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Super Smash Bros with book characters?

Started by Jetthebinturong, November 07, 2015, 10:20:03 PM

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So, relatively simple. If a Super Smash Bros-like game which was like a book characters all-stars fighting game, who would you put in?

There would have to be some characters that I really couldn't care less about, such as Katniss Everdeen, Harry Potter, Voldemort. Heck, I think Bella Swan would have to be in there due to Twilight's impact on popular culture. But you don't have to mention those if you don't want.

My thoughts

Here are my thoughts:

Lord of the Rings
LotR is of course a very influential series of books, therefore you'd have to have some characters in there. My picks are as follows:
Aragorn, son of Arathorn (Necessary)
Frodo Baggins (Necessary)
Gandalf the Grey/Gandalf the White (it would work like with Zelda/Sheik in the actual games) (Less important)
Galadriel (Less important)
Sauron (Necessary)
Gollum (Less important)
Thorin Oakenshield (Less important)
Bilbo Baggins (Necessary)
Arwen (Less important)
Eowyn (Less important)

Not really a lot of female characters to choose from in LotR, which could be an issue. Hopefully the numbers will end up more or less even.

Harry Potter
Harry Potter is often regarded as one of the greatest book series of all time; there is absolutely no excuse to leave it out of this thread, no matter how much it bores me.
Harry Potter (Necessary)
Ron Weasley (Less important)
Hermione Granger (Less important)
Voldemort (Necessary)
Albus Dumbledore (Less important)
Bellatrix Lestrange (Less important)
Draco Malfoy (Less important)
Sirius Black (Less important)

My main issue with Harry Potter is that most of the characters would basically be clones of each other, and therefore rather dull to play as.

The Hunger Games
The Hunger Games books are absolutely awful. They have an interesting premise, but the writing style leaves a lot to be desired. The characters are also rather dull. Nevertheless, it is an important series and you can't leave it out.
Katniss Everdeen (Necessary)
Peeta Mellark (Less important)
Gale Whatever-his-last-name-is (Less important)
Finnick Odair (Less important)
Primrose Everdeen (Less important)
Rue (Less important)

A good point for The Hunger Games is that the characters play style would probably differ greatly. A downside is that there are very few important characters that you actually see fight. Personally, the only character I liked was Finnick. Really the only essential character for a game like this that I can think of is Katniss.

I'm not touching Twilight as I know nothing about it. The same goes for Divergent, The Maze Runner and other such series.

I'll also let someone else handle Redwall.

Now I'm going to move on to the series that I like. Let's start with one that's not only great, but also incredibly popular and influential; Percy Jackson and it's spin-offs.

Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Grover Underwood
Thalia Grace
Nico di Angelo
Luke Castellan/Kronos (same thing as with Gandalf)

Heroes of Olympus
Jason Grace
Piper McLean
Leo Valdez
Frank Zhang
Hazel Levesque
Reyna Ramirez-Arellano

The Kane Chronicles
Carter Kane/Horus (Works like Zelda/Sheik)
Sadie Kane/Isis (Works like Zelda/Sheik)
Zia Rashid
Walt Stone/Anubis (Works like the Zelda/Sheik thing)

Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard
Magnus Chase
Samirah al-Abbas
Halfborn Gunderson
Mallory Keene
Thomas Jefferson Jr.

The Riordan mythology books would be excellent for mixing up play styles of characters. Percy and Jason would be very power/melee based characters whilst Annabeth and Piper would be more agility and strategy and so forth.

Now let us move on to a personal favourite of mine, the Skulduggery Pleasant series.

