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Warhammer 40k CYOA

Started by Groddil, May 29, 2017, 01:35:53 AM

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You take the pendant from the Marine and return to the Arvus. Tarrius and Benedict clamber out of the Stormbird and float into the Lighter, Benedict still unhappy with your decision. The engines roar into life once more, as the ramp begins to lift.
"Returning to the Jeweller's Guardian, ma'am."

What do you do?

"Sara Tarken's" Inventory

Shock Maul - An Arbites baton designed to non-lethally stun your enemies.
Las-Pistol - Standard issue Imperial sidearm. Loaded with a 20 round magazine.

Arbites Carapace Armor - Carapace armor used by the Adeptus Arbites. Offers good protection. Covers the entire body.
Arbites Carapace Helmet - Carapace helmet used by the Adeptus Arbites. Offers good protection. Covers most of the head, except for the lower face.
Spacesuit - An airtight suit with built in oxygen tanks that allows you to survive in the vacuum of space.
Saint Licinia's Eye - A pendant shaped like an eye that is reported to bring the wearer good fortune. Or, alternatively, the Ecclesiarchy would be interested in it. You are not wearing it.

Medicated Bandage - A cloth bandage treated with a medical solution. Wrapped around your wounded leg. Try not to take a hard fall, at least not before you get your original body back.

Hand Vox - A short-range, handheld Vox device.
Thrones - Standard Imperium currency. You have 100.

Quest Items

Las-Pistol Magazines - Rechargeable magazines for the Las-Pistol. 20 rounds per clip. You have 2 clips.


Astilan's Inventory

Reliable Autopistol - A fairly simple automatic pistol that you keep on you at all times. Well, almost all of the time. Constant use has made the gun's machine spirit more reliable, making the gun more accurate and less prone to jamming. Loaded with 12 rounds.
Inaccurate Las-Rifle - A standard Las-Rifle used widely by Imperial forces. The gun has been slightly damaged, and the machine spirit is unco-operative, making it slightly inaccurate. Loaded with a 12 round magazine.
Long-las/i] - A modified Las-rifle. Outfitted longer barrel, scope, and higher damage output. Loaded with a 4 round magazine.

Damaged Inquisition Longcoat - A standard-issue black trenchcoat issued to agents of the Inquisition. Weaved with ballistic fiber to protect you. Quite battered from the crash.
Flak armor - Standard Imperial Guard flak vest, boots, and gloves. Offers decent protection, and is a step up from your tattered longcoat.
Overcoat - A scruffy brown duster that conceals your armor.

Cyanide Pill - Probably best not to eat this.

Thrones - Standard Imperium currency. You have 300.
Servoskull - An ordinary Servoskull, outfitted with several mechanical appendages.
Hand Vox - A short-range, handheld Vox device.

Quest Items
Orders - A datapad containing your orders.
Inquisitorial Warrant - An important document that functions similarly to a Rosette. It allows you to work your Inquisitorial magic.
Flute - A small, metal flute given to you by a strange woman. She claimed that "they" sing for you, and that you need the flute, but did not explain why.

Autopistol rounds - Bullets for your autopistol. Comes in 30-round clips. You have 3 clips.
Las-Rifle Magazines - Rechargeable magazines for the Las-Rifle. 20 rounds per clip. You have 3 clips.
Plasma Cartridge - Universal magazine for Plasma-based weaponry developed by the Imperium. 10 rounds per clip. You have 2 clips.
Inferno Pistol rounds - Ammo for the Inferno Pistol. Comes in 6-round clips. You have 1 clip.
Hotshot Power Pack - Ammunition for the Long-las. Comes in 5-round clips. You have 2 clips.

Visit Terra! Flyer - A flyer distributed by the Heart of the Imperium travel offices. Contains information pertaining to the Holy Terra, and instructs readers to make a trip to the Holy site for the low price of only 89213087421.95 thrones. Should be destroyed immediately.

Priority Objectives

Recover any important items and escape the transport ship.
Escape the transport ship.
Destroy the transport ship and kill the Ork invaders.
Meet with the leader of the Adeptus Arbites.
Return to the Treasurer's Quarters.
Locate the Psyker from Zakara's Underhive and get your body back.
Inquisition Objectives

Read your orders.
Investigate the destruction of the Inquisitorial Headquarters. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Investigate the disappearances in the Underhive. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Find out who summoned the Bloodthirster of Khorne and neutralize them. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Locate and destroy the Bloodthirster of Khorne. (Sahrafin, Korz System)
Locate the remains of your transport and purge any surviving Orks. (Sahrafin, Korz System)
Root out the heretics in the government of the Feudal World of Arcanis. (Arcanis, Korz System)
Destroy the Webway gate on Arcanis. (Arcanis, Korz System)
Find Inquisitor Janus, who has disappeared recently while rooting out heresy on Vokk. (Vokk, Scylla System)
Organize an Exterminatus on the Ork-infested planet of Shayl. (Shayl, Scylla System).
Infiltrate and destroy several Tau outposts behind the front-lines at Thull. (Thull, Scylla System).
Destroy Tau Anti-Air and allow the Tempest's Claws to establish a new front-line. (Por'fio, Gue'Kav System)
Assist the Tempest's Claws Space Marines by assassinating a prominent Ethereal. (Por'fio, Gue'Kav System)
Find the Pillar of Eternity, a Universe-class Mass Conveyor delivering key supplies to the war effort against the Tau. (Unknown)
Miscellaneous Objectives

Investigate the trader stand.
Find the Cybernetics Center in the Zakara Underhive.
Wait for the Adeptus Arbites to capture some prisoners in the Zakara Underhive.
Wait for Tarrius to finish preparing the Treasurer's Quarters.
Search Zakara Underhive until "they" sing to you.
Search Zakara Underhive for the Drug Den.
Assist the Adeptus Arbites in capturing prisoners in the Zakara Underhive.
Interrogate the Zakara Underhive prisoners.
End the stalemate in the Zakara Underhive.
Find the mysterious choir in the Zakara Underhive.
Find Churlon Anders.
Have a Tech Priest decode Anders' dataslate.
Investigate the Salamanders' Stormbird.
Speak with the Mysterious Marine aboard the Jeweller's Guardian.

Lady Ashenwyte

Wait for the Lighter to return to the ship.
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.


You wait for the ramp to close and strap yourself in. The Arvus returns to its parent ship, allowing you to disembark and remove the suit, shoving Saint Licinia's Eye into a pocket until you decide what to do with it. As you are doing so, the Marine leaves the hangar through one of the elevators. By the time you and your cronies reach the elevator, you find yourself with several options to take.

