
For some, the heat of summer nears its end. . . And for others, the blooms of spring appear.

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Round One: BloodSpine Crew (Riding Out the Storm)

Started by BrookSkimmer, March 11, 2013, 12:23:32 AM

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Dark clouds swirled overhead as the black hull of the BloodSpine cut through the icy waters. She hailed from a land far from her current location, being pulled ever onward by blood red sails catching the wind of the storm. Small white breakers were formed before her as the ship moved onward.

The Captain had pulled out to sea away from the coast as the readings of a storm came in. Rising humidity, lightening, building cloud mass, all pointed to a late winter's storm. Spring had come in by name but not by measure. Winter's fury was still aching for one last show of force.

The deck of the ship still rode fairly level, as the storm had not yet commenced. However, anybeast without sea legs would already be found stumbling about. Various crew members scuttled about to deck, making way for the soon coming blast. Others climbed into the rigging, preparing the sails for riding out the storm.

All listened intently over the howl of the wind for orders from the Captain, Visefang the Red. Feared and revered among sea vermin he had made a name for himself.  One that made most jump to attention. If not, the sea and its toothy inhabitants would reap the reward.


*Farril the Weasel pulled at the rope to tie down the sail that three other crewbeasts were doing with him. There had been five, but one had fallen overboard. The sea was harsh, Farril realized, not for the first time. He wouldn't have survived his life at sea if it weren't for the calm weather for most of his first season on board, when he was trying to adjust to the rigors of the pirate life. At times, he regretted fleeing onto this ship out of boredom, but it also gave him a chance to show how tough he was.

Farril was taken from his thoughts by an ice-cold wave of water splashing over the side of the BloodSpine. He helped the other crewbeasts finish the job, then made his way over the heaving decks to a spot nearer to the captain. He certainly didn't want to miss any orders.


*"AND I SAY WE PUT IN TO THIS COVE HERE" bellowed back Golfar the Veil, punctuating the remark and the map spread out on the captain's table with a small dagger driven into the wood.  "If we do as you suggest Skral, and not recommend this to the captain but just ride it out, this ship won't see the light of day!" Golfar looked over to the first mate, Sculrig for support, whom she wasn't sure would take suggestions from a navigator.  "I've seen many storms like this in my ten seasons at sea, and they can end very badly if not taken seriously."  She stared back at the second mate for what seemed like a long time, the only sounds being the storm and just barely the crew shouting out to each other over the wild tempest.  The only thing that moved was a small lamp over the table that swung back and forth as the ship was tossed on the waves, casting eerie shadows over their faces.

The stoat has never cared for the large brown lizard the day she first laid eyes on him, and her dislike has only grown since signing on the BloodSpine as her navigator. Finally, she grew weary of the staring contest and backed into a sturdy wide and low chair in the corner, perfect for a rolling deck and for keeping an eye on her shipmates.  Taking out a small, flat smooth and oval stone from the pouch on her hip she began to slowly sharpen her dagger. "Fine!" she fired at them, "Do what you want, I can take care of myself.  Been through it more than once. But you Sculrig, do you like having your second mate setting the course for you, or perhaps he'll soon be the first mate, way things are going here?" she said, grinning an evil grin, half concealed by the veil she wore, while glowering red eyes filled with hatred burned at both of them, keeping them both in her sight.  This will be an interesting night, indeed she thought to herself as she slowly coaxed an even sharper edge to the metal of her blade.
When ye hear me muzzle lock, say yer prayers, ye bilgerat!


Skral stabbed his worn dagger into the table angrily and hissed, "Thissss sstorm isssn't seriouss. Visssefang doessn't need to know where we landss. Thisss cove here," he hissed pulling his dagger out and pointing at a cove on the map," Will be perfect. It hass cavesss we can sssleep in." Skral stared at Golfar angrily for a longer time then he had stared at him. He stuck the dagger in his belt and sat back in his chair, moving the chair a bit so he was in the corner. He loosened his scimitar in it's rusty scabbard.


*Golfar grew tired of the game of silence and staring, knowing full well that it was impossible to win against a lizard, and walked over to look out over the deck of the heaving ship, putting away her dagger and stone.  The scene was chaotic and frequently lit up with flashes of lightning.  The concerned or sometimes frightened look on the crews faces as the raced about being frozen in time with each blast.  She casually wondered where the rest of the officers were and what they were doing.

Of all the ships she has been on, she liked this old ship the best as it was the largest.  She could tell that it was once a proud and beautiful jewel of some kings fleet, being a fully-rigged three-masted galley, but now is aging and tired, and having an air of evil and dread about it.  The kind that you see and want to flee from.  A perfect setting for the kind of work she had in mind, with the deck being large and wide enough to allow her to use her larger sword, while her short sword or dagger would work well inside the quarters or below decks where the crew stayed or slaves were kept in holding cells.

