
For some, the heat of summer nears its end. . . And for others, the blooms of spring appear.

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OOC: Siege on the Mountain (Open)

Started by Cornflower MM, July 16, 2015, 11:31:12 PM

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LT Sandpaw

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

Cornflower MM

*Peeks in sheepishly* Hi? Sorry, but getting yelled at kinda takes the inspiration right out of you.

Quote from: LT Sandpaw on July 30, 2015, 10:56:16 PM
I have a hare, not Sage :P

Oh, hey, I'm not the only one who gets the two of you mixed up! (Then again, I got Rach and Faiy mixed up. o.O)

Quote from: The Skarzs on July 30, 2015, 10:49:18 PM
And what's with the "waits to die" on the spoiler for my characters, Corn? :P

I called you Skarzsles. So, I waited to die. Or am.


I feel you. Getting yelled at is upsetting. Just try to shake it off and move on, sweet.

Corny, are there any characters we need more of? Jukka mentioned vermin, which might be true. I don't really like playing bad guys though, unless they turn good in the end. Is that fine? :P

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

Cornflower MM

We-e-ell, we do have a surprising amount of vermin. Sure, you can play a vermin that turns good in the end. But we do need more otters. Otters and hares - Oh, and is anyone goign to play a Redwaller? :P If not, they're not very important to the plot. We can PP those easily - It's otters and hares I'm worried about.


Oh, we have enough vermin?

Well, I think three is a handful: I want just one more. I'll RP the badger and an otter, then.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

Jukka the Sling

Quote from: rrrrr on July 30, 2015, 10:25:34 PM
Quote from: Jukka the Sling on July 30, 2015, 12:36:01 AM
1500th post!

Congratulations Jukka :)

Quote from: Faiyloe on July 30, 2015, 10:31:02 PM
There are actually three hares You, Me and Sage. Sage has an older character while you and me have younger characters. 

And I'll try and post in the thread shortly.
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien

Cornflower MM

Quote from: Skyblade on July 30, 2015, 11:49:58 PM
Oh, we have enough vermin?

Well, I think three is a handful: I want just one more. I'll RP the badger and an otter, then.


Whoa, how did I miss that?! Congratulations, Jukky! 


I wat to be a High Private, thanks.

Name: Kef
Species: Ferret
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Weapon/s: Two daggers
Appearance: Normal ferret with scar on the left cheek
Clothes (Kindly include where the weapons are stashed): Jerkin with two scabbards semi-hidden underneath
Personality: Tough, reclusive, usually underestimated. Don't mistake her for a damsel, as she will usually do.
History (Optional, does not have to be twenty million words long. But it must be at LEAST one paragraph.): After being trained as a horde beast until teen years, sh fought in her first duel, sustaining her scar and her first lost battle. She vowed never to lose again and has thus far succeeded. Joined the horde at 20.
Other: n/a
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Cornflower MM

Accepted. . . Wait, how many High Privates (Abbreviation HP) do we have?

Also, people? *Puppy eyes* I'm really excited about this RP - Can we have some posting in the actual topic? Please?


Is it too late for me to join?
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.

Cornflower MM


Cool  :)

Name: Maple Bushtail
Species: squirrel
Gender: female
Age: 20
Weapon/s: a small gator machete
Appearance: dark grey fur, brown eyes. Is fairly short.
Clothes (Kindly include where the weapons are stashed): a dark blue tunic and black cloak. Her machete hangs from her belt. She's covered in tattoos, and has piercings on her ears, nose, and even eyebrows.
Personality: doesn't trust people and likes to fight.
History (Optional, does not have to be twenty million words long. But it must be at LEAST one paragraph.): when she was little, her family was attacked by vermin and she was the only survivor. She was never right in the head afterwards, and hates vermin with a passion. After finding that no one could put up with her hate and suspicion, she decided to travel the land in search of vermin.
Other: ehhh, not really.
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.


It's nothing, Corny! :) Congrats, Jukka!
So many female characters and I'm adding two more.

