
We're doing a read-along of the Redwall series! The current book is The Sable Quean!

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Post-Apocalyptic CYOA

Started by Groddil, November 21, 2016, 03:23:02 AM

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Manhattan, New York City, 2 weeks before the end...

You pull the plank onto the second building in case you need it again and, M16 in hand, nudge open the stairwell door and descend a few floors. You've cleaned out everything except the second floor and the ground floor, and you aren't about to go down to where you can be seen from the streets. When you reach the second floor, you ease open the stairwell door and emerge into a corridor. Aside from an overflowing trash bin in one corner, the place seems deserted. You move to the first door and try the knob. Locked.

Be another survivor.
Alan: Kick open the door.
Alan: Try the next door.
Alan: Head to the third building and descend to street level.

Alan's Inventory

Soldier's Gear - A set of army fatigues and combat boots. Comes with a kevlar vest. Allows you to carry 1 rifle, 1 sidearm, and 1 melee.
Protective Mask - The military's latest model of mask, this protects you from disease, gas, and bio-weapons alike.
Soldier's Supplies - A waterproof, high-end backpack with a few MREs, and enough space to carry bullets and medicine you may have.
M16 - Your rifle. Uses 5.56mm Rounds. Loaded with 20 rounds.
Colt M1911 - Your pistol. Uses .45 rounds. Loaded with 7 rounds.
Combat Knife - Your melee weapon of choice.
5.56mm Rounds - You have 20 spare rounds.
.45 rounds. You have 7 spare rounds.


I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.