle scenes in "Redwall" are kinda......lame.  Yeah. Just a bit.  I mean, the "exciting scene" is where they have a view of the ditch on one side of the screen, and the battlements on the other, and a hail of arrows going back and forth--half going into the ditch, and half going toward the abbey. The battles in the books are MUCH more exciting and detailed. The gap between the books and the cartoons is pretty big in my mind.  The books are fabulous.  The cartoons, while not bad cartoons, are a far cry from the awesomeness of the books themselves.  Actually, I was rather horrified recently when I discovered that some of my cousins had seen a good part of the cartoons, but had not read a single book! :o  I kept saying "But the books are so much better!!!!!!"
That being said, I enjoyed "Martin the Warrior" pretty well.  I liked being able to see Rose and Martin.  I thought that was the best-done one out of all three...though it could just be because I don't like the books Mattimeo and Redwall as much as I do Martin the Warrior. 
So anyway, that is my rant on the cartoons, and it feels much better to get it out. :P
My thoughts exactly, except that I think Redwall should be a child's book, but more geared towards 8 and up. Don't get me wrong, it is still an AMAZING book for adults as well, I just think since it was written more for children, it should be interesting and intense, but still appropriate for younger children. My little sister loved watching the cartoons, actually begged me to watch them with her, but I agree that the cartoon was bit cheesy.

Umm, I'm not sure beheadings and poison are what kids should be reading about.

Tiria Wildlough

Well, they never showed anything graphic in the show, and Redwall is meant for kids over 9 or something.
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