
Season's Greetings, ev'rybeast! Some arrive on wintery winds, and others sail in on summer gusts to a time of fine fellowship and company

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Spoopy Season at Redwall!

Started by Cornflower MM, October 19, 2020, 01:36:27 AM

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Cornflower MM

       Thunder crashes as the sun, about to dip below the horizon, is obscured by rain clouds. The orchard's trees play an eerie symphony as the branches rub together in the breeze bringing the storm.

       Inside the Abbey, however, a different, warmer picture was to be seen...


       Well y'all, it's spoopy season and that's always fun to play with creatively... So I raise you a challenge: Show me how YOU think Redwallers celebrate Halloween (or whatever their equivalent would be). This could be anything from a group scene to Dibbuns in costumes, from creepy to cute. XD Have fun, go wild!

       Note: This is not a contest, there is no hard deadline or prizes, I only ask you post your artwork for this challenge in this thread.

lass of something much

Awww, no contest? How're you meant to get everyone to work their hardest? (Even if the prize is just bragging rights. ;D)
𝓛𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓮 𝓕𝓲𝓼𝓱

Cornflower MM

If we do a contest every time, people'll get tired of 'em. XD Don't worry, though, there's more contest ideas brewin' in my brain.