
For some, the heat of summer nears its end. . . And for others, the blooms of spring appear.

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You've been ambushed! [Boss Hayes Event]

Started by Boss Hayes, March 15, 2020, 08:44:17 PM

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Captain Tammo

like a beast beaten to unconsciousness, the big lizard was beaten to unconsciousness. There remained almost 10 lizards in the crowded room, and while one battle may have been over, there was still the mob to deal with... somehow.

The remaining lizards started fighting back with fervor. Verdauga/Dumbo's offensive gained attention, and while a couple of lizards fell beneath his blade, several of the monitors began to gather and jab their spears at Verdauga from several angles. The remaining pawful went after Lass, a little more angry this time than in their first attack

In a show of absolute cluelessness, hardly a single one of the reptiles noticed their boss lying unconscious on the floor with an otter-badger atop them. The only one who had noticed was the big lizard, and this had gone very poorly for it.

A peculiar, unheard voice like one's conscience urges those nearby and puts a chill up their spines: The keys! Get the keys!!

Quote from: Kade Rivok on March 16, 2020, 04:08:11 PM
With his other paw, he began raining blows on the creature's head, muttering, "Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep."
:D the way I pictured this happening, that one got a laugh!
"Cowards die a thousand times, a warrior only dies once. The spirits of all you have slain are watching you, Vilu Daskar, and they will rest in peace now that your time has come. You must die as you have lived, a coward to the last!" -Luke the warrior

Kade Rivok

OOC:  ;D

Satisfied that the lizard would be out for awhile, Kade started getting up when he noticed the keys that the vermin carried.  He thought he might have heard a different voice sounding in his head, trying to tell him something, but it was overridden by his own thought, going something like Ooo, SHINY!  The Otterbadger quickly grabbed the keys and waved them around a bit, watching them sparkle in the light.
Writings of a Mad Man

Kade's Vocal Emporium

The Noob Combo

Super Special Medals!


Glad that the big threat was gone, Kreg charged after the group of lizards putting his spear in front of one of the lizards necks trying to choke them "Kade, Am I doing this correctly?"
You can't spell low IQ without a lot of boogaly (boo-ga-lee)

Come To My Shop!

OooooOOooo, shiny!

Cornflower MM

"Alright, alright, caveman! Lemme see the keys while you go whack some more lizards." Corn said, shoving the spear she held at Kade. The monitors were closing in on Lass and Corn knew she'd be of very minimal help.


Chopping through spear and scale was no easy task, so Verdauga resorted to stabbing the lizards with his spear, pushing his way into the middle of the group. His advance was unceremoniously stopped when a monitor calmly stabbed him with its spear.
Verdauga dropped his pike, hugging his side and slashing with Thomasbane.
Killing the mood since 2019

Thanks for the artwork Lass, Scott, and Wortshire! (And Dannflower as well for the Worldstate badge.)

shisteer of nothing much

Teer, unengaged for a while, looked around at the general fight, wondering which group she should go for. The lizards weren't as affected by her mum's 'custard' as she'd hoped and were on the attack again. Verdauga seemed to be doing fairly well with his section, so she headed for Lass, then stopped as she saw her husband stumble, then fall to the ground. Instantly, Teer's course changed and, with a roar of rage, she launched into the back of the lizards, stabbing and hitting with her spear until she stood over Verdauga. The light of battle in her eyes, Teer defended the wounded wildcat with a new ferocity, stabbing and thwacking with lightning precision as the roaring sound in her head blocked all thoughts and feelings, concentrating all her body's energy on one task.
Kill those slime-legged snakes!
    I have a shiny thing! See?

And another shiny thing:

And also some random, unnecessary coding.[/li][/list]

Long live the RRR!


Verdauga quickly changed his swing when Shisteer stepped close, clearing the area around him of enemies. " It's only a flesh wound," He said, half-smiling, "why don't you go help Lass? She seems to be in  a more dire situation." So saying, Verdauga picked up his spear again, and waded once more into the fray, slightly angling himself towards Lass.
Killing the mood since 2019

Thanks for the artwork Lass, Scott, and Wortshire! (And Dannflower as well for the Worldstate badge.)

Kade Rivok

Kade shied away from the pointy stick Cornflower threatened him with.  He didn't know her game, but he wasn't about to hand the keys over.
"No way, shiny belongs to me!"  He said, and promptly swallowed the unlocking devices, safely storing them away for later. 

He was jerked back to reality, though, as Teer let out a fierce roar.  He looked over the ongoing battle and saw her helping the wounded Verdauga.  He thought about assisting them for half a second, but decided that Lass could probably use his help more.  Teer was more than capable of taking care of her self.  With a wolfish grin, the Otterbadger charged the back ranks of the group that Lass fought, intending to bowl over as many as he could through sheer force.
Writings of a Mad Man

Kade's Vocal Emporium

The Noob Combo

Super Special Medals!

lass of something much

Lass jumped back in an atempt to dodge a spear "this was not going to work for much longer, she had to get back to the others!" Slowly inching back Lass almost triped on a dead foe, she waved her arms in a windmill like action. Still with both sword and spear (one in each paw) she slashed at the enamy.

OOC: I thought I was beside Teer, but okay XD
𝓛𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓮 𝓕𝓲𝓼𝓱

shisteer of nothing much

Teer backed off a bit from Verdauga, giving him some space as the roaring in her head subsided a bit, smiling sheepishly at the wildcat.
"Ah, sorry. I'd help Lass but she and Kade appear to have things well under control. Otterbadgers are extremely useful allies."
Grinning at said beast across the room, Teer coolly blocked a spear thrust and drove her own spear into his chest, jerking it free in time to deflect another blow before calmly dispatching the next lizard with a solid knock on the head.
    I have a shiny thing! See?

And another shiny thing:

And also some random, unnecessary coding.[/li][/list]

Long live the RRR!

Kade Rivok

Taking the lizards by surprise, Kade managed to knock three of them down in his charging assault.  He stomped down hard on one of the lizards' neck, intending to break it, and grabbed a loose spear from the floor.  Laughing loudly, he then stabbed at another of the lizards he had knocked down that was in the process of rising.  Lass seemed a bit overwhelmed, so he'd tried to make a large entrance to draw the lizards' attention.
Writings of a Mad Man

Kade's Vocal Emporium

The Noob Combo

Super Special Medals!


Kreg grappled a lizard to the ground planning to stab him on the way down. He stabbed the lizard once, unfortunately he tried to stab the lizard again and accidentally stabbed himself in the thigh. A grunt of self hatred came out of Kreg and a hiss from the lizard that almost sounded like laughter. Kreg angry as a badger with bloodrath stabbed the Lizard straight in the heart, or at least where Kreg thought lizards hearts are.
You can't spell low IQ without a lot of boogaly (boo-ga-lee)

Come To My Shop!

OooooOOooo, shiny!

Captain Tammo

OOC: I think the monitors have been taught their lesson. Keep fighting as much as you'd like, but in the meantime, you've earned these...

🗝️ (The Lost Legends of Redwall)
🗝️ (The Great Summer Games Extravaganza)

You've unlocked The Lost Legends of Redwall and The Great Summer Games Extravaganza for the rest of the forum!

You've defeated Boss Hayes' goons and, even more, you now have more than half of the boards unlocked! You just might have enough to win the upper paw in a confrontation with Boss Hayes now, but there's one question that remains... where is he?

Not much guidance needed, you have a hunch on exactly where you'll find him.
"Cowards die a thousand times, a warrior only dies once. The spirits of all you have slain are watching you, Vilu Daskar, and they will rest in peace now that your time has come. You must die as you have lived, a coward to the last!" -Luke the warrior

lass of something much

OOC: Sweet as a nutmeat!... soo, what do we do now? ;D
𝓛𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓮 𝓕𝓲𝓼𝓱

Kade Rivok

It's already over, apparently -_-

It happened before these thread was ended as far as I can tell.
Writings of a Mad Man

Kade's Vocal Emporium

The Noob Combo

Super Special Medals!