Skulduggery Pleasant
Valkyrie Cain
Skulduggery Pleasant
Skulduggery Pleasant: Death Bringer
He would of course also be able to switch to Lord Vile
Tanith Low
Ghastly Bespoke
China Sorrows
Fletcher Renn
Nefarian Serpine
Baron Vengeous
Billy-Ray Sanguine
Springheeled Jack
Solomon Wreath
Melancholia St. Clair
Dexter Vex
Erskine Ravel
The Torment
Madame Mist
The White Cleaver
Anton Shudder
Saracen Rue

Lots of variation in play style there too. I decided not to put Vaurien Scapegrace in because he can't really do anything. While Fletcher's a bit of a wimp, he can teleport-spam and come back with baseball bats and axes and such, he'd be a pretty hard character to play I'd imagine. China would be very interesting, like Skulduggery, Ghastly and Valkyrie, she's an incredibly pragmatic fighter, but how she goes about it is very different to them. I imagine she'd be like Shulk, having different abilities that you could activate such as green for speed (those marks on her ankles), blue for ranged (those blue pulses she does) and red for melee (those marks on her knuckles). I added in Vengeous because his cutlass provides some variety to the weapons used. While Tanith would be more agility based, I think the Baron would be a lot more of a powerhouse. I wouldn't put him in Vile's armour.

And I've got to stop there before I get in too deep, so let's move on to The Shadowhunter Chronicles (No Dark Artifices or Last Hours characters will be included since neither of those series are out yet.)

The Shadowhunter Chronicles
Clary Fray
Jace Lightwood
Simon Lewis
Alec Lightwood
Isabelle Lightwood
Magnus Bane
Maia Roberts
Jordan Kyle
Valentine Morgenstern
Sebastian Morgenstern
Tessa Gray
William Herondale
Jem Carstairs
Cecily Herondale

The Shadowhunter Chronicles is quite a challenging thing to cast for a fighting game. On one hand, you want the important characters, on the other, you want characters that are interesting to play, and if you want interesting to play, how can you leave out Bridget? Tessa was an interesting one to consider, but Cassie has said that after her... transformation at the end of CP2, Tessa gained some more traditional warlock abilities, this is the Tessa I decided to go with. After all, her shapeshifting is rather useless in a fighting game. Or she could be a Kirby like character, and transform into an opponent and copy their abilities. Clary would fight using runes to make her a little different, but she'd also have Heosphoros because it's very important. Alec would be a ranged character with his bow and arrows, but he'd still have a Seraph Blade for when things got up close and personal. Izzy would use her whip of course, and Simon would be a very offensive and agile melee character; got to take advantage of those vampire powers. Maia and Jordan would be clones of each other, with the ability to change into a wolf form, but Maia would be lighter and faster, perhaps with a higher jump. And I'll have to stop there as this paragraph is already too long.

With that, let's think Bartimaeus.

The Bartimaeus Sequence
Nathaniel/John Mandrake
Kitty Jones
Khaba the Cruel
Verroq The Mercenary
William Gladstone

Bartimaeus poses an interesting dilemna in that many characters have no special powers of their own and rely on djinn to help them. And the shapeshifting power of said djinn is also difficult to portray. I think that Bartimaeus would have two forms which he could switch between: a gargoyle and a slightly demonic looking Ptolemy (to differentiate him from the actual Ptolemy). Faquarl you could just have as a chef with a cleaver, as that is his favourite guise. Likewise you could keep Jabor to his red Anubis guise and Ammit to his shadow and Honorius to his skeleton, but what of Queezle? Perhaps you could have her switch between a cat form and a human woman form. As for Nathaniel you could give him Gladstone's staff. Ptolemy being a prince, I imagine he would be taught to defend himself. Solomon would attack through the ring. And you could give Khaba a khopesh to fight with, not to mention his magic carpet. The commoners are rather good at fighting themselves, so there's no problem there. I added in Gladstone as a sort of wild card. He's very important and I rather think that his staff would be his main weapon.

