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Fighter, Rogue, or Mage

Started by Captain Wortshire, May 09, 2020, 05:36:31 PM

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Which class do you like the best?


shisteer of nothing much

Nice. I don't really know which one I like better.
    I have a shiny thing! See?

And another shiny thing:

And also some random, unnecessary coding.[/li][/list]

Long live the RRR!

Sebias of Redwall

Mage would actually be kinda cool, though...
"I can only speak two languages. English and rubbish." ~Brian Jacques

"No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly."

"Evil labours with vast power and perpetual success - in vain: preparing always only the soil for unexpected good to sprout in."

~JRR Tolkien

Long live the RRR!

Wylder Treejumper

If only there were Paladin or Ranger in there... as it is, I'll have to go with mage. Who can turn down the power to manipulate space-time? More to the point, who can turn down the power to cast fireball at everything? Every true pyromaniac must go with the mage class.
"'Tis the business of small minds to shrink, but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death."
-Thomas Paine

"Integrity and firmness is all I can promise; these, be the voyage long or short, shall never forsake me although I may be deserted by all men."
-George Washington

Courage: Not only the willingness to die manfully, but also the determination to live decently.

Sebias of Redwall

It depends on how powerful each specific one is.
"I can only speak two languages. English and rubbish." ~Brian Jacques

"No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly."

"Evil labours with vast power and perpetual success - in vain: preparing always only the soil for unexpected good to sprout in."

~JRR Tolkien

Long live the RRR!


Quote from: Wylder Treejumper on May 14, 2020, 10:42:24 PM
If only there were Paladin or Ranger in there... as it is, I'll have to go with mage. Who can turn down the power to manipulate space-time? More to the point, who can turn down the power to cast fireball at everything? Every true pyromaniac must go with the mage class.
I'm telling you to use fireball and only fireball. Just Fireball. JUST FIREBALL. JUST FIREBALL. JUST FIREBALL!!
Killing the mood since 2019

Thanks for the artwork Lass, Scott, and Wortshire! (And Dannflower as well for the Worldstate badge.)

Wylder Treejumper

Fireball. There is only... fireball.
"'Tis the business of small minds to shrink, but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death."
-Thomas Paine

"Integrity and firmness is all I can promise; these, be the voyage long or short, shall never forsake me although I may be deserted by all men."
-George Washington

Courage: Not only the willingness to die manfully, but also the determination to live decently.

Sebias of Redwall

"I can only speak two languages. English and rubbish." ~Brian Jacques

"No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly."

"Evil labours with vast power and perpetual success - in vain: preparing always only the soil for unexpected good to sprout in."

~JRR Tolkien

Long live the RRR!

Captain Wortshire

If anybody is interested, I was basing these three classes on an online game I play called Adventure Quest.

You start off with one of the three classes, which gives you a starting boost to one of your stats, Strength for Fighter, Dexterity for Rouge, and Intellect for Mage.

In order to learn some of the higher and more advanced classes, you have to be have enough proficiency in one or two lower classes.

Starting Classes:
A Fighter is someone who masters the basic art of the warrior. By honing the physical traits of strength, dexterity and endurance, a Fighter becomes able to deal with almost any situation requiring action!

A Rogue is someone who looks out for themselves first and foremost. Whether you're a treasure hunter , a thief, a pirate or mercenary, rogues live on the edge of society. To be a good Rogue, you need to have high dexterity, a good bit of intelligence and charisma, and a hefty amount of luck on your side.

A Mage is one who can control the wondrous powers of magic. Magic is the art of controlling of foreseeing natural events, forces or effects by invoking the power of the supernatural.

No Prior Knowledge Nescessary:

Solitude is needed to study and then reflect upon what one has studied. Action is needed for the Scholar to go out and uncover the secrets of the world and help others learn them.

Being a Pirate means many things to many people, not the least of which is an outlaw who sails the high seas. Not all of us Pirates rob merchant ships or ransack port towns. Some are Pirates for the freedom living on the seas! Pirates travel the oceans searching for adventure and treasure! They live by a code of honor, as well, and their Captains are actually VOTED on!

The Dracomancer Cult has existed for thousands of years, beginning in the ancient time when they first learned to communicate with the wise and mighty Dragons. Dracomancers are sworn to help and protect the peaceful Dragons of Lore and share their knowledge of the world with many dragons who remain hidden from the world. In exchange for their dedication and service, Dragonkind shares its secrets with the Dracomancers. And over time, and with practice, they become kindred to them.

Fighter Classes:
Berserker - Requires lvl. 5 Fighter
The secret to the Berserker's power is anger. And nothing makes anger like being hurt.
They learn from nature's fierce warrior animals, and from tribal elders.

Beastmaster - Requires lvl. 5 Fighter and lvl. 5 Rouge
Beastmasters studied for years to learn the hearts and minds of the animal world.
The creatures they came to know would often protect the Beastmaster, and he would protect them. They live connected at all times, and all people should one day come to see this truth. But often beasts must be protected from themselves as well, and so they must use  abilities to both battle and help them.

