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War in 1700 Cont.

Started by Wylder Treejumper, January 28, 2016, 08:01:18 PM

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@Sage I think this is a reboot, Del doesn't have a place yet.

I'm retired from the forum


Quote from: Delthion on January 28, 2016, 10:02:48 PM
I'll have The Habsburg Monarchy as last time.

He still asked for it, so...


Whoops, didn't realize he did.

Groddil, of Russia
Lord Groddil of Russia,
Your proposal for the use of Kiev in future endeavors has been met favorably with me and my advisors. We shall help in any way we can with your endeavors.
-Søren of Kiev

I'm retired from the forum


Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of the Russian Empire.

LT Sandpaw

OOC: Goodness the Russian Army is large, they must have pressganged half the nation. Groddil are you forcing women to fight for Russia?

BTW everyone Don't get on Russia's bad side.


For Sultan Sagetip's eyes only.

On behalf of the Portugal and Dutch people I would like to invoke a Trade and Military alliance between our two prosperous nations. The Portuguese people are some of the wealthiest, however the Empire is not the largest. I believe with my funds and your nations size we shall be extremely successful should any of our larger neighbors get to greedy. This proposal is to ensure good faith between our nations in times of trouble. Your foes shall be mine, and mine yours.

May the sun always be at your back, and the wind in your sails.

~King Sandpaw II

Tsar Groddil of Russia

Greetings noble Tsar of Russia. I King Sandpaw II of Portugal, lord of the Netherlands would like to offer the hand of friendship to the great Eastern Nation. Should you accept this gracious offer you shall have the opportunity to openly trade with the richest nation in Europe. Please consider this offer noble one, and mayhap this Trade Alliance shall grow into a more prosperous accord.

~King Sandpaw II.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


King Sandpaw II
By order of the sultan of the Ottoman Empire this letter shall be received by King Sandpaw II and seen by his eyes only.
Highly Confidential

The Ottoman Empire graciously accepts your offer of alliance.

Warm regards,

The Sultan.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Lord Daskar

OOC: Sweden
Ruler: Her Royal Highness Hildegard of Sweden.
Military Commander: Lord Daskar.
Land Holdings: Sweden.
Military Might: 150,000 Fully trained troops. Additional 150,000 in training. 50 Ships-of-the-Line, 90 Frigates, 150 Sloops.
Trade Alliances: All
Military Alliances: Russia.
Enemies: N/A
When work gets overwhelming, remember that you are going to die. -A Coffee Cup

Be silent, or let thy words be more than silence.

Main Entry:   cheer·ful
Function: Adjective.
1 a : full of good spirits <a cheerful outlook> <cheerful obedience>

Ares saves not the brave man but the coward.


OOC: The Russian Army is indeed massive, I just ripped the stats by googling "Russian Military 1700." Apparently the population was about 25 million people, so approximately 1 in every 21 people are enlisted. I'm going to say that selective conscription is currently in effect.


Kind Sandpaw II of Portugal,
While a complete military alliance would first require the approval of my military partners Lord Daskar of Sweden and Soren, Lord of Kiev, I will accept your offer of friendship until that time comes. I propose that we put a cease-fire policy in effect until then.
Yours faithfully, Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of the Russian Empire.

Lord Daskar and Soren
I have been sent an offer by King Sandpaw II of Portugal. He sent an offer of support and would like an alliance. What do you think?

LT Sandpaw

For Tsar Groddil of Russia.

Noble Tsar Groddil, may your name be shouted from the mountaintops, Portugal thanks you for your generous approval to our trade agreement. Please accept this gift of fifty thousand gold to forward your endeavors. The ship carrying your gift shall arrive shortly.

~King Sandpaw II

For Sultan Sagetip

Many thanks great Sultan. You shall not regret the day you agreed to this alliance. A ship carrying a small gift of fifty thousand gold shall be sent immediately to aid you in any way you see fit. It is simply a gift to show Portugal's good intentions.

~King Sandpaw II

*Two fast ships set off from Lisbon one sailing north up English channel towards the Netherlands, the second sailing southeast around the Spanish peninsula into the Mediterranean.*

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

Lord Daskar

Groddil and Soren
To his eminence the Tsar of Russia, and Lord Soren of Kiev.
It is alright with me as long as this Sandpaw allies with me also.

  Lord Daskar

When work gets overwhelming, remember that you are going to die. -A Coffee Cup

Be silent, or let thy words be more than silence.

Main Entry:   cheer·ful
Function: Adjective.
1 a : full of good spirits <a cheerful outlook> <cheerful obedience>

Ares saves not the brave man but the coward.


OOC: Can we do espionage in this one?
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Vilu and Groddil

Sounds cool. (;D)

I'm retired from the forum


King Sandpaw II of Portugal,
After consulting with Lord Daskar of Sweden, he has stated he is fine with a military alliance should you also form one with him. Lord Soren of Kiev also supports our alliance. I would also like to thank you for your incoming gift, upon its arrival I will send a battalion of soldiers to help defend your fine country.
Yours faithfully, Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of the Russian Empire.

LT Sandpaw

For Tsar Groddil of Russia

While your offer is most appreciated noble Tsar I have no wish nor need to create a military alliance with Sweden or Russia. Furthermore I would request that no soldiers enter Portuguese borders. While I trust your intentions and legitimacy of your offer, the myself, and the Portuguese people would be ashamed if we were to be unable to defend our own borders in a time of peace. Please do not consider this refusal an insult, but as a sign of a strong and worthy partner in times of trouble.

~King Sandpaw II

OOC: If the message isn't entitled to you don't read it. If you do read it don't act on any information contained within.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


King Sandpaw II of Portugal.
Very well, King Sandpaw. However, I feel like I must do something to return your favor. If you seek anything from me, please say. My troops have already boarded their ships, so I suggest a compromise. The battalion, 5000 strong, will be sent to North Africa. Should you have need of them, send me another letter.
Yours Faithfully, Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

Lord Daskar,
After further conversation with King Sandpaw II of Portugal, he has requested that the alliance stay simply formal and does not evolve into a militaristic tie. I have decided to accept this offer due to our current period of peace, but that will most likely change should Europe plunge into war.
Sincerely, Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

*A small fleet of the Russian Navy's finest ships, 6 First-Rate Ships-of-the-Line carrying 5000 men between them, leaves Ingria for Northern Africa.*

OOC: Trade Alliances: Everyone.
Military Alliances: Sweden, Kiev (Under the control of Soren).
Formal Alliances: Portugal
Alliances under review: None
Enemies: None yet.

Tsar Vladimir Groddil I's private records.

To whoever reading this.
This document contains important information on Russian Troop Movements, for the Tsar's eyes only. Do not read under penalty of death.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

Russian Troop Movements

400,000 regular troops and 200,000 cossacks stationed on the Eastern Borders.
150,000 regular troops and 50,000 cossacks in Lithuania-Poland.
100,000 on watch near the border with China.
200,000 across the empire.
45,000 stationed along with the navy at Ingria.
5,000 on ships headed for North Africa.

6 1st Rate ships-of-the-line enroute to North Africa.
94 1st Rate ships-of-the-line docked at Ingria.
200 Ships-of-the-line ranging from 2nd rate to 4th rate docked at Ingria.
300 Frigates docked at Ingria.
400 Sloops docked at Ingria.