
For some, the heat of summer nears its end. . . And for others, the blooms of spring appear.

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Official Role Play Contest

Started by BrookSkimmer, March 02, 2012, 09:08:59 PM

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Welcome to the first role play contest on!

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Hureth the Gray leaned on his spear as he looked out his forge room window. A soft sea breeze ruffled through his fur as the mighty badger lord surveyed his domain. Outside the sun was rising, pink and yellow lights lancing over the sparkling sea. Birds called and wheeled on up drafts over the breakers. It was a lovely day, a pleasant day, a day to send the greenhorns of the Long Patrol on a test run.

Hureth turned his head to speak to the hare who was seated in a window ledge nearby. She was a fearsome looking creature. Sable black with multiple piercing ranging up the sides of her ears. She wore a General's uniform, complete with a black sash over her red jacket. At her side she wore a lethal rapier and a dirk rested in a case at the small of her back. General Haley Buckpaw was not a beast to be trifled with.

"Today is the day General."

"Aye sah! Right you are. Those greenhorns will go soft if we keep 'em 'er any longah sah!"

"You will take them on a run from the shore, to the dunes, through the forest and back."

"A brisk run sah! Nothing bettah for new recruits. Put a spring teh their scuts en' all that rot wot wot!"

"Thank you General. You have always been my most trusted hare. Your service to me deserves more thanks than I can give."

The General turned and bowed elegantly to her lord. "None o' that please lord. I am yers to jolly well command eh wot! Jest say the word and quick's the action."

Hureth stood to his full height, holding his spear, morning sun shining off the leaf shaped blade. He tried not to smile as he jested with his old friend. "I command you General Buckpaw to get Sergeants Wildpaw and Longblade in order, call up the green recruits, and be on your way before the full break of day!"

Haley's white teeth flashed in a quick grin before she bowed her head. "As you wish lord!"

Hureth smiled and leaned against the window sill, watching the General's exit from his forge room. He could not ask for a better hare to watch over his Long Patrol.

General Buckpaw called assembly in the garrison chamber of Salamandastron. Beside her stood Color Sergent Kodlak Longblade and Drill Sergeant Waldo Wildpaw, both perilous beasts. In front of her stood the recruits. Six hares stood ready for their first run with the Long Patrol. Phireem, Fay, Menzy, Farral, Dawnflower and Junebud, had on light traveling packs and stood to attention.

She barked out a question to them. "Well well, do we feel ready me lucky buckoes? Off on yer first patrol." She waited to hear their response.

Mad Maudie

"Phfft Rather, we've been jolly well trainin' for long enough Wot!" Junebud, said rolling her eyes. She was a very carefree Hare-like all of them-  and she did not take 'Bloomin' Bumpkin' From other hares she was lightly colored, and wore a blue tunic with a white sash. Her sword was at her side, it was short but powerful and she new how to use it, she could beat other hares in a match anytime. In fact that was what she was just doing teaching a hare named dust how to stop a certain kind of swing, then she was called to lineup.
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?



Fay tries to stand to attention but can't. She had woken up late, as usual, and was rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Her green tunic was ruffled from sleep and her light blue sash was hung awkwardly over herself. The only thing in place was her sword. It was polished last night and the gold and silver streaks shone in the light.
"I say chaps, does anyone have any scoff? It seems that you lot have eaten it all while I was catching up on my beauty sleep. Now I've been roused out of my bed and made to run! This is an outrage marm, a blinkin' outrage!"
Fun. is a fantastic band.


Phireem stood at ready attention, on the inside rather excited to be outside of Salamandastron with his friends and the General and Color Sergeant. On the outside he appeared stoic, his face as straight as his tunic as he nodded to the general. "Aye, I'm ready." The jagged orange and black stripes glimmered as he touched his long rapier with one paw. Glancing at Fay, he rolled his eyes as she ranted. maybe she should just wake up at the proper flippin' time, he thought.


*use this post for judging*
Colour Sergeant Kodlak Longblade strolled up and down the line of hares roaring out calmly 'Chin in Chest out or I'll have your tail's for tea you wet be'ind the ears sorry excuse for a hare Wot!.' Kodlak smiled fondly as the hares hurried to follow orders, though they were young they were salamandastron hares through and through and perilous fighters, he gazed into the distance an felt confident the recruits would come back fully trained and ready to join the long patrol.

Allowing his paws to drop Kodlak felt the hilt of his leveret dagger; passed onto him by his father 'bless his memory' Kodlak silently whispered to himself. Standing straight next to General Haley Buckpaw Kodlak polished his medals with the sleeve of his blue jacket, the medals shone happily as he waited the generals orders. Kodlak smiled dreamily as he looked at a medal which showed a sword, he had been given this after a mission to help out Redwall, he remembered the feast they had, there was none like it with food he had never heard of though they were all tophole.


Menzy stood at attention her light brown vest clean and neat along with her darkish red warn but clean sash across her chest her cloak draped about her all other gear straight as the Sargent walks by.

Her hand griping her Javelin and her eyes forward with a stoic look much like Phireem looking ready for action. She was just as excited as he was to finally be going out on patrol instead of training. "Aye Sir I am Ready!" and stayed that way till he passed. 

She sighs and looks over to Fay. "You really need to be taking this more seriously Marm, Cant having you passing out on the run Wot. * She passes her a Honey Scone and and extra canteen of water just for this reason.*
Not all Rats are bad just the ones that make them self out to be.

