
"Beep-Bloop" -Matti, probably

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The Undecided

Started by The Skarzs, January 25, 2017, 10:24:03 PM

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Dannflower Reguba

       Raleigh was toying with a few fallen linden leaves, trying to let the vermin argue for as long as possible. She didn't know, for sure, but the one great hope she held on to was the one she placed in her friends. At the same time, the horde was likely tracking Darrin's band at this point now as well. She released a despairing sigh coupled with a grunt as she forced herself up on her knees. Appearing weak at this stage would only prove a further hindrance.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

The Skarzs

  Darrin sighed, picking his way across snoring forms on the ground to his pack, where he reached inside and found his precious bread. He broke off a portion of it, considered the two sizes for a moment, then tore off a slightly larger piece and brought it over to Raleigh and Twistly. "Here."
  He looked at the squirrel. "Get some food in yourself. Otherwise, I can't afford to let you come with us."
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


"Don't talk to 'er like that," Twisty growled, swiping the bread from Darrin only to place it right in Raleigh's paws (with a meaningful look in her direction so she'd know it was just from him) and turn back, scowling at the ferret.
"It's not 'er fault yew can't afford t' catch a break an' get some good food."
He fiddled with his claws.
Don't talk to her, Darrin; don't talk to her at all.

Dannflower Reguba

Otherwise, I can't afford to let you come with us."

       The obvious disparity in the opinions between the two on the squirrel's presence had only grown wider, it almost seemed like Darrin was trying to convince her to run at this point. Raleigh tried to avoid acknowledging the bread... But she knew that it would be foolish to pass it up. She reluctantly received it from Twisty, her fur standing on end for a moment in response to the brief contact. She back herself into a tree not far behind her, leaning on it as she nibbled the small reminder of home.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Twisty turned from Darrin at last and scooted closer to Raleigh. "Say something," he begged, grinding his teeth together. The squirrelmaid's silence was a bigger punishment than if she got away and left. She was ignoring him.
"We could be happy..."

The Skarzs

  "You're creepin' me out, Twist," said Darrin. He turned on his heel. "I'm gonna get some sleep. You should do the same."
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Dannflower Reguba

       Raleigh turned away from Twisty and shuffled over to the fire, avoiding his stare. Once there, she sat down slowly, hugging her legs to her chest in a search for some sort of security. All the while, she could feel the eyes following, watching, mostly Twisty's, but there were others, hidden in the shadows, but there none the less. It became quite apparent that her attempt at comfort was not having any effect. She shifted to a small log that another vermin had rolled to the fire before passing out, sitting whilst she pulled her tail before her and attempted to extract some of the larger, non-tail elements within. As her mind escaped the moment to the backdrop of the flames flickering through the strands of her brush, she allowed herself a small bit of solace in humming "A Mhaighdean Bhan Uasal." She got lost in the peacefulness of the sound, "Do thir, dileas fhein..." She snapped back into reality just before properly transitioning into song by accident. The tail attempted to curl as her legs crossed in mild embarrassment. After the moment passed, Raleigh could feel some semblance of confidence returning in response to her chance to come to feel an air of freedom. She stole a glance at Twisty, reminding herself once again of what her circumstances were... Before breaking her silence, "The only we between us, is that of a physician and a patient." Her voice was gentle and sweet again, containing not even the slightest bit of malice despite the blunt nature of the comment.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Twisty watched Darrin walk away for only a split moment, because his eyes were on Raleigh.
She was singing. It was nothing like he had ever heard- nothing like the vermin shanties of his band - but his confusion was deeper than that. He couldn't understand the words, yet he thought it sounded nice and he smiled crookedly.
When she finally looked at him, the rat thought maybe the squirrel would invite him over, or keep going.
He couldn't have been more wrong.
The look of contentment fled from his face like the light of a candle being snuffed out. His mouth twitched and spasmed.

Cornflower MM

"Sometimes that's all a beast needs," Elijah said grimly. "If we use guerilla tactics, we would have a chance. Hopefully Raleigh can do something to help us. They were cowards to run away from their own fight, so they'll be cowards when they see our mettle."
  He looked hard at Rowan. "You'll find battles aren't always even, but you've gotta use what you got. And I think you've got more in you than you show."

Rowan looked back at the fire. "Will they? How outnumbered are we? Two to one? Three? Like you said, they're cowards, but they're also bullies. Once they realize that, what will they do?" She paused to gather her thoughts, blinking slowly as she looked up. "Who knows what they've done to Raleigh? Will she be capable of fighting or helping us? We have a small handful of fighters that have probably never seen a skirmish in their lives, one warrior, and a healer." She stood up and started to walk away, to gather a little more wood for the fire before sleeping. "Say what you like about me, didn't you just this afternoon tell me to stay out of the fighting? Do make up your mind."

The Skarzs

  Elijah was left speechless after Rowan's response, and decided to simply sit quietly by the fire. His thoughts were all jumbled up from all the things that had happened the past few days. Maybe he wasn't thinking clearly, but he at least knew that he wouldn't allow the vermin who took Raleigh get away with it.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Dannflower Reguba

       Raleigh had looked back towards the fire before speaking, but she still caught Twisty's rather predictable reaction. She had known it was going to happen.... but she knew she couldn't stay silent. The weight of realism started to fall upon her shoulders once more, "I think I'll be trying to sleep now..... assuming that is all of course." Her voice grew steadily quieter, until it was all but a squeak. She timidly laid down with her back to the fire, half the debris still stuck in her brush as she forced herself into a quiet stupor.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Twisty's frown lines deepened.
"That's all," he said tersely, turning and sidling away before the squirrelmaid could get another word in. The rat stood on the brink of the encampment for a while, sulking as the vermin slept, the hurt disgust on his face unrelenting.
Then he turned and, fingering Martin's sword, disappeared into the forest.

The Skarzs

  The following morning, Darrin woke up with a shiver. The nights could be cold, no matter the season. The sun was lighting the orange-gray of the morning, illuminating the forms of trees and sleeping vermin. Birds could be heard ringing in the new day. Still, the beauty was lost on the ferret as he sat up and looked around. As usual, he was the first up.
  Darrin stood up and stretched, then poked the first bundle of fur and snores he could reach. "Wake up. Oughtta get going again." He went around and roused a good portion of his band in similar fashion until he came across Raleigh. The squirrel was sleeping fitfully. "Alright, squirrel. Wake up. Dunno where your creepy friend Twisty went to, but you might be able to get a moment's peace without 'im if you wake up now."


  Rallowan opened both his eyes, allowing himself to wake up fully before moving a fraction of an inch. He had fallen asleep between the roots of a maple tree with his back to its trunk, his sword across his lap. Now that he was awake, he sheathed his sword and woke his own group. Soon they were walking briskly through Mossflower woods, with the fox at their lead, intent on finding his prey.


  Elijah broke open his pack to eat a cold meal with the rest of the Redwallers. "We'll catch up with them today," he said.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Dannflower Reguba

       "He's not my friend." Raleigh's eyes cracked open, unwilling though they were. Darrin's advice wasn't half bad, but what was she to do with it? She sighed, letting her lids clamp shut once again. It was at that moment that reality dawned on her, Twisty was gone! There couldn't possibly be a better opportunity to escape, with everybeast else still half asleep. Her eyes flew wide for a second, before closing most of the way again. This opportunity would be short lived if she gave the game away to anybeast else that might fancy himself her caretaker, she shuddered. Crawling, ever so slowly, she pulled herself towards the largest trunk nearby, fingering through the grass as if to forage. After standing most of the way up, it didn't take long to lose sight of the vermin. The tree was tall, with just enough vegetation to hide her from prying eyes. She sniffed her scuffed up habit and sure enough, she smelled like forest. Despite the wear of yesterday, it didn't take long for her to find a decent couple of branches upon which to rest. Her heart was pounding as her thoughts finally caught up, allowing her to imagine what awful things could happen as a result of her choice.... But he couldn't find her, right? She should be safe, right? Her eyes fell down to the encampment below as the morning cold increased her discomfort... All she could do was wait.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Twisty headed back into camp with a fish.
It was big--not too big, nor big enough to be questioned-- but a decent size, and good enough for any one or two creatures, let alone Raleigh. In his pocket he'd stuffed some berries.
"Raleigh, Purdy, got yew brekkist..." Twisty stopped. "Hey, where is she?"