
We're doing a read-along of the Redwall series! The current book is The Sable Quean!

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Ratty Driftwood

Started by Faclan, January 23, 2020, 02:52:08 PM

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shisteer of nothing much

  Mharbrow chuckled humourlessly, shaking his head.
  "Firestripe, can you at least leave him alive long enough for questioning, please? He could turn out useful."
  Webneck tapped the fox captain lightly on the shoulder, gesturing to the hastily set up stretcher at the edge of the clearing, far enough from the activity that its occupant wouldn't be overly disturbed by the noise but close enough that they would be at paw, should Belladonna need anything.
  Mharbrow nodded and excused himself from the conversation, crossing over to the stretcher and laying the vixen down as gently as he could.
  "Sorry. Should I find out if Keelteeth's surgeon survived and get him to administer to you or would you rather not have anybeast from that season-cursed ship touch you?"
    I have a shiny thing! See?

And another shiny thing:

And also some random, unnecessary coding.[/li][/list]

Long live the RRR!

Ebantu the Kararehe

Belladonna leaned her head back and shut her eyes. "Thanks for that, Dyemhar," she murmured. "And yes, if the mink is still around I'd have his service. Better to be tended by an enemy and live than go untended and die." She smiled grimly, eyes still closed. "Although death doesn't sound too bad at the moment. No provisions, a lot of the crew wounded or dead, and the Long Patrol on our tails when they find out we have this rabbit here." The vixen tilted her head toward Elgon. "Oh well; we'll get by. We always have."
Infant Ebby is a smol, out-of-control firebending terror. It's a good thing she's also quite cute.

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
And rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Wylder Treejumper

Cpt Cardilon

Cpt Cardilon looked over his patrol as they went about returning the village to a semblance of order- at the edge of the clearing, two hares put together a fence that had been smashed in the melee. The medic had finished wrapping the wounds of Cpl Ferris, whose leg was seriously injured. It would take no small amount of time before he was fit to return to active duty patrol. The patrol Sgt was helping two very shocked-looking mice to gather up some sacks of blood-spattered produce that had been dragged out of the barn by the marauding pirates and scattered on the path. Catching the medics eye, he gestured for him to come over. "Lieutenant, find Pvt Harrowson and return to the village with the prisoner immediately. It's imperative that we keep a sharp eye on those--"

He was interrupted by the pounding of footpaws, as an exhausted-looking hare sprinted into the village square. "Captain!" The hare gasped, completely winded, "your patrol- needed- Salamandastron, immediately." He bent over and placed his paws on his knees, holding himself up. Theother hares of the patrol hurried over, listening intently as the runner relayed his message. "The Wraith, sighted inbound; corsair fleet attacking. Orders are, report to the garrison at once." He looked up at the Captain grimly. "The attack has probably already started."

The Cpt bit back a sharp reply, instead turning to the patrol to relay orders. "Right chaps, on the double! Gear shifted, weapons cleaned! We move out in half an hour. Double forced march until we get back to the mountain, or die trying, wot!" He turned back to the medic as the Sgt began haranguing the troops into order. "Go on, no time to waste! Get Elgon back here on the double!"



Elgon gritted his teeth as the tip of the blade dug into his back. He could feel a trickle of warm blood as it seeped from the wound. This is serious business now, bucko! he thought wryly. You've always wanted excitement and adventure, and now you've bally well got it! Captured my murderous seascum who'd like nothing more than to chop you in ribbons and keelhaul me from the mainsail, or whatever thingummy it is pirates do. And to top it all off, no sense of humor whatsoever. No wonder their mum's kicked 'em out and they fell into a life of villainy.