She could see the outline of some beast against the nearly black sky with every flash at the helm, struggling against the wind and the wheel, waving commands at the frantic crew.  Sure, don't listen to me, she thought.  She had tried to warn them before twilight about the oncoming storm, but it was just brushed of by the rest of the officers.  Hmmpf, no matter, it's not like I really care if they sink or swim, just hate to see this grand old lady hit the bottom she continued thinking.

A noise from behind made her spin around, her hand on the hilt of her sword.
When ye hear me muzzle lock, say yer prayers, ye bilgerat!

Tam and Martin

Sculrig had walked up behind Golfar the Veil. He spoke to her in a quiet tone so none of the other crewbeasts would hear "You were right about what ya said we will certainly all die if we don't do something about this storm. Look 'ere I jus' counted our crewbeasts and we're missin' four of 'em. We will all be fishbait if we don't do something. Skral is getting to pushy and commandin' if I 'ad my choie you's would be Second Mate after me. I don't think Visefang wants another mutiny. We will survive if we can make to shore. We've got to find a spot to anchor then we can fix up the ship good as new. Wot d'ya say? Good or bad plan?"

If you wanna chat, PM me :) I'd love to talk with any of you!

Instagram: aaron.stott2000
SC: ayayron2000


The serious look in Sculrig's eyes and the words he spoke made her pause and think about what he had said.  She hated to admit it, but it made sense.  She also realized that he could be setting her up for a charge of mutiny, so she would have to keep her eyes out and play this one very cleverly.  She wanted to drive a wedge between the first  and second mates, and have the lizard on the outs with the captain.  Easier to manipulate a beast if they feel trapped.

The trouble now was getting the crew to seek shelter in a cove, making it seem like it was Skral's idea, and at the same time, picking the right cove.  Shelter, for the obvious reasons, and Skral's idea, in case the popular opinion of that choice turns against it, she can use that as more leverage against him.

"Sounds like a good plan" she replied in a low tone as well.  "The one Skral indicated was a good choice, if it wasn't storming.  We would never make it that far in this weather."  She paused to see if there was any reaction, and then continued "so, how do we go about getting the crew to think that they all want to sail to the cove?  Perhaps the usual way of just telling them that this is what everyone else is saying they want?  And who shall be our first volunteer to carry the news?" At that moment the was a rush of paws on the deck outside of the cabin and a burst of cold wet air for a time as some beast let themselves in.  It was hard to tell who it was at first due to all of the coverings they were wearing in a useless attempt to stay dry.  Ah, and here they are now she thought.
When ye hear me muzzle lock, say yer prayers, ye bilgerat!


*Farril stood listening for a order from the captain. He could make out voices in the wind, but he couldn't tell what they were saying. He looked over his shoulder to where somebeasts were shouting. One was frantically pointing at the sail, and when Farril looked up, he saw that it was ripping! Visefang the Red was not looking at the sail at the moment, and trying to yell at him above this gale was pointless. He could only thing of one possible thing to do. Struggling up the steps, he made his way to the captain's cabin where he knew beasts were plotting. He finally made it through the door and he saw a female stoat, Golfar, if he remembered correctly, turn around. "The sail" he gasped. " about to rip! I wasn't sure if the captain would be able to hear me, so I came here. What should we do?!"


*Carr groaned inwardly as the sail started to rip. Just when things seemed at an all time worst, things went and got worse. The beast who had been pointing at the sail was just barely hanging onto the rigging. He saw one of the crewbeast attempting to make his way towards the captain's cabin, along with a few other crewbeasts. He followed, and had just made it to the doorway when he heard one of the beasts, it might have been the one he had originally seen, gasp out the sudden news about the sail. Carr looked back just in time to see the beast who had been pointing at the sail loose his grip on the rigging and go overboard. "Whatever we're going to do, we'd better do it fast!" he shouted.
NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.

Tam and Martin

* After hearing the news of the sail from Farril, Sculrig quickly ran down the steps. As it was he who was first mate, it was partly his duty to overlook the crew. He dashed down the chamber stairs and out onto the deck bursting out in a loud voice "I need some crew over here! We need to stop the sail from ripping! Sula, Navarre, scale the riggin' an' furl the sails! You, get the rest of the crew together! Hurry! If this sail rips we'll be nowhere!" He bawled out more orders to the crew as they ran past him all trying to stop the sail from ripping. A male weasel rushed past him and he roared to him over the gale, "You, Carr, get to Visefang tell 'im wot's 'appening!" He ran off yelling more orders to the crew of the Bloodspine.

If you wanna chat, PM me :) I'd love to talk with any of you!

