
"Beep-Bloop" -Matti, probably

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Warhammer 40k CYOA

Started by Groddil, May 29, 2017, 01:35:53 AM

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You find the Treasurer's box device as Tarrius sets the far wall alight.
"Judging from where your signal is coming from, I would wager a guess you're those Inquiditors. Chief Arbiter Campbell speaking."
"Arbiter. By the authority of the Imperial Inquistion, we need to commandeer a ship."
"We've got the planet on lockdown. Who in the Emperor's name is this? Because you aren't Acolyte Furtis!"
"Inquisitorial Adept Sara Tarken, one of the Acolyte's aids"
"Hmph. Fine. You've been helping us out, so we know you're not all bad. May as well let you off this shithole. We're going to lift the travel embargo and allow a freighter to leave. You need to be in that freighter tomorrow dawn. After that, it's up to you. Commandeer the thing or whatever you need to do. Go by the Emperor's Grace, Adept. Hopefully by the time you return, we'll have this place in better shape. Campbell out."

What do you do?

"Sara Tarken's" Inventory

Shock Maul - An Arbites baton designed to non-lethally stun your enemies.

Arbites Carapace Armor - Carapace armor used by the Adeptus Arbites. Offers good protection. Covers the entire body.
Arbites Carapace Helmet - Carapace helmet used by the Adeptus Arbites. Offers good protection. Covers most of the head, except for the lower face.

Medicated Bandage - A cloth bandage treated with a medical solution. Wrapped around your wounded leg. Try not to take a hard fall, at least not before you get your original body back.


Quest Items



Astilan's Inventory

Reliable Autopistol - A fairly simple automatic pistol that you keep on you at all times. Well, almost all of the time. Constant use has made the gun's machine spirit more reliable, making the gun more accurate and less prone to jamming. Loaded with 12 rounds.
Inaccurate Las-Rifle - A standard Las-Rifle used widely by Imperial forces. The gun has been slightly damaged, and the machine spirit is unco-operative, making it slightly inaccurate. Loaded with a 12 round magazine.
Long-las/i] - A modified Las-rifle. Outfitted longer barrel, scope, and higher damage output. Loaded with 4 rounds.

Damaged Inquisition Longcoat - A standard-issue black trenchcoat issued to agents of the Inquisition. Weaved with ballistic fiber to protect you. Quite battered from the crash.
Flak armor - Standard Imperial Guard flak vest, boots, and gloves. Offers decent protection, and is a step up from your tattered longcoat.
Overcoat - A scruffy brown duster that conceals your armor.

Cyanide Pill - Probably best not to eat this.

Thrones - Standard Imperium currency. You have 300.
Servoskull - An ordinary Servoskull, outfitted with several mechanical appendages.
Hand Vox - A short-range, handheld Vox device.

Quest Items
Orders - A datapad containing your orders.
Inquisitorial Warrant - An important document that functions similarly to a Rosette. It allows you to work your Inquisitorial magic.
Flute - A small, metal flute given to you by a strange woman. She claimed that "they" sing for you, and that you need the flute, but did not explain why.

Autopistol rounds - Bullets for your autopistol. Comes in 30-round clips. You have 3 clips.
Las-Rifle Magazines - Rechargeable magazines for the Las-Rifle. 20 rounds per clip. You have 3 clips.
Plasma Cartridge - Universal magazine for Plasma-based weaponry developed by the Imperium. 10 rounds per clip. You have 2 clips.
Inferno Pistol rounds - Ammo for the Inferno Pistol. Comes in 6-round clips. You have 1 clip.
Hotshot Power Pack - Ammunition for the Long-las. Comes in 5-round clips. You have 2 clips.

Visit Terra! Flyer - A flyer distributed by the Heart of the Imperium travel offices. Contains information pertaining to the Holy Terra, and instructs readers to make a trip to the Holy site for the low price of only 89213087421.95 thrones. Should be destroyed immediately.

Priority Objectives

Recover any important items and escape the transport ship.
Escape the transport ship.
Destroy the transport ship and kill the Ork invaders.
Meet with the leader of the Adeptus Arbites.
Return to the Treasurer's Quarters.
Locate the Psyker from Zakara's Underhive and get your body back.
Inquisition Objectives

Read your orders.
Investigate the destruction of the Inquisitorial Headquarters. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Investigate the disappearances in the Underhive. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Find out who summoned the Bloodthirster of Khorne and neutralize them. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Locate and destroy the Bloodthirster of Khorne. (Sahrafin, Korz System)
Locate the remains of your transport and purge any surviving Orks. (Sahrafin, Korz System)
Root out the heretics in the government of the Feudal World of Arcanis. (Arcanis, Korz System)
Destroy the Webway gate on Arcanis. (Arcanis, Korz System)
Find Inquisitor Janus, who has disappeared recently while rooting out heresy on Vokk. (Vokk, Scylla System)
Organize an Exterminatus on the Ork-infested planet of Shayl. (Shayl, Scylla System).
Infiltrate and destroy several Tau outposts behind the front-lines at Thull. (Thull, Scylla System).
Destroy Tau Anti-Air and allow the Tempest's Claws to establish a new front-line. (Por'fio, Gue'Kav System)
Assist the Tempest's Claws Space Marines by assassinating a prominent Ethereal. (Por'fio, Gue'Kav System)
Find the Pillar of Eternity, a Universe-class Mass Conveyor delivering key supplies to the war effort against the Tau. (Unknown)
Miscellaneous Objectives

Investigate the trader stand.
Find the Cybernetics Center in the Zakara Underhive.
End the stalemate in the Zakara Underhive.
Wait for the Adeptus Arbites to capture some prisoners in the Zakara Underhive.
Wait for Tarrius to finish preparing the Treasurer's Quarters.
Search Zakara Underhive until "they" sing to you.
Search Zakara Underhive for the Drug Den.
Assist the Adeptus Arbites in capturing prisoners in the Zakara Underhive.
Find the mysterious choir.
Interrogate the Zakara Underhive prisoners.
Find Churlon Anders

Lady Ashenwyte

Rest for an hour or two, and get to the freighter.
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.


"Okay, people. Get some rest, we move on the freighter in a few hours."

Three hours later...

