Round One: BloodSpine Crew (Riding Out the Storm)

Started by BrookSkimmer, March 11, 2013, 12:23:32 AM

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Skral ducked below decks before the rage of the storm could take him over too,
Blood 'n 'ellgates this is one storm,he thought. Skral walked to the back of the ship, where his cabin was, since he is an officer he in entitled to a cabin. He sat down on his cot an started to sharpen his scimitarand his dagger. He ignored most of the yells, most of them were common occurrences onboard this ship. He had offered many a threat in his days. Mainly to Navarre, he treated her the worst.


* As Navarre was pushed away from him, Gasher took his crossbow and pointed it at her. "One more try like this, miss, and you're dead meat!" He snarled viciously. "I doesn't know who your brother is, and I doesn't care a bit, but one things sure, if I come across him one day, he'll pay dearly." He walked away to his cot. Taking his Baselard he began sharpening it. "I'll meet you alone one day Navarre, then you'll be sorry!" He lied on his bed and fell into a light sleep filled with dreams of revenge.

Tam and Martin

* Sculrig walked off, mumbling to himself, "Hmph, crew fightin' among themselves t'ain't right". He walked over to Vela and spoke to her, "You Vela, you are with Visefang a lot, knowin' 'ow 'e got the wound, ask him if we can sail into shore soon. The rain is lessenin' and the wind is blowin' east so's it would be a good time to talk with him and suggest that, but make sure it is'nt to obvious to him." Sculrig then walked over to Golfar and said, "If Visefang agrees, then make ready to sail. We don't want another storm" He trotted to his cot away from all the stormy rain and battering downpour.  

If you wanna chat, PM me :) I'd love to talk with any of you!

Instagram: aaron.stott2000
SC: ayayron2000


Visefang growled in low tones as he rolled over on his cot. The new bandage did help to take some of the discomfort of his wound away. It looked bad, it was painful, but it would heal. He was done with laying around like a baby, having his wounds nursed. It was humiliating. No more would the King of the seas be left to rot in his quarters with random crew beasts coming in and out to discuss 'Gates knew what.

The Captain stood and stretched his leg muscles. They were stiff with too much bed rest. He would recover, he would get his crew back in order. He had been down for a number of days. Long enough that he was sure his officers had been squabbling among themselves. A ridiculous lot! He would whip them back into shape. The fox donned his attire of lush corsair garments including a red silk jerkin, wide black belt, red wrappings about his lower arms and legs, and a black sea cloak. He slid his footpaws into large sea boots and fixed an assortment of golden hoops to his ears. Finally he placed a simple golden circlet crown between his ears. He was the King of all the seas!

Visefang grimaced he had straightened his back. He could feel thew wound there just barely holding together. He was sure the cut would pain him until the end of his days, even after it had scarred over. It would serve as a constant reminder to his vengeance upon the dwellers of the coast. He would see to it that they were all destroyed and their valuables served to swell his coffers.

The Captain swept up the steps leading to the deck. From there his eyes took in a scene of chaos. Crew beasts running inside to avoid the storm, lightening striking through the sky, the ropes of the main sail flapping in the gale. He would see to it that the one responsible for this was thrown to the fishes later. Now was the time for action. Spotting his First Mate, the fox strode forward. His eyes burned in anger as she snarled at the other todd.

"Sculrig! You mangy excuse for a First Mate! What in 'Gates is going on out here! You are supposed to take charge when the Captain is down, and here you are cowering below decks from a little rain storm! Git yourself up on deck, have the crew throw down the anchor now!" He looked towards Sculrig and then up to the deck. Visefang loved a good storm.

He now addressed the rest of the crew. "You five, go assist our First Mate!" He waited until the group he had picked scurried towards the fox. "The rest of you listen well! Visefang is here to ride out this pretty little gale with you!   
Navigator, lash the tiller hard to port, take whoever you need to assist you! The rest of you, tie a line about yourself so you are not washed to sea. Begin battening down all hatches, scuttle all not needed weight, and secure the supplies below decks!"

He watched as his crew moved to his commands, a steady ache coursing down his back. He did not betray the physical pain he felt to anybeast besides his healer. Going to the vixen he spoke in low tones. "Best concoct something to keep me from catching infection healer. Tis now your job to assist me in my job by keeping me well." He nodded. "There's vengeance to pay. A strike of lightening highlighted the crown on his head. The King of all Seas would be obeyed.

Lashing the tiller to port would bring the BloodSpine nearer to shore. Slowly but surely, the ship of death was coming towards the cave dwellings, home of the Swords of Freedom.


Tam and Martin

* Sculrig saluted the Captain with his left paw, "Yes Cap'n! Come on crew let's show the cap'n we are worthy for to be his crew!" Sculrig dashed off with the other five following him to where the anchor was kept. He untied the cord that kept the line from being accidentally thrown over by a storm and heaved as he picked up the anchor. "Come on 'elp wid this mates" The crew and him threw it into the Sea with the help of the other crewbeasts. "Com'n get movin' make sure the cable's straight don't let it git caught on the railing, You there, watch what you're doing with that cord don't throw it over!" He watched the anchor sink into the fathomless depths of the deep blue Sea and the red fox said, "I'm goin' back to the Cap'n now". He walked off the deck, arms over his head as he shielded himself from the heavy downpour.   

If you wanna chat, PM me :) I'd love to talk with any of you!

Instagram: aaron.stott2000
SC: ayayron2000


*Vela nodded at the captain and went to her room. Under her cot was a battered trunk that had a "V" carved on the top. The badgers had made it and she had been holding on to it when the rat's threw her in to the ocean. It contained many herbs from the way south that she gathered during her travels. She took out a few dark brown leaves that had  duck foot shapes and a clump of purple berries. Then she put them in her bag and went to galley were the cook gave her a small pot of water. She boiled the ingredients in the water until the water was deep maroon  and took the drink to Visefang. "Here you go Captain. It won't taste very good, but it will help your shoulder heal quicker." She told him.

Vela continued on to talk about what Sculrig said, "Captain, should we sail now? So we can get to the caves or whatever your plans are." She felt nervous asking the captain about stuff that she didn't know much about. 


*Skral heard the captain yelling out orders. He sheathed his sword and ran to the upper decks, knowing Visefang would see he had been below-decks because of his species. Once he got on deck he ran to help Sculrig throw down the anchor. A rat was just letting the other crew-beasts do the work." Get out of my way you mangy ssscum!" he demanded while shoving him aside and noting who it was to tell Visefang later. He shoved it into the cold dark sea. Skral ran to oversee the navigator lash the tiller. "Lassh it nice and ssstraight sscum!" he yelled above the roar of the storm.