"Well, chaps- n' chappeses, of course," he said, nodding gallantly to Belladonna, "I do figure it is time for me to be off. It seems like the Patrol's around, and they're none too merciful to deserters and great corsair types like meself, wot!" Here he grunted as he felt the sword prod a bit more against his back- but he forced out a grim smile and continued. "As it seems like you beans 'ave already verified. So, if'n you don't mind, I'll be takin' my leave, wot! Corsairs run a busy schedule ya see; I can't be late for this week's beauteous maiden liberating, bad form doncha know!" He felt the tears beginning to pool in the corners of his eyes, but quickly blinked them back, continuing to smile defiantly. Kill him they could- but never would he cringe or beg. Pvt Elgon Filmorley Harrowson would meet his death smiling!
"'Tis the business of small minds to shrink, but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death."
-Thomas Paine

"Integrity and firmness is all I can promise; these, be the voyage long or short, shall never forsake me although I may be deserted by all men."
-George Washington

Courage: Not only the willingness to die manfully, but also the determination to live decently.

shisteer of nothing much

  Mharbrow nodded once and stood up, giving the vixen a determined smile, his eyes glinting.
  "We'll survive. Webneck, get the mink from Keelteeth and have him tend Belladonna. Watch the scum closely for funny business."
  Webneck hurried to do as he'd been told, liberating the miserable looking beast from Sliteye, who had a fresh willow switch and was going about instructing the prisoners on graving digging.
  Turning back toward his first mate, Mharbrow let a more amused smirk cross his features as he shook his head mildly, too tired for more anger or bloodshed.
  "Firestripe, do you think we could let the poor beast live for at least a while longer? There's some information I'd like from him."
  Moving Firestripe's paw back slightly, the fox captain gestured to the hare, heaving a tired sigh.
  "Up you get, longears. Time for a little conversation over a nice cup of... water."
    I have a shiny thing! See?

And another shiny thing:

And also some random, unnecessary coding.[/li][/list]

Long live the RRR!

Kade Rivok

Firestripe turned his eye sharply towards Mharbrow, anger still pumping through his veins; the captain's seemingly nonchalant attitude did little to douse his ire.  He felt his grasping claws begin to dig into skin as they tightened around the hare's neck, and for a moment he was overcome with the desire to end the beast right there.  It wouldn't change what had happened, but it would certainly make him feel better.  The moment passed, however, and with a deep, calming breath the black fox relaxed his grip and released the creature.


Refusing to look back, Firestripe strode away as he sheathed his blade and went to let his head cool as he supervised the rest of the crew.  Checking in with Sliteye and Rangfur, he made sure the grave digging and provision sorting were moving along, and after seeing that they were, he cast an eye across the camp and spotted Fret working away, dry eyed and tight jawed.  Walking over, Firestripe put a paw on the vermin's shoulder.

"Need a break?"  he asked as Fret looked up at him.  The rat hesitated for a moment before silently shaking his head; he was obviously letting himself be absorbed in his work to keep his mind off of his brother's death.  The black fox nodded in understanding and patted the creature's shoulder in quiet support before walking away.  Doing a once over of the tree line, Firestripe checked for movement before letting his gaze roam over to where Belladonna lay on the stretcher.  He watched from a distance as the Keelteeth's mink healer tended to the vixen's heavy wound.  It was a nasty one, to be sure, but it didn't seem like it would be life threatening.  Still, he couldn't help but shake his head in annoyance at how little he could help now, and how little he'd helped before.  Of course, he had no way of knowing if his presence would have made much of a difference, but he was certain that they would have at least faired better than this.  Heavily perturbed, he settled for keeping watch over the treeline, over the camp, and over Belladonna.
Writings of a Mad Man

Kade's Vocal Emporium

The Noob Combo

Super Special Medals!

Ebantu the Kararehe

  Belladonna watched Chiptooth closely as he worked, her teeth gritted as she tried to keep her breathing even. She refused to let her pain show; the mink wasn't trying to hurt her, after all. Chiptooth kept his gaze fixed on the vixen's wound and the supplies he had been lent.
  He certainly knew his business, Belladonna thought to herself as he finished cleaning the wound and threaded a needle from her medical bag. She fought to stay silent, but knew she wouldn't be able to stop herself from yelping when Chiptooth began to sew the wound closed.
Infant Ebby is a smol, out-of-control firebending terror. It's a good thing she's also quite cute.