Instagram: aaron.stott2000
SC: ayayron2000


* Gavin-Asher, or, as his mates called him, Gasher, strode up on deck just in time to see crew-beasts rushing around with no order and the sail starting to rip. He took stock of the situation in one glance, there was only one thing to do. He grabbed a passing ferret and told him to follow, and went up the rigging. With the wind and rain roaring in his ear, he made his way up towards the sail. Once up, he bellowed to the ferret. "Take this 'ere rope and 'old it tight." He then jumped to the other side of the sail and took hold of the rope where it met the sail. Taking his Baselard in his paw, he cut the rope and let the sail fold itself. The damage could easily be fixed after the storm. He put his Baselard back in his belt and made his way back to the ferret. "I doesn't need your 'elp anymore, get down from here!" He said, pushing the ferret down on deck. As he did so, the ship was hit by a particularily big wave, which engulfed the ferret as he hit the deck. Gasher went back to his business of cutting the other rope.

      Seeing his job was done, Gavin-Asher made his way back down to the deck and to the Officers' Cabin. A short knock on the door and he was inside, "I fixed yon sail, it won't cause any more trouble fer a while."


*Navarre dashed towards Sculrig. "Wait, Sculrig!! Gasher's already fixed the sail! Don't know exac'ly 'ow 'e did it so fast, but," she gasped. Sculrig still didn't turn around, so Navarre grabbed him by his shoulder, and then she surreptitiously wiped her paw on her tunic in disgust. "I guess it doesn't matter," she said, catching her breath, "he's fixed it though -- I mean, Gasher has fixed the sail -- and that's what matters. Another thing, Sculrig sir, I can't find Sula nowheres. It's like she's almost disappeared into thin air. And speaking of the crew..." She looked around at the crew, counting them in her head. One, two, three...fifteen, sixteen, no fifteen, I counted him already. "...we're missing several of 'em, including Sula. Know where she's gone Sculrig? Or should I go and search for 'er?"

Tam and Martin

Sculrig turned around to Navarre, "Tell Gasher good job at the sail as for the crew, Tell them to lie low, finish their things to do then get below. I don't want any of them being swept off the deck into the waves. As for that fool, Sula, she can take care of herself. Go now Navarre". He turned and walked back down to the cabin hoping the storm would go away soon. Storms were terrible Sculrig thought. Reminds me to much of the past. He kept up his walk to the deck.

If you wanna chat, PM me :) I'd love to talk with any of you!

Instagram: aaron.stott2000
SC: ayayron2000


Golfar couldn't stand to just sit around and wait for the storm to come to her so she decided it was time to take action, so turning to the the crew beasts who had come in, and saying it in a tone that let them know they were getting some kind of secret knowledge (and just loud enough for Skral to hear, which was also part of the plan), she said, "Listen here matey's, good job on the warnin', and good job on the fixin'!  Skral here had a great idea about puttin' in at a cove that everyone else likes too! So, I'll go find the captain and see what he thinks. Maybe we'll ride this one out yet!" and with that, she set out of the cabin, knowing that it was very likely that the news would spread through the whole crew like wildfire, probably even before she reached the captain.

She wasn't two paw steps out of the door when she heard the awful screech and wail of some beast.  It was high pitched and changed from a kind of warning wail into a desperate cry for help that knew that such a cry was useless.  From the direction and change in volume, Golfar could tell it was the last sound that the beast would make before it hit the icy waters.  Blood and vinegar! she thought, Surely every beast in two leagues would have heard that.  That might have spoiled our chance at a surprise for our raiding party, unless they are very lucky. But, no matter that's their problem, and ... one less beast for me to slay.  Now, where's the captain ... oh yes .. and she continued on her way with a wicked grin, and an evil glint in her red eyes.
When ye hear me muzzle lock, say yer prayers, ye bilgerat!


Visefang lay front-down on his bed in the captain's cabin as the deep gash across his back was tended to by the vixen Vela Menkar. He wasn't the superstitious type, but kept the seer around as she was quite the healer. He just put up with her nonsense fortune telling mumbo jumbo. Let her have her fun, as long as she was about when he needed her. The wound was painful, and he felt it stinging as various medicinal herbs were applied to it. And it wasn't only his back which was wounded, his pride had taken a beating at the same time.

Visefang was the scourge of the seas, the terror of the tides, the great and mighty king whom no beast dared stand up against. And yet he was defeated, by a simple crew of northland otters no less! It pained him as much as the herbs to think of it, but he would have his revenge. Oh yes, sweet, sweet revenge would be his soon enough!

He listened to the sound of the storm outside, as well as the shouts of his crew as they worked away outside. Really, he didn't care if he lost a few, he'd just go hire a few more to replace them. He lay waiting for somebeast to fill him in on what was happening.
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