What do you do?

Go to the Bridge.
Go to your quarters.
Go the Space Marine's quarters.

"Sara Tarken's" Inventory

Shock Maul - An Arbites baton designed to non-lethally stun your enemies.
Las-Pistol - Standard issue Imperial sidearm. Loaded with a 20 round magazine.

Arbites Carapace Armor - Carapace armor used by the Adeptus Arbites. Offers good protection. Covers the entire body.
Arbites Carapace Helmet - Carapace helmet used by the Adeptus Arbites. Offers good protection. Covers most of the head, except for the lower face.
Saint Licinia's Eye - A pendant shaped like an eye that is reported to bring the wearer good fortune. Or, alternatively, the Ecclesiarchy would be interested in it. You are not wearing it.

Medicated Bandage - A cloth bandage treated with a medical solution. Wrapped around your wounded leg. Try not to take a hard fall, at least not before you get your original body back.

Hand Vox - A short-range, handheld Vox device.
Thrones - Standard Imperium currency. You have 100.

Quest Items

Las-Pistol Magazines - Rechargeable magazines for the Las-Pistol. 20 rounds per clip. You have 2 clips.


Astilan's Inventory

Reliable Autopistol - A fairly simple automatic pistol that you keep on you at all times. Well, almost all of the time. Constant use has made the gun's machine spirit more reliable, making the gun more accurate and less prone to jamming. Loaded with 12 rounds.
Inaccurate Las-Rifle - A standard Las-Rifle used widely by Imperial forces. The gun has been slightly damaged, and the machine spirit is unco-operative, making it slightly inaccurate. Loaded with a 12 round magazine.
Long-las/i] - A modified Las-rifle. Outfitted longer barrel, scope, and higher damage output. Loaded with a 4 round magazine.

Damaged Inquisition Longcoat - A standard-issue black trenchcoat issued to agents of the Inquisition. Weaved with ballistic fiber to protect you. Quite battered from the crash.
Flak armor - Standard Imperial Guard flak vest, boots, and gloves. Offers decent protection, and is a step up from your tattered longcoat.
Overcoat - A scruffy brown duster that conceals your armor.

Cyanide Pill - Probably best not to eat this.

Thrones - Standard Imperium currency. You have 300.
Servoskull - An ordinary Servoskull, outfitted with several mechanical appendages.
Hand Vox - A short-range, handheld Vox device.

Quest Items
Orders - A datapad containing your orders.
Inquisitorial Warrant - An important document that functions similarly to a Rosette. It allows you to work your Inquisitorial magic.
Flute - A small, metal flute given to you by a strange woman. She claimed that "they" sing for you, and that you need the flute, but did not explain why.

Autopistol rounds - Bullets for your autopistol. Comes in 30-round clips. You have 3 clips.
Las-Rifle Magazines - Rechargeable magazines for the Las-Rifle. 20 rounds per clip. You have 3 clips.
Plasma Cartridge - Universal magazine for Plasma-based weaponry developed by the Imperium. 10 rounds per clip. You have 2 clips.
Inferno Pistol rounds - Ammo for the Inferno Pistol. Comes in 6-round clips. You have 1 clip.
Hotshot Power Pack - Ammunition for the Long-las. Comes in 5-round clips. You have 2 clips.

Visit Terra! Flyer - A flyer distributed by the Heart of the Imperium travel offices. Contains information pertaining to the Holy Terra, and instructs readers to make a trip to the Holy site for the low price of only 89213087421.95 thrones. Should be destroyed immediately.

Priority Objectives

Recover any important items and escape the transport ship.
Escape the transport ship.
Destroy the transport ship and kill the Ork invaders.
Meet with the leader of the Adeptus Arbites.
Return to the Treasurer's Quarters.
Locate the Psyker from Zakara's Underhive and get your body back.
Inquisition Objectives

Read your orders.
Investigate the destruction of the Inquisitorial Headquarters. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Investigate the disappearances in the Underhive. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Find out who summoned the Bloodthirster of Khorne and neutralize them. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Locate and destroy the Bloodthirster of Khorne. (Sahrafin, Korz System)
Locate the remains of your transport and purge any surviving Orks. (Sahrafin, Korz System)
Root out the heretics in the government of the Feudal World of Arcanis. (Arcanis, Korz System)
Destroy the Webway gate on Arcanis. (Arcanis, Korz System)
Find Inquisitor Janus, who has disappeared recently while rooting out heresy on Vokk. (Vokk, Scylla System)
Organize an Exterminatus on the Ork-infested planet of Shayl. (Shayl, Scylla System).
Infiltrate and destroy several Tau outposts behind the front-lines at Thull. (Thull, Scylla System).
Destroy Tau Anti-Air and allow the Tempest's Claws to establish a new front-line. (Por'fio, Gue'Kav System)
Assist the Tempest's Claws Space Marines by assassinating a prominent Ethereal. (Por'fio, Gue'Kav System)
Find the Pillar of Eternity, a Universe-class Mass Conveyor delivering key supplies to the war effort against the Tau. (Unknown)
Miscellaneous Objectives

Investigate the trader stand.
Find the Cybernetics Center in the Zakara Underhive.
Wait for the Adeptus Arbites to capture some prisoners in the Zakara Underhive.
Wait for Tarrius to finish preparing the Treasurer's Quarters.
Search Zakara Underhive until "they" sing to you.
Search Zakara Underhive for the Drug Den.
Assist the Adeptus Arbites in capturing prisoners in the Zakara Underhive.
Interrogate the Zakara Underhive prisoners.
End the stalemate in the Zakara Underhive.
Find the mysterious choir in the Zakara Underhive.
Find Churlon Anders.
Have a Tech Priest decode Anders' dataslate.
Investigate the Salamanders' Stormbird.
Speak with the Mysterious Marine aboard the Jeweller's Guardian.

Lady Ashenwyte

Go to the Space Marine's Quarters.
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.


You punch in the co-ordinates for the last location traveled; Main Engineering. You take the lift down into the depths of the ship, where the Marine waits.
"Leave us."
Tarrius nods, walking into a nearby corridor. Benedict raises an eyebrow, but follows the other guard.
"Astartes. Talk."
The Marine whirls around.
"But what would you like to know?"

What do you do?

"Sara Tarken's" Inventory

Shock Maul - An Arbites baton designed to non-lethally stun your enemies.
Las-Pistol - Standard issue Imperial sidearm. Loaded with a 20 round magazine.

