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Mafia: Lie or Die

Started by Rosie Willowwater, March 30, 2018, 03:26:49 AM

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Rosie Willowwater

You have been called in by the CPWH Inc. (Crazy Psycologist with Henchmen Incorporated) to take part in an experiment. You were sitting in your dorm one day, doing what you do best (wasting countless hours of your day scrolling through various sites on your computer) when an ad pops up that catches your attention. "NEED QUICK, EASY CASH? SIGN UP FOR THIS EASY AND relatively HARM FREE EXPERIMENT AND WE'LL GIVE YOU $5,000! CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP TODAY". Intrigued, and very much in need of money (being a broke college student), you jump on the chance to get some easy money. You sign up, and in one week's time you are in front of the CWPH Inc.'s headquarters. The building wasn't the most inviting place, with bars on the windows and towering walls reaching higher and farther than you could see. That didn't stop you though. You weren't about to come all the way out here for nothing. Once you enter, you see a small waiting room, not unlike one you would find at a doctor's office. No one was there, which struck you as odd, but again, no turning back now. There's a fancy looking computer on the far wall to the right, strongly clashing with the outdated look of the rest of the room. After looking closer you notice that this computer has a large block of text covering most of the screen, directing you to where to go for the experiment, with various "turn left" and "turn right"s. Since you know you would never remember any of that, you decide to wait until someone comes in the room. I mean, this is where they said to meet, right? Ten minutes go by, then twenty, then thirty. At this point you are pretty fed up and decide to march through the door to the surrounding hallways and walk until you find someone to talk to about all this. You have been walking through these identical hallways for a while, no doors in sight, when it suddenly ends, and you see a large door in front of you. Getting tired of all these mysteries you fling open the door to a small room with a fold-able table and chair, and a button sitting atop the table. You sit down and press the big red button and you hear someone's voice on the speakers overhead...


Welcome to Lie or Die! This isn't the first mafia I've made, but that one sorta petered out after a while, so what better to do than make another and hope that one doesn't fail as well? 

Old Mafia:

This new one will be set up a lot like the old one, where you have to post anonymously as your character, and you get colors. It'll all be explained why in the first story post.

Oh, and each of you will be messaged your role once the game starts as what you individually hear on the speaker.

Make sense? Probably not, so feel free to ask as many questions as you want.

1. Cornflower MM
2. 321Tumbler
3. Chipster of Noonvale
4. Amarith Waterspring
5. Gonff the Mousethief
6. Nadaz, voice of the host
7. shnoodlec

Cornflower MM


To avoid getting kicked anymore, I am in. ;)

Chipster of Noonvale


Mafia is what I love the most on this site.

Amarith Waterspring

Same. This sounds cool! I'll try to stay around long enough to participate. :)
Rosie is weird,
Violets are weirder,
I can't rhyme,

Gonff the Mousethief

Ooooh yes! Please sign me up (Oh, and the set up this time around is great ;))
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.

Nadaz, voice of the host

It matters not what you fight, but what you fight for.


Me too. It's been years since I've done forum mafia, and I've been itching to play again.  :)
High wellborn Lady shnoodlec Knight of the Order of Augustine, formally known as Queen of the Monkeys. now enjoying an era of peace between the Monkeys and Vampires. permanent n00b. Q&A thread here, art thread here.

Rosie Willowwater

Ooooooh, I think this enough people! I'm gonna wait a teeny bit to start since exams are happening for some people this week, but after that I can send out roles and stuff and maybe the first post depending on how free I am this week.

Rosie Willowwater

Okay, sent! I might have mis-sent something, if so, please tell me in the PM. I will tryyy to write the first post this week.  :)

Rosie Willowwater

Boredom. Even with the horror that all the subjects had just faced, boredom crept over them all as they sat in their elevators, waiting for the doors to open. Though it was not known to them, they were waiting on all the other subjects to finally arrive. Doing so took nearly three hours and to most felt like almost twenty.

