Wildflower Inn

Started by Mara the Wolf, October 31, 2020, 11:48:33 PM

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shisteer of nothing much

OOC: Tiria, we generally avoid powerplaying, you can throw a punch, but you need to let the other person react to them on their own.

  Nitsyok gave a low growl at the newest arrival and the rat, rising to his footpaws and placing himself between the ottermain and his patient.
  "Calm down, both of you! Marm, please take a seat and desist from causing fights in this inn. Sir, your scimitar is in the care of my friend, who will, no doubt, give it back to you as soon as I have finished tending your wounds. In the meantime, just sit back and stay still. You can have more food or water, whatever you need."
  The otter gave both beasts a chilling glare, waiting for them to do as they were told. Usually he wouldn't be this pushy, but matters had already gotten out of paw within a few seconds and he didn't need matters to escalate further.
    I have a shiny thing! See?

And another shiny thing:

And also some random, unnecessary coding.[/li][/list]

Long live the RRR!


She leaves, but walks backwards so she can keep an eye on him. She takes some soup and leaves a piece of searat gold.

She sits at a nearby table, still keeping an eye on Roughtail.

Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on November 12, 2020, 02:43:00 AM
OOC: Tiria, we generally avoid powerplaying, you can throw a punch, but you need to let the other person react to them on their own.

Got it, sorry 'bout that.
I'm about to go GREMLIN MODE

Ebantu the Kararehe

  Mayla whistled cheerfully and gave a little hop-skip of pure joy. She took a deep breath of the clear evening air and grinned at her friend, twirling her javelin/quarterstaff. Fern smiled wryly at the enthusiasm of the other wildcat.
  "Why are you so happy? It's almost nightfall and we still haven't come across that blasted inn. 'It's not far, just a bit further this way.' You said that an hour ago at least."
  "Deepest 'pologies, milady," Mayla's mood was as buoyant as before. "I haven't been this way in a few seasons. Besides, it's just up here, I'm sure of it!"
  She dashed ahead and Fern muttered under her breath. "I'll believe it when I see it," A triumphant shout raised her gaze. Mayla stood at the top of a slight rise and pointed ahead.
  "I told you! Now come on; I'm famished!"

  Fern creaked the inn door open and sighed inwardly, pushing the cowl of her cloak back from her face. It was rather more busy than she had hoped. Mayla stepped past her and headed toward the bar, but Fern laid a paw on her arm to restrain her.
  "I'll handle this, Mayla," she offered.
  "But you hate talking to anybeast," Mayla grinned. Fern opened her mouth to object, but realised her friend was right.
  "Good point," she conceded, "I'll choose a table, you see to a meal and a room. Deal?"
  Mayla nodded and moved unhurriedly to the bar as Fern stalked over to a small table in one corner. The wildcat gave a warm smile to the creature behind the counter.
  "Hello! I was wondering if my friend and I might be able to rent a room for a night or two?"
Infant Ebby is a smol, out-of-control firebending terror. It's a good thing she's also quite cute.

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
And rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Crafter Man

Roughtail watched the young otter-maid mockingly as she backed away.  He smiled sadistically as the otter continued watching him, he was going to have fun messing with this one.  And here he was worrying about woodlanders being good fighters, pfft.  If she was any example, he was quite sure he could handle himself.  Deep down though, he still harbored a doubt when it came to woodlanders.  He'd seen what otters and hares could do in battle.  He was especially worried of that big otter who had stepped in before he could lay into that brat of an otter-maid.  Without his scimitar he was defenseless... then Roughtail remembered his crossbow.  Where was it?  He looked around the Inn, but couldn't see it.  musta dropped it somewhere along the way.  He cursed inwardly, that was a well made crossbow. 

Cursing his own stupidity for getting himself in this situation, Roughtail finally concluded that it was better to appear unafraid and so he made as if to not care about the scimitar even though being unarmed was an extremely uneasy feeling.  He figured he'd eventually have to steal it back from whichever otter had taken it.

"Seein' as this otter-maid is too soft in 'er 'ead to understand the meaning of wantin' soup and ale, would either of ya fine gentle beasts mind bringin' me some" he gestured towards the large black wolf and the otter who had interjected on his squabble with the otter-maid. 