"Boss. Boss! It's two AM, we gotta go."
"Right. Let's get down there."
Benedict rubs sleep from his eyes as he straps a lasgun to his back.
"Place is all dealt with. Nothing incriminating here, least until we get back."
"Let's go, then."
You lead your cronies out of the Treasurer's Quarters, which Tarrius locks behind him, and head for the elevator. Along the way, you snatch a hand vox from a passing Arbiter.
"Inquisitorial Requisition."
The Arbiter glances strangely at you, before disappearing down another corridor. You catch an elevator down to the Hive's main hangar, but the freighter is nowhere to be seen.
"Boss? Where's the fre-"
"Not here, obviously. That thing'll be huge, so it'll be landed at the exterior docks. We need to get there first, though."
Several PDF officers are milling around an Arvus Lighter not far from the elevator, loading it with assorted supplies. Tarrius draws the Stub Revolver strapped to his hip.
"Inquisition business, get out of the fucking freighter!"
The guards drop several crates, which you notice are filled with nothing of use. Random supplies, mechanical junk... Benedict kicks the PDF pilot out of the cockpit and straps himself in while you board the rear of the craft. Your Servoskull whizzes inside, clutching the pilot's dropped wallet, just before the engines fire up and the ramp begins to close. Tarrius snatches a laspistol from a fallen crate and hops aboard, handing you the sidearm. You strap the sidearm to your waist just as your hand vox crackles into life.
"Exterior docks, here we come. Take-off in three."
You quickly take a seat as the Arvus lifts off and begins its flight. As you are leaving the Hive, Tarrius mutters a curse.
"Hey, boss? These freighters usually have guards. Emperor's name, how the frak do we commandeer the thing? That psyker bitch has your identification, so what if they want proof?"

What do you do?

"Sara Tarken's" Inventory

Shock Maul - An Arbites baton designed to non-lethally stun your enemies.
Las-Pistol - Standard issue Imperial sidearm. Loaded with a 20 round magazine.

Arbites Carapace Armor - Carapace armor used by the Adeptus Arbites. Offers good protection. Covers the entire body.
Arbites Carapace Helmet - Carapace helmet used by the Adeptus Arbites. Offers good protection. Covers most of the head, except for the lower face.

Medicated Bandage - A cloth bandage treated with a medical solution. Wrapped around your wounded leg. Try not to take a hard fall, at least not before you get your original body back.

Hand Vox - A short-range, handheld Vox device.
Thrones - Standard Imperium currency. You have 100.

Quest Items

Las-Rifle Magazines - Rechargeable magazines for the Las-Pistol. 20 rounds per clip. You have 2 clips.


Astilan's Inventory

Reliable Autopistol - A fairly simple automatic pistol that you keep on you at all times. Well, almost all of the time. Constant use has made the gun's machine spirit more reliable, making the gun more accurate and less prone to jamming. Loaded with 12 rounds.
Inaccurate Las-Rifle - A standard Las-Rifle used widely by Imperial forces. The gun has been slightly damaged, and the machine spirit is unco-operative, making it slightly inaccurate. Loaded with a 12 round magazine.
Long-las/i] - A modified Las-rifle. Outfitted longer barrel, scope, and higher damage output. Loaded with a 4 round magazine.

Damaged Inquisition Longcoat - A standard-issue black trenchcoat issued to agents of the Inquisition. Weaved with ballistic fiber to protect you. Quite battered from the crash.
Flak armor - Standard Imperial Guard flak vest, boots, and gloves. Offers decent protection, and is a step up from your tattered longcoat.
Overcoat - A scruffy brown duster that conceals your armor.

Cyanide Pill - Probably best not to eat this.

Thrones - Standard Imperium currency. You have 300.
Servoskull - An ordinary Servoskull, outfitted with several mechanical appendages.
Hand Vox - A short-range, handheld Vox device.

Quest Items
Orders - A datapad containing your orders.
Inquisitorial Warrant - An important document that functions similarly to a Rosette. It allows you to work your Inquisitorial magic.
Flute - A small, metal flute given to you by a strange woman. She claimed that "they" sing for you, and that you need the flute, but did not explain why.

Autopistol rounds - Bullets for your autopistol. Comes in 30-round clips. You have 3 clips.
Las-Rifle Magazines - Rechargeable magazines for the Las-Rifle. 20 rounds per clip. You have 3 clips.
Plasma Cartridge - Universal magazine for Plasma-based weaponry developed by the Imperium. 10 rounds per clip. You have 2 clips.
Inferno Pistol rounds - Ammo for the Inferno Pistol. Comes in 6-round clips. You have 1 clip.
Hotshot Power Pack - Ammunition for the Long-las. Comes in 5-round clips. You have 2 clips.

Visit Terra! Flyer - A flyer distributed by the Heart of the Imperium travel offices. Contains information pertaining to the Holy Terra, and instructs readers to make a trip to the Holy site for the low price of only 89213087421.95 thrones. Should be destroyed immediately.

Priority Objectives

Recover any important items and escape the transport ship.
Escape the transport ship.
Destroy the transport ship and kill the Ork invaders.
Meet with the leader of the Adeptus Arbites.
Return to the Treasurer's Quarters.
Locate the Psyker from Zakara's Underhive and get your body back.
Inquisition Objectives

Read your orders.
Investigate the destruction of the Inquisitorial Headquarters. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Investigate the disappearances in the Underhive. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Find out who summoned the Bloodthirster of Khorne and neutralize them. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Locate and destroy the Bloodthirster of Khorne. (Sahrafin, Korz System)
Locate the remains of your transport and purge any surviving Orks. (Sahrafin, Korz System)
Root out the heretics in the government of the Feudal World of Arcanis. (Arcanis, Korz System)
Destroy the Webway gate on Arcanis. (Arcanis, Korz System)
Find Inquisitor Janus, who has disappeared recently while rooting out heresy on Vokk. (Vokk, Scylla System)
Organize an Exterminatus on the Ork-infested planet of Shayl. (Shayl, Scylla System).
Infiltrate and destroy several Tau outposts behind the front-lines at Thull. (Thull, Scylla System).
Destroy Tau Anti-Air and allow the Tempest's Claws to establish a new front-line. (Por'fio, Gue'Kav System)
Assist the Tempest's Claws Space Marines by assassinating a prominent Ethereal. (Por'fio, Gue'Kav System)
Find the Pillar of Eternity, a Universe-class Mass Conveyor delivering key supplies to the war effort against the Tau. (Unknown)
Miscellaneous Objectives

Investigate the trader stand.
Find the Cybernetics Center in the Zakara Underhive.
End the stalemate in the Zakara Underhive.
Wait for the Adeptus Arbites to capture some prisoners in the Zakara Underhive.
Wait for Tarrius to finish preparing the Treasurer's Quarters.
Search Zakara Underhive until "they" sing to you.
Search Zakara Underhive for the Drug Den.
Assist the Adeptus Arbites in capturing prisoners in the Zakara Underhive.
Find the mysterious choir.
Interrogate the Zakara Underhive prisoners.
Find Churlon Anders

Lady Ashenwyte

"Remind them that obstructing Inquisitorial business is heresy, and heresy is the greatest sin."
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.


