Least Favourite Hero

Started by Tiria Wildlough, November 08, 2011, 03:35:10 AM

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True, but none of the four Ms (Martin, Matthias, Mattimeo, Martin II) could ever be defeated. Good guys must always win in the end.
Matthias was hypnotized but he snapped out of it because he had the spirit of Martin the warrior, maybe Martin II had the spirit of Martin the warrior when he gazed into Ublaz's eyes.

Tiria Wildlough

Quote from: Melody on December 25, 2011, 03:37:27 PM
...maybe Martin II had the spirit of Martin the warrior when he gazed into Ublaz's eyes.
It never said he did. And any of the ones you mentioned COULD have been defeated, it just doesn't talk about it. ;)
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thinking that way can ruin a good imagination! But you see Martin II is a main character, and the hero in some way he has to resist the main bad guy's power. does that make sense?


I know we aren't allowed to double post but I just remembered,
I'm taking a one year novel course, and one of the hero's must haves, was that in some way he must be stronger or resistant to the villain, in this case Martin II was not affected by ublaz.

Tiria Wildlough

I would have liked it better if Martin had been hypnotized by Ublaz, then the marten is unconsciously stepping back, and treads on the snake. That would have been more exciting. 8)
My tumblr! not-the-skycat.tumblr.com
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still, I liked the whole fighting scene 8) but lets just agree to disagree.

Tiria Wildlough

My tumblr! not-the-skycat.tumblr.com
I'm not a hipster.




Sad to say, Trisscar would be my least favorite.  I liked Triss, but she just never really appealed to me.  She almost didn't seem like a main character to me, because she doesn't have a very interesting background and a lot of the book didn't even seem to revolve around her story.  I think it would have been more accurate to name the book after Scarum, who got more "screen time" than anyone else, or off the idea that they're all runaways.

Deyna would be my second least favorite.  He just seemed a little overpowered to me.
I agree, his training accounts for a lot, but all that training just seems like it would be even more likely to become vermin-like, not less vermin-like.

Third would be Tiria.  She's kind and polite, which I like, but she just seems to be too easily accepted into every role. 
"For the whole Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable to to teach, to convince, to correct, and to instruct in righteousness." - II Timothy 3:16


do you like Martin II? :)

I think it was a good thing triss carried Martin's sword though, it would've been scary if scarum had it!


I do like him.  He, Arven, and Rakkety Tam are my three favorite Abbey Warriors.
"For the whole Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable to to teach, to convince, to correct, and to instruct in righteousness." - II Timothy 3:16


YES! Finally! I liked tam too. Arven, I had a crush on :D

Tiria Wildlough

My tumblr! not-the-skycat.tumblr.com
I'm not a hipster.


mattimeo was fail he was to brattish
wolves will slay whoever they want to.....*growl* "AGHH''

Ciaran Galedeep

Quote from: Cheesethief on November 10, 2011, 04:21:42 PM
I havent read all the books yet, but so far my least favorite would have to be martin II or Joseph.
I don't really agree with you on Joseph, he was actaully semi cool, Martin 2 sounds like the name of someones rowboat, Tiria is just annoying, Gorath is just a random badger who has no real part to play.
and i hate Triss and Rickety Tam, they are a squirrel version of  Mariel and Dandin conveniently split into two books. Blah!