Forest Frenzies! RP

Started by Kitsune, January 02, 2013, 03:21:36 PM

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Sister Veroni headed back to the infirmary with a tray of good abbey food for Slatter the injured beast who waited for her there.


Slatter stood up when she smelled something good coming her way. She wondered what it was...


Sister Veroni entered the infirmary and saw Slatter standing up.

"Well, aren't you looking better?!" said Sister Veroni. "Here you go then, Slatter. Some scrumptious delights from the abbey kitchen; sure to help you get all your strength back!"



After eating enough fish for at least three or four foxes, Cole decided that he should talk to Abbot Amphalis about the pirates. When at last he found him, he asked, "Should the otters and I, and Tranquility and Sasam if they want to, fight the pirates outside? I think we could handle them!"


Amphalis hesitated. "I... oh, um.. if you want to, I suppose it would be fine. But.. just don't get hurt!"


OOC: I think I gave everyone the wrong impression, to me it seems like Saukko has teleported to the abbey while to you she has just run there with Murlo and a bunch of others. If I am correct i need to clear this up, Barbas was chasing the five otters that got away who were not captured or enslaved by the pirates. None of the pirates know about the slave's escape except the two sentries and they have just been killed, the slaves are still back at the ship and the main body of the pirates is on route to Redwall while Barbas and five others were sent after the otters that escaped from the INITIAL slaughter/enslavement. Sorry for all the confusion I caused with the two groups of otters  :(
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


OOC: I'll edit that :-[ I'm not sure what she should do, though