Recorder on the Wall - Redwall Review Podcast

Started by IronBoomer, June 10, 2017, 03:06:31 AM

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2 hours and 45 minutes! That is an impressive length of time. Loving the content guys, keep it coming!
Received mostly negative reviews.


Quote from: DanielofRedwall on May 29, 2020, 06:02:45 AM
2 hours and 45 minutes! That is an impressive length of time. Loving the content guys, keep it coming!

We went longer for book 3.

Pete, KD, Matthias and Jeremy talk way too much about Deyna, riddles, and totally not the second time an army ex machina shows up. -

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Skype: IronBoomer84
Twitter: @IronBoomerSTL
Telegram: @IronBoomerSTL


Double Episode:

Double episode, as Papa Abbot Pete has been busy with personal life stuff and battling Dibbuns while we talk about more orphans, the worst hare in the series, even worse than Fleetscut, and that's saying something.

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Skype: IronBoomer84
Twitter: @IronBoomerSTL
Telegram: @IronBoomerSTL


We take a look at the last section of Triss, where it totally doesn't wrap up too quickly and we totally don't compare Triss to Inigo Montoya. Join Jeremy, KD, Drew and Pete for the last part.
Skype: IronBoomer84
Twitter: @IronBoomerSTL
Telegram: @IronBoomerSTL


So we're to Loamhedge- does that mean we're going get a history lesson and prequel of the Abbey to precede Redwall? Nope. Join the crew as we discuss this book.

We're now on Spotify!

Direct Link - Loamhedge, Book 1:

Summer Food:
Skype: IronBoomer84
Twitter: @IronBoomerSTL
Telegram: @IronBoomerSTL


At the request of @IronBoomer I'm posting the latest episode, Loamhedge Book 2.

We're back to Loamhedge and we're going to come across the worst possible vermin crew to invade- Join our crew to hear us make fun of BadRedd.

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And check us out on Spotify:


Double Episode:

So we finish out Loamhedge with a suprise new vermin group and a totally happy and not bittersweet ending. Join the whole crew as we express frustration about mind over body morals...

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It's late October and we're starting with the second in the Castways series, "The Angel Command!" So where have Ben and Ned been? Well, I hope you like Pirates, because there's a lot of them. Join Pete, KD, Jeremy and Matthias as we cover this.

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And check us out on Spotify:
Skype: IronBoomer84
Twitter: @IronBoomerSTL
Telegram: @IronBoomerSTL


Angel's Command Part 2 - So will Ben and Ned make it to shore? Yep. Will they find a mystery to solve? Yep. WIll you hear Pete, Jeremy, KD and Matthias talk about it? Yep.

Direct Link:

Angel's Command Part 3 - We go to the last part of Angel's Command and find our foursome going against a not-Rita Repulsa, dealing with a weird bear and awesome goat herder lady. Join Pete, Jeremy, KD and Matthias.

Direct Link:
Skype: IronBoomer84
Twitter: @IronBoomerSTL
Telegram: @IronBoomerSTL


After an unintended delay, we're back to the books with Rakkety Tam, and the appearance of the newest vermin species, a Wolverine. I only promise that we'll make X-men or Red Dawn jokes once. ...maybe twice.

Direct Link:
Skype: IronBoomer84
Twitter: @IronBoomerSTL
Telegram: @IronBoomerSTL


I should really get back into listening to these


ACH LADDIE, That Wolverine is gonna go nuts looking for his brudder! Join Pete, KD, Jeremy and Matthias as we look at book 2 in Rakkety Tamm!

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Website (With Apple/Google/Spotify links):
Skype: IronBoomer84
Twitter: @IronBoomerSTL
Telegram: @IronBoomerSTL


Alright Bub, Rakkety Tam is the best there is at what he does which is ... yeah, killing Wolverines. Come listen to Matthias, KD, Pete and Jeremy talk about this last part.

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Website (With Apple/Google/Spotify links):

Also, in about a week, we're recording for


Suggesitons welcome.
Skype: IronBoomer84
Twitter: @IronBoomerSTL
Telegram: @IronBoomerSTL


So you've heard Matthias, KD, and Pete soapbox. What does it take to make Jeremy soapbox? This book.

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Website (With Apple/Google/Spotify links):

We're recording for Fanfiction 4 a little later than expected, a week from Sunday.

Anyone got suggestions?
Skype: IronBoomer84
Twitter: @IronBoomerSTL
Telegram: @IronBoomerSTL

The Grey Coincidence

I mean... any suggestion I'd make would just be for the sake of free advertising :P Having said that,
Profile by the wonderful Vizon.

Also, behold this shiny medal! How I got it is a secret...

Also, also, I am running fanfic conteeeeeests!


We come to the second part of High Rhulian and Jeremy still isn't happy. Come here Matthias, KD, Jeremy and Pete talk about the spooky Otter Queen haunting people's dreams.

Direct Link:

We've got Fanfiction 4 recorded. Suffice to say, it broke Abbot Pete in the funniest of ways
Skype: IronBoomer84
Twitter: @IronBoomerSTL
Telegram: @IronBoomerSTL