Arbites Carapace Armor - Carapace armor used by the Adeptus Arbites. Offers good protection. Covers the entire body.
Arbites Carapace Helmet - Carapace helmet used by the Adeptus Arbites. Offers good protection. Covers most of the head, except for the lower face.
Saint Licinia's Eye - A pendant shaped like an eye that is reported to bring the wearer good fortune. Or, alternatively, the Ecclesiarchy would be interested in it. You are not wearing it.

Medicated Bandage - A cloth bandage treated with a medical solution. Wrapped around your wounded leg. Try not to take a hard fall, at least not before you get your original body back.

Hand Vox - A short-range, handheld Vox device.
Thrones - Standard Imperium currency. You have 100.

Quest Items

Las-Pistol Magazines - Rechargeable magazines for the Las-Pistol. 20 rounds per clip. You have 2 clips.


Astilan's Inventory

Reliable Autopistol - A fairly simple automatic pistol that you keep on you at all times. Well, almost all of the time. Constant use has made the gun's machine spirit more reliable, making the gun more accurate and less prone to jamming. Loaded with 12 rounds.
Inaccurate Las-Rifle - A standard Las-Rifle used widely by Imperial forces. The gun has been slightly damaged, and the machine spirit is unco-operative, making it slightly inaccurate. Loaded with a 12 round magazine.
Long-las/i] - A modified Las-rifle. Outfitted longer barrel, scope, and higher damage output. Loaded with a 4 round magazine.

Damaged Inquisition Longcoat - A standard-issue black trenchcoat issued to agents of the Inquisition. Weaved with ballistic fiber to protect you. Quite battered from the crash.
Flak armor - Standard Imperial Guard flak vest, boots, and gloves. Offers decent protection, and is a step up from your tattered longcoat.
Overcoat - A scruffy brown duster that conceals your armor.

Cyanide Pill - Probably best not to eat this.

Thrones - Standard Imperium currency. You have 300.
Servoskull - An ordinary Servoskull, outfitted with several mechanical appendages.
Hand Vox - A short-range, handheld Vox device.

Quest Items
Orders - A datapad containing your orders.
Inquisitorial Warrant - An important document that functions similarly to a Rosette. It allows you to work your Inquisitorial magic.
Flute - A small, metal flute given to you by a strange woman. She claimed that "they" sing for you, and that you need the flute, but did not explain why.

Autopistol rounds - Bullets for your autopistol. Comes in 30-round clips. You have 3 clips.
Las-Rifle Magazines - Rechargeable magazines for the Las-Rifle. 20 rounds per clip. You have 3 clips.
Plasma Cartridge - Universal magazine for Plasma-based weaponry developed by the Imperium. 10 rounds per clip. You have 2 clips.
Inferno Pistol rounds - Ammo for the Inferno Pistol. Comes in 6-round clips. You have 1 clip.
Hotshot Power Pack - Ammunition for the Long-las. Comes in 5-round clips. You have 2 clips.

Visit Terra! Flyer - A flyer distributed by the Heart of the Imperium travel offices. Contains information pertaining to the Holy Terra, and instructs readers to make a trip to the Holy site for the low price of only 89213087421.95 thrones. Should be destroyed immediately.

Priority Objectives

Recover any important items and escape the transport ship.
Escape the transport ship.
Destroy the transport ship and kill the Ork invaders.
Meet with the leader of the Adeptus Arbites.
Return to the Treasurer's Quarters.
Locate the Psyker from Zakara's Underhive and get your body back.
Inquisition Objectives

Read your orders.
Investigate the destruction of the Inquisitorial Headquarters. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Investigate the disappearances in the Underhive. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Find out who summoned the Bloodthirster of Khorne and neutralize them. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Locate and destroy the Bloodthirster of Khorne. (Sahrafin, Korz System)
Locate the remains of your transport and purge any surviving Orks. (Sahrafin, Korz System)
Root out the heretics in the government of the Feudal World of Arcanis. (Arcanis, Korz System)
Destroy the Webway gate on Arcanis. (Arcanis, Korz System)
Find Inquisitor Janus, who has disappeared recently while rooting out heresy on Vokk. (Vokk, Scylla System)
Organize an Exterminatus on the Ork-infested planet of Shayl. (Shayl, Scylla System).
Infiltrate and destroy several Tau outposts behind the front-lines at Thull. (Thull, Scylla System).
Destroy Tau Anti-Air and allow the Tempest's Claws to establish a new front-line. (Por'fio, Gue'Kav System)
Assist the Tempest's Claws Space Marines by assassinating a prominent Ethereal. (Por'fio, Gue'Kav System)
Find the Pillar of Eternity, a Universe-class Mass Conveyor delivering key supplies to the war effort against the Tau. (Unknown)
Miscellaneous Objectives

Investigate the trader stand.
Find the Cybernetics Center in the Zakara Underhive.
Wait for the Adeptus Arbites to capture some prisoners in the Zakara Underhive.
Wait for Tarrius to finish preparing the Treasurer's Quarters.
Search Zakara Underhive until "they" sing to you.
Search Zakara Underhive for the Drug Den.
Assist the Adeptus Arbites in capturing prisoners in the Zakara Underhive.
Interrogate the Zakara Underhive prisoners.
End the stalemate in the Zakara Underhive.
Find the mysterious choir in the Zakara Underhive.
Find Churlon Anders.
Have a Tech Priest decode Anders' dataslate.
Investigate the Salamanders' Stormbird.
Speak with the Mysterious Marine aboard the Jeweller's Guardian.

Lady Ashenwyte

"Who are you? Why were you on that ship?"
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.


"Who are you? Why were you on that ship?"
The marine removes his helmet, revealing a pale, yet scarred and wrinkled face, sunken eyes glaring at you.
"What is the terror of death? That we die our work incomplete. What is the joy of life?"
"To die knowing our task is done."
"Quite. I was brought into this world to serve one purpose. To fight for the Emperor. To kill in his name. To die for him. Yet... What have we accomplished?"
"A lot."
"No, no. What have we truly done? We quarrel between each other, take our bolters to the unknown when the real threat lies waiting."
"No, my boy, no, no, not chaos. The true threat. The threat to all of existence. The threat to chaos, and the threat to those that hunt chaos. The Forgotten. The Invincible, that which drives our terror of the unknown."
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
"I'm not surprised. The tales have all but been lost to time. But know this, Agent of the Inquisition; Never let yourself become that which you hate. It happened to Kurze. It happened to Celimbra. It happened to me. I sat there for centuries, aboard that Stormbird. Thinking. Meditating on the words of Saint Licinia. Realising that every life we take, every prayer we say... Gives the foe strength. Then the waiting. Waiting for somebody to discover, to pass on the knowledge, slowly going mad. Thinking myself one of the dead. Then their leader. It plays on you, Furtis. The foe knows what you fear, it knows your darkest desires, and it knows how to twist you around its finger. Remember that. And remember the name I spoke of. Celimbra. Blessing of the Aquila upon you Furtis. Emperor knows it was never with me."
The Marine draws his bolt pistol and presses it to his forehead, one pull of a trigger eviscerating his skull and causing the body to fall limply to the floor.
"Frakking Warp..."

