Redwall Isn't Safe Anymore! (Is Redwall as Safe as they Say it is? Part Two)

Started by Ashleg, February 18, 2016, 09:53:08 PM

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"No, NO!" Rapshade shrieked, kicking on the floor as Duncan held him there.

Fangfang paled three shades, wanting to wail but not finding it in him. Rapshade's yowling rang in his ears.
The small rat stepped quietly in line with Gruddil. He tried to block him.
"Please no, that's me brother...I mean, not by blood, but..." he glanced at Duncan. "Y'can't d-do this."

The hare shook his head. "Even though he killed my wife and daughter I still gave him a second chance. He threw that away, wether he killed Alfhild or not. He has to die."

"He can change--"

Still crying, Rapshade eagerly nodded.
"Aye, lissen t' Fang..."

LT Sandpaw

Standing by, Petu's tall ears drooped. He recalled his promise from the battle before, and he could only guess how Rapshade had known this situation might arise. The rabbit knew that a promise was a promise, whether Rapshade had basically forced it from him or not, and yet he also knew the ferret didn't deserve to live after everything he's done.

Biting his lower lip in indecision Petu forced himself forward, laying a paw on Duncan's shoulder. He felt terrible for what he was about to say and it took effort to form the words. "Duncan, we... I mean, you can't kill a beast that's surrendered, right?" He kept his eyes downcast, not daring to look Duncan or Gruddil in the eye. At this angle he could see Bracklew, kneeling close to Rayne, his head hung in defeat.

"She's alive," his squirrel friend murmured, seemingly detached from the tension in the room. "Just hit her head on the stones. I think she'll be alright."

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


"He's right, Gruddil. Chrysanthe herself wouldn't kill anybeast who surrendered." Duncan snorted. "I have a better idea--we should let him pick."
He glanced at Rapshade, who was still squirming. "You can die, or be a prisoner again. Death, I tell you, is the easier could either go quickly or be miserable. This isn't like the first time."

Rapshade nodded furiously.
"I know, I know! Don't kill me. Y'won't regret it...See? I didn't kill Rayne!"


"That leave a loose end!" retorted Gruddil. "We can't have an unavenged leader." The shrew pushed past Fang. "Get it of me way, rat. Rapshade dies!"
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Fang yelped and chased after the shrew. "He surrendered, Gruddil! Even Duncan said--"
He stumbled clumsily and gave the Abbot a pleading glance.

Grant, though inwardly siding with the Guosim, gave a long sigh.
"Not in my Abbey, Gruddil. I think we all know who should be Log-a-Log even without the blood spill."


"Yes, of course we do," responded the shrew impatiently. "I'll do it outside. Whatever it takes! Rapshade has to be punished for what he did!"
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


"And he will be punished." said Grant calmly.
"It is actually harder on his end if you let him live."

Rapshade looked nervous, Fang looked hostile, and Duncan was unreadable.


Shadomay whirled around to face Grah.
"Why don't you come and find out?"
Several other soldiers, having managed to wipe out most of the vermin on part of the lawn, gathered around the vixen, weapons drawn.
"You, get him out of here."
A squirrel hauled Celio to his feet and helped him limp away.


Gruddil smiled, happy he got his way. "Let's not wait around, then. Drag the pirate outside, and his last sight will be the blood he spilled!"
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

LT Sandpaw

Craaah!" The massive bird responded accepting the challenge without question. "Grah eat all, Grah kill all! Kraaaaah!" Two beats of her wings later she hovered above the Vigil creatures diving down upon them like a black comet, her talons and beak slashing and stabbing, her wings flapping and churning the air with the power to break bones. Everybeast was welcome to meet their death at her talons.


"You'd execute him?" Petu asked aghast. Surely it was what Rapshade deserved but it seemed almost barbaric.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Rapshade sobbed hysterically and fell into Duncan's arms.
"Noo, no, please no! Don't let 'im do it! Please, Grant, have mercy--"

The Abbot held up a paw.
"Will somebeast please shut him up?"

Duncan took it upon himself to cover the ferret's snout.

Grant continued. "You will not lay a claw on him while he is under our control, Gruddil." he paused. "However, if he escapes and you find him, you are more than welcome."


The shrew wrestled with himself for a second. "Fine, Abbot, have it your way," he said. "But like you said, if he sets a single foot outside of the Abbey and away from any of you Abbeydwellers, it'll be onto the tip of my blade."
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


"Understood," said Grant.
Fangfang let out a sigh of relief.


Benyo the shrew raced up to Shadowmay, wielding a sword.
"You'll need all th' help ye can get, Marm." he said, glancing at Grah with a smirk.


The Vigil soldiers stabbed spears and swords into the air above them, preventing Grah from attacking from above. Shadomay and three other soldiers armed with crossbows fired into the air. While the crow was pre-occupied, Celio and his helper limped off towards the lift.