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Redwall in something other than English

Started by Osu, June 27, 2011, 05:29:17 PM

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Has anybody had the opportunity to read any of the series in a language other than English? I got my hands on one of the books for Pearls of Lutra in French (can't seem to find any of the others, argh! What do they split up the books for, asdjfklas;!!), and I've been looking for copies of the series in Italian, Japanese, Hebrew, or Welsh. I'm almost positive there isn't a Welsh version, but it'd be nice.

Anywaaaay, if you have, what are some of the differences you noticed? Things always change slightly in localization, and all that. If not, what language would you like to read it in? Any other at all?
Redwall is always open, its tables laden, to you and any of good heart.


For real world languages, I'd have to say Irish.

I've invented my own language (although it isin't complete yet) and it would be fun to practice learning my language through Redwall, but I'd probably have to translate it [from english to my language] myself. Oh well...
NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.


We'll chalk up your Irish with my Welsh. ;D

Translating it over into your language would probably be a great way to practice it! That's really cool that you've invented your own, it must've taken a while. :D
Redwall is always open, its tables laden, to you and any of good heart.


All I speak is:
Ola ( Is that how you spell it? )
Audios ????
and howdy!  ;D ;D ;D
LateRose is locked up in Martin's heart, and there she's bound to stay.


Actually I'm still working on it. Although I have a few words and grammar and the lot down already. Here's a sentence of it for you.

Lo akatimemez diesc g'ein bine reit'nifrost trieful.
We looked up at the pretty sky.
NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.


@martin - HOWDY! This is the best language ever. Texan. 8)

@head - I'll bet. Is it just the words that are unique, or are there differences in syntax and suchlike as well? Languages are always a fascinating thing to study. :D
Redwall is always open, its tables laden, to you and any of good heart.


Well I've noticed that usually if a word [in my language] ends with "eav" it's often pronounced as "ate".

Actually I originally created a script for it. I then started to  create other scripts as well, including one that was the "Ancient" version of the first. Then I decided to start creating languages for them. Then I created a "World Map" with several of the countries/continents/lands/etc. being the places where my different scripts and their adjoining languages were written and spoken.

Erinnatade lattan bine crelacka aust shalul.
Languages make the world go around.
NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.


Fascinating. They do, indeed, don't they? What a boring world it'd be without languages.
Redwall is always open, its tables laden, to you and any of good heart.


Quote from: Osu on June 28, 2011, 09:48:14 PM
Fascinating. They do, indeed, don't they? What a boring world it'd be without languages.
Agreed, I love languages.

One of my schools has Mattimeo in Japanese. It's called Little Warrior Mattimeo. From what I've read, it's a very faithful translation. I found the part at the beginning when Brother Rufus is complaining about Matthias' horrible spelling particularly hilarious. The English version has Brother Rufus saying something like,
Quote from: Mattimeo, p20"Look, Abbot Mordalfus, spelt with one 'b.' Basil Stag Hare, you'd think that was simple enough. Oh no, they've spelt Basil 'Bazzerl' and put an 'e' on the end of Stag!"
In the Japanese version it's not just a matter of spelling, so he complains that they left a bit out from the character for director (which is, interestingly enough, the word they use to refer to the abbot). The funniest bit was when he complained about the mistakes in Basil Stag Hare. It's supposed to be ?????????? (usagi no ojika baajiru), but the children left out a stroke from hare and misspelt Baajiru so it became ?????????? (unagi no ojika bazaaru), which means Bazzar Stag Eel. I love it! I'm thinking of changing my name to Bazzar Stag Eel.

Ahem, sorry, I do like languages, you see... *polishes spectacles and wanders off*


Oh my goodness, that's wonderful! Now I really, really want a copy in Japanese~ ;D And you should totally change your name. Then you'd have every opportunity to explain it to people that ask. XD
No don't go! Languages are one of my favorite things to talk about! Languages and Redwall is a dream come true! Don't gooooo!...
Redwall is always open, its tables laden, to you and any of good heart.


The books are available in Japanese at, but they're all hardcover and very expensive. I'm glad some of my schools have copies. My Japanese copy of Mossflower is in Australia, unfortunately.

My next project is to see what Japanese dialects are used to show the different accents of the different animals.

You said you were looking for copies in Italian, Japanese, Hebrew, or Welsh. Does that mean you can read all those languages?


Shoot. At least there's no import duty on books. :( When you learn something about the dialects, tell me about it!~ I'd like to know what a Japanese mole sounds like especially. :D

I named those languages because they're my current hobby. I took Spanish, French, and Japanese throughout high school, and I have family in Wales; otherwise, I don't speak them. I can usually struggle through with a few good dictionaries, though. XD
Redwall is always open, its tables laden, to you and any of good heart.

Wydran Riverpaw

Unfortunately I haven't found any of the Redwall books in other languages yet. I would be able to read them in Polish though, as it's my first language. Only Redwall and Mattimeo are translated into Polish though. I might also be able to read the books in French (I'm learning French in school.)


Neat, Polish! Shame there's only two translated, though. :( That'd be another interesting version to pick up...
Redwall is always open, its tables laden, to you and any of good heart.


Well, molespeech is the strangest Japanese I've ever read! I read a few blogs written by Japanese people who read the series, and it seems to be a mixture of several different dialects like Nagoya-ben and Kansai-ben. Interesting.

The otters seem to still talk in nautical terms, Japanese style!

This is a fun project. *dons brainy specs*