What do you do?

"Sara Tarken's" Inventory

Shock Maul - An Arbites baton designed to non-lethally stun your enemies.
Las-Pistol - Standard issue Imperial sidearm. Loaded with a 20 round magazine.

Arbites Carapace Armor - Carapace armor used by the Adeptus Arbites. Offers good protection. Covers the entire body.
Arbites Carapace Helmet - Carapace helmet used by the Adeptus Arbites. Offers good protection. Covers most of the head, except for the lower face.
Saint Licinia's Eye - A pendant shaped like an eye that is reported to bring the wearer good fortune. Or, alternatively, the Ecclesiarchy would be interested in it. You are not wearing it.

Medicated Bandage - A cloth bandage treated with a medical solution. Wrapped around your wounded leg. Try not to take a hard fall, at least not before you get your original body back.

Hand Vox - A short-range, handheld Vox device.
Thrones - Standard Imperium currency. You have 100.

Quest Items

Las-Pistol Magazines - Rechargeable magazines for the Las-Pistol. 20 rounds per clip. You have 2 clips.


Astilan's Inventory

Reliable Autopistol - A fairly simple automatic pistol that you keep on you at all times. Well, almost all of the time. Constant use has made the gun's machine spirit more reliable, making the gun more accurate and less prone to jamming. Loaded with 12 rounds.
Inaccurate Las-Rifle - A standard Las-Rifle used widely by Imperial forces. The gun has been slightly damaged, and the machine spirit is unco-operative, making it slightly inaccurate. Loaded with a 12 round magazine.
Long-las/i] - A modified Las-rifle. Outfitted longer barrel, scope, and higher damage output. Loaded with a 4 round magazine.

Damaged Inquisition Longcoat - A standard-issue black trenchcoat issued to agents of the Inquisition. Weaved with ballistic fiber to protect you. Quite battered from the crash.
Flak armor - Standard Imperial Guard flak vest, boots, and gloves. Offers decent protection, and is a step up from your tattered longcoat.
Overcoat - A scruffy brown duster that conceals your armor.

Cyanide Pill - Probably best not to eat this.

Thrones - Standard Imperium currency. You have 300.
Servoskull - An ordinary Servoskull, outfitted with several mechanical appendages.
Hand Vox - A short-range, handheld Vox device.

Quest Items
Orders - A datapad containing your orders.
Inquisitorial Warrant - An important document that functions similarly to a Rosette. It allows you to work your Inquisitorial magic.
Flute - A small, metal flute given to you by a strange woman. She claimed that "they" sing for you, and that you need the flute, but did not explain why.

Autopistol rounds - Bullets for your autopistol. Comes in 30-round clips. You have 3 clips.
Las-Rifle Magazines - Rechargeable magazines for the Las-Rifle. 20 rounds per clip. You have 3 clips.
Plasma Cartridge - Universal magazine for Plasma-based weaponry developed by the Imperium. 10 rounds per clip. You have 2 clips.
Inferno Pistol rounds - Ammo for the Inferno Pistol. Comes in 6-round clips. You have 1 clip.
Hotshot Power Pack - Ammunition for the Long-las. Comes in 5-round clips. You have 2 clips.

Visit Terra! Flyer - A flyer distributed by the Heart of the Imperium travel offices. Contains information pertaining to the Holy Terra, and instructs readers to make a trip to the Holy site for the low price of only 89213087421.95 thrones. Should be destroyed immediately.

Priority Objectives

Recover any important items and escape the transport ship.
Escape the transport ship.
Destroy the transport ship and kill the Ork invaders.
Meet with the leader of the Adeptus Arbites.
Return to the Treasurer's Quarters.
Locate the Psyker from Zakara's Underhive and get your body back.
Inquisition Objectives

Read your orders.
Investigate the destruction of the Inquisitorial Headquarters. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Investigate the disappearances in the Underhive. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Find out who summoned the Bloodthirster of Khorne and neutralize them. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Locate and destroy the Bloodthirster of Khorne. (Sahrafin, Korz System)
Locate the remains of your transport and purge any surviving Orks. (Sahrafin, Korz System)
Root out the heretics in the government of the Feudal World of Arcanis. (Arcanis, Korz System)
Destroy the Webway gate on Arcanis. (Arcanis, Korz System)
Find Inquisitor Janus, who has disappeared recently while rooting out heresy on Vokk. (Vokk, Scylla System)
Organize an Exterminatus on the Ork-infested planet of Shayl. (Shayl, Scylla System).
Infiltrate and destroy several Tau outposts behind the front-lines at Thull. (Thull, Scylla System).
Destroy Tau Anti-Air and allow the Tempest's Claws to establish a new front-line. (Por'fio, Gue'Kav System)
Assist the Tempest's Claws Space Marines by assassinating a prominent Ethereal. (Por'fio, Gue'Kav System)
Find the Pillar of Eternity, a Universe-class Mass Conveyor delivering key supplies to the war effort against the Tau. (Unknown)
Miscellaneous Objectives

Investigate the trader stand.
Find the Cybernetics Center in the Zakara Underhive.
Wait for the Adeptus Arbites to capture some prisoners in the Zakara Underhive.
Wait for Tarrius to finish preparing the Treasurer's Quarters.
Search Zakara Underhive until "they" sing to you.
Search Zakara Underhive for the Drug Den.
Assist the Adeptus Arbites in capturing prisoners in the Zakara Underhive.
Interrogate the Zakara Underhive prisoners.
End the stalemate in the Zakara Underhive.
Find the mysterious choir in the Zakara Underhive.
Find Churlon Anders.
Have a Tech Priest decode Anders' dataslate.
Investigate the Salamanders' Stormbird.
Speak with the Mysterious Marine aboard the Jeweller's Guardian.

Lady Ashenwyte

Have the Marine's corpse be off limits to all but Tarrius and Benedict. Have the geneseed removed with the utmost precision and preserved to be analysed at Vokk.
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.