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
And rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

shisteer of nothing much

  Mharbrow looked after Firestripe with a slight frown, taking into account his stiff shoulders and the way he was holding himself. It was clear the black fox was angry. Mharbrow shrugged as he turned back to the hare, making a mental note to make sure his first mate wasn't angry at him before he went to sleep.
  He drew his dagger and toyed with it casually, watching the long eared beast carefully.
  "I have a feeling you won't be giving up information about the Long Patrol easily, if at all. As a matter of fact, I don't have any particular questions about Salamandastron or its defenses right now. My current concern is more about staying alive. Would you be so kind as to show us how to forage? A few of my crew can identify basic edibles but we're not particularly experienced and it would be helpful to have a local to show us where to find the larger food sources, since your captain or whatever he is didn't like the idea of us raiding villages to survive."
  Mharbrow watched the hare carefully, his dagger held loosely in paw, waiting for a response. The hare would be far more useful if he didn't need to be 'persuaded' to help the fox captain, but he would still be a good bargaining chip, even if he was injured. Either the hare would help him or Dyemhar would find some other village and trade his life for some food. Both ways would feed the crew, so Mharbrow didn't particularly care which one the hare chose.
    I have a shiny thing! See?

And another shiny thing:

And also some random, unnecessary coding.[/li][/list]

Long live the RRR!


Thanking the stars that guided him that he wasnt picked for the grave digging duties Tul would just sit and listen. All he could do now. He was a known escapee now. So needed to keep a low profile. Let them forget him. Live.

But then those big rat ears had to pick up that the fox captain was looking for help foraging. And Tul couldn't help but jump, metaphorically, at that. Tugging at the ropes as he tried to stand up he was likely about to get slashed with the switch before he squeaked out.

"Cap'n! Sirrah! Ah' ce'n 'alp w'th 'ta fer'ag'! Ta Nav'e'getah ta ha' ta' 'earn n' lot 'bout lan's ta' fe'nd oo't wha'r ta' lend'ed!" Hopefully they could understand his dreadful accent.

(Captain, sir, I can help with the forage. As navigator I had to learn a lot about lands to find out where we landed)

((Hope thats ok with peeps))

Wylder Treejumper


Pushing himself upright again, Elgon gazed at the captain and vermin crew, taking in their measure. A sorry, beat up bunch they were- and pretty hungry looking, as well. Suddenly, his own stomach let out a loud rumble, and he realized that he was more than a bit peckish himself. Hmm, I suppose it can't hurt to show the blokes how to get some scoff- I guess it might stop them from stealing otherbeasts tucker, too. In any case, I'm flippin' famished, and I don't suppose I'm going to get any vittles otherwise, wot!

With a flourish he turned to Mharbrow. "Pirating's hungry work, so it is mateys, wot! You're bloomin' lucky you've got the great Corsair and forager Elgon the 'Orrible on your side, or your timbers would be shivered, and without scoff t'boot! I suppose I could help out a few pirate chums scrape up some duff and skilly, or whatever it is you less refined sea-going types eat. The maiden liberating can be done along the way, wot! Although I'll have to ask that you keep that uncivilized excuse for a pirate-" here he he glared pointedly at Firestripe, "-and his bloomin' meat cleaver away from my person."
"'Tis the business of small minds to shrink, but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death."
-Thomas Paine

"Integrity and firmness is all I can promise; these, be the voyage long or short, shall never forsake me although I may be deserted by all men."
-George Washington

Courage: Not only the willingness to die manfully, but also the determination to live decently.

