
"Beep-Bloop" -Matti, probably

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The Undecided

Started by The Skarzs, January 25, 2017, 10:24:03 PM

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LT Sandpaw

Shaking her head, Nicki quickly explained her original purpose. "No, no, of course not. I came out because the Abbot was missed, you've been out here for a little while now. And I have to say, you're missing a fantastic feast. And there'll be nothing left soon, the way they're going at it in there."

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

The Skarzs

  "A feast? Well, looks like we came at the right time!" Darrin rubbed his paws together. "What're we waitin' for?"
  Abbot Gerard knew he would have had to make a decision on whether or not he would allow the vermin inside the abbey to eat with the rest of the Redwallers, but he hadn't wanted to think about it. Now he weighed it out in his mind. They were willing enough to surrender their weapons, so with the promise of food they might behave. Other than them being rude, they didn't seem like a bad group. Still, as much as he didn't want to do it to other Redwallers, the mouse knew everyone would be more comfortable if they were supervised.
  "Alright, you may join," he said finally, and the band let out a small cheer. "But I'm going to have to make sure there's a table for you!" he added.
  The abbot led the way to the abbey, and left them outside the doors as he went to Cavern Hole. Due to the otters being away, there were still a couple tables being unused, and Gerard instructed some Redwallers to move them a little further away from the others, explaining they had some unexpected guests.
  Gerard nearly fell back in surprise when he opened the abbey doors again to find Darrin with his snout nearly touching them, and the ferret stepped around the mouse with a grin. "C'mon, where's the food?"
  "Patience, please," the other replied, regaining his composure. He walked them through the Great Hall and the great arched passages until they reached Cavern Hole, and indicated which tables they were to sit at. The room went nearly silent as the vermin entered the room, and a low murmur swept around the tables. Why were they here? It was all rather unorthodox. What if they were dangerous? Was the abbot crazy?
  Gerard addressed the crowd. "My friends, these creatures are travellers, and arrived here not long ago. They're going to be staying for a couple days, so please be polite and welcome them."
  All eyes turned to the vermin group, and both sides stared at each other for a short time in silence, until Darrin said aloud: "Let's eat, eh?"
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

LT Sandpaw

OOC: @Skarzs  Where do you want this RP to move next? Do you want Hacklaw to show up at the gates, or do you want the Redwallers and Darrin interact for a few hours/days before that?

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

The Skarzs

OOC: I suppose we can time skip to the morning, but @Gonff the Mousethief and @Ashleg haven't posted in a bit, so I was waiting to see if they would before then.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


There's nothing for me to do so I suggest we move on.


The Skarzs

OOC: Ouch. My bad. @LT Sandpaw, I'd still like to make a bad character to help with Hacklaw, so you know, so hopefully that will help you.

BIC: Darrin woke up and stretched, once again the first of his band to wake up. They were all allowed to sleep outside under a somewhat hastily-crafted lean-to against the wall of the abbey. After the food and drink from the night before, they had all been quite ready for sleep and were eagerly shown to their resting place.
  The ferret stood up and left the rest of his group towards the abbey doors, reasoning that there was no reason for them to get up early that day, and besides, some of them still had eating habits he preferred not to watch at the same time he ate.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Twisty his hit head against the ground mid-snore. Swallowing his spit, the rat popped one gray eye open and then narrowed it. That seemed to be Darrin walking off...upside-down due to Twisty's current angle.
He silently rolled over.
"Where's he think 'e's goin'..."

LT Sandpaw

OOC: Alright, cool.


They had followed the tracks until it became to difficult too see through the darkness. Hacklaw and his personal bodyguard made camp, resting uneasily in the thick woodlands, not daring to light a fire in strange territory with so few in numbers.

Rising first at dawn from his position propped against a tree trunk, Hacklew took a long draft from his wineskin, inspecting his surroundings. In all directions were trees and more trees, but to the northwest...

"All of ye, on your paws and take a gander at that." Hacklaw urged his followers, pointing towards the high spires of a red building, dominating the landscape of nearer Mossflower. The stoat grinned, leaning on his halberd as he took the sight in. They must not have been able to see it last night in the darkness, but now in daylight it stood out like a drunk fox.
"Ha, if I was a runaway ferret looking for a place to hide and steal. I know exactly where I would go upon seeing that."

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Bored and feel like giving life back to this heh.
Twisty got to his footpaws and stalked after Darrin, making good progress until, absently, he cracked a twig.
The rat froze and flashed a wide smile, waving the air with his gloved paw. He had lost the element of surprise. "Er, er, what're y' doin', Chief?"

The Skarzs

  Darrin went stiff as he heard a twig snap behind him, and he looked back over his shoulder, dismayed to see Twisty. "Oh, eh, just getting food. Didn't think I'd have to wake you all jus' to get a bite to eat."
  The ferret knew it would be unlikely for the rat to let him go alone, so he waved a paw. "Come on, no sense wasting words here."
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


"Grand," said Twisty, beginning to march after him.
It was true, Redwall Abbey did have good food. It was even better knowing that, going with only Darrin, he would have a larger pick.
The rat chuckled to himself.
Perhaps Raleigh would be there...but no, not with Darrin. His gaze hardened.

The Skarzs

  Darrin walked past Redwallers who steered out of the two vermin's way as they began their mornings. The ferret picked his way through the abbey, trying to recall the direction Abbot Gerard had taken them. Finally they found themselves in Cavern Hole, where most of the Redwallers were still eating breakfast.
  "Ah! Here we are."
  Rallowan had been up before Hacklaw, and had seen the abbey, but he had been sitting silently near the edge of the horde until the stoat awoke. Once he was up and aware of it as well, the fox approached him.
  "That is Redwall. You have heard the stories of it."
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


"An' here we go," exclaimed Twisty, racing forward in a burst of excitement.
He swooped over the table like a maniac as he collected what he wanted, startling families in the process and not caring about personal space.
Where was Raleigh? The food smelled so good. He could look for her later.

Snickering, the rat retreated to the far end of the table with his findings and tucked in.

The Skarzs

  "Of course I've heard of it," grunted Hacklaw to Rallowan. "But since we ain't goin' after Redwall, we ain't doomed yet."
  Rallowan looked away from the stoat and shrugged. "Very well."
  Darrin filled his plate and sat himself down between two Redwallers, not caring to notice how they drew back, and some of them left to find other seats. He looked up at Abbot Gerard and Elijah and waved at them roguishly.
  "Wonderful food again!"
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.