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Is Redwall as Safe as they Say it is? Roleplay thread v.2.0!

Started by Ashleg, February 12, 2016, 11:58:25 PM

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"Was that the word?" Rapshade sneered, adjusting Martin's sword in his paws. The red pommel stone glinted in the early sunlight, a good counter to the fire in the ferret's eyes.
Duncan grinned widely. "No..."
"No?" Rapshade echoed.
He bared his teeth and came down with the sword and at that moment Duncan struck him in the face with the whip. The ferret reeled back with one paw over the wound, yowling.
He looked up, laughing sullenly under his breath. Blood dripped in a streak down one side of his face.
"Ohh, yer dead now, Duncan," the ferret rasped. "Deader 'n' yer daughter...deader 'n' yer wife...Deader, than dead can be...'Cause I'm gonna kill y'."

Duncan's eyes went wide with rage, and he raised the whip again. If Rapshade should've known one thing, it was not to bring up his family's' deaths. Alas, he did not know.
As the hare brought the whip down, Rapshade brought the sword up, severing the thing in half.
Duncan yelped and tumbled into the wall.

LT Sandpaw

A dull ache in the side of Bracklew's head as he woke up. His legs quivered in protest as he stood, his fur tore in some places where blood had dried, caking the hair together. He was still blinded though he could now see slightly though his left eye. Looking around Bracklew saw what had woken him up. Water swirled around his footpaws and Jetfur's body, the salty water a become a sickeningly dark red. Covering his mouth Bracklew stumbled up the stairs onto the main deck, something flashed in his peripheral vision and Bracklew saw the sword of Martin being flourished by Rapshade.

"No!" In a burst of energy born from desperation Bracklew charged over the deck space his paws closing around Rapshade's as he tried to wrench away the sword.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Rapshade hadn't taken in the scene around him until Bracklew darted over and attempted to pry his paws off the sword. Jetfur's dead?
He shook his head and growled in Bracklew's face. "Get yer paws off my sword, y' bloody squirrel!"
Being so focused on Bracklew, he didn't notice that Duncan had crept around behind him and was about to sink his teeth into the ferret's not-broken leg until it actually happened.
He released the sword at once and lost balance with a yelp of pain.
Duncan seized him by the arms and nodded at Bracklew.
"I'm so glad you're alive...Come on, let's get out of here." He marched Rapshade up the stairs and called to One-Ear. Most of the vermin were either dead or subdued, so he wasn't worried.
"One-Ear, look who we have! He's all yours and Bracklew's. Personally, I don't want to deal with this ferret anymore."

Rapshade felt blood rise in his throat and he knew he'd lost. He was tired and couldn't fight anymore, but he wasn't one to just sit there and accept the inevitable.
Quickly the ferret started thinking of an escape plan.


OOC: We still got Sandpaw to deal with. I'm going to change what he did.

BIC: Seeing that most of his mates had been slain by the murderous woodlanders, the weasel pirate quickly dropped to the ground dead. Loosely gripping the axe, he watched Rapshade being captured by Duncan. He racked his mind for a way to get the captain's attention. An idea flashed into his head, and Sandpaw gripped the axehead, angling it so the sun glared off of the shining blade. Turning it, he managed to shine it towards Rapshade. Hopefully the ferret would notice, and Sandpaw could find a way to free him and get away.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Rapshade hissed and turned his head to the side, trying to blink the light away.
"Agh! It's bright..."
Duncan caught sight of Sandpaw with the axe. "That's right it is," he said sternly. "Your dead mate there has a shiny weapon; it's reflecting the sunlight. Now keep quiet while we wait for One-Ear."


One-Ear pawed his sword and spat out a tooth from the ship's wheel. He glanced at Rapshade's Cabin, and Saltooth's still form within.
"He needs to die, but I shouldn't be the one to do it. You and Bracklew lost friends to him, I dealt with mine. Bracklew. He's all yours."
The fox left the wheeldeck back to the main. He looked around for his mother, but she was nowhere to be seen. Instead, his eyes were drawn to a rope trailing over the deck. Instinctively, he gripped and began to pull. The young fox pulled Chrysanthe bleeding onto the ship. The shrew coughed up water as he inspected the wound.
"Hellgates! I'm no healer, where's mother?"
The young fox looked around desperately.

OOC: Ashleg, is it time for Rasphade to discover a certain something?


Groddil. When the time is right, he will. Patience, young one. XD
Duncan glanced expectantly at Bracklew, grunting when Rapshade let out a wail and dropped to his knees.
"Aaawh, please don't stick me!" The ferret cried. "I-I know I might deserve it...But please don't, n-not yet...not now... I don't want t' die!"
Fang gasped and darted over there, tapping Bracklew gingerly on the shoulder.
"Er, er, Bracklew. 'Kin I ask 'im something afore, y'know....?"