With that, let us delve into something a bit more popular and important:

The Inheritance Cycle
Roran "Stronghammer" Garrowson

Perhaps I should leave this alone until I've completed the series and met all the characters, but I don't want to. The dragons are an incredibly important part of the Inheritance series, but you can't reasonably have them as characters; therefore I was thinking they could be used in the sort of "final smash" equivalents of the characters (Saphira for Eragon, Thorn for Murtagh, Shruikan for Galbatorix and whatever Arya's eventual dragon is called (if she gets one, which I'm sure she does)). Roran, Orik, Angela and Solembum offer some much-needed variety in play (I mean, Galbatorix might too, but I haven't met him yet) as the others are mostly all sword-fighters (though I'm not entirely sure that this is true of Nasuada) whilst Roran wields a hammer, Orik wields an axe, Angela a bladed staff, and Solembum a knife (and the ability to turn into a cat). Eragon, Arya, Nasuada and Durza would be more speed based, whilst Murtagh, Brom (and Galbatorix?) would be more based in power and strength. Durza and Galbatorix I would imagine to be very magic based as well.

The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel
Josh Newman
Sophie Newman
Nicholas Flamel
Perenelle Flamel
John Dee
The Morrigan
Joan of Arc
Saint Germain
Virginia Dare
William Shakespeare
Aoife of the Shadows
Black Hawk
Abraham the Mage

Again, another interesting one. As with many series it's difficult to discern who is important, and who is interesting. Josh, Sophie, Nick, Perry, Dee, Scathach and the Morrigan had to be there, but beyond that, how do you choose? I decided to go for everyone who was present on Danu Talis in The Enchantress as well as everyone who was at the final battle in San Francisco, and of course, if I was including Niten, I had to put in Aoife as well. I also decided that I couldn't leave out Marethyu, as there was so much potential in his character. Abraham I decided to put in because of his overarching role in the series.

Throne of Glass
Celaena Sardothien
Prince Dorian Havilliard
Chaol Westfall
Nox Owen
Princess Nehemia Ytger

Again, I should probably wait until I've finished the series, but there is so much potential in these characters. Whilst the majority of them (Celaena, Dorian, Chaol and Cain) are sword fighters, they are vastly different in their approach to combat. Celaena uses two swords and is incredibly swift and agile. Dorian uses a rapier and is very flowery and complicated. Chaol uses a long-sword and is very hard and fast. Cain uses a two-handed sword and is more based on power than speed. Nox uses throwing knives and Nehemia uses magic, as well as a staff.

The next one will be the last as if it weren't we'd be here all day.

The Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica
John Ronald Ruel Tolkien
Clive "Jack" Lewis
Charles Williams
Captain Nemo
Laura Glue
Rose Dyson
The Shadow King
Thorn the Arthur
Don Quixote
Richard Burton
John Dee

Having main characters who don't really fight makes putting their series in a fighting game rather difficult. The only one who really gets stuck in with fighting is Jack (C. S. Lewis) whilst John (J. R. R. Tolkien) and Charles are more scholarly. As such, you have to fill up the list with other characters too. Thank Owen for Rose Dyson, the main character of the second half of the series, as she's exactly what you need: a main character who isn't boring to play as. Grimalkin I added because why not? He's my favourite character and he's an all-powerful elder being trapped in the form of an evil cat.
The First Dragon
(I assume that since his angelic form is called Shaitan that he's supposed to be Satan, which is an interesting choice for a Christian to make, a Satan that's not actually evil. Perhaps he's just supposed to be Satan-like, in that he deceives everyone for his own personal gain).
I would have put Tummeler, Fred, Uncas, Ransom, Aristophanes and The End of Time in there, but you have to limit the number of characters you put in. Considering Tummeler, Uncas and Fred's importance it was a bit disappointing to leave the little badgers out, but what can you do.

So yeah. That ended up being quite long. Maybe I'll come back and add some more if I can think of any. Please add your own thoughts (feel free to add to any of the series listed).

I can and will do some detailed character analysis if anyone asks.

