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Duel: BrookSKimmer vs. RatBane (locked)

Started by BrookSkimmer, April 09, 2012, 11:04:45 PM

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Who do you think should win this duel? Please base your choice on the moves made during the thread, not on which character you happen to like better. Thank you!

Tak> the lizard
Multa> the cheetah


OOC: It was and attempt you could have took it or left it. You left and its all good.

BIC: As the cheetah extend his spear to thrust it was met with the lizards free hand griping the shaft as he yank on it in the attempt to pull him close and then moves up the shaft quickly and with a bit of unnatural speed pushing off with his hind legs. Yet his spines flared again and another ball of spit came out of his mouth aimed at the cats face as his knife came in from another angle.

He roars at the cat after the spit flies and then uses his force to continue moving up to get in the cheetah's face snapping at it with his jaws.
Not all Rats are bad just the ones that make them self out to be.


The cheetah let go of the spear as the lizard pulled on it. He drew his knife and stabbed in as he moved to the side. He hoped to score a hit to the lizard's midsection.

Tak's knife narrowly missed Multa. The cheetah moved away from the strike just in time. However, he was not prepared for Tak's spines. As the lizard flailed them the cheetah felt a burning pain to the shoulder and bicep of his free arm. The spines dug in, drawing blood instantly.

Multa roared in pain and shot his knife arm up just as Tak released a ball of spit. The substance hit Multa's lower arm but did no damage as it had not hit his eyes or wound. The cheetah growled and thrust the knife forward, seeking to put out Tak's eye.


The cheetah first attack missed but the second didn't. As he was releasing the spit and it missed it mark before he could react to the knife it went straight in to his eye. he fall back with a scream as she clutches his eye and roars blood drips out from the now closed and damaged eye and socket.

His vision is blurred from the blood loss and he stumbles about a bit kinda blind as he breathes heavily attempting to regain his barrings and get a better feel as to now where his enemy has moved to.

he holds his knife in front of him and tastes the air and uses his good eye watching the cat and keeping his distance.
Not all Rats are bad just the ones that make them self out to be.



The cheetah moved quickly backwards after the strike to the lizard's face. Blood dripped down Multa's arm from the upheld knife. He flicked the weapon sideways and the blood spattered across the dirt. The cheetah steeled himself, knowing the lizard would not give up.

He watched as Tak tasted the air. Though the reptile's vision was compromised, he could still take Multa if the cheetah was no ever on his guard. He moved forward and to the side, keeping the lizard in front of him. The cheetah's tail swept back and forth as he planned his attack.

He lunged in suddenly, dodging to the right and then the left. He stabbed in fast at Tak's side, hoping to take the cold blooded beast through the ribs.


His sight compromised he didn't see the cat move like he did only a blurb then he felt the knife hit him in the side he let out a roar and he tried to swing around with his claws at the cats face.

The knife burred in him. He momentum pushed him passed his foe and to the ground. He fell face forward he tried once to get up but his strength and power had left him.

His eyed glazed over and with his parting breath he laughed. While the fight was going on the cat didn't take notices of all of Lord Tak's brothers and sisters and subjects of his tribe that slowly came out of the hiding surrounding the fighting field all looking at the cat with killing in their eyes.

"Runnssss Kittysss kittysss." in Taks's dieing laughter.

OOC: Had to give him some type of epic death.
Not all Rats are bad just the ones that make them self out to be.