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Harry Potter Thread

Started by W0NWILL, July 11, 2012, 03:59:47 AM

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Oh, I love Harry Potter! I'm one of the biggest Potterheads I know. I've see all the movies, have read every book, and have quite a bit of merchandise. The best books, in my opinion, are Chamber of Secrets and Goblet of Fire, and my favourite characters are Snape, Draco, and Harry. On Pottermore I was sorted into Slytherin.
"My turtleneck is irresistible."   - Adam Young


*bumps for Sage and myself*
I have so much Hufflepuff pride.  We have Tonks.

My favourite book is the third.  It's the last book in which Harry is able to be a kid - no one places pressure or responsibility upon him, and the wizarding world that we know is small and safe, before the international community and the concept of Death Eaters are introduced in the fourth book.  Harry's biggest enemy is Snape.  The littlest details that J.K. Rowling adds to Prisoner of Azkaban are charming, and the pace of the book is a gift after the slowness of Chamber of Secrets.  It's impossible to read the story without laughing and without being moved.

My second favourite book is the fifth.  I enjoy the adversity that Harry faces, though I do become as frustrated with Dumbledore as he does, and I can't stress enough how much I love secret organizations that work against evil.  This is the first time Harry and his friends take events into their own hands by choice - until them, the circumstances were chosen for them.  Order of the Phoenix is the longest book, but there's not a boring moment in it.

My favourite movie was the sixth.  It the last movie that carries the fun, teenage feeling of school through it, and it works to show the bond between Harry, Ron, and Hermione as they learn what lies ahead for them.  Despite being at school, this movie shows them as adults ready and determined to fight.

Throughout my childhood, I was never able to determine if I loved Redwall or Harry Potter more.  They're still tied and will always be.


Hmmm, I probably should've posted sooner....

I think that the fifth and sixth book are the most well-written, I think I've reread HBP the most. (actually, I keep rereading the scene where Ginny and Harry are sitting with Ron and Hermione, basically having a romantic moment, because that scene is both funny and meaningful, not to mention well-written)
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Dotti Dillworthy

Oh, I am a pure Potterhead ever since I got my hands on the first book (Philosopher's Stone) from the library about two years ago. On the good ole Pottermore I was sorted into Ravenclaw (Can you guess which house Dotti was sorted? Not Ravenclaw, guys, wot!). My fave book was the fifth (Order of the Phoenix)...and I am so infatuated with the Marauders! (I wuv u, Remus and Sirius!)


My problem with the films is that they chop about with the scenes too much, some much more than others. Especially in Goblet of Fire - that film was kind of a mess. Because of that and just basically the scripting, even the seasoned actors seemed like they couldn't act very well. As much as I am into the Harry Potter thing, I really do have that problem with the films. I still own them all and watch them and get enjoyment out of them, don't get me wrong - I just definitely favour the books. :)

Oh, and I've probably already said this, but it would be great if some day, the BBC or other UK channel could take the books on (or at least the first one) as a series. To get more of the funny, awkward, etc., moments in that really made the books something special, I think a series would allow for that more with the pacing. With the films still fresh in people's minds I highly doubt this would happen for a long time.

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