"I'd do it me-self, truly.  But ya see, me back an' me foot-paw aches like hells gates an' I fear I'll nay're walk again!"  He held his foot-paw and pretended to be in excruciating pain, an act which wouldn't have fooled the most gullible of beasts.

shisteer of nothing much

  Nitsyok lifted an eyebrow at the rat, crossing his paws in front of his chest and waiting for the rat to finish his performance.
  "Careful of that paw. There's a nasty cut on it and it won't enjoy being disturbed the wrong way. So far I've only found minor scratches and bruises. Please tell me if you have any proper wounds."
  Turning to the dark furred, massive creature, the otter smiled wryly.
  "Would a tad more soup be available for our friend, here?"
  He knelt down again, ready to carry on his work tending to the rat's injuries when a thought occurred to him and he turned back to the innkeeper.
  "I'm not sure I caught your name. I'm Nitsyok, by the way."
    I have a shiny thing! See?

And another shiny thing:

And also some random, unnecessary coding.[/li][/list]

Long live the RRR!

Mara the Wolf

"Yeah, but at the rate beasts're pourin' in, we'll be out in no time." The wolf returned the grin. "Name's Mara."

Oy, I'll never take a slow day for granted ever again! "ENOUGH!" Masika shouted at everybeast in the room. "If'n anys of ya start any more problems, I'll throw yas out myself! You!" She looked towards Roughtail. "If'n yer gonna be like tha', we c'n always jus' kick ya back out! We're under no oblergashun ta help ya! And you," she glared towards Splash. "Don't go startin' fights wit' other beasts 'ere. We c'n kick ye out too." The otter put a webbed paw to her head and sighed before turning to the two cats. "Yeah, well, we only have eight rooms. Four beds t' a room. Ye'll prob'ly hafta share wit' the other two lasses." The otter stopped to take count. Two foxes, one stoat, one mousechild, three cats, one rat, and four otters, not counting herself and Mara. All the cats and the youngest otter were female. The rest were malebeasts... Eight malebeasts in all. "...Acshually, we might jus' be able t' get each of ya yer own rooms...per group. Anyway, welcome to Wildflower Inn."

Mara sighed exasperatedly and turned to Nitsyok and held out her paw. "Give me the blade."
Riley: Mountain lion, Sonic the Hedgehog
Amara: African wild dog, The Lion King/The Lion Guard
Masika: Eurasian river otter, Redwall
Mara: Wolf, general


The otter-maid gets up and walks towards Roughtail.

"I suppose we should try to make amends. I'm Splash, I don't care about your footpaw and I can help you get your weapon back if not, I found a well-made crossbow on the way here."
I'm about to go GREMLIN MODE

Mara the Wolf

Mara held up an arm to stop her. "Don't. I don' trust 'im not t' start trouble, so don't give him any weapons...unless he's leavin'. I'm one'a the owners of this 'ere Inn, so ya hafta t' lissen t' me just as much as ya hafta lissen to Masika there." She hooked a claw towards the otter who'd just yelled for order, her pointed glare at Roughtail making it clear she was addressing both of them.
Riley: Mountain lion, Sonic the Hedgehog
Amara: African wild dog, The Lion King/The Lion Guard
Masika: Eurasian river otter, Redwall
Mara: Wolf, general

Crafter Man

Roughtail rolled his eyes at the Inn keeper.  I was the one who was attacked, albeit a pitiful assault, it was still an assault.  An' fer some reason I'm the one they're watchin' go figure.  If the inn weren't full of other otters, I'd have clobbered the brat over the 'ead.  So far these woodlanders were proving to be more annoying than anything else, certainly not deadly.  He spared an amused look towards the otter-maid who got up from her spot and began approaching him with her proposal. 

"Ya hit me otter-maid."  Roughtail said matter of factly.  "Ya see, where I'm from amends are only made when revenge is granted.   So either yew gimme that nice crossbow ya found or I get to demonstrate what a real punch looks like on yur face."  Roughtail wanted that crossbow more than he'd admit and certainly more than he showed, but he was certain it was his.  "I'd 'ate t' ruin a beautiful face such as yurs."  he added with a cheeky smile. 


"Ah. well better git going I'll come back on mah way home from Redwall."

She gave Mara some searat gold and leaves.
I'm about to go GREMLIN MODE

Mara the Wolf

Mara snarled and swung her claws at Roughtail's face before heading out after Splash. "Miss, wait! Yah don't hafta go jus' cause of tha' rat! B'sides, Redwall's weeks southeast o' here!"
Riley: Mountain lion, Sonic the Hedgehog
Amara: African wild dog, The Lion King/The Lion Guard
Masika: Eurasian river otter, Redwall
Mara: Wolf, general

The Grey Coincidence

BIC: Isaac looked aghast at Nyika.  "Beat my jacket?! Hasn't the poor thing been through enough already? Oh dear, I suppose I'll have to..." The fox strutted away, shaking his head sadly. He caught sight of a small mouse in the corner of the room, and frowned. There was something strangely different about this mouse. Curious, Isaac slunk closer. "Who are you, young man?"