Martial Artist - Requires lvl. 10 Fighter
The Martial Arts are a vast collection of knowledge pertaining to fighting methods and defensive tactics going back thousands of years. A Martial Artist is someone who studies Martial Arts. But the true meaning of being a Martial Artist depends on the person practicing the arts.
A Martial Artist must use their skills only when necessary. When negotiation and reasoning can no longer defend the innocent of one's self, he must call upon the Martial Arts.

Knight - Requires lvl. 10 Fighter
Knights of Lore typically serve a kingdom and, by extension, their king, with complete loyalty. Knights of a higher caliber often join organizations like the Paladin Order, serving all of Lore.

Dragonslayer - Requires lvl. 10 Fighter and lvl. 10 Scholar
A powerful Order of Knights who protect the land by hunting the most cunning and evil of beasts, draco draconus, Dragons! The secret of their power is their ancient armor. When one first dons this armor, it is merely metal, however, the armor gains great might as they feed on the spirit of the fierce dragon. Every great Dragon defeated makes them more powerful.

Rouge Classes:
Ninja - Requires lvl. 10 Rouge
A ninja is perhaps the most stealthy of classes, and is often hired by others to undertake missions of dire import. Our bodies must be quick and our minds focused. The best Ninjas train not only Dexterity, but Strength and Intelligence so they may better use their fighting and mystical arts. Ninjas are rather solitary, but if the need arises we can be willing to join forces with others. Most often a Ninja is known to take from others.. lives or money.

ShadowSlayers & NightHunters - Requires lvl. 10 Rouge and lvl. 10 Scholar
The Shadowslayers see to grow their powers in order to one day free Darkovia and the world from the ancient "Shadow" that oppresses it! To do this, they employ a variety of holy weaponry that can be used to smite all sorts of threats to Darkovia. On the other hand, the Nighthunters are a deadly force which hopes to free Darkovia of "The Shadow" and his minions... so as to gather them solidly under their master's rule. Nighthunters embrace the darkness of Darkovia and employ auras and animalistic tactics to brutalize and terrorize their foes!

Assassin - Requires lvl. 10 Ninja and lvl. 5 Scholar
An assassin is far from a mere hired killer. They are excellent in execution. An assassin must be capable of determining the best strategy to strike a fatal blow then making a clean break from the scene. They do this and are good at shedding blood.

Mage Classes:
Wizard - Requires lvl. 10 Mage
Most lesser magic users are only able to tap into the magic powers of the world, but true wizards have learned to use the great forces of the Ethereal Realm. There, all magical knowledge is maintained. But much of it is secret, located where long-dead wizards chose to hide it. Every magic user who wishes to become a wizard must first find Kenns. Kenns are invisible talismans that give a wizard knowledge of the Ethereal Realm's mightiest known abilities

Necromancer - Requires lvl. 5 Wizard
A Necromancer is a sorcerer of darkness whose powers are used to raise... and control... the dead. Long days of studying out dark art, hidden away in tombs and other places that are in tune with their desires, leaves many pale-skinned and ill of appearance. But necromancers are  strong of will, and their minds are focused on harnessing the secrets of a world most people fear.

Paladin - Requires lvl. 5 Knight and lvl. 5 Mage
Paladins are the sworn defenders of all that is innocent and good in the world. To that end, they dedicate themselves to fighting the dark forces of Lore. Paladins bodies and minds are trained to the highest degrees, as are the greatest weapons they possess in the never-ending struggle against evil. Faith is the source of a Paladin's power. Having Faith that good will always prevail and believing in yourself enable them to perform even impossible feats. The path of a Paladin is fraught with peril and bears the burden of great sacrifice. A Paladin must strive to rise above the lure of greed, arrogance, and dishonesty. As a Paladin, one must strive to be the best they can be and the greatest Defender against the forces of evil.


A Clue!!!
thvqvat yvtug
"It's so sad. Nobody understands you. But the truth is you're the one who finds everyone & everything to be a pain in the butt."
"The moon tide is tugging on our hearts right now."
"Ishkhaqwi ai durugnul"
"We're making the mother of all omelettes here. Can't fret over every egg"

Wylder Treejumper

You can never have Too Much Paladin  ;D
"'Tis the business of small minds to shrink, but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death."
-Thomas Paine

"Integrity and firmness is all I can promise; these, be the voyage long or short, shall never forsake me although I may be deserted by all men."
-George Washington

Courage: Not only the willingness to die manfully, but also the determination to live decently.

shisteer of nothing much

Yeah, Paladin is the best. They know who and what they fight for and gain strength from it. I can respect that. (And I have much the same values, though I don't do as well in the real world as a Paladin would in the fictional world he lives in)
    I have a shiny thing! See?

And another shiny thing:

And also some random, unnecessary coding.[/li][/list]

Long live the RRR!