shisteer of nothing much

  Mharbrow smiled despite himself. It was a small smile, but a smile, none the less. This rabbit was quite the comedian. If he wasn't a Long Patrol hare and Mharbrow wasn't a pirate captain, the fox reflected, they might actually become what some might call friends.
  "Wonderful. Will I need to tie you up, or do you want to give me your word that you won't try to escape or hurt anybeast?"
  Dyemhar outright laughed at Elgon's rather pointed comments about Firestripe, shaking his head at the acclaimed Corsair.
  "I suggest you don't make too many slurs on Firestripe's person or his blade. He doesn't seem to be in the best of moods at present and I doubt insulting him will help matters. I hear you, though. Behave yourself and I'll set other beasts to watch over you, rather than my First mate."
  Mharbrow heard a bit of commotion behind him and turned slightly, raising a scarred eyebrow at the rat captive, completely uncomprehending.
  "If somebeast can understand what that sea scum is saying, please tell me. If it's something I wouldn't like, don't bother passing the message on."
  Turning back to the hare, Elgon the 'Orrible, or whatever his name was, Mharbrow sheathed his dagger and spat on his other paw, then held it out to the beast.
  "So, you'll show us how to forage and, in return, we won't kill you. Deal?"
    I have a shiny thing! See?

And another shiny thing:

And also some random, unnecessary coding.[/li][/list]

Long live the RRR!


Stepping out of the main throng of crewbeasts on Mharbrows side a rat missing his left front incisor nodded. "Aye Cap'n - he was talking about how he was a navigator. So could help with the foraging cause ey had to learn lots about lands and the like for his job." He squinted at Tul who had a big smile on his face. "Dunno tho Cap'n, sounds like a bit of a fib." And the smile was gone. "Nice to 'ear a far Tauril accent tho, been seasons since I 'erd it again. Good rats those lot." Somewhat of a smile back.


Meanwhile in the wide open seas, though getting worryingly close to land, a large ship would be approaching. Much larger than the two smaller ships that had sunk each other this one was a full galley. Oars pumping rythmically away to speed the vessel along with the added boost of sails. Corsairs of all types of verminous persuasions going about their jobs quickly and not daring to look at the beast standing with a foot on the prow. Staring at the land that had been sighted that morn. A new land to claim as his. Or at least a substantial chunk of it. And then burn the rest. As he had done before.

(Feel free to add to it as you post as we build up the big bad :>)

Sebias of Redwall


Elgon flashed a smile at Mharbrow. "Sounds bally good to me, wot!" The hare spat on his paw and grasped the captain's, shaking it. "I'll show you the jolly ol' ins and outs of forest scavenging. Why, there won't be a bally blueberry left un-pilfered, or a root left un-scoffed by the time I'm done teachin' you chaps. Or my name isn't Elgon the 'Orrible - which it is, wot wot."

"I can only speak two languages. English and rubbish." ~Brian Jacques <br /><br />"No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly." <br /><br />"Evil labours with vast power and perpetual success - in vain: preparing always only the soil for unexpected good to sprout in."<br /><br />~JRR Tolkien<br /><br />Long live the RRR!


Greeneye & Silvertongue

Meanwhile, further in the woods, two young creatures were strolling along a dirt path. The first was a fox, who was rather tall. He was covered in reddish-grey fur, and had blue eyes. He was wearing some well ketp-black clothes, and a silk purple cloak that billowed behind him. He was playing a lute, his paws expertly twanging the strings as walked next to his friend.

The second creature was a rat. Whereas the fox appeared more elegant, this one looked much more rugged. He had a ragged green shirt with some leather armor thrown over it, along with some wrinkled brown pants. The rat, despite being young, had clearly seen some battles. He had an eyepatch covering right eye, a hook replacing left handpaw, and; oddly enough, an iron prosthetic replacing right footpaw. His one green eye was locked onto the fox, grunting as he readjusted the two heavy bags on his back.

"Silvertongue, could ye not play that wretched music?" The rat asked.