Name: Skyre the Blue
Species: Badger
Gender: Female
Age: Young adult
Weapon/s: Wooden sword with blades on the sides (based off the Aztec macuahuitl)
Appearance: Skyre is small for a badger. Her white fur has a blueish tint and her tail is puffier than usual, much like a squirrel's. There are bad scars on her back and shoulders.
Clothes: Ragged smock. She keeps her sword in a sheath on her belt.
Personality: Skyre is withdrawn and may come off as cold and apathetic. However, she does care about others, even though she is too shy to show it. She takes failure very seriously and is far more emotional than she lets on. Like typical badgers, she's got a good head and heart, but she's also a troubled beast who is often tempted to do something far outside morals. She speaks with a vermin accent.
Very long
She was taken in by a group of vermin as a babe and trained in their ways. Though the vermin leader thought that she might be useful because of her Bloodwrath, he was a bit wrong. Skyre had little control over her power and failed over and over again. The leader condemned her but allowed her to stay since she was some use.
For all she knows, she might have actually fit into another vermin group. But this was one proved too harsh for the inherently sensitive badger. The vermin were cruel, even to each other. She stayed only because of the leader's false promises of glory and greatness. Skyre wanted that; she wanted it so badly. But slowly she became more miserable and discontent. She started to hate the bad things she was doing as a "vermin", and she started to hate herself. Guilt and dissatisfaction came over her unfulfilled life. And where was the victory the vermin leader had promised her?
Skyre attempted to leave, but of course, the vermin wouldn't allow it. Either she stayed or she died. Skyre didn't want to die, so she stayed.
Eventually, justice came onto the vermin pack and an army of goodbeasts killed mostly everyone. Some of the more vindictive ones flogged Skyre badly, leading to the scars on her back. She pleaded for her life, and since she was a badger, they allowed her to stay as long as she became a servant. Throughout the years, she grew into the ways of the goodbeasts. After much time, they deemed her trustworthy and set her free.
Skyre has been a traveler since, aiming to spread good rather than evil. Finally, she has found - some - peace.
Other: Remind you of someone? :P I'll try not to make her a complete rip-off of myself, though. Skyre is Skyre and she's her own person (badger?).

And this character is from Eul's "War for an Abbey's Ruins" RP. I had to get rid of her genetic mutations, though.

Name: Mystery (the Wild)
Species: Sea/river otter
Gender: Female
Age: Young adult
Weapon/s: Flanged mace
Appearance: Mystery is a large, strong otter, toughened up by years of experience. Her fur is reddish-brown and she has permanently red eyes from the Bloodwrath. There is a nasty scar running down her leg.
Clothes: Very ragged vest and shorts. She keeps her mace in a sheath on her belt.
Personality: Mystery is, well, wild. She was born bold and confident, though her recklessness comes in as a fatal flaw. She aims to leave a giant mark on the earth by making constant change. Trauma broke her down a little, making her shy and hesitant. But years of slow healing brought her back to the powerful self she was. Despite her fierceness, she likes a good joke. She is very inquisitive. She also has a short and harsh temper, worsened by the Bloodwrath.
Very long
Mystery was born into a perfectly happy, normal family as "Blade", an imaginative little otter. And then a very powerful vermin gang took her and her siblings away as a slave when they wandered off from their parents. The experience was as inhumane as usual, with beasts forced to work and die. Blade was the oldest of the siblings, and the only one to survive the harsh treatment.
As she was kept as a slave, Blade formed plans. She wanted to get herself free; she wanted to spend the rest of her life stopping every evildoer she came across, even though it would probably cost her life in the end. Blade grew into a big dreamer, and she knew she would be called crazy for it. She kept dreaming.
The worst mistake the vermin made was let some of the slaves (Blade included) go after they became so worn out, they could no longer work. They figured most would die anyway, and that the others would spread the word to not mess with those vermin, ever. Blade did the opposite. She changed her name to Mystery, because she didn't know who she was anymore, and went out.
After a period of recovery, she ran around seeking goodbeasts to help overthrow the intensely powerful vermin. After years of struggle, an army was built, and a great battle erupted that led to the demise of the vermin.
Mystery was gratified, but still not 100% satisfied. She went out as a traveler in pursuit of her scum-hunting dream. Thoughts that she will probably die from what she has set her heart on plague her, but they're not enough to stop her path.
Other: Daughter of Skipper Brock and Razer, who she hasn't seen in many seasons

They're both Redwall adaptations of characters in my book series, too. Yeah, they're verbose!

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

Cornflower MM


Thanks, Corny! I hope my forms weren't too long.

Where should my badger and otter start off?

On further thought, I have decided to create a third character (a Redwaller, I think it's nice if someone RPs one). If I have trouble handling this, I'll drop a character. Anyway, since cougars are allowed... does that mean maybe a raccoon? :P

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!