Is Redwall as safe as they say it is? (Role-play thread)

Started by Ashleg, September 02, 2015, 03:24:49 AM

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Should the vermin meet the Redwallers?

Not yet...When we're further into the roleplay. c:


How about we just time skip to morning, so Bracklew and One-Ear can be awake?

LT Sandpaw

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


OOC: Sweet. I hope nobody eats the breakfast.

BIC: One-Ear groaned. He was cold, the chill of death had passed through him, but he was alive. The young fox gingerly levered himself out of the Infirmary bed, clutching his wound. He retrieved the katana from a table and used it as a crutch to pull himself along. He staggered into the Great Hall as breakfast was placed on the table. Limping slowly in, One-Ear took a seat between Duncan and Mortembell. He didn't touch the food, his stomach still throbbed with pain.

OOC: This might be PP-ing or something similar, but I'm assuming they didn't go running off during the timeskip and are still here?


I guess it's likely that Duncan could've fallen asleep in his chair, so...Sure.

Grant got out of bed and headed to the dining hall as soon as he fixed up his fur so he didn't look like a scraggly mop. Log-a-Log met with him near the doorway and the lifelong friends started chatting.
"...Yeah, that's what he told me. Anyway, did yeh know there's pirates around, Grant?" The shrew asked.
Grant smiled grimly as he started inside.
"Oh, trust me, Chrysanth. I know all about the pirates. Let's hope they haven't been giving trouble to you and your shrews--"
"Thanks for the concern, Grant, but I'm not worried about me shrews. It's Redwall that they want, so it's Redwall we should be fussin' about, got it?"


Muddle hadn't slept. He wasn't tired, and even when he tried, he just couldn't sleep. There was no way to turn off his second sight, which contributed greatly to his growing insanity. The hedgehog gave a fake yawn and shuffled into the dining hall. He plopped himself into one of the chairs and filled a goblet with water. Muddle raised the cup to his mouth and pretended to drink, secretly pouring the water under the table. The hedgehog then reached for a scone, breaking pieces off and throwing them under his chair, miming eating.


"You make a point." Grant hustled over to his chair and sat down, motioning to the spot beside him for Chrysanthe. Log-a-Log smirked and plopped down casually in the chair, admiring her dagger as she did so.
"Log-a-Log!" Grant hissed. "Get your footpaws off the table and put your weapon away! I must've been silly that I thought you'd know by now, eh?"
Log-a-Log raised an eyebrow, grinned at the Abbot, and didn't move.
"Nah. 'Tis not that. You're silly t' be asking me again for what feels like, say, the millionth time, Grant."

Duncan awoke to the smell of food, but for the first time in his life he wasn't hungry.
He sat up and stretched.
Where was his daughter and her friend to wake him up with their early morning antics?
Then he remembered--One-Ear said Mixy and Bracklew had gone off to the pirate ship to try to kill Rapshade. Were they back yet?
I bet they came back late at night and fell asleep in the hallway. Silly blighters.


One-Ear looked at the hare awaken and was surprised to see him ignore the vittles. The young fox rubbed his ear and gave an inquiring look.
"Good morning, sir. Did Mixy and Bracklew return after I was sent to the Infirmary? Did they succeed in cutting off the head of the snake; are those pirate scum gone for good now?"


Duncan yawned. "I haven't seen them, but I bet they did," he said, stretching as he got up.
The hare smirked. The Abbot's conversation with Log-a-Log was amusing to him.
He glanced back at One-Ear suddenly. I can't judge him for what other vermin have done. He is obviously good hearted.
Duncan smiled. "We can go check if you want, if you feel good enough."

Vilu Daskar

Fergbar came out of the Cellars and walked over to Log-a-Log. "Sorry I couldn't get to you yesterday, Chrysanthe. Do you still need me?" he asked.
Never trust a smiling pirate.  :D

I can do that because I'm awesome.

"It really gets up my nose when publishers call my book another Lord of the Rings. It's my bloody book! I wrote it. And another thing, I didn't have to plunder Norse and European mythology to do it!" - Brian Jacques.

LT Sandpaw

OOC: Alrighty I'm introducing a new character. Along with reintroducing old characters.


"Now listen 'ere matey. O' th' one creature that got away, she never actually kept th' promise O' coming back." Bracklew flinched as something stung his face, shivering Bracklew tried to open his eyes, but they were sealed shut.

"Who are you?" He attempted to ask, his voice rasped horribly, and his mouth felt painfully dry.

"That's a good question matey, I figure ye would remember me, or least me voice."

"Bimble!" Bracklew gasped reaching a paw up to touch his head. The moment made a clinking noise, and Bracklew realized he was back in chains. His footpaws moved, and clinked as well.

"They added footpaw chains after yer escape mate. M'afraid th' old trick ain't a possibility anymore."


"Ho there n' good morn Log-a-Log matey, Duncan, Abbot Grant." The voice paused, "An everybeast." A tall otter walked up to the table taking seat across from Grant. Skipper of otters was interesting creature, sinewy, and tall with silvery fur marking his age.

However much the seasons had slowed him, the otter was still the same as he had been for many seasons. Fun loving, and jovial. "Let meself in though th' gate. Somebeast left it wide open. I locked 'er up though." Taking a drink from a close beaker Skipper jerked his head towards the two foxes.

"If'n sombeast would explain to me wot all these foxes are doin' in th' Abbey? I come back after nigh two week n' things seemed to change fast."

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Ava came into Cavern Hole. "Skipper, nice to see you back. How's it out in the woodlands?"
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Grant blinked a few times as he looked up from his argument with Log-a-Log.
"Oh, hello, Skipper. The foxes are friends, don't you worry. What brings you here today?"


Rapshade was awoken by a loud banging on the door and Fang's voice ("Cap'n! Cap'n! I need t' talk t' ye!") The ferret cursed under his breath and got up, grabbing his coat as he walked over to the door.
He unlocked it and opened it a crack. That was indeed Fangfang out there.
"What do y' want, Rat?" He snapped.

"I 'ave a question." Fang chuckled.
"Last night, did ye really think I was a ghost? Oh Cap'n!"


One-Ear shakily pulled himself out of the chair.
"I'm fine, let's go find them."
On his way to the door, One-Ear heard the voice of an otter. He shook the otter's paw.
"I'm One-Ear, son of Threeclaw and Mortembell."

LT Sandpaw

"Ho mum Ava, you're lookin' fine today I see, n' Mossflower is the same as always, green n unchanging." Skipper turned his gaze towards Grant. "Oh aye, I came to talk to Creekpaw, slightly personal matter though." The otter's eyes fell on One-ear as he tried to pass him, then offering a paw. Reaching out, and tightening his grip on the proffered paw Skipper grinned at the overeager fox. "Whoa there matey, ye don' look like ye are going to be doing any pirate killin'. More like th' pirates will be'a killin' ye."

"That's right, I don't know what's with my patients right now, but they all seem to want to run off, and get themselves hurt again." Rayne stalked into the hall, her eyes were red, and bloodshot from staying up all night searching for Muddle, and checking on One-ear. Her paws were crossed, and one of her famous glares was stuck on her face showing Rayne's grouchy mood.


Coughing Bracklew let Bimble continue cleaning his face, flinching at the stinging pain. The squirrel's right eye opened first, then his left. Slowly Bracklew was able to move in the confines of his chains. His first thoughts were on Mixy, and after a vain attempt to spot her among the slaves he came to the conclusion that she had been placed elsewhere.

"Where's Mix, is she chain up-top?" Bimble however looked surprised shaking his head, and shrugging.

"I dunno mate, I thought it twas jus' you." Something itched in the back of Bracklew's mind, as if some memory was being suppressed. He thought back to what happened yesterday, the poisoning, the struggle, a scream. Suddenly Bracklew's ears drooped, disbelief shone in his eyes as he pulled against the chains.

"MIX!" He screamed, the sudden blast of sound startled Bimble who jerked back. "MIX ANSWER ME IF YOU CAN HEAR ME! MIXY!"

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

Vilu Daskar

OOC: Just figured out why Muddle wasn't eating. Wow.
Never trust a smiling pirate.  :D

I can do that because I'm awesome.

"It really gets up my nose when publishers call my book another Lord of the Rings. It's my bloody book! I wrote it. And another thing, I didn't have to plunder Norse and European mythology to do it!" - Brian Jacques.