"Oh, Greeneye, you never have any appreciation for the finer arts." Silvertongue replied, huffing and looking over. "Why don't we stop for the night, and start a fire?"

The two of them went back and forth like this as they walked, Silvertongue still plucking away at the lute.

Wahaoo Haoo! (That's Shy Guy for: 'You're Awesome!')

shisteer of nothing much

  Mharbrow lowered his paw, his eyes reflecting the agreement they'd made as he nodded approval. Goodbeasts were usually far too up themselves to heed vermin traditional, especially when it involved spitting, but Elgon didn't seem too bad a chap. Hiss eyebrows lowered as he turned and studied the rat navigator up and down for a few seconds. He was a rather scrawny beast, obviously not built for hard work, though it was Dyemhar's opinion that such an issue could be remedied without too much difficulty, on his part.
  "Thank you for translating, Tormbo. So, rat, you think you can help? As it turns out, I have a forager here, so I don't really need you at the moment. I suppose a willing set of paws could be useful, though. Get back to work on that grave and we'll have a chat later, yeah?"
  Dyemhar nodded to his crewbeast and the rat obligingly put Keelteeth's navigator back to work, leaving the captain and his new ally in peace.
  "I'd rather the roots remain unscoffed for the time being. We want to have food to bring with us and Belladonna is not in a fit enough state to treat a stomach ache. Just find the food and we can eat it later, in more moderate doses."
  Mharbrow rose and gestured for Elgon to do the same.
  "We can go in maybe half an hour, but we need to bury the dead first. Stick around and pitch in to help wherever you can. Fret, watch the hare. Make sure he doesn't try any funny business."
  Fret left what he'd been doing and joined the acclaimed hare pirate as the captain went to check on things around the camp, approaching Belladonna's stretcher as the mink was finishing up its administrations under Webneck's watchful eye.
    I have a shiny thing! See?

And another shiny thing:

And also some random, unnecessary coding.[/li][/list]

Long live the RRR!

Kade Rivok

Firestripe had simmered down by now, the sharp edge of his anger dulled to a blunt, throbbing in his head.  It surprised him how easily he'd let himself get caught up in that fiery feeling; he'd always considered himself to be a pretty even keeled creature.  It seemed, though, the annoyingly unfortunate series of events that had befallen the crew had taken a toll on him mentally.  He ran a paw through his headfur, trying to put himself into a better mindset.  Things had been bad, but at least right now it seemed that they might have a chance to gather provisions without having to fight anybeast.  To him, that certainly was a step in the right direction.  On that note, he had to accept the fact that it was a much better decision to leave this Elgon character alive.  It wasn't like Firestripe enjoyed killing goodbeasts, after all.  It's just... he had an aching in his chest that he wasn't quite accustomed to, and from this pain a blazing rage had sprung forth.  The black fox shook his head, annoyed.  If this was going to be a continuing problem, he'd have to learn how to control it.  The chance that he could fly off the handle like that at a moments notice only made him a liability.

While, mentally, Firestripe had been wrestling with these thoughts and emotions, physically he'd been running on autopilot.  His body was well accustomed to the task of being First Mate, and so he'd been moving around the camp without thinking, making sure things were running smoothly and assisting where needed.  Even while doing this, though, he'd glance over at Belladonna's stretcher every once in awhile.  Unconsciously, he was worried for her, and was surprised that a creature as capable as she had taken such a grievous wound.  He noticed the Captain approach her stretcher and assumed that he was done talking to the hare.  The large, black fox sighed and headed over as well.  He hoped that the Captain hadn't been too perturbed by his earlier attitude.  Stopping beside the other male fox, he looked down at Belladonna along with him.

"Sorry about before, Captain," Firestripe said in a low voice, not wanting to disturb the wounded creature in front of him.  "I got a little heated, it would seem."
Writings of a Mad Man

Kade's Vocal Emporium

The Noob Combo

Super Special Medals!