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De-Extinction: Is it good or bad?

Started by Izeroth, August 23, 2014, 06:03:41 PM

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Is de-extinction a good idea?

2 (18.2%)
9 (81.8%)

Total Members Voted: 11


Agreed. De-extincition, or really just cloning, is kind of de-nature. It goes against all the laws. Eventually, we might go without food or water and synthesize food, eliminating the need for pigs, cow, and numerous kinds of fowl. Which would also eliminate almost every other species on earth.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


   Inventing a method of food synthesis wouldn't mean we would just go ahead and kill all the animals. In fact, we can already synthesize food without any need for animals: Farming. Take some seeds, some water, probably some special thing to go in the water or something like that to supply nutrients, and some special lighting, bam, hydroponics. Thing is, people like meat, so we still eat it.


Farmin' iz nae zynzezoizin', tiz grovin' it naturally. Anyvay, back tae ze zubject, brin'in' back a creature zat iz extinct vid be, tae gae back tae Jurazzic Park again, a dizrezpectful act tovardz Nature at playin' God. Regardlezz o' vhezer tvaz 'umanity vho cauzed ze extinction (alzough zat could play a reazon), ze creaturez extinct are dead. Unlezz zere are memberz o' zat zpeciez ztill aloive zomevhere, zat zpeciez iz gone. An' viz ze 'umanz cauzin' ze extinction, 'umanz made a miztake. Ye cannae gae back an' undae it. It 'az 'appened. Vot ye vid brin' back if ye did ziz vid nay be ze creature zat ye are tryin' tae brin' back. It moight look loike ze original creature, it moight act loike ze creature, but tvid ztill be an entirely different creature. Ah'd love tae 'ave Dinozaurz back. Ah'd love tae 'ave ze Irish Elk back. Ah vid love tae 'ave ze Zea Mink back. But zey are gone, again unlezz zome bein'z o' zem are ztill in exiztence zomevhere. Clonin' zem vid juzt create a nev zpeciez. Nae brin' back ze original auld vone.

An' fer clonin', a zpeciez zat iz ztill aloive iz vone zin'. Clonin' iz vone form o' pazzin' on genez zrough offzprin'. But if zat iz avtoight tae dae in ziz form iz anozer.

An' viz regardz tae zooz, zat iz a bad idea tae ztart oot viz. Ye vidnae gae tour an 'uman prizon vid ye? Zat'z pretty much vot zooz are. Zere are zough zome zooz zat actually are lezz aboot ze "Let'z zhov off zeze creaturez zae bein'z vill zay Aah, zat'z an odd creature an' ve'll make a million creditz/zilver cherriez/etc. off zem", an' more aboot prezervin' ze loife, an' teachin' bein'z aboot it zae zey can learn an' underztand aboot it. Livin' bein'z are nae zhoiny objectz tae cart aboot in a rollin' cage an' zhov off zeir "barbaric" an' "terrifoyin'" an' "look at ziz monzter from Nature'z great pitch-dark-an' evil lagoon". Zey are tae be rezpected, treated viz conzideration, dignity an' 'onour. Nay bein' iz more or lezz zan vone anozer (Except Weasels, o' courze, but bezoide zat) an' zhould nae be treated az an inferior or a miztake. Every creature 'az ze roight tae loife. An' na', ah 'ave tae gae an' dae ze zree ma azzignmentz ah need tae dae. Ah'll be back vonce ah'm done an' finizhed viz it. 
NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.