"Frak, frak, TARRI-"
The two guardsman kick open the door, weapons at the ready.
"What's going o- The fr-"
"Go get the armsmen."
Benedict throws a subconscious salute, before hurrying off. Your lackey soon returns, several armed crewmen trailing behind him.
"I want this really bad stuff cleaned up. Preserve the body until we arrive at Vokk; nobody gets access except the servants of the Inquisition."
"Yes ma'am!"

What do you do?

"Sara Tarken's" Inventory

Shock Maul - An Arbites baton designed to non-lethally stun your enemies.
Las-Pistol - Standard issue Imperial sidearm. Loaded with a 20 round magazine.

Arbites Carapace Armor - Carapace armor used by the Adeptus Arbites. Offers good protection. Covers the entire body.
Arbites Carapace Helmet - Carapace helmet used by the Adeptus Arbites. Offers good protection. Covers most of the head, except for the lower face.
Saint Licinia's Eye - A pendant shaped like an eye that is reported to bring the wearer good fortune. Or, alternatively, the Ecclesiarchy would be interested in it. You are not wearing it.

Medicated Bandage - A cloth bandage treated with a medical solution. Wrapped around your wounded leg. Try not to take a hard fall, at least not before you get your original body back.

Hand Vox - A short-range, handheld Vox device.
Thrones - Standard Imperium currency. You have 100.

Quest Items

Las-Pistol Magazines - Rechargeable magazines for the Las-Pistol. 20 rounds per clip. You have 2 clips.


Astilan's Inventory

Reliable Autopistol - A fairly simple automatic pistol that you keep on you at all times. Well, almost all of the time. Constant use has made the gun's machine spirit more reliable, making the gun more accurate and less prone to jamming. Loaded with 12 rounds.
Inaccurate Las-Rifle - A standard Las-Rifle used widely by Imperial forces. The gun has been slightly damaged, and the machine spirit is unco-operative, making it slightly inaccurate. Loaded with a 12 round magazine.
Long-las/i] - A modified Las-rifle. Outfitted longer barrel, scope, and higher damage output. Loaded with a 4 round magazine.

Damaged Inquisition Longcoat - A standard-issue black trenchcoat issued to agents of the Inquisition. Weaved with ballistic fiber to protect you. Quite battered from the crash.
Flak armor - Standard Imperial Guard flak vest, boots, and gloves. Offers decent protection, and is a step up from your tattered longcoat.
Overcoat - A scruffy brown duster that conceals your armor.

Cyanide Pill - Probably best not to eat this.

Thrones - Standard Imperium currency. You have 300.
Servoskull - An ordinary Servoskull, outfitted with several mechanical appendages.
Hand Vox - A short-range, handheld Vox device.

Quest Items
Orders - A datapad containing your orders.
Inquisitorial Warrant - An important document that functions similarly to a Rosette. It allows you to work your Inquisitorial magic.
Flute - A small, metal flute given to you by a strange woman. She claimed that "they" sing for you, and that you need the flute, but did not explain why.

Autopistol rounds - Bullets for your autopistol. Comes in 30-round clips. You have 3 clips.
Las-Rifle Magazines - Rechargeable magazines for the Las-Rifle. 20 rounds per clip. You have 3 clips.
Plasma Cartridge - Universal magazine for Plasma-based weaponry developed by the Imperium. 10 rounds per clip. You have 2 clips.
Inferno Pistol rounds - Ammo for the Inferno Pistol. Comes in 6-round clips. You have 1 clip.
Hotshot Power Pack - Ammunition for the Long-las. Comes in 5-round clips. You have 2 clips.

Visit Terra! Flyer - A flyer distributed by the Heart of the Imperium travel offices. Contains information pertaining to the Holy Terra, and instructs readers to make a trip to the Holy site for the low price of only 89213087421.95 thrones. Should be destroyed immediately.

Priority Objectives

Recover any important items and escape the transport ship.
Escape the transport ship.
Destroy the transport ship and kill the Ork invaders.
Meet with the leader of the Adeptus Arbites.
Return to the Treasurer's Quarters.
Locate the Psyker from Zakara's Underhive and get your body back.
Inquisition Objectives

Read your orders.
Investigate the destruction of the Inquisitorial Headquarters. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Investigate the disappearances in the Underhive. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Find out who summoned the Bloodthirster of Khorne and neutralize them. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Locate and destroy the Bloodthirster of Khorne. (Sahrafin, Korz System)
Locate the remains of your transport and purge any surviving Orks. (Sahrafin, Korz System)
Root out the heretics in the government of the Feudal World of Arcanis. (Arcanis, Korz System)
Destroy the Webway gate on Arcanis. (Arcanis, Korz System)
Find Inquisitor Janus, who has disappeared recently while rooting out heresy on Vokk. (Vokk, Scylla System)
Organize an Exterminatus on the Ork-infested planet of Shayl. (Shayl, Scylla System).
Infiltrate and destroy several Tau outposts behind the front-lines at Thull. (Thull, Scylla System).
Destroy Tau Anti-Air and allow the Tempest's Claws to establish a new front-line. (Por'fio, Gue'Kav System)
Assist the Tempest's Claws Space Marines by assassinating a prominent Ethereal. (Por'fio, Gue'Kav System)
Find the Pillar of Eternity, a Universe-class Mass Conveyor delivering key supplies to the war effort against the Tau. (Unknown)
Miscellaneous Objectives

Investigate the trader stand.
Find the Cybernetics Center in the Zakara Underhive.
Wait for the Adeptus Arbites to capture some prisoners in the Zakara Underhive.
Wait for Tarrius to finish preparing the Treasurer's Quarters.
Search Zakara Underhive until "they" sing to you.
Search Zakara Underhive for the Drug Den.
Assist the Adeptus Arbites in capturing prisoners in the Zakara Underhive.
Interrogate the Zakara Underhive prisoners.
End the stalemate in the Zakara Underhive.
Find the mysterious choir in the Zakara Underhive.
Find Churlon Anders.
Have a Tech Priest decode Anders' dataslate.
Investigate the Salamanders' Stormbird.
Speak with the Mysterious Marine aboard the Jeweller's Guardian.

Lady Ashenwyte

Wait until the ship arrives at Vokk.
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.


You keep a close eye on the Armsmen as they drag the body to a secure cryo unit and take up guard.
"Nobody goes in or out. We will speak later."
"Yes, my lady."
You begin your return journey to the bridge, then are escorted to quarters to wait out the journey to Vokk.

Some time later...

