
Started by Vulpin, December 09, 2011, 08:14:18 PM

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I love the deeper things about stories. And i happened to remember reading that Martin arrived in Mossflower dureing winter times. In the book 'Mossflower', you first see him fighting rats, or stoats. You know what, just call'em vermin. In the book 'Martin the warrior', he left for the south, i think, in the summer. Or near the end of summer. Which leads me to beleive that Noonvale is 2 seasons away from Mossflower. Also keep in mind, Martin was still a young fit mouse when he was in Mossflower. I am thinking it is 2-3 seasons because of this.

Just a thought, if anyone has more clearer ideas as to how far from Mossflower Noonvale is, please enlighten me. ^_^ i would love to know more about this.


redwall is quite along way away from noonvale
this should give you an idea of how martin travelled, i know its not in english butnoonvale is and redwall is easy to find


Looks to me like i might be right. 2 seasons for a mouse. O_o Werid, i pictured the path to be a bit more, broadsided. Oh well ^_^, i shall continuously study this map on my way to finding the deeper things. Thanks a bunch. Also, i been tryin to see if Redwall, and the world in Jacques mind, was linked to The Brittish isles... -_- Yeah, there is no similarities looking at this, and i know, i spent many hours trying to find a dorment volcano on a western cost of Britian, or any land for that matter. Oh, well, at least i have new meterial to study... Thank you very much SKipper m'lad


the creatures are british, BJ made up salamandastron so you probably wont find it on a real map but the whole mossflower area including the northen mountains the western plains etc resemble britain, like the northern mountains resembles scotland or atleat thats what i think


I looked into it. No maps match Brian Jacques', or as you call him, BJ. The rivers dont match Britan's or Ireland's or the highlands. Trust me, i looked for more things then just a volcano. I dug, and dug deep. There is, without a doubt in my mind, no realisation to Jacques' world... well, not compared to maps like.

Still i guess it would make sense in a world without humans. The maps maybe entirely different. O_o A alternate dimension. Well anyway, i am sure your right of course, you know more then i do, i only been in the whole game for about 1 season now... Hahaha, i been waitn to say that'n.

Well thanks Skipper. Hey, do ya know anything else deep about the Redwall series? I mean have you given thought to anything else?


like what? also it would have been unoriginal for Bj to make the whole mossflower area like britain plus he's using his imagination which he likes to use alot but i belive it does vaugely resemble britain


I guess is some sort of way, where the forests and rivers are diconfigured, and there is a big puddle in the middle of the western coastal area, i guess it does resemble Britan. ^_^

Oh and i am not sure myself... What is your veiw on Martin? I mean, up until 'Martin the warrior', i never ruled out that MArtin had a family. But i am curious, do you think that he may have loved someone again [if he does, dont you dare ruin it! I am only on the 8th book]


My view on the subject of Mossflower country being like in Britain is in geography and its plant/animal life. I'd say the map could vaguely match a lot more places on Earth than just Britain.

Travel seems to be off though. In Salamandastron, it didn't take very long for Thrugg and Dumble to reach the Northern Mountains. A lot less than one or two seasons. No reason why Martin wouldn't have gotten off on small adventures in his journey south though.
Start building something beautiful and just put the hate away


Quote from: Taggerung_of_Redwall on December 09, 2011, 11:08:22 PMTravel seems to be off though. In Salamandastron, it didn't take very long for Thrugg and Dumble to reach the Northern Mountains. A lot less than one or two seasons. No reason why Martin wouldn't have gotten off on small adventures in his journey south though.
it would have been intresting if BJ had witten a book about martins adventures before he reached Kotir


Quote from: Vulpin on December 09, 2011, 09:23:18 PM
Oh and i am not sure myself... What is your veiw on Martin? I mean, up until 'Martin the warrior', i never ruled out that MArtin had a family. But i am curious, do you think that he may have loved someone again [if he does, dont you dare ruin it! I am only on the 8th book]

There is a book about Martin's family--more specifically his father.  It's called "The Legend of Luke".  It's a really good book.  Martin goes back to find out what really happened to his parents. 
"Aha! Today I shall become an author, and I shall auth, and auth, and auth, and make a squillion dollars! Whoopee!!!"
~Brian Jacques

Captain Tammo

Quote from: Vulpin on December 09, 2011, 08:14:18 PM
I love the deeper things about stories. And i happened to remember reading that Martin arrived in Mossflower dureing winter times. In the book 'Mossflower', you first see him fighting rats, or stoats. You know what, just call'em vermin. In the book 'Martin the warrior', he left for the south, i think, in the summer. Or near the end of summer. Which leads me to beleive that Noonvale is 2 seasons away from Mossflower. Also keep in mind, Martin was still a young fit mouse when he was in Mossflower. I am thinking it is 2-3 seasons because of this.

Just a thought, if anyone has more clearer ideas as to how far from Mossflower Noonvale is, please enlighten me. ^_^ i would love to know more about this.

Also, remember he probably didn't travel in a straight line
"Cowards die a thousand times, a warrior only dies once. The spirits of all you have slain are watching you, Vilu Daskar, and they will rest in peace now that your time has come. You must die as you have lived, a coward to the last!" -Luke the warrior


Also, remember he probably didn't travel in a straight line

Hey good point! So he jurneyed for 2 seasons, but that doesnt mean Noonvale is two seasons away. Man this is mind boggleing... I will continue to discover more about this. I am certain there are more then a couple books mentioning Noonvale.. PErhaps there is a map somewheres that will help tell the distance.




I looked at more maps... I dont think the world of Jacques imagined is based off any real maps. The world seems to be made entirely from his mind. Still i think it would be, at least, safe to say that the position of Mossflower could be located on or near the Britain isles. Sad really, i was hoping to discover where the redwall world was located. But there arnt many volcanos at the shore.