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Escaping the Redwall Universe (All May Join)

Started by Lutra, June 09, 2012, 01:20:59 PM

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  Shadow was tuckered after tucking into the tucker.  She decided that she needed no more food.  Getting up from her chair, Shadow decided to go look at Martin's tapestry.  It had always comforted her when she was younger, and it still did.  She remembered sleeping by the tapestry whenever she had nightmares.
  Shadow walked into Cavern Hole and looked at the tapestry of Martin the Warrior.  It always looked like he was smiling at you, and today Shadow decided to smile back.  She then realized she wasn't alone.  Over by the tapestry were the two otters and the mouse!  Shadow walked over to them; she didn't want to be rude and eavesdrop.  "Hello, friends!"  She smiled at them.
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Ya Ottah! ~ Sierra


OOC: Sorry I'm so slow, guys. :P

Lily thought she had heard something from one of the window ledges, but when she turned she could see nothing. She was about to reply to her companions' comments when they were greeted by a black wildcat. It was impossible to talk alone here! Maybe they would just have to wail until the rest of the abbey creatures went to bed. In the mean time, it couldn't hurt to try and make a few friends. She held out her paw to the friendly wildcat. "Hello! My name's Lily, and these are my friends Whitewater and... er..." she trailed off as she realised she had no idea what the mouse's name was.


  Shadow cocked an eyebrow.  "You don't know what your friend's name is?  Hmm."  She just shrugged and turned to the mouse.  "What is your name?"

  Meanwhile, outside of Redwall Abbey, a grey and white otter smacked her face into the outer wall.  Ugh!  Why was I born blind?  She felt her way over to one of the gates and knocked on it.  "Hello?  Anybeast in there?  Can you let me in?"
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Whitewater pretended to laugh off the error.  "Oh don't be silly," he chuckled, "she knows her friend's name is Matthias.  Its just the shock of bumping into such a wildcat specimen such as yourself that she forgot momentarily."  The otter didn't feel like getting on the bad side of the cat or giving her any ideas, but could talk his way out of most things.  He didn't feel like trying to learn how to fight like an otter.  Supposedly they could be quite vicious and aggressive if need be.

Whitewater looked to Lily as if to say, Whenever are we going to get time to ourselves in this place?  Whitewater tried to see if he could get the wildcat to leave momentarily.  "I hear there's some great strawberry cordial in the dining room.  Best I've ever tasted.  You should try some."
Ya Ottah! ~ Sierra


  Shadow smiled and said jokingly, "Yes, it is good.  I live here you know, I've tried it before."  Her ear twitched.  Did she hear knocking on the gate?  She turned to the other beasts, distracted.  "Uh, well, I'll talk to you later."  She walked outside.
 The otter kept banging on the gate.  "Heelloooooo!  Is anyone in there?"
 Shadow opened the gate.  "Hello?  Who are you?"
 The otter glared at her with milky white eyes.  "I thought that the gates were always open."
 Shadow replied, "It's a figure of speech.  Anyway, you still haven't answered my question."
 "My name is Snowstorm.  Can I come in now?"  Snow shouldered her way past Shadow and walked a few steps before tripping on a rock.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Saiya glanced sideways as she heard voices. Poor creatures, can't get a bit of peace, can they? Maybe I should invite them up to the attic, where they can talk in private. "Psssst! Hey! Over here!"
In process of rekindling my love for Redwall.


ooc: Waiting on Matthias and/or Lily again. :)  Haven't forgotten this is here.
Ya Ottah! ~ Sierra


"Can everyone just keep it down? I think I've found something here." As he spoke, Matthias slowly lifted the tapestry of Martin the Warrior. "Check this out. There are a bunch of carvings underneath."

"These things look really ancient." He slowly dusted away the cobwebs, revealing even more hidden text. "Courier," he muttered to himself, tracing the outline of the letters. "And Times New Roman," he said as he while examining a different section. "Looks like these were carved at different times. What do you think Whitewater?"


OOC: Are we goin' tae 'ave zome vermin attackin' Redwall or zomthin like tha'?
NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.


  OOC:  I don't really know.  That would be interesting though.

  BIC:  Snowstorm picked herself up, grumbling and dusting herself off.  She mumbled out, "I shouldn't be this bad at getting into a dumb building.  I'm just new to the area."  She stumbled her way in, trying to figure out the lay of the land.
  Walking inside the Abbey, Snowstorm felt her way into a room that she guessed two otters and a mouse were in.  Possibly other creatures too, but she didn't know.  Feeling her way over to the three creatures, she mumbled, "Can you get out of my way?"
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Saiya twitched her ears, annoyed. She'd have to come out of hiding to talk to the unfamiliar Redwallers, but she couldn't with so many beasts around. I just want to take them somewhere they can talk without the whole Abbey tailing them. I'll wait until that new otter leaves, then make my move.
In process of rekindling my love for Redwall.


Raena slowly walked to the Gatehouse and slumped to the ground. "Crazy." she muttered. "Everybeast is acting crazy. I don't see why having visitors is such a big deal. Except for the fact of how they got in." She narrowed her eyes and began fiddling with a blade.
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