Having been roused from your slumber, you shrug your armor back on and clip your las-pistol into its holster, before making your way to the bridge. Tarrius and Benedict have freshened up, and are now dressed in significantly cleaner uniforms, although you notice both carrying civilian clothing.
"Boss. We've made it to the Scylla system, and are on orbital approach to the Forge World of Vokk. We should be landing in just under an hour."
Benedict nods.
"Thank you, Tarrius. Now, ma'am, we took the liberty of "acquiring" some alternative clothing, for the three of us. So, what should we do? Go in uniform, or get changed."
"According to our research, Vokk has a lower guard presence than usual, although there is no malicious cause for that. They simply have a larger population of their own forces based there."

What do you do?

"Sara Tarken's" Inventory

Shock Maul - An Arbites baton designed to non-lethally stun your enemies.
Las-Pistol - Standard issue Imperial sidearm. Loaded with a 20 round magazine.

Arbites Carapace Armor - Carapace armor used by the Adeptus Arbites. Offers good protection. Covers the entire body.
Arbites Carapace Helmet - Carapace helmet used by the Adeptus Arbites. Offers good protection. Covers most of the head, except for the lower face.
Saint Licinia's Eye - A pendant shaped like an eye that is reported to bring the wearer good fortune. Or, alternatively, the Ecclesiarchy would be interested in it. You are not wearing it.

Medicated Bandage - A cloth bandage treated with a medical solution. Wrapped around your wounded leg. Try not to take a hard fall, at least not before you get your original body back.

Hand Vox - A short-range, handheld Vox device.
Thrones - Standard Imperium currency. You have 100.

Quest Items

Las-Pistol Magazines - Rechargeable magazines for the Las-Pistol. 20 rounds per clip. You have 2 clips.


Astilan's Inventory

Reliable Autopistol - A fairly simple automatic pistol that you keep on you at all times. Well, almost all of the time. Constant use has made the gun's machine spirit more reliable, making the gun more accurate and less prone to jamming. Loaded with 12 rounds.
Inaccurate Las-Rifle - A standard Las-Rifle used widely by Imperial forces. The gun has been slightly damaged, and the machine spirit is unco-operative, making it slightly inaccurate. Loaded with a 12 round magazine.
Long-las/i] - A modified Las-rifle. Outfitted longer barrel, scope, and higher damage output. Loaded with a 4 round magazine.

Damaged Inquisition Longcoat - A standard-issue black trenchcoat issued to agents of the Inquisition. Weaved with ballistic fiber to protect you. Quite battered from the crash.
Flak armor - Standard Imperial Guard flak vest, boots, and gloves. Offers decent protection, and is a step up from your tattered longcoat.
Overcoat - A scruffy brown duster that conceals your armor.

Cyanide Pill - Probably best not to eat this.

Thrones - Standard Imperium currency. You have 300.
Servoskull - An ordinary Servoskull, outfitted with several mechanical appendages.
Hand Vox - A short-range, handheld Vox device.

Quest Items
Orders - A datapad containing your orders.
Inquisitorial Warrant - An important document that functions similarly to a Rosette. It allows you to work your Inquisitorial magic.
Flute - A small, metal flute given to you by a strange woman. She claimed that "they" sing for you, and that you need the flute, but did not explain why.

Autopistol rounds - Bullets for your autopistol. Comes in 30-round clips. You have 3 clips.
Las-Rifle Magazines - Rechargeable magazines for the Las-Rifle. 20 rounds per clip. You have 3 clips.
Plasma Cartridge - Universal magazine for Plasma-based weaponry developed by the Imperium. 10 rounds per clip. You have 2 clips.
Inferno Pistol rounds - Ammo for the Inferno Pistol. Comes in 6-round clips. You have 1 clip.
Hotshot Power Pack - Ammunition for the Long-las. Comes in 5-round clips. You have 2 clips.

Visit Terra! Flyer - A flyer distributed by the Heart of the Imperium travel offices. Contains information pertaining to the Holy Terra, and instructs readers to make a trip to the Holy site for the low price of only 89213087421.95 thrones. Should be destroyed immediately.

Priority Objectives

Recover any important items and escape the transport ship.
Escape the transport ship.
Destroy the transport ship and kill the Ork invaders.
Meet with the leader of the Adeptus Arbites.
Return to the Treasurer's Quarters.
Locate the Psyker from Zakara's Underhive and get your body back.
Inquisition Objectives

Read your orders.
Investigate the destruction of the Inquisitorial Headquarters. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Investigate the disappearances in the Underhive. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Find out who summoned the Bloodthirster of Khorne and neutralize them. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Locate and destroy the Bloodthirster of Khorne. (Sahrafin, Korz System)
Locate the remains of your transport and purge any surviving Orks. (Sahrafin, Korz System)
Root out the heretics in the government of the Feudal World of Arcanis. (Arcanis, Korz System)
Destroy the Webway gate on Arcanis. (Arcanis, Korz System)
Find Inquisitor Janus, who has disappeared recently while rooting out heresy on Vokk. (Vokk, Scylla System)
Organize an Exterminatus on the Ork-infested planet of Shayl. (Shayl, Scylla System).
Infiltrate and destroy several Tau outposts behind the front-lines at Thull. (Thull, Scylla System).
Destroy Tau Anti-Air and allow the Tempest's Claws to establish a new front-line. (Por'fio, Gue'Kav System)
Assist the Tempest's Claws Space Marines by assassinating a prominent Ethereal. (Por'fio, Gue'Kav System)
Find the Pillar of Eternity, a Universe-class Mass Conveyor delivering key supplies to the war effort against the Tau. (Unknown)
Miscellaneous Objectives


Investigate the trader stand.
Find the Cybernetics Center in the Zakara Underhive.
Wait for the Adeptus Arbites to capture some prisoners in the Zakara Underhive.
Wait for Tarrius to finish preparing the Treasurer's Quarters.
Search Zakara Underhive until "they" sing to you.
Search Zakara Underhive for the Drug Den.
Assist the Adeptus Arbites in capturing prisoners in the Zakara Underhive.
Interrogate the Zakara Underhive prisoners.
End the stalemate in the Zakara Underhive.
Find the mysterious choir in the Zakara Underhive.
Find Churlon Anders.

Have a Tech Priest decode Anders' dataslate.
Have the Mysterious Marine's corpse analysed.
The Void

Investigate the Salamanders' Stormbird.
Speak with the Mysterious Marine aboard the Jeweller's Guardian.

Lady Ashenwyte

Examine the alternative clothing.
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.