Just for fun, I'm probably going to add my own characters at some point, so you guys can also feel free to do that.
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

The Skarzs

That would be interesting! For Redwall I think the most important would be Martin the Warrior, obviously. It might benefit from a badger, so Lord Brocktree might be a good choice since he is pretty much the precursor and standard of badger lords. Other than that, maybe a squirrel or Skipper. Problem with adding characters from the Redwall books is that the characters are usually different for every book, and most warriors either use Martin's sword or are stuck into a group like squirrels and otters.
I almost forgot about a villain to add, and since probably the most recognizable would be Cluny the Scourge, he would be my candidate.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Lady Ashenwyte

Maybe another villain would be Ferahgo, Tsarmina, or even Ungatt Trunn.
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.


I'll weigh in with my Redwall thoughts.

You would obviously have to have Martin, Matthias and Cluny. Beyond them I'd go for:
Skipper Warthorn
Ungatt Trunn
The Shadow
Maybe even Luke and Vilu Daskar. Or Urgan Nagru.

That's the trouble with Redwall, it's such a big series that there are so many characters to choose from.

And because I'm bored, I'm going to post my thoughts on which characters from my own book I would put in.
The Black Rain Trilogy (it needs a better series name)

David Banewood
Alexander Banewood
James Rainford
Thomas Hunter
Anastasia Hunter
Dane Blacklight
Marcus Rakefell
Arthur Yewbreak
Alrean Gryphon
Ambren Hallows
Prince Malir Disan
Queen Esreldi
Prince Gadaril


Wati Raja
Tyrull Belalsyar
Faras Ta'fel
Shaa Ta'fel
Acarbaastetak Bodicarnicsaliir
Tenang Raja
Kejam Raja
Casamira Allene
Breanna Fior
Alice Jedelle
Alexander Baine

Facility 7 series

Alec Matthew Roberts
Luke Joseph Winter
Callum Gabriel Reyes
Captain Reynard Black
Captain Juliet Caine
Malcolm Black
Zayn Harley Newman

Incubus story


"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Cornflower MM

These all look really cool, I've never played Super Smash Bros though. Perhaps later, when I don't feel like falling over, I'll make up a list of Twilight characters for you. I kind of get the gist.

EDIT: Okay, let's see.

Twilight characters

Bella's never fought once in the series, but *sighs* I suppose I've got to put her on here. (Or would you guys even know the difference? >:D)
Same goes for Edward. Although he actually does get in a fight or two, even if he does cheat with his mind-reading skills.
Jasper, of course. He spent the first one hundred years of his vampire life fighting, so just about impossible to beat. Or very hard, to make it more fair.
Emmett - He's huge, and very strong.
Alice is very fast and agile. Oh, wait, she actually did beat Jasper in a mock fight, in Eclipse.
Rosalie. . . . Eh, I suppose she can fight.
Jacob can turn into a giant wolf, there you go.
Victoria's one of the villains, you need at least one, and she is a decent fighter.

That's really all I can think of. Carlisle and Esme aren't much of fighters, and everyone else. . . . They don't get much mention. Unless you want a few more giant wolves, or  Charlie. Seriously, though, one thing I've never really liked about Twilight is that you have characters that are either the main characters or mentioned all the time (Such as Alice) or hardly ever at all! (Such as Jasper, or most of the wolves.)


For those of you who don't know what Smash Bros. is, it's where you pick a Nintendo character and fight either a CPU opponent or a friend on another controller. It's a wrestling and kickboxing game combined, adding items you can pick up and use for a temporary amount of time. While it's all in the skill of button-mashing, you can also do things like buy Amiibos for each character and upload the experience you've gained with that character to make a pre-programmed fighting thing. You can literally make computer programs fight with the skill you fight with. It's like Neo in the Matrix, all you need to do is upload it to their brain or whatever. It probably sound waaaaaayyyyyy more complicated in words, but it's a fun game. When you don't face off against people who have been playing for years.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Dotti Dillworthy

I'll go with the characters from Prydain Chronicles: (WIP)

Taran of Caer Dallben
Princess Eilonwy of Llyr
Math, the High King of Prydain
Queen Achren
The Horned King
King Smoit
King Pryderi