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How would you take over Redwall?

Started by Captain Tammo, August 12, 2014, 12:02:59 AM

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shisteer of nothing much

Since the vermin have already had one fight, I'm assuming I bothered to train them for a couple of seasons before we started.
Having a couple of vermin pretend to be good guys isn't going to work. Redwall abbey has just been attacked and now a suspicious looking rat rolls up claiming that he's an honest traveler looking for shelter from the weather. The Redwallers aren't going to be fooled for a second.
I already disguised myself and had the vermin chase me to get into Salamandastron so that won't work either.
Here's the plan:
Step one: Comb the wood for innocent beasts and hold them captive.
Step two: Hit them with short, fast raids, dropping in over the walls, killing everyone in sight and retreating again. Don't hit them head on or at regular intervals. Keep them guessing as to when and how you'll attack next. Keep them all bottled up inside Redwall during this process.
This could be a time consuming process so kill one or two of your Mossflower captives every now and then to keep the troops' morale up. (Nothing like a bit of cold blooded slaughter to cheer people up) Besides, this will make the Redwallers angry and that will be to your advantage.
Step three: After a while of guerilla attacks and the consequent depletion of enemy, start making your attacks more frequent and savage.
Step four: Have one of your quick in-out attacks change course and become full scale invasion. Have them open the gates to let the rest of your army in and then begin steady advance, tortoise formation, to avoid missiles and generally look more imposing.
Step five: Negotiate with the now defeated Redwallers, agreeing to spare their lives if they give you the abbey.
Step six: Once terms have been agreed and you have everything you want, slaughter everyone, dibbuns included. I have now conquered Redwall and there's no way its allies will get word about it.
    I have a shiny thing! See?

And another shiny thing:

And also some random, unnecessary coding.[/li][/list]

Long live the RRR!


I would dig a tunnel. While I would have all my diggers (ferrets, weasels, stoats) digging the tunnel from the ditch, I would have my non- diggers (foxes, rats, maybe something else) go out on small attack parties every day. Every day I would send out a party of 10 to try to get into redwall, whether it be sneaky or not. If I had 50 ferrets, stoats and weasels and 50 foxes, rats and/or something else then the parties would exchange each day and do a full turn around every 5 days. I would bring a few ferrets, stoats and weasels, just so they didn't suspect something. Then, when the tunnel would be done, I would send 60 of my horde down into the tunnel and the rest (40) on one big attack. I would send 20 beasts per wall. The North and South attackers would be archers, slingers and spear throwers. The West attackers would have a battering ram with a protective bit like in The Sable Quean (I would make the ram in front of the ditch). I would lead the Eastern attack myself to try and burn down the Eastern wicker gate. I would of course send my loyal second in command to lead the tunnel attack. I would have dug the tunnel so that when my party of 50 came out of the tunnel, they would be inside of the abbey. The tunnel party would kill any creature who was inside the abbey, and then send out a score of vermin to unlock the gates and let the rest of my horde in, keeping 30 inside the abbey so if any redwallers tried to come back in they would die. After I have my whole horde inside the abbey grounds, I would kill everybeast who was there.

That is how I would conquer Redwall Abbey.