What ever happened to Tammo de Fformello Tussock?

Started by Captain Tammo, June 28, 2011, 04:37:43 AM

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It is implied in Long Patrol that he couldn't stomach fighting so I think after a short service in Salamanstron that he actually moved to redwall and was the resident hare. I may be wrong but I think he says or thinks that he would have liked to live there.
"Defend the weak, protect both young and old, never desert your friends. Give justice to all, be fearless in battle and always ready to defend the right."

—The law of Badger Lords"


Actually, I think he just stayed at the garrison at Salamandastron. This kinda stuff is best to leave to fanfictioners.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Captain Tammo

wow, talk about a revive! :o I think this topic was on the last page of the discussion board. I remember this was one of my first posts! Ahh, memories :,)

Anyway, Stonestripe, your response makes me wonder a bit about if he did leave the regiment before reaching an age of retirement. While I think the initial reason Tammo could not stomach battle was simply because it was all a fresh concept to him at the time, the injuries he sustained in his fight make me wonder if that came back to haunt him at some point.

I wonder if his limp caused him any troubles later on in life and he left early or something. I remember in (SPOILER FOR TAGGERUNG*) the end of Taggerung*, Russano makes an appearance at the abbey to "escort" a horde of vermin away from the abbey and make them crawl the whole way. I wished so much that Tammo made an appearance in that scene, but it doesn't look like he did and there was no indication that he was at Redwall, either. This makes me wonder if he was either back at Salamandastron or dead somewhere because surely a hare such as Tammo would have made a cameo if he was with Russano... right?

*Thanks, Ash!
"Cowards die a thousand times, a warrior only dies once. The spirits of all you have slain are watching you, Vilu Daskar, and they will rest in peace now that your time has come. You must die as you have lived, a coward to the last!" -Luke the warrior

Lady Ashenwyte

The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.