Mad Maudie

"hmph! If ye woke on time you could of had five of them honey-scones! instead of gettin' here late Wot!" June, said. And adjusted her sash and dagger to the right, then then the left. She smoothed her ear-tips, and waggled her paw something she often did, when exited.
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?


Troy Troodon

Just then Ferral crept out of nowhere.
So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.


Meanwhile, deep in Mossflower Woods by the River Moss, Daniel the vole was slowly waking himself up. He was a most peculiar character, and slightly paranoid. However, he wasn't paranoid without reason. As a young babe, Daniel was not treated well. He was forced to work hard for his parents with little food and no love.
Daniel yawned and got up to make himself some breakfast. His home was small and well hidden (he didn't trust others). He selected a home-made scone (he was quite a good cook) and a flagon of strawberry cordial. He didn't mind living his own solitary life, in fact he quite enjoyed his own company.
As we was breakfasting, his keen ears picked up a disturbance in the nearby woodland. He heard the sounds of trees getting brushed aside, twigs snapped and low muttering. He quickly stuffed the remaining scone in his mouth and went outside to investigate. He rarely saw or heard any signs of other life, except for the shrill cry of a bird or the occasional splash of a fish in the river.
He stepped outside and heard the noise much clearer then before. He rushed to hide behind a rock near the hidden entrance to his home. He caught a glimps of a rustling bush nearby and a pointed ear sticking out from it. "They can't harm me", he thought to himself, "They're at the other side of the river."
Suddenly, he felt a cold breath on his neck. His hairs prickled and he gulped with fright. A harsh voice commanded him "Don't even move a muscle".
Daniel couldn't help himself. Slowly he turned his head around so he could look in to the face of the one holding him captive. He gasped. There, standing before him, was a tall and evil looking fox, with a large band of other foxes right behind him.
Received mostly negative reviews.


She nudges Phireem and grins a bit. "Look who else decided to show there sleepy self's up for the run wot." She jesters to Ferral.

She liked to mess with him and slips upbehind him and slaps him on the back.

"Good show! Joy good of you to show up and be seen with us Ferral."

she watches as his eyes come alert and he nearly jumps and she gets a bit of a laugh out of his waking reaction. "See there you go alert and ready wot wot." She wiggles her ears a bit and then sniffs the air in the general direction of the river and looks over there with a look of thought and concern then speaks.

"Phireen, Ferral I have a strange feeling something is not right and you know very well my feelings never let me down. Sargent Longblade which way are we going to be running for today's outing?" She keeps looking in the general direction of the river.
Not all Rats are bad just the ones that make them self out to be.


General Buckpaw cleared her throat and barked out a command. "Attention in the ranks wot!"

She hoped the command would be enough to silence the bits of banter being tossed around. The black hare understood well what getting ready for one's first run was like. She could faintly remember the first time she had been sent out with the patrol. If her memory served right she had been commanded by Drill Sergeant Marchpaw Fleetrun that day. He had run the new recruits into the ground without so much as a by your leave.  Haley's mouth almost turned up into a smile as she remembered those days and bygone comrades. However, her features were stern as she addressed the troops.

"I'll hear no questions from the bally greenhorns. All ye need to know is that you'll be runnin'. Aye, and the Sergeants 'er will have your spines fer supper and yer paws fer afters in'f ye can't keep up!"

She eyed Ferral and Fay in particular as she continued. "Mark me words laddy bucks! If ye wish to join with the ranks 'o Lord Hureth's Long Patrol you'll need to keep up. No dozy paws or idle behavior will be tolerated."

After this she turned and headed out through the mountain and onto the shore. The General left her Sergeants to muster the greenhorns into line and get them moving. She was hard on the new recruits and she knew it. They had to grow up and the General had taken the responsibility for this from her lord.  The greenhorns would return different hares if General Haley Buckpaw had anything to do with it!


Phireem glanced at Menzy, a worried expression crossing his face. "If you have a bad feelin' about this, we better be ready for a fight," he murmured. "This patrol might end up bein' something more than a blinkin' patrol if you're correct." He checked his rapier again. "What d'ye think could go wrong?"


"It is just a feeling right now but if we go in the direction of the river I am going to jolly well check it out wot."

She lines up with Phireem behind her and looks over her sholder at him.

"On this run I am very well not letting you out run me you floppy ear blighter."

She says this with a wink and bounces a bit and st reaches getting ready.
Not all Rats are bad just the ones that make them self out to be.


Phireem chuckled. "You know I'm probably the slowest flippin' runner here. But yes, definitely check it out if we go over there."


Daniel the vole sat in the corner of his home, crying his heart out. The foxes had taken everything! They had stole his food and drink, his clothes, his firewood, they had even taken his bed! He had never been robbed before and didn't know how to react. He tried to stop his tears rolling so he could sit and think up a clear plan. After a while, it struck him. It was so simple he was amazed he didn't think of it before. He would simply go outside and look for help! He rushed to the door, but then hesitated. He ran back to where his bed once was, and lifted up a large stone which he kept on that spot. Underneath it was a beautiful, handmade sling which he kept hidden there. He picked it up and attatched it to his belt (luckily the foxes didn't steal the clothing he was wearing). Although he preferred not to fight, if he was going out to the woods he would need a weapon to fight back with in case he came across the foxes again. He would select a few stones from the river.
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