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Redwall Online - An interactive online Redwall Abbey.

Started by CaptainRocktree, August 11, 2015, 07:57:43 PM

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If we got enough people to do the frontend JS and styling, I'm fairly confident I could handle the backend alone pretty well.
baby turtle forever


I was going through some of my old posts and found this.

If people still like this idea, I think it would be great to try and get it off the ground.

What does everyone think of trying to continue this? I'll go back and clean up the first post some when I get home, my grammar and organizational skills weren't too good back when I made this haha.
Not all those who wander are lost.
J.R.R Tolkien


Well, A game? Like a sort of virtual world thing?


From my skimn of the article, it sounds like a site-wide RP - for example, the Cellars would actually be the Cellars, Cavern Hole would serve its in-universe purpose, etc.. Not on this site, Rocktree intends to make a new one, but the idea is sound albeit requiring lots of willing participants.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.



Yeah, sorry for taking so long to respond. Hickory summed it up really well though.

As soon as I get time I'll be cleaning up the front post.
Not all those who wander are lost.
J.R.R Tolkien

Krantor the Brutal

I'm learning programming and graphics, maybe I can help.
"Friends, if I advance, follow me! If I retreat, kill me! If I die, avenge me!" - Henri de la Rochejaquelein