BIC: One-Ear had managed to stop the bleeding, but he was unable to do anything else. The young fox searched the ship for his mother,  finding himself on the wheeldeck. He stood watching.
"Yeah, go ahead Fang. I wanna hear this too."


No Never D:
Fangfang glanced at One-Ear.
"You do? Alright." He turned to Rapshade. "Cap'n..."
Rapshade stiffened. He looked like he pretty much knew what was coming.
"What is it you've been hidin' from me?" Fang asked, narrowing his eyes. "An' you'd better talk...Cause if'n ya don't, they'll run you through."

Rapshade's amber eyes dulled a shade or two as he glanced back at One-Ear, shaking miserably.
"No way...You can't make me tell 'im." He sounded guilty beyond belief.


One-Ear growled. He forced the katana against Rapshade's neck.
"Do you want to die? Tell 'im, or so help me, you can speak yer piece at the Dark Forest! However bad it is, we already hate you enough! Think about it, what do you have to lose?"


Sand law watched the events unravel. Escape temporarily forgotten, he listened Rapshade's spluttering and One-Ear's threats.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

LT Sandpaw

Having recovered the sword Bracklew held it up. The blade now streaked with blood looked less magnificent then it had before. Its black bound hilt and red pommel stone look less enchanting. Bracklew grimaced in a odd satisfaction remember Brandon's words when asked how he felt about holding and wielding the sword.

"Young squirrel, once you have used this blade as I have. Once you have seen it stained, and the pain and suffering it creates you will understand. I hope for your sake, you shall never understand."

Bracklew felt one last tear of remembrance slip down his muzzle. Brandon had been avenged, his sacrifice hadn't been for nothing.

"One-ear, what are you doing? That is a captured, helpless prisoner." Bracklew thrust the sword into his belt and limped over to where One-ear was threatening Rapshade. The squirrel pulled out the healers satchel Rayne had given him and began wrapping up his own torn stomach. The bruises and scratches would be fine, but the wound in his stomach was still seeping blood.
"Kill him, I don't care, but don't torture him. I want nothing to do with that ferret's fate. Maybe one of the shrews will deal with him. I'm going to go help the wounded." Limping off Bracklew knelt next to a dying shrew checking the creature's pulse.

Slowly Bracklew moved from one creature to another wrapping up wounds, and doing his best to stop them from bleeding to death.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Rapshade paled beneath his black fur as he tried to recall the memories that he'd shut out for so long, meanwhile squirming uncomfortably as he stared down at the katana that was being held at his neck. He didn't pay much heed to Bracklew. The sword was still at his neck, after all.
"On th' day I tried t' take over Salamandastron, I...I..."

The vermin were failing miserably. Rapshade was trying to ward off about four hares, looking like he couldn't take it by himself much longer.
"Cap'n, let me help you!" Fang said, pushing in beside his friend.
Rapshade stole a quick glance at Fangfang and frowned, trying to nudge him out of the way a little as he attempted to hold his ground.
"No, Fang," he said through gritted teeth, parrying with one of the hares. The young rat frowned and tried to shove through to help again.
"Lissen, Shady, I'm skilled enough t' fight now, you've said it yourself. I can help you."
"Ouch! An' what if'n y' got killed?"
"I won't!"
Rapshade bared his teeth. "Fangfang! You're like a brother to me and if you die--"
"I'm not going to die!"
"I said no, Fang!"
"Let me help you!"
"Why're you being so stubborn?!" Rapshade's anger boiled over and without thinking much about it he dealt the rat a rough slap to the face with the flat of his sword.
Fang screeched and crashed down on some hard stones, hitting his head and going unconscious.
Rapshade nearly gagged in horror.
What have I done? His friend's blood pooled at his footpaws. Had he killed him? With a strangled sounding sob, the ferret launched himself back into battle with the hares.
"I killed Fang!" Rapshade blurted, bursting out in tears.
"Hit 'im so hard on the head he forgot most everything!"

"...Cap'n, I'm not dead, I'm right here..." Fangfang reached out a paw, only to have it slapped away by Rapshade.

"..I...I ruined you. You're nothing like y' used to be."


Sandpaw's eyes widened. His captain, attacking one of his own crew? The weasel's attention was focused on One-Ear, the fox who had wanted to torture Rapshade. Snarling in anger, the pirate gripped the axe tight and sprang up, putting all his strength into a powerful throw toward the fox.

OOC: Obviously, he dies. Poor Sandpaw.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

LT Sandpaw

OOC: Hey Sage I'm going to point out that Rapshade never really had a problem killing his own crew. Such as Tinygut, Blackclaw, a fox whose name I forget, a random rat, ect were all killed by Rapshade during the RP.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro