Attack on Redwall Abbey RP signup

Started by BadgerLordFiredrake, December 19, 2011, 12:42:08 AM

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Name: Melody
Species: Otter
Age: young
occupation: warrior


Tiria and hte  other person can join.
Sorry i haven't posted in a while.
baby turtle forever


Name: RatBane
Species: Sea/Sewer Rat
Age: middle age
Occupation: Warrior for Hire.

He carries a rat version of ax, dagger and bastard sword. He has a shield but it is mostly for caring things and keeping his blanket and food dry. He also has a small pouch and standard previsions of a soldier.

He is black/brown with bits of grayish white to show his age a bit. He has a scare on his left eye along with a tore left ear (battle wounds) he is lean and fit and looks to have keep his self in shape. He has a few things on his clothing the highest rank is captain in what ever army but clearly captain. He is wise, silent and very cunning but has a good mannered aura about him. He does what is needed for him and any men he has to command to survive.

He is current traveling looking for his next home next fight or just the next meal.

Not all Rats are bad just the ones that make them self out to be.


Rat, you have to be the vermin leader if you want to join.  We have no vermin leaders at the moment.
baby turtle forever


Really *grins evily* But I am a nice rat that needs food and shelter and I look so poor and woos is me. Pleases kind mice let me into redwall Mwhahahahah..
Not all Rats are bad just the ones that make them self out to be.


i gonna join

name: axel sunslayer
gender: male
species: otter
age: 24
occupation: wanderer
other: he carries a sling, sword, battleaxe and shield and he is for hire. he has battle scars all over his face and chest, he wears some chainmail.
wolves will slay whoever they want to.....*growl* "AGHH''


baby turtle forever


Yeah I took the job can't you see I am a bit busy setting up camp and getting ready to take Red Wall and plunder and pillage it.

*Barks orders at his new army to get off there lazy butts and set up the tents properly and then turns to a few other that are working on a battering ram to take the gates and barks some more orders about working harder and faster or they get no food.*

See I am getting them into shape I am not sure where you want me to lead them after I take you precious little abbey. Hey it going to be nice to have a place to call home and I think the title Lord RatBane is good. *grins*

Not all Rats are bad just the ones that make them self out to be.


I onw Salamandastron, not Redwall.  I command the entire Long Patrol!
baby turtle forever

Wisteria Wild Cat

Sorry I joined so late.  ;)

Name: Wisteria
Gender: Female
Species: Wildcat
Age: Young Adult
Occupation: Wisteria was raised from infancy in Redwall Abbey, where she still resides. Wisteria is very rebellious and practices using her weapons, a large bow and arrows and a pitchfork. She wears a simple cotton dress and dreams of life outside Redwall.
I am so unbelievably busy at the moment, (BECAUSE I'M MOVING!!!) if you need me, which you most likely won't, PM me!


Wildcats in redwall?  Ok...

What we really need is like 5-10 hares.  I need at least 3 hares, so i need 3 hares before i accept any other species to join.
baby turtle forever


OK If we can get up to about 5 on the Hare's that woudl be great. I need Vermin if you wish to join in my hord that is going to attack the Abby.

Iam going to write out a long post for attack this weekend and shoudl be up no later then SUN if not some one PM me. thanks
Not all Rats are bad just the ones that make them self out to be.

Troy Troodon

King Harraie
Okay you all know who he is and what's he's gonna bring. But is it atleast worth guilty pleasure for?
So what if I'm crazy? Atleast I admit my insanity.


May I join?

Name: Deathrage
Species: Searat
Age: Young adult
Weapons: Scimitar and poison tail barb
Gender: Male

That good?
I am Deathrage. Leader of a horde of rats. Bow to me. If you do not... You will see.

Wisteria Wild Cat

Wisteria died so here is my next character!  ;D

Name: Jaune (French for yellow)
Gender: Female
Species: Yellow Canary
Age: 31 seasons( 2 years and 7 months)
Weapons: Beak and claws
Occupation: Could-be-spy that lives in Mossflower Wood.
Personality: Extremely kind, friendly and helpful. Will do anything for friends, (Which she makes a lot of, fairly quick too!)
History: Unknown
I am so unbelievably busy at the moment, (BECAUSE I'M MOVING!!!) if you need me, which you most likely won't, PM me!