"I knew it would have been a better idea to try and kick down the door" Indigo said to themselves. They were sitting with their back leaning on the door, when suddenly it opened and they gave a big screech as they tumbled out of the elevator and into the middle of what at first glance looked like a giant white room, about the size of a small town. Once they were no longer blinded by the sudden change in light, they realized that this was actually a maze, made entirely from pure white marble, with walls double their height. There were many other old looking elevators lined up next to each other's, Indigo's being the second to last next to someone else in the same outfit, the only difference being a bright purple mask covering their face. They looked to their right and saw even more people in the same outfit, in order from red, orange, yellow, green, and blue. They all stared at one another, and you could just feel the tension in the air.

"Where are we? Who are all of you? Why are we here?" Orange said, hyperventilating and looking frantically around.

Red started to pace around the center of the maze, "I have no idea where we are. I mean... we're in this stupid building, CWPH Inc. Headquarters or something. I have no idea what that stands for though or why we're in this insanely bright room, but I do know I should never have trusted that Psychologist guy in the first place." They slumped to the floor cross-legged and continued talking about what had led them to this point until Yellow cut them off abruptly.

"What can we do about anything though? No point sulking, I did enough of that while waiting in the elevator. Let's actually try and get something done and get out of here," Yellow looked around and stopped for a moment, "starting with finding where the other four went."


"I get that we needed to get going, but did we really have to slink away like that? We could have easily interrupted them and it would have been fine." Purple remarked after they, with Blue, Green, and Indigo, had been walking through the maze for a little while. Blue had tapped them all on the shoulder and motioned them to one of the doorways into the maze while Red was talking. They had followed, not wanting to anger any potential rivals.

"Trust me, it's much easier this way. Plus, now there are a lot less people to keep track of, and a lot less people to get lost." Blue said and started to walk backwards facing the group as they walked.

"I guess that makes sense. Smart thinking." Green remarked half heartedly, but their voice suddenly became much more urgent when they rounded the corner. "Blue! Stop! Turn around!"  They shrieked, and reached out their hand to grab Blue's and pull them back. Right in front of them was a giant pit as wide as the hallway, but as deep as a 4 story building, with stepping stones scattered across it, connecting to the walls.

"Seriously, be careful! You could have fallen and died right then!" Green pulled all three of them back around the corner and sat down, right as Red, Orange, and Yellow rounded the corner.

"Are you okay? We heard shouting and came running." Red noted the wide-eyed panic on everyone's faces and followed their gaze to the pit. "I... are we... are we meant to cross that thing? I don't think a single one of us would be able to pass it!"

"Well, this is something we can deal with in the morning, I haven't slept in forever, so I'm going to bed and any of you can join me. " Orange got as far away as they could from the deathtrap, and lay down on the hard marble floor. Purple joined them as well and slowly the rest of them followed. Unsettling though that day had been, they were very tired from it all and welcomed the rest with pleasure.


Day 1

Two Mafia alive, one doctor alive.

Mafias and Doctor, please PM me with who you wish to kill/save.

To everyone else, if you would like to post speculations about this story, please do so anonymously and with your designated color. If you have a question about how the game works, post like you normally would. I hope you all have fun :)


Oooooooh I have sass and common sense and everything! Nice. Also wonderful bed choice of cold marble floor. Totally going to wake up refreshed, rested, and alive in the morning. Also wonderful start anonymous narrator.  ;) - Yellow


gjsifklwrbkglwnrbd how does this work

(reply anonymously didn't work and i had to edit this real quick heh)

(oh i got it working nice i'll reply later)
High wellborn Lady shnoodlec Knight of the Order of Augustine, formally known as Queen of the Monkeys. now enjoying an era of peace between the Monkeys and Vampires. permanent n00b. Q&A thread here, art thread here.


Better than the sleep I usually get!



Before I start speculating, I wanna ask if there are any direct clues hidden in what you said. I know in past games the person would tell the amount of clues if any. Just wanted to ask and see.