You examine the clothing the guardsmen have selected. Fairly basic shart; boots, pants, and a coat you figure would conceal a chestplate.

What do you do?

"Sara Tarken's" Inventory

Shock Maul - An Arbites baton designed to non-lethally stun your enemies.
Las-Pistol - Standard issue Imperial sidearm. Loaded with a 20 round magazine.

Arbites Carapace Armor - Carapace armor used by the Adeptus Arbites. Offers good protection. Covers the entire body.
Arbites Carapace Helmet - Carapace helmet used by the Adeptus Arbites. Offers good protection. Covers most of the head, except for the lower face.
Saint Licinia's Eye - A pendant shaped like an eye that is reported to bring the wearer good fortune. Or, alternatively, the Ecclesiarchy would be interested in it. You are not wearing it.

Medicated Bandage - A cloth bandage treated with a medical solution. Wrapped around your wounded leg. Try not to take a hard fall, at least not before you get your original body back.

Hand Vox - A short-range, handheld Vox device.
Thrones - Standard Imperium currency. You have 100.

Quest Items

Las-Pistol Magazines - Rechargeable magazines for the Las-Pistol. 20 rounds per clip. You have 2 clips.


Astilan's Inventory

Reliable Autopistol - A fairly simple automatic pistol that you keep on you at all times. Well, almost all of the time. Constant use has made the gun's machine spirit more reliable, making the gun more accurate and less prone to jamming. Loaded with 12 rounds.
Inaccurate Las-Rifle - A standard Las-Rifle used widely by Imperial forces. The gun has been slightly damaged, and the machine spirit is unco-operative, making it slightly inaccurate. Loaded with a 12 round magazine.
Long-las/i] - A modified Las-rifle. Outfitted longer barrel, scope, and higher damage output. Loaded with a 4 round magazine.

Damaged Inquisition Longcoat - A standard-issue black trenchcoat issued to agents of the Inquisition. Weaved with ballistic fiber to protect you. Quite battered from the crash.
Flak armor - Standard Imperial Guard flak vest, boots, and gloves. Offers decent protection, and is a step up from your tattered longcoat.
Overcoat - A scruffy brown duster that conceals your armor.

Cyanide Pill - Probably best not to eat this.

Thrones - Standard Imperium currency. You have 300.
Servoskull - An ordinary Servoskull, outfitted with several mechanical appendages.
Hand Vox - A short-range, handheld Vox device.

Quest Items
Orders - A datapad containing your orders.
Inquisitorial Warrant - An important document that functions similarly to a Rosette. It allows you to work your Inquisitorial magic.
Flute - A small, metal flute given to you by a strange woman. She claimed that "they" sing for you, and that you need the flute, but did not explain why.

Autopistol rounds - Bullets for your autopistol. Comes in 30-round clips. You have 3 clips.
Las-Rifle Magazines - Rechargeable magazines for the Las-Rifle. 20 rounds per clip. You have 3 clips.
Plasma Cartridge - Universal magazine for Plasma-based weaponry developed by the Imperium. 10 rounds per clip. You have 2 clips.
Inferno Pistol rounds - Ammo for the Inferno Pistol. Comes in 6-round clips. You have 1 clip.
Hotshot Power Pack - Ammunition for the Long-las. Comes in 5-round clips. You have 2 clips.

Visit Terra! Flyer - A flyer distributed by the Heart of the Imperium travel offices. Contains information pertaining to the Holy Terra, and instructs readers to make a trip to the Holy site for the low price of only 89213087421.95 thrones. Should be destroyed immediately.

Priority Objectives

Recover any important items and escape the transport ship.
Escape the transport ship.
Destroy the transport ship and kill the Ork invaders.
Meet with the leader of the Adeptus Arbites.
Return to the Treasurer's Quarters.
Locate the Psyker from Zakara's Underhive and get your body back.
Inquisition Objectives

Read your orders.
Investigate the destruction of the Inquisitorial Headquarters. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Investigate the disappearances in the Underhive. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Find out who summoned the Bloodthirster of Khorne and neutralize them. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Locate and destroy the Bloodthirster of Khorne. (Sahrafin, Korz System)
Locate the remains of your transport and purge any surviving Orks. (Sahrafin, Korz System)
Root out the heretics in the government of the Feudal World of Arcanis. (Arcanis, Korz System)
Destroy the Webway gate on Arcanis. (Arcanis, Korz System)
Find Inquisitor Janus, who has disappeared recently while rooting out heresy on Vokk. (Vokk, Scylla System)
Organize an Exterminatus on the Ork-infested planet of Shayl. (Shayl, Scylla System).
Infiltrate and destroy several Tau outposts behind the front-lines at Thull. (Thull, Scylla System).
Destroy Tau Anti-Air and allow the Tempest's Claws to establish a new front-line. (Por'fio, Gue'Kav System)
Assist the Tempest's Claws Space Marines by assassinating a prominent Ethereal. (Por'fio, Gue'Kav System)
Find the Pillar of Eternity, a Universe-class Mass Conveyor delivering key supplies to the war effort against the Tau. (Unknown)
Miscellaneous Objectives


Investigate the trader stand.
Find the Cybernetics Center in the Zakara Underhive.
Wait for the Adeptus Arbites to capture some prisoners in the Zakara Underhive.
Wait for Tarrius to finish preparing the Treasurer's Quarters.
Search Zakara Underhive until "they" sing to you.
Search Zakara Underhive for the Drug Den.
Assist the Adeptus Arbites in capturing prisoners in the Zakara Underhive.
Interrogate the Zakara Underhive prisoners.
End the stalemate in the Zakara Underhive.
Find the mysterious choir in the Zakara Underhive.
Find Churlon Anders.

Have a Tech Priest decode Anders' dataslate.
Have the Mysterious Marine's corpse analysed.
The Void

Investigate the Salamanders' Stormbird.
Speak with the Mysterious Marine aboard the Jeweller's Guardian.

Lady Ashenwyte

Put the coat on and proceed to Vokk.
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.


"It'll do."
You shrug the coat on as your lackeys do the same, and take a seat overlooking the planet below.

The vast majority of the world is nothing but an empty wasteland, dotted with huge factories and cities dominated by the Adeptus Mechanicus. In other sectors, you would hardly be able to see the wastes at all past the buildings, but the position of the Scylla system has made progress slower than usual.
"We're supposed to find an Inquisitor in that? I love a challenge."
You smirk, waiting for the descent.

Just over an hour later...