Harlapple shushed the nosy fox and gestured to where the searat was waking up. Still not moving from his seat at the table Harlapple watched the events unfold. A typical, arrogant, prideful and violent woodlander strolled in and proceeded to pick a fight with the searat. It had been a laughable affair, though Harlapple had not laughed, and the mouse almost wished the rat had thrown back a punch. Two more beasts had made their presence known, the prideful ottermaid had left in a hurry and- "Apparently we're sharing rooms." He turned to Isaac and said, with the biggest smile on his face. "I am Olaf the Cleaver, Maker of Widows, Beheader of Warriors. I would say at your service," he winked. "But I think we both know who's in charge here. Now, if you'll excuse me." Finishing off the last of his honey bread, the mouse pushed the soup towards the fox and stood. "I'm going to get acquainted with our searat friend."
Profile by the wonderful Vizon.

Also, behold this shiny medal! How I got it is a secret...

Also, also, I am running fanfic conteeeeeests!

Ebantu the Kararehe

  "You certainly have good business at the moment," Mayla laughed, sweeping her gaze around the noisy, crowded room. "Fern and I are more than happy to share a room; I'd prefer it, in fact." The wolf hurried away to intervene between two of the other customers and Mayla made her way over to Fern, shrugging slightly in answer to her friend's raised eyebrow as she seated herself. "They're very busy jus' now, pore beasts. I'll order when everything's calmed down, I think."
  Fern sighed and leaned back in her chair, closing her eyes. "I wish everybeast would have the decency to shut up," she growled.
  "There doesn't look t'be much chance of that, I'm afraid."
  "Mm, more's the pity."
Infant Ebby is a smol, out-of-control firebending terror. It's a good thing she's also quite cute.

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
And rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Crafter Man

The claws of the large black wolf came dangerously close to Roughtail's snout and the rat once again found himself unarmed and wishing he at least had his scimitar or even better... Roughtail's stomach twisted into a knot as he watched the otter-maid leave with his prized crossbow.  Probably nay're gonna see that beauty again nor shoot 'er.  Roughtail let a deep sigh escape his snout, he'd have done just about anything to get that thing.  That's when he noticed, through his peripheral, the mouse approaching him. 

His gaze immediately moved to the barbed tail of the mouse and he had to bite down on his tongue to keep from gulping audibly.  He was simi successful and instead his gulp turned into an awkward swallow which was rather uncomfortable.  Prying his gaze from the mouse's deadly tail and unconsciously moving his own tail as far away as possible, Roughtail turned to the mouse as casually as he could despite the fact that his heart was beginning to race.  He didn't understand why, why was he so frightened.  One glance at the barbed tail was the only answer he needed and the flashbacks would come flooding back into his head.  The memories of when he had only been a sea rat for a couple seasons.  And the pain, that was the worst part, the fact that the pain in his tail seemed to come back every time he was reminded of the incident.  Shaking the memories from his head Roughtail finally found the ability to speak, "Ya 'appen to 'ave any soup an' ale by chance, seems no beast 'ere'll gimme any now that I'm awake."  The question was rhetorical, or at least that's the way it came out although he wouldn't have complained if the mouse did offer him some vittles.   

"The name's Roughtail, just in case ya were wonderin' who this handsome young rat was." Roughtail said, sporting a cheeky smile and offering an outstretched paw.  It was a bold move, but he'd rather make allies with this beast than have to ever face that barbed tail.  Inwardly, he realized that this was the first beast he'd given his name to.  Fear was quite the motivator and Roughtail decided there and then that he'd be dumb to cross this mouse.  He was small, sure, but Roughtail knew a killer when he saw one. 

Jarky Thistlebrush

Isaac smiled as he watched the mouse leave. A cocky youngster, and a strange one. That poor searat sure had trouble on his hands.
The fox approached Mayla and Fern next. Perhaps they too had a story.
The following is a list of things to bring on holiday:
42 ~ Seb's Humility ~ Seb's toothbrush ~ Seb's soul ~ Half a Plane ~ Your Toothbrush ~ A creeping anxiety every time you look at your toothbrush ~ Pure Terror every time you look at your toothbrush ~ Death every time you look at your toothbrush

I had to move everything off the list but the bare essentials to make way for this: