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Rainshadow's Art

Started by Rainshadow, March 24, 2013, 03:09:42 AM

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Just want to clarify. I may be leaving for some time, but I don't want my request cancelled ;D

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


   Hi! Would you be willing to draw another D&D character for me?

Name: Vexela the Besmirched
Age: 19-20ish
Race: Tiefling. (Human with some fiendish characteristics)
Gender: Female
Skin: Light tan, with slight maroon tinge
Eyes: Glassy maroon orbs without any distinct pupil, sclera, or iris.
Hair: Shoulder length, tangled, black with dark red streaks
Height and weight: I don't have specifics, but she's pretty tall and is of average build.
Clothing: Dark gray shirt and pants underneath black leather armor, which is in turn underneath a ragged cloakish shawlish thing with a hood.
Other description: Has small horns on her forehead, curving up from her brow and pointing backwards. Ears extend into an almost bat wing-like structure. Fairly pronounced incisors.
Weapons/Other equipment:  Has a handaxe on her belt, a kris with a red gem in her hand, and a sheathed dagger on each hip. Carries a shortsword on the side opposite the handaxe, and has a rapier in her hand.
Personality: Cynical, proud, defiant, and angry. Slow to trust but loyal, doesn't really like people, speaks her mind even when she really shouldn't. Won't do anything she sees as undignified (though her standards are different than what might be normal.)
Pose: You could go with either of the poses in the images below, or just sort of standing defiantly with her chin up, resting the rapier point-first on the ground.


The female Tiefling in this image has horns similar to what I'd like, and her pose is pretty cool.

This dude's pose is also neat.


  Sure!  I'll add her to the list!

  Oh, and I'm hoping to be able to upload art on Friday.  I woulda done it today, but my brother was on his computer (the one I do art stuffs on) all day, so I didn't get the chance.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Great :)

By the way, I'm not leaving.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


  Glad to see I could make ya smile!  ;D

 Oh, and just like I promised... ART STUFFS!

 ...I do a lot of miscellaneous stuff...

 So, let's start off with some warm-up doodles I did of some of my favourite companions from Dragon Age: Inquisition paired with lyrics I thought kinda fit them.

 Then a sketch dump with a bunch of characters and two "mysterious" people in terribly-drawn masks.  :P  (Bigger image)

 And a dump almost exclusively made up of Leslie and Delvon (three years after the actual story (meaning Leslie's now nineteen and Delvon's... eighteen) because I wanted to mess around with what they'd look like a teeny bit older), but the two were also joined by a random Darval (also three years older) and a drawing of my friend (top left corner) because I really like his new hairstyle.  (Bigger image)

 I got bored on the way to the fair last Friday, so I drew a terrible older!Leslie in a dress.  :P

 And I realized that Leatgo drew a Rainhound picture awhile back (him standing in the rain), yet I never drew one in response (technically I did (me standing on the edge of the ocean (that counts as Rainhound, right?  :P)), but it looked terrible so I never uploaded it), so I drew two instead of just one:

 A selfie (in which Leatgo's eyes look really creepy for some reason :P):

 And a chibi because why not:

 Another sketch dump with two familiar faces at the top (;)), as well as some of Dessie-chan's characters (chibi Akitsuki on the far right, with chibi Itsuka underneath him).  (Bigger image)

 And yet another dump that features Delvonn, my shifter-turned-Breton werewolf in Elder Scrolls Online (he's mohawk guy), the protagonist of my fictional game, Dragon Lord (the black folas who's still unnamed), her shifter sidekick (the ponytail guy who's probably the nicest shifter I've ever created :P), chibi Amanda, and a random me for no reason.  (Bigger image)

 Okay, so I know this last drawing should've been in the miscellaneous spoiler, but it's something I don't want people just skipping over, so I'll post it here:

 I need an ID for my DeviantArt (okay, I don't need one, but I want one a lot), but I'm not sure what pose I should use.  I drew several practice ones yesterday, and I was wondering if you guys would be kind enough as to tell me which one you think would be the best for an ID?  (If you don't know what a DeviantArt ID is, as far as I understand, it's basically a drawing of your face you put in a post that tells info about you (or your commission info or whatever, but I'm not doing commissions yet).  Not a profile picture, but more of a "Hey, this is what I look like" drawing.)  (Bigger image)

If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Woah, James' request is really good!

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


  Thanks!  :D  I based it off of a pose from an art book I've had for awhile (it had a tutorial for a gryphon in it), since I was totally blanking on what sort of pose I should do.  :P
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


I looked at the DeviantArt thing, and I would go with 1 or 2.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Solas' lyrics are from Rat a Tat, right? And is Welcome to the Black Parade Cole?

Akitsuki reminds me of the Vocaloid Kaito.

Also the Gryphon is awesome and I think you should go with two.
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Quote from: Skyblade on October 03, 2015, 12:03:44 AM
I looked at the DeviantArt thing, and I would go with 1 or 2.

  Thanks for your input!  :D

Quote from: Jetthebinturong on October 03, 2015, 12:12:38 AM
Solas' lyrics are from Rat a Tat, right? And is Welcome to the Black Parade Cole?

Akitsuki reminds me of the Vocaloid Kaito.

Also the Gryphon is awesome and I think you should go with two.

  Yep, and Dorian (top right) is "Planetary (GO!)" by MCR, and then Bull is "Tear in My Heart" by twenty øne piløts.  ;)

  It's the scarf, isn't it?  :P

Thanks!  And thanks again for voting!  :)
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Those are awesome! ;D I think you should use number 2.  ;D
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


  Thanks, Faiy-chan!  :D  Lol and apparently 2 seems to be the best choice at the moment.  :P
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


   If you haven't started my drawing yet, might I elaborate on her proportions? Her arms and legs are really long- It's not necessarily due to her supernatural heritage, but it certainly could be. Regardless, people find it unnerving.