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Tweaks & Changes (6/12/18)

Started by James Gryphon, June 12, 2018, 12:20:49 PM

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James Gryphon

Now that the update is done, it's pretty obvious that things look pretty different. I thought it was worth taking the time to describe some of the changes and things that have been added, removed and changed.

+ The theme has been changed to a new one based on Curve, SMF 2's default theme, rather than Core, its alternate. There are a lot of changes, but one that should stick out to you the end user are the new drop-down menus present in some parts of the interface.
+ There are now three theme styles, Default, Classic, and Minimal. Default is the one that you all are seeing at present, with a largely borderless design, lots of colored backgrounds, neo-parchment, and bricks. Classic is based on the design of the original RAF. Minimal is grey and resembles early '90s Mosaic.
+ The mods enhancing the PM system has been overhauled and will hopefully be less buggy than before while providing similar functionality.
+ New emoticon alias mod which should allow more than one code to produce an emoticon. At present there are no aliases, but hopefully some will be added soon, and if you have any ideas for one, feel free to suggest them.
+ Who's Online box is now at the top of the page, rather than the bottom.
+ New "Tabs" mod installed. It's rather elaborate, so documentation on it is available here.
+ SMF version now 2.0.15 rather than 2.0.13.
+ Full news reader at bottom of index page.
• New primary body font, Georgia.
• Font sizes generally larger in default settings.
- Thanks feature removed.
- Modified and Loamhedge theme styles not ported.
- Country flags removed.
- Tagging system removed.
- Miscellaneous mods that weren't visible to the public and/or notable removed.

The upgrade is not expected to be perfect, so if there are problems with any features, functions that don't work as expected, or display errors (such as usernames overlapping into posts, or me making the theme ugly), please let us know at the earliest opportunity. Feature requests and suggestions for changes are also appreciated.

Thanks for your time in and involvement with the Redwall community.
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