You find yourself stepping off the Jeweller's Guardian, lackeys in tow, and face the vast docks of the Evfraza Sector's only Forge World. Behind you, Benedict supervises the loading of the dead Space Marine, now contained in a refrigeration unit, onto a mechanized cart. Tarrius scans several documents, before pointing to a large glass wall above you.
"That's the Dockmaster's office. Seems like a good place to start our inquiries. Get the Dataslate analyzed, have somebody take that corpse off our hands for a while and extract anything they can... Ask about Janus while we're here, too. Stands to reason that the Dockmaster should know something."
A large cargo lift appears to be your access point to the offices, although it also disappears down into the loading docks and warehouses. Elsewhere, trains lead to the accommodation units, Skitarii compounds, and of course, the production lines.

What do you do?

"Sara Tarken's" Inventory

Shock Maul - An Arbites baton designed to non-lethally stun your enemies.
Las-Pistol - Standard issue Imperial sidearm. Loaded with a 20 round magazine.

Arbites Carapace Armor - Carapace armor used by the Adeptus Arbites. Offers good protection. Covers the entire body.
Arbites Carapace Helmet - Carapace helmet used by the Adeptus Arbites. Offers good protection. Covers most of the head, except for the lower face.
Saint Licinia's Eye - A pendant shaped like an eye that is reported to bring the wearer good fortune. Or, alternatively, the Ecclesiarchy would be interested in it. You are not wearing it.
Trenchcoat - A thick coat able to conceal your armor.

Medicated Bandage - A cloth bandage treated with a medical solution. Wrapped around your wounded leg. Try not to take a hard fall, at least not before you get your original body back.

Hand Vox - A short-range, handheld Vox device.
Thrones - Standard Imperium currency. You have 100.

Quest Items

Las-Pistol Magazines - Rechargeable magazines for the Las-Pistol. 20 rounds per clip. You have 2 clips.


Astilan's Inventory

Reliable Autopistol - A fairly simple automatic pistol that you keep on you at all times. Well, almost all of the time. Constant use has made the gun's machine spirit more reliable, making the gun more accurate and less prone to jamming. Loaded with 12 rounds.
Inaccurate Las-Rifle - A standard Las-Rifle used widely by Imperial forces. The gun has been slightly damaged, and the machine spirit is unco-operative, making it slightly inaccurate. Loaded with a 12 round magazine.
Long-las/i] - A modified Las-rifle. Outfitted longer barrel, scope, and higher damage output. Loaded with a 4 round magazine.

Damaged Inquisition Longcoat - A standard-issue black trenchcoat issued to agents of the Inquisition. Weaved with ballistic fiber to protect you. Quite battered from the crash.
Flak armor - Standard Imperial Guard flak vest, boots, and gloves. Offers decent protection, and is a step up from your tattered longcoat.
Overcoat - A scruffy brown duster that conceals your armor.

Cyanide Pill - Probably best not to eat this.

Thrones - Standard Imperium currency. You have 300.
Servoskull - An ordinary Servoskull, outfitted with several mechanical appendages.
Hand Vox - A short-range, handheld Vox device.

Quest Items
Orders - A datapad containing your orders.
Inquisitorial Warrant - An important document that functions similarly to a Rosette. It allows you to work your Inquisitorial magic.
Flute - A small, metal flute given to you by a strange woman. She claimed that "they" sing for you, and that you need the flute, but did not explain why.

Autopistol rounds - Bullets for your autopistol. Comes in 30-round clips. You have 3 clips.
Las-Rifle Magazines - Rechargeable magazines for the Las-Rifle. 20 rounds per clip. You have 3 clips.
Plasma Cartridge - Universal magazine for Plasma-based weaponry developed by the Imperium. 10 rounds per clip. You have 2 clips.
Inferno Pistol rounds - Ammo for the Inferno Pistol. Comes in 6-round clips. You have 1 clip.
Hotshot Power Pack - Ammunition for the Long-las. Comes in 5-round clips. You have 2 clips.

Visit Terra! Flyer - A flyer distributed by the Heart of the Imperium travel offices. Contains information pertaining to the Holy Terra, and instructs readers to make a trip to the Holy site for the low price of only 89213087421.95 thrones. Should be destroyed immediately.

Priority Objectives

Recover any important items and escape the transport ship.
Escape the transport ship.
Destroy the transport ship and kill the Ork invaders.
Meet with the leader of the Adeptus Arbites.
Return to the Treasurer's Quarters.
Locate the Psyker from Zakara's Underhive and get your body back.
Inquisition Objectives

Read your orders.
Investigate the destruction of the Inquisitorial Headquarters. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Investigate the disappearances in the Underhive. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Find out who summoned the Bloodthirster of Khorne and neutralize them. (Hive Zakara, Sahrafin, Korz System)
Locate and destroy the Bloodthirster of Khorne. (Sahrafin, Korz System)
Locate the remains of your transport and purge any surviving Orks. (Sahrafin, Korz System)
Root out the heretics in the government of the Feudal World of Arcanis. (Arcanis, Korz System)
Destroy the Webway gate on Arcanis. (Arcanis, Korz System)
Find Inquisitor Janus, who has disappeared recently while rooting out heresy on Vokk. (Vokk, Scylla System)
Organize an Exterminatus on the Ork-infested planet of Shayl. (Shayl, Scylla System).
Infiltrate and destroy several Tau outposts behind the front-lines at Thull. (Thull, Scylla System).
Destroy Tau Anti-Air and allow the Tempest's Claws to establish a new front-line. (Por'fio, Gue'Kav System)
Assist the Tempest's Claws Space Marines by assassinating a prominent Ethereal. (Por'fio, Gue'Kav System)
Find the Pillar of Eternity, a Universe-class Mass Conveyor delivering key supplies to the war effort against the Tau. (Unknown)
Miscellaneous Objectives


Investigate the trader stand.
Find the Cybernetics Center in the Zakara Underhive.
Wait for the Adeptus Arbites to capture some prisoners in the Zakara Underhive.
Wait for Tarrius to finish preparing the Treasurer's Quarters.
Search Zakara Underhive until "they" sing to you.
Search Zakara Underhive for the Drug Den.
Assist the Adeptus Arbites in capturing prisoners in the Zakara Underhive.
Interrogate the Zakara Underhive prisoners.
End the stalemate in the Zakara Underhive.
Find the mysterious choir in the Zakara Underhive.
Find Churlon Anders.

Have a Tech Priest decode Anders' dataslate.
Have the Mysterious Marine's corpse analysed.
Speak with the Dockmaster.
The Void

Investigate the Salamanders' Stormbird.
Speak with the Mysterious Marine aboard the Jeweller's Guardian.