"Remind them that obstructing Inquisitorial business is heresy, and heresy is the greatest sin."
"Well, true, but..."
"I see the freighter, boss. Big 'un."
"Good. Means there's no doubt that it's warp-capable."
"So, to clarify, we're headed to Vokk?"
"Beginning landing approach to exterior docks. So, while we're there, should we see if we can find Inquisitor Janus? He went missing there."

What do you do?

"Sara Tarken's" Inventory

Shock Maul - An Arbites baton designed to non-lethally stun your enemies.
Las-Pistol - Standard issue Imperial sidearm. Loaded with a 20 round magazine.

Arbites Carapace Armor - Carapace armor used by the Adeptus Arbites. Offers good protection. Covers the entire body.
Arbites Carapace Helmet - Carapace helmet used by the Adeptus Arbites. Offers good protection. Covers most of the head, except for the lower face.

Medicated Bandage - A cloth bandage treated with a medical solution. Wrapped around your wounded leg. Try not to take a hard fall, at least not before you get your original body back.

Hand Vox - A short-range, handheld Vox device.
Thrones - Standard Imperium currency. You have 100.

Quest Items

Las-Pistol Magazines - Rechargeable magazines for the Las-Pistol. 20 rounds per clip. You have 2 clips.


Astilan's Inventory

Reliable Autopistol - A fairly simple automatic pistol that you keep on you at all times. Well, almost all of the time. Constant use has made the gun's machine spirit more reliable, making the gun more accurate and less prone to jamming. Loaded with 12 rounds.
Inaccurate Las-Rifle - A standard Las-Rifle used widely by Imperial forces. The gun has been slightly damaged, and the machine spirit is unco-operative, making it slightly inaccurate. Loaded with a 12 round magazine.
Long-las/i] - A modified Las-rifle. Outfitted longer barrel, scope, and higher damage output. Loaded with a 4 round magazine.

Damaged Inquisition Longcoat - A standard-issue black trenchcoat issued to agents of the Inquisition. Weaved with ballistic fiber to protect you. Quite battered from the crash.
Flak armor - Standard Imperial Guard flak vest, boots, and gloves. Offers decent protection, and is a step up from your tattered longcoat.
Overcoat - A scruffy brown duster that conceals your armor.

Cyanide Pill - Probably best not to eat this.

Thrones - Standard Imperium currency. You have 300.
Servoskull - An ordinary Servoskull, outfitted with several mechanical appendages.
Hand Vox - A short-range, handheld Vox device.

Quest Items
Orders - A datapad containing your orders.
Inquisitorial Warrant - An important document that functions similarly to a Rosette. It allows you to work your Inquisitorial magic.
Flute - A small, metal flute given to you by a strange woman. She claimed that "they" sing for you, and that you need the flute, but did not explain why.

Autopistol rounds - Bullets for your autopistol. Comes in 30-round clips. You have 3 clips.
Las-Rifle Magazines - Rechargeable magazines for the Las-Rifle. 20 rounds per clip. You have 3 clips.
Plasma Cartridge - Universal magazine for Plasma-based weaponry developed by the Imperium. 10 rounds per clip. You have 2 clips.
Inferno Pistol rounds - Ammo for the Inferno Pistol. Comes in 6-round clips. You have 1 clip.
Hotshot Power Pack - Ammunition for the Long-las. Comes in 5-round clips. You have 2 clips.

Visit Terra! Flyer - A flyer distributed by the Heart of the Imperium travel offices. Contains information pertaining to the Holy Terra, and instructs readers to make a trip to the Holy site for the low price of only 89213087421.95 thrones. Should be destroyed immediately.

Priority Objectives

Recover any important items and escape the transport ship.
Escape the transport ship.
Destroy the transport ship and kill the Ork invaders.
Meet with the leader of the Adeptus Arbites.
Return to the Treasurer's Quarters.
Locate the Psyker from Zakara's Underhive and get your body back.
Inquisition Objectives

Read your orders.
Investigate the destruction of the Inquisitorial Headquarters. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Investigate the disappearances in the Underhive. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Find out who summoned the Bloodthirster of Khorne and neutralize them. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Locate and destroy the Bloodthirster of Khorne. (Sahrafin, Korz System)
Locate the remains of your transport and purge any surviving Orks. (Sahrafin, Korz System)
Root out the heretics in the government of the Feudal World of Arcanis. (Arcanis, Korz System)
Destroy the Webway gate on Arcanis. (Arcanis, Korz System)
Find Inquisitor Janus, who has disappeared recently while rooting out heresy on Vokk. (Vokk, Scylla System)
Organize an Exterminatus on the Ork-infested planet of Shayl. (Shayl, Scylla System).
Infiltrate and destroy several Tau outposts behind the front-lines at Thull. (Thull, Scylla System).
Destroy Tau Anti-Air and allow the Tempest's Claws to establish a new front-line. (Por'fio, Gue'Kav System)
Assist the Tempest's Claws Space Marines by assassinating a prominent Ethereal. (Por'fio, Gue'Kav System)
Find the Pillar of Eternity, a Universe-class Mass Conveyor delivering key supplies to the war effort against the Tau. (Unknown)
Miscellaneous Objectives

Investigate the trader stand.
Find the Cybernetics Center in the Zakara Underhive.
Wait for the Adeptus Arbites to capture some prisoners in the Zakara Underhive.
Wait for Tarrius to finish preparing the Treasurer's Quarters.
Search Zakara Underhive until "they" sing to you.
Search Zakara Underhive for the Drug Den.
Assist the Adeptus Arbites in capturing prisoners in the Zakara Underhive.
Interrogate the Zakara Underhive prisoners.
End the stalemate in the Zakara Underhive.
Find the mysterious choir in the Zakara Underhive.
Find Churlon Anders.
Have a Tech Priest decode Anders' dataslate.

Lady Ashenwyte

"We should. The Inquisitor could be a very useful ally to us if we find him."
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.


"We should. The Inquisitor could be a very useful ally to us if we find him."
"Sounds good to me. Bringing 'er in."
The Arvus begins to slow down, soon coming to a halt. The back ramp descends, allowing you to take your leave of the shuttle.
"Freighter takes off in a little over two hours, boss. Question is, how do we get onboard..."
Tarrius points over at the cargo loader.
Due to being the first ship to leave the planet since the Embargo, a crowd has gathered, making it easier for you to get to the supply crates being loaded onto the freighter. Benedict releases the bolts and clambers into a large shipping crate, before helping you in. Tarrius, the last to enter, slides the doors shut behind him.
"And now we wait..."

Two hours later.

You shove the shipping crate's doors open, emerging into the freighter's cargo hold.
An amplivox mounted on the wall begins ordering instructions to nobody in particular, and notifies you that takeoff is imminent.

What do you do?

"Sara Tarken's" Inventory

Shock Maul - An Arbites baton designed to non-lethally stun your enemies.
Las-Pistol - Standard issue Imperial sidearm. Loaded with a 20 round magazine.

Arbites Carapace Armor - Carapace armor used by the Adeptus Arbites. Offers good protection. Covers the entire body.
Arbites Carapace Helmet - Carapace helmet used by the Adeptus Arbites. Offers good protection. Covers most of the head, except for the lower face.

Medicated Bandage - A cloth bandage treated with a medical solution. Wrapped around your wounded leg. Try not to take a hard fall, at least not before you get your original body back.

Hand Vox - A short-range, handheld Vox device.
Thrones - Standard Imperium currency. You have 100.

Quest Items

Las-Pistol Magazines - Rechargeable magazines for the Las-Pistol. 20 rounds per clip. You have 2 clips.


Astilan's Inventory

Reliable Autopistol - A fairly simple automatic pistol that you keep on you at all times. Well, almost all of the time. Constant use has made the gun's machine spirit more reliable, making the gun more accurate and less prone to jamming. Loaded with 12 rounds.
Inaccurate Las-Rifle - A standard Las-Rifle used widely by Imperial forces. The gun has been slightly damaged, and the machine spirit is unco-operative, making it slightly inaccurate. Loaded with a 12 round magazine.
Long-las/i] - A modified Las-rifle. Outfitted longer barrel, scope, and higher damage output. Loaded with a 4 round magazine.

Damaged Inquisition Longcoat - A standard-issue black trenchcoat issued to agents of the Inquisition. Weaved with ballistic fiber to protect you. Quite battered from the crash.
Flak armor - Standard Imperial Guard flak vest, boots, and gloves. Offers decent protection, and is a step up from your tattered longcoat.
Overcoat - A scruffy brown duster that conceals your armor.

Cyanide Pill - Probably best not to eat this.

Thrones - Standard Imperium currency. You have 300.
Servoskull - An ordinary Servoskull, outfitted with several mechanical appendages.
Hand Vox - A short-range, handheld Vox device.

Quest Items
Orders - A datapad containing your orders.
Inquisitorial Warrant - An important document that functions similarly to a Rosette. It allows you to work your Inquisitorial magic.
Flute - A small, metal flute given to you by a strange woman. She claimed that "they" sing for you, and that you need the flute, but did not explain why.

Autopistol rounds - Bullets for your autopistol. Comes in 30-round clips. You have 3 clips.
Las-Rifle Magazines - Rechargeable magazines for the Las-Rifle. 20 rounds per clip. You have 3 clips.
Plasma Cartridge - Universal magazine for Plasma-based weaponry developed by the Imperium. 10 rounds per clip. You have 2 clips.
Inferno Pistol rounds - Ammo for the Inferno Pistol. Comes in 6-round clips. You have 1 clip.
Hotshot Power Pack - Ammunition for the Long-las. Comes in 5-round clips. You have 2 clips.

Visit Terra! Flyer - A flyer distributed by the Heart of the Imperium travel offices. Contains information pertaining to the Holy Terra, and instructs readers to make a trip to the Holy site for the low price of only 89213087421.95 thrones. Should be destroyed immediately.

Priority Objectives

Recover any important items and escape the transport ship.
Escape the transport ship.
Destroy the transport ship and kill the Ork invaders.
Meet with the leader of the Adeptus Arbites.
Return to the Treasurer's Quarters.
Locate the Psyker from Zakara's Underhive and get your body back.
Inquisition Objectives

Read your orders.
Investigate the destruction of the Inquisitorial Headquarters. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Investigate the disappearances in the Underhive. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Find out who summoned the Bloodthirster of Khorne and neutralize them. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Locate and destroy the Bloodthirster of Khorne. (Sahrafin, Korz System)
Locate the remains of your transport and purge any surviving Orks. (Sahrafin, Korz System)
Root out the heretics in the government of the Feudal World of Arcanis. (Arcanis, Korz System)
Destroy the Webway gate on Arcanis. (Arcanis, Korz System)
Find Inquisitor Janus, who has disappeared recently while rooting out heresy on Vokk. (Vokk, Scylla System)
Organize an Exterminatus on the Ork-infested planet of Shayl. (Shayl, Scylla System).
Infiltrate and destroy several Tau outposts behind the front-lines at Thull. (Thull, Scylla System).
Destroy Tau Anti-Air and allow the Tempest's Claws to establish a new front-line. (Por'fio, Gue'Kav System)
Assist the Tempest's Claws Space Marines by assassinating a prominent Ethereal. (Por'fio, Gue'Kav System)
Find the Pillar of Eternity, a Universe-class Mass Conveyor delivering key supplies to the war effort against the Tau. (Unknown)
Miscellaneous Objectives

Investigate the trader stand.
Find the Cybernetics Center in the Zakara Underhive.
Wait for the Adeptus Arbites to capture some prisoners in the Zakara Underhive.
Wait for Tarrius to finish preparing the Treasurer's Quarters.
Search Zakara Underhive until "they" sing to you.
Search Zakara Underhive for the Drug Den.
Assist the Adeptus Arbites in capturing prisoners in the Zakara Underhive.
Interrogate the Zakara Underhive prisoners.
End the stalemate in the Zakara Underhive.
Find the mysterious choir in the Zakara Underhive.
Find Churlon Anders.
Have a Tech Priest decode Anders' dataslate.

Lady Ashenwyte

Head to the bridge and inform the captain that this ship is being commandeered in the name of the Imperial Inquisition.
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.


You weave your way through the stacks of crates, thankful to have been placed directly on the floor, until you reach an elevator. You punch in the command deck as your destination, and turn ensure that a hand is placed firmly on your las-pistol. The elevator soon opens with a loud ding, revealing a long corridor. Numerous doors lead off to separate rooms, but you know that the large double-doors at the far end of the hall will take you where you need to go. The corridor is unusually quiet, and you do not cross paths with any crewmembers on your way. You take a glance at a screen mounted on the wall, which informs you that the vessel, known as the Jeweller's Guardian, has just taken off, and is on a course out of the Evfraza Sector, back to more civilised space. You grin. Not for much longer. Benedict, having reached the doors before you, slams them open. Several crewmembers stare at you in astonishment.
"Who the-"
"By the power vested in me by His Most Holy Majesty, the Immortal God-Emperor of Mankind, King of Terra, and One True Lord of the Imperium, and the Holy Ordos of His Inquisition; I, Inquisitorial Adept Sara Tarken, do hereby commandeer this vessel."
"Sweet mother of-"
"You will change course upon leaving orbit, to the planet Vokk in the Scylla System. The journey is not too far, I trust there will be no further issues. You, prepare quarters for my staff."
"R-Right away, my lady."
Tarrius grins slightly.
"Too stunned to do a thing about it. Nice work, boss."

What do you do?

"Sara Tarken's" Inventory

Shock Maul - An Arbites baton designed to non-lethally stun your enemies.
Las-Pistol - Standard issue Imperial sidearm. Loaded with a 20 round magazine.

Arbites Carapace Armor - Carapace armor used by the Adeptus Arbites. Offers good protection. Covers the entire body.
Arbites Carapace Helmet - Carapace helmet used by the Adeptus Arbites. Offers good protection. Covers most of the head, except for the lower face.

Medicated Bandage - A cloth bandage treated with a medical solution. Wrapped around your wounded leg. Try not to take a hard fall, at least not before you get your original body back.

Hand Vox - A short-range, handheld Vox device.
Thrones - Standard Imperium currency. You have 100.

Quest Items

Las-Pistol Magazines - Rechargeable magazines for the Las-Pistol. 20 rounds per clip. You have 2 clips.


Astilan's Inventory

Reliable Autopistol - A fairly simple automatic pistol that you keep on you at all times. Well, almost all of the time. Constant use has made the gun's machine spirit more reliable, making the gun more accurate and less prone to jamming. Loaded with 12 rounds.
Inaccurate Las-Rifle - A standard Las-Rifle used widely by Imperial forces. The gun has been slightly damaged, and the machine spirit is unco-operative, making it slightly inaccurate. Loaded with a 12 round magazine.
Long-las/i] - A modified Las-rifle. Outfitted longer barrel, scope, and higher damage output. Loaded with a 4 round magazine.

Damaged Inquisition Longcoat - A standard-issue black trenchcoat issued to agents of the Inquisition. Weaved with ballistic fiber to protect you. Quite battered from the crash.
Flak armor - Standard Imperial Guard flak vest, boots, and gloves. Offers decent protection, and is a step up from your tattered longcoat.
Overcoat - A scruffy brown duster that conceals your armor.

Cyanide Pill - Probably best not to eat this.

Thrones - Standard Imperium currency. You have 300.
Servoskull - An ordinary Servoskull, outfitted with several mechanical appendages.
Hand Vox - A short-range, handheld Vox device.

Quest Items
Orders - A datapad containing your orders.
Inquisitorial Warrant - An important document that functions similarly to a Rosette. It allows you to work your Inquisitorial magic.
Flute - A small, metal flute given to you by a strange woman. She claimed that "they" sing for you, and that you need the flute, but did not explain why.

Autopistol rounds - Bullets for your autopistol. Comes in 30-round clips. You have 3 clips.
Las-Rifle Magazines - Rechargeable magazines for the Las-Rifle. 20 rounds per clip. You have 3 clips.
Plasma Cartridge - Universal magazine for Plasma-based weaponry developed by the Imperium. 10 rounds per clip. You have 2 clips.
Inferno Pistol rounds - Ammo for the Inferno Pistol. Comes in 6-round clips. You have 1 clip.
Hotshot Power Pack - Ammunition for the Long-las. Comes in 5-round clips. You have 2 clips.

Visit Terra! Flyer - A flyer distributed by the Heart of the Imperium travel offices. Contains information pertaining to the Holy Terra, and instructs readers to make a trip to the Holy site for the low price of only 89213087421.95 thrones. Should be destroyed immediately.

Priority Objectives

Recover any important items and escape the transport ship.
Escape the transport ship.
Destroy the transport ship and kill the Ork invaders.
Meet with the leader of the Adeptus Arbites.
Return to the Treasurer's Quarters.
Locate the Psyker from Zakara's Underhive and get your body back.
Inquisition Objectives

Read your orders.
Investigate the destruction of the Inquisitorial Headquarters. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Investigate the disappearances in the Underhive. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Find out who summoned the Bloodthirster of Khorne and neutralize them. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Locate and destroy the Bloodthirster of Khorne. (Sahrafin, Korz System)
Locate the remains of your transport and purge any surviving Orks. (Sahrafin, Korz System)
Root out the heretics in the government of the Feudal World of Arcanis. (Arcanis, Korz System)
Destroy the Webway gate on Arcanis. (Arcanis, Korz System)
Find Inquisitor Janus, who has disappeared recently while rooting out heresy on Vokk. (Vokk, Scylla System)
Organize an Exterminatus on the Ork-infested planet of Shayl. (Shayl, Scylla System).
Infiltrate and destroy several Tau outposts behind the front-lines at Thull. (Thull, Scylla System).
Destroy Tau Anti-Air and allow the Tempest's Claws to establish a new front-line. (Por'fio, Gue'Kav System)
Assist the Tempest's Claws Space Marines by assassinating a prominent Ethereal. (Por'fio, Gue'Kav System)
Find the Pillar of Eternity, a Universe-class Mass Conveyor delivering key supplies to the war effort against the Tau. (Unknown)
Miscellaneous Objectives

Investigate the trader stand.
Find the Cybernetics Center in the Zakara Underhive.
Wait for the Adeptus Arbites to capture some prisoners in the Zakara Underhive.
Wait for Tarrius to finish preparing the Treasurer's Quarters.
Search Zakara Underhive until "they" sing to you.
Search Zakara Underhive for the Drug Den.
Assist the Adeptus Arbites in capturing prisoners in the Zakara Underhive.
Interrogate the Zakara Underhive prisoners.
End the stalemate in the Zakara Underhive.
Find the mysterious choir in the Zakara Underhive.
Find Churlon Anders.
Have a Tech Priest decode Anders' dataslate.

Lady Ashenwyte

"Aye, it was smooth. Tarrius, I want you to get out of your flak armour and put on your coat, mingle with the crew and find out where this ship has been to recently. As for you, Benedict, stay on deck with me."
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.


"Aye, it was smooth. Tarrius, I want you to get out of our flak armour and put on your coat, mingle with the crew, and find out where this ship has been recently. As for you, Benedict, stay on deck with me."
"On it, boss. I best leave this with you, then."
The Guardsman shrugs off his long-las, and hands it to you.
"Talk soon."
The Guardsman disappears back into the hallway.

What do you do?

"Sara Tarken's" Inventory

Shock Maul - An Arbites baton designed to non-lethally stun your enemies.
Las-Pistol - Standard issue Imperial sidearm. Loaded with a 20 round magazine.
Tarrius's Long-las/i] - A modified Las-rifle. Outfitted longer barrel, scope, and higher damage output. Loaded with a 5 round magazine. The rifle's machine spirit has grown accustomed to Tarrius over years of constant use, and as such is highly difficult for you to use effectively.

Arbites Carapace Armor - Carapace armor used by the Adeptus Arbites. Offers good protection. Covers the entire body.
Arbites Carapace Helmet - Carapace helmet used by the Adeptus Arbites. Offers good protection. Covers most of the head, except for the lower face.

Medicated Bandage - A cloth bandage treated with a medical solution. Wrapped around your wounded leg. Try not to take a hard fall, at least not before you get your original body back.

Hand Vox - A short-range, handheld Vox device.
Thrones - Standard Imperium currency. You have 100.

Quest Items

Las-Pistol Magazines - Rechargeable magazines for the Las-Pistol. 20 rounds per clip. You have 2 clips.


Astilan's Inventory

Reliable Autopistol - A fairly simple automatic pistol that you keep on you at all times. Well, almost all of the time. Constant use has made the gun's machine spirit more reliable, making the gun more accurate and less prone to jamming. Loaded with 12 rounds.
Inaccurate Las-Rifle - A standard Las-Rifle used widely by Imperial forces. The gun has been slightly damaged, and the machine spirit is unco-operative, making it slightly inaccurate. Loaded with a 12 round magazine.
Long-las/i] - A modified Las-rifle. Outfitted longer barrel, scope, and higher damage output. Loaded with a 4 round magazine.

Damaged Inquisition Longcoat - A standard-issue black trenchcoat issued to agents of the Inquisition. Weaved with ballistic fiber to protect you. Quite battered from the crash.
Flak armor - Standard Imperial Guard flak vest, boots, and gloves. Offers decent protection, and is a step up from your tattered longcoat.
Overcoat - A scruffy brown duster that conceals your armor.

Cyanide Pill - Probably best not to eat this.

Thrones - Standard Imperium currency. You have 300.
Servoskull - An ordinary Servoskull, outfitted with several mechanical appendages.
Hand Vox - A short-range, handheld Vox device.

Quest Items
Orders - A datapad containing your orders.
Inquisitorial Warrant - An important document that functions similarly to a Rosette. It allows you to work your Inquisitorial magic.
Flute - A small, metal flute given to you by a strange woman. She claimed that "they" sing for you, and that you need the flute, but did not explain why.

Autopistol rounds - Bullets for your autopistol. Comes in 30-round clips. You have 3 clips.
Las-Rifle Magazines - Rechargeable magazines for the Las-Rifle. 20 rounds per clip. You have 3 clips.
Plasma Cartridge - Universal magazine for Plasma-based weaponry developed by the Imperium. 10 rounds per clip. You have 2 clips.
Inferno Pistol rounds - Ammo for the Inferno Pistol. Comes in 6-round clips. You have 1 clip.
Hotshot Power Pack - Ammunition for the Long-las. Comes in 5-round clips. You have 2 clips.

Visit Terra! Flyer - A flyer distributed by the Heart of the Imperium travel offices. Contains information pertaining to the Holy Terra, and instructs readers to make a trip to the Holy site for the low price of only 89213087421.95 thrones. Should be destroyed immediately.

Priority Objectives

Recover any important items and escape the transport ship.
Escape the transport ship.
Destroy the transport ship and kill the Ork invaders.
Meet with the leader of the Adeptus Arbites.
Return to the Treasurer's Quarters.
Locate the Psyker from Zakara's Underhive and get your body back.
Inquisition Objectives

Read your orders.
Investigate the destruction of the Inquisitorial Headquarters. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Investigate the disappearances in the Underhive. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Find out who summoned the Bloodthirster of Khorne and neutralize them. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Locate and destroy the Bloodthirster of Khorne. (Sahrafin, Korz System)
Locate the remains of your transport and purge any surviving Orks. (Sahrafin, Korz System)
Root out the heretics in the government of the Feudal World of Arcanis. (Arcanis, Korz System)
Destroy the Webway gate on Arcanis. (Arcanis, Korz System)
Find Inquisitor Janus, who has disappeared recently while rooting out heresy on Vokk. (Vokk, Scylla System)
Organize an Exterminatus on the Ork-infested planet of Shayl. (Shayl, Scylla System).
Infiltrate and destroy several Tau outposts behind the front-lines at Thull. (Thull, Scylla System).
Destroy Tau Anti-Air and allow the Tempest's Claws to establish a new front-line. (Por'fio, Gue'Kav System)
Assist the Tempest's Claws Space Marines by assassinating a prominent Ethereal. (Por'fio, Gue'Kav System)
Find the Pillar of Eternity, a Universe-class Mass Conveyor delivering key supplies to the war effort against the Tau. (Unknown)
Miscellaneous Objectives

Investigate the trader stand.
Find the Cybernetics Center in the Zakara Underhive.
Wait for the Adeptus Arbites to capture some prisoners in the Zakara Underhive.
Wait for Tarrius to finish preparing the Treasurer's Quarters.
Search Zakara Underhive until "they" sing to you.
Search Zakara Underhive for the Drug Den.
Assist the Adeptus Arbites in capturing prisoners in the Zakara Underhive.
Interrogate the Zakara Underhive prisoners.
End the stalemate in the Zakara Underhive.
Find the mysterious choir in the Zakara Underhive.
Find Churlon Anders.
Have a Tech Priest decode Anders' dataslate.

Lady Ashenwyte

Stay on the bridge and observe what's going on.
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.


You stay on the bridge and keep a close eye on the happenings. Nothing out of the ordinary occurs, aside from a crewman going to prepare quarters, for a few hours.
"Err, ma'am?"
"We're picking up some sort of signal..."
"What signal?"
"Its... Emperor above, it's ancient? Listen!"
"...Brother, the device, is it active?"
"Yes, Brother."
"Stardate, 006.M31. This is Brother Incarael of the Salamanders. Our Stormbird was damaged on leaving Moloch, and the Fleet has left without us. Requesting immediate assistance. We won't last long like this. Broadcasting co-ordinates. Signal repeating."
"...Brother, the devi-"

The Bridge Officer switches off the transmitter.
"Ancient, sir. And from Moloch?"
"That was an Astartes signal, madam. Ten-thousand years of drifting, and their ship is somehow still intact, and nearby?"

What do you do?

"Sara Tarken's" Inventory

Shock Maul - An Arbites baton designed to non-lethally stun your enemies.
Las-Pistol - Standard issue Imperial sidearm. Loaded with a 20 round magazine.
Tarrius's Long-las/i] - A modified Las-rifle. Outfitted longer barrel, scope, and higher damage output. Loaded with a 5 round magazine. The rifle's machine spirit has grown accustomed to Tarrius over years of constant use, and as such is highly difficult for you to use effectively.

Arbites Carapace Armor - Carapace armor used by the Adeptus Arbites. Offers good protection. Covers the entire body.
Arbites Carapace Helmet - Carapace helmet used by the Adeptus Arbites. Offers good protection. Covers most of the head, except for the lower face.

Medicated Bandage - A cloth bandage treated with a medical solution. Wrapped around your wounded leg. Try not to take a hard fall, at least not before you get your original body back.

Hand Vox - A short-range, handheld Vox device.
Thrones - Standard Imperium currency. You have 100.

Quest Items

Las-Pistol Magazines - Rechargeable magazines for the Las-Pistol. 20 rounds per clip. You have 2 clips.


Astilan's Inventory

Reliable Autopistol - A fairly simple automatic pistol that you keep on you at all times. Well, almost all of the time. Constant use has made the gun's machine spirit more reliable, making the gun more accurate and less prone to jamming. Loaded with 12 rounds.
Inaccurate Las-Rifle - A standard Las-Rifle used widely by Imperial forces. The gun has been slightly damaged, and the machine spirit is unco-operative, making it slightly inaccurate. Loaded with a 12 round magazine.
Long-las/i] - A modified Las-rifle. Outfitted longer barrel, scope, and higher damage output. Loaded with a 4 round magazine.

Damaged Inquisition Longcoat - A standard-issue black trenchcoat issued to agents of the Inquisition. Weaved with ballistic fiber to protect you. Quite battered from the crash.
Flak armor - Standard Imperial Guard flak vest, boots, and gloves. Offers decent protection, and is a step up from your tattered longcoat.
Overcoat - A scruffy brown duster that conceals your armor.

Cyanide Pill - Probably best not to eat this.

Thrones - Standard Imperium currency. You have 300.
Servoskull - An ordinary Servoskull, outfitted with several mechanical appendages.
Hand Vox - A short-range, handheld Vox device.

Quest Items
Orders - A datapad containing your orders.
Inquisitorial Warrant - An important document that functions similarly to a Rosette. It allows you to work your Inquisitorial magic.
Flute - A small, metal flute given to you by a strange woman. She claimed that "they" sing for you, and that you need the flute, but did not explain why.

Autopistol rounds - Bullets for your autopistol. Comes in 30-round clips. You have 3 clips.
Las-Rifle Magazines - Rechargeable magazines for the Las-Rifle. 20 rounds per clip. You have 3 clips.
Plasma Cartridge - Universal magazine for Plasma-based weaponry developed by the Imperium. 10 rounds per clip. You have 2 clips.
Inferno Pistol rounds - Ammo for the Inferno Pistol. Comes in 6-round clips. You have 1 clip.
Hotshot Power Pack - Ammunition for the Long-las. Comes in 5-round clips. You have 2 clips.

Visit Terra! Flyer - A flyer distributed by the Heart of the Imperium travel offices. Contains information pertaining to the Holy Terra, and instructs readers to make a trip to the Holy site for the low price of only 89213087421.95 thrones. Should be destroyed immediately.

Priority Objectives

Recover any important items and escape the transport ship.
Escape the transport ship.
Destroy the transport ship and kill the Ork invaders.
Meet with the leader of the Adeptus Arbites.
Return to the Treasurer's Quarters.
Locate the Psyker from Zakara's Underhive and get your body back.
Inquisition Objectives

Read your orders.
Investigate the destruction of the Inquisitorial Headquarters. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Investigate the disappearances in the Underhive. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Find out who summoned the Bloodthirster of Khorne and neutralize them. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Locate and destroy the Bloodthirster of Khorne. (Sahrafin, Korz System)
Locate the remains of your transport and purge any surviving Orks. (Sahrafin, Korz System)
Root out the heretics in the government of the Feudal World of Arcanis. (Arcanis, Korz System)
Destroy the Webway gate on Arcanis. (Arcanis, Korz System)
Find Inquisitor Janus, who has disappeared recently while rooting out heresy on Vokk. (Vokk, Scylla System)
Organize an Exterminatus on the Ork-infested planet of Shayl. (Shayl, Scylla System).
Infiltrate and destroy several Tau outposts behind the front-lines at Thull. (Thull, Scylla System).
Destroy Tau Anti-Air and allow the Tempest's Claws to establish a new front-line. (Por'fio, Gue'Kav System)
Assist the Tempest's Claws Space Marines by assassinating a prominent Ethereal. (Por'fio, Gue'Kav System)
Find the Pillar of Eternity, a Universe-class Mass Conveyor delivering key supplies to the war effort against the Tau. (Unknown)
Miscellaneous Objectives

Investigate the trader stand.
Find the Cybernetics Center in the Zakara Underhive.
Wait for the Adeptus Arbites to capture some prisoners in the Zakara Underhive.
Wait for Tarrius to finish preparing the Treasurer's Quarters.
Search Zakara Underhive until "they" sing to you.
Search Zakara Underhive for the Drug Den.
Assist the Adeptus Arbites in capturing prisoners in the Zakara Underhive.
Interrogate the Zakara Underhive prisoners.
End the stalemate in the Zakara Underhive.
Find the mysterious choir in the Zakara Underhive.
Find Churlon Anders.
Have a Tech Priest decode Anders' dataslate.

Lady Ashenwyte

"I will be boarding that ship, the potential information contained within could benefit the Imperium, and of course, it will bring much wealth to you, Admiral. I would like a group of your armsmen to come with me, in addition."

The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.


"I will be boarding that ship, the potential information contained within could benefit the Imperium, and of course, it will bring much wealth to you, Admiral. I would like a group of your armsmen to come with me, in addition."
"Of course, madam. I will have an Arvus prepared, and a suit so you don't die out there."
Benedict looks across at you.
"Want me to come? Or should I stay here?"

What do you do?

"Sara Tarken's" Inventory

Shock Maul - An Arbites baton designed to non-lethally stun your enemies.
Las-Pistol - Standard issue Imperial sidearm. Loaded with a 20 round magazine.
Tarrius's Long-las/i] - A modified Las-rifle. Outfitted longer barrel, scope, and higher damage output. Loaded with a 5 round magazine. The rifle's machine spirit has grown accustomed to Tarrius over years of constant use, and as such is highly difficult for you to use effectively.

Arbites Carapace Armor - Carapace armor used by the Adeptus Arbites. Offers good protection. Covers the entire body.
Arbites Carapace Helmet - Carapace helmet used by the Adeptus Arbites. Offers good protection. Covers most of the head, except for the lower face.

Medicated Bandage - A cloth bandage treated with a medical solution. Wrapped around your wounded leg. Try not to take a hard fall, at least not before you get your original body back.

Hand Vox - A short-range, handheld Vox device.
Thrones - Standard Imperium currency. You have 100.

Quest Items

Las-Pistol Magazines - Rechargeable magazines for the Las-Pistol. 20 rounds per clip. You have 2 clips.


Astilan's Inventory

Reliable Autopistol - A fairly simple automatic pistol that you keep on you at all times. Well, almost all of the time. Constant use has made the gun's machine spirit more reliable, making the gun more accurate and less prone to jamming. Loaded with 12 rounds.
Inaccurate Las-Rifle - A standard Las-Rifle used widely by Imperial forces. The gun has been slightly damaged, and the machine spirit is unco-operative, making it slightly inaccurate. Loaded with a 12 round magazine.
Long-las/i] - A modified Las-rifle. Outfitted longer barrel, scope, and higher damage output. Loaded with a 4 round magazine.

Damaged Inquisition Longcoat - A standard-issue black trenchcoat issued to agents of the Inquisition. Weaved with ballistic fiber to protect you. Quite battered from the crash.
Flak armor - Standard Imperial Guard flak vest, boots, and gloves. Offers decent protection, and is a step up from your tattered longcoat.
Overcoat - A scruffy brown duster that conceals your armor.

Cyanide Pill - Probably best not to eat this.

Thrones - Standard Imperium currency. You have 300.
Servoskull - An ordinary Servoskull, outfitted with several mechanical appendages.
Hand Vox - A short-range, handheld Vox device.

Quest Items
Orders - A datapad containing your orders.
Inquisitorial Warrant - An important document that functions similarly to a Rosette. It allows you to work your Inquisitorial magic.
Flute - A small, metal flute given to you by a strange woman. She claimed that "they" sing for you, and that you need the flute, but did not explain why.

Autopistol rounds - Bullets for your autopistol. Comes in 30-round clips. You have 3 clips.
Las-Rifle Magazines - Rechargeable magazines for the Las-Rifle. 20 rounds per clip. You have 3 clips.
Plasma Cartridge - Universal magazine for Plasma-based weaponry developed by the Imperium. 10 rounds per clip. You have 2 clips.
Inferno Pistol rounds - Ammo for the Inferno Pistol. Comes in 6-round clips. You have 1 clip.
Hotshot Power Pack - Ammunition for the Long-las. Comes in 5-round clips. You have 2 clips.

Visit Terra! Flyer - A flyer distributed by the Heart of the Imperium travel offices. Contains information pertaining to the Holy Terra, and instructs readers to make a trip to the Holy site for the low price of only 89213087421.95 thrones. Should be destroyed immediately.

Priority Objectives

Recover any important items and escape the transport ship.
Escape the transport ship.
Destroy the transport ship and kill the Ork invaders.
Meet with the leader of the Adeptus Arbites.
Return to the Treasurer's Quarters.
Locate the Psyker from Zakara's Underhive and get your body back.
Inquisition Objectives

Read your orders.
Investigate the destruction of the Inquisitorial Headquarters. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Investigate the disappearances in the Underhive. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Find out who summoned the Bloodthirster of Khorne and neutralize them. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Locate and destroy the Bloodthirster of Khorne. (Sahrafin, Korz System)
Locate the remains of your transport and purge any surviving Orks. (Sahrafin, Korz System)
Root out the heretics in the government of the Feudal World of Arcanis. (Arcanis, Korz System)
Destroy the Webway gate on Arcanis. (Arcanis, Korz System)
Find Inquisitor Janus, who has disappeared recently while rooting out heresy on Vokk. (Vokk, Scylla System)
Organize an Exterminatus on the Ork-infested planet of Shayl. (Shayl, Scylla System).
Infiltrate and destroy several Tau outposts behind the front-lines at Thull. (Thull, Scylla System).
Destroy Tau Anti-Air and allow the Tempest's Claws to establish a new front-line. (Por'fio, Gue'Kav System)
Assist the Tempest's Claws Space Marines by assassinating a prominent Ethereal. (Por'fio, Gue'Kav System)
Find the Pillar of Eternity, a Universe-class Mass Conveyor delivering key supplies to the war effort against the Tau. (Unknown)
Miscellaneous Objectives

Investigate the trader stand.
Find the Cybernetics Center in the Zakara Underhive.
Wait for the Adeptus Arbites to capture some prisoners in the Zakara Underhive.
Wait for Tarrius to finish preparing the Treasurer's Quarters.
Search Zakara Underhive until "they" sing to you.
Search Zakara Underhive for the Drug Den.
Assist the Adeptus Arbites in capturing prisoners in the Zakara Underhive.
Interrogate the Zakara Underhive prisoners.
End the stalemate in the Zakara Underhive.
Find the mysterious choir in the Zakara Underhive.
Find Churlon Anders.
Have a Tech Priest decode Anders' dataslate.