
For some, the heat of summer nears its end. . . And for others, the blooms of spring appear.

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James and the Fairy Queen

Started by buckler, March 27, 2012, 12:46:20 AM

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      Once there lived a boy named James. James lived in Lindersville a small town in England. Now James was no ordinary boy everyone thought he was strange. He had no friends just a little stuffed gnome his aunt had given him when he was a babe. He called this gnome Jumpis.  James just sat up in his room talking too his stuffed gnome all day and never coming down. To James this stuffed toy was real it was like his brother too him.    And this is why they thought James was strange. One day James went missing and so was his gnome Jumpis.  His mother was very worried because James had never set foot out of the house before. But what they didn't know that James was outside hiding in the green house in the garden hugging his gnome Jumpis. All of a sudden a strong wind picked up and everything turned gray. When the grayness cleared James found himself in the middle of a grassy field not hugging his gnome. He quickly turned when he heard a noise and there was a plump round gnome looking straight into his eyes. James quickly jumped back and said who are you and where am I? The gnome replied, why I'm Jumpis and this is Gnome. I've been waiting for this chance for ever so long. But how did I get hear, By her majesty the fairy queen. Well that will be all for rite now lad we better be heading back to me home before the sun sets come along now don't be shy. James still in disbelief got up and followed slowly after the strange little gnome. Are you really a gnome or just a short person dressed as one? No lad I'm really a gnome and you'll soon find out that there are  many other creatures hear, like what elf's, squirrels, chipmunks, otter's, badger's, hedge hog's all sorts. When they finally reached Jumpises home it was a massive oak carved out too make a perfect home for a gnome like Jumpis. It had three windows a nice little fire place a loft a clay oven for baking a table with two chairs a wash bowl and some candles for lighting. Welcome to me home I got some hot cornmeal if ye want's some. James walked over and took the hot cornmeal from the gnome thank you. James walked over and sat down at the wooden table and sat down. Why am I here? Because you have been called upon by the queen of Gnome. The evil villain Zabbull want's too take the kingdom that is why you have been called upon by the queen to help her fight the evil tyrant. But I don't know anything about fighting or battle, why can't she do it herself, why doesn't she use her magic. Because that would break the prophesy, that a man from her line must kill the villain. But I am not related to the fairy queen the gnome did not speak. I need to go collect some wood for the fire I will be back shortly. Alright James replied but he no intention of staying here anymore he waited till Jumpis was out of site and then made his move he slid out the door and was about to go around the back of the house when he ran rite into a giant chipmunk. James screamed at the site of the creature he had never seen such a big chipmunk before. Jumpis came running when he heard the scream what are you doing then he saw the chipmunk. Well I see you met chuck, how you doing old chap, I'm doing well I just decided I'd pay ye a visit and when I ran into this little bag a bones. Hey I'm not a bones ya old plump weasel. What did ye call me I'll teach you too call me a, Jumpis cut in wo wo wo he's only a lad I'll teach em in good time. Alright well all be off good night too ye and chuck bounded off into the woods. There will be no more running away is that under stood. Yes when will it be time for bed, rite now's a good time. So they both walked back in the oak and went to sleep. It was a long night for James sleeping on straw and having a gnome snoring in your ear James hardly got any sleep. The next morning when James woke up he found Jumpis cooking some oatmeal for there breakfast. Hurry up lad we got a long day ahead of us. James made his bed and climbed down the ladder to two steaming hot bowls of oatmeal. After breakfast Jumpis gave James a back pack full of food for their journey it also had a pot a pan and a canteen full of water and with that Jumpis gave James rather small dagger. What is this for? Jumpis replied there are a lot of creatures out there who would love to have a little lad like you for a meal. James accepted the dagger on hearing this remark. But I don't know how to use it James said. You will learn in good time Jumpis replied. Well we better be on our way move along now. And so they left the old oak and headed off into the woods. As they were walking Jumpis told James that his father had come to this land before him and was a great warrior for the queen until he had to leave us. After a few hours of traveling they came to a river. How are we going to get across James said watch this Jumpis put his hands to his mouth and yelled CHUCKER CHUCKER WWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD. Then a rather large log boat came up the river. Its captain was a beaver who would fairy people across the river to either side. Then Jumpis yelled over hear Chugger on the south bank. The log boat turn and came to them all aboard. James had never been onboard a boat before. He fell over whenever they hit a current when they finally reached the other side James was so happy to be on land again that he kissed the ground. Strange boy ye got there mate good luck on your journey and the beavers sailed off into the river. When the river was out of site Jumpis and James stopped for some lunch and fell asleep James was awaken by the sound of a hawks screeeeeeeech Jumpis quickly awoke keep your hand on your dagger lad. The hawk had spotted them and was coming straight for lames quickly quickly run into a hole or crevice James was frightened out of his wits then he spotted a hole the hawk was closing in James dove into the hole. He hit something fury he quickly jumped back it was a mole it looked like a chipmunk but it had squinty eyes and a pointy with something that looked like a star at the end. What are ye doing in me home I was being chased by a hawk and my friend Jumpis is, the mole cut in did you say Jumpis the gnome, yes All of a sudden the mole yelled OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.TO ARMS TO ARMS moles came down every passage way carrying bows, slings, swords and spears. Quickly men Jumpis the gnome is up there with a hawk OOOOOOOOOOOOOWWAAAAAAAAAAAAA charge all the moles charged out the hole which James had come in. Jumpis was traped in between two rocks with the hawk towering over him. The moles let there arrows fly rocks were slung into the air by slings CHAAAAARRRRRRRRGE the moles charged the hawk. The moles hacked at the hawk. The hawk outraged new it was outnumbered and flew away screeching from the pain of its wounds. The moles were delighted to see there gnome friend again and carried him back into their den. When they had gone down many passage ways they came to a large room with many tables. There were many mole maids running around preparing for a victory feast there was soups of all kinds' fresh rolls all sorts of foods James had never seen before. The mole chief gave the order for the feast to begin. Music began to play a mole was juggling and another was dancing the feast went on for hours with all sorts of new food and plenty of entertainment. When the feast was over everyone headed off to bed James bed was a small lump of straw with a blanket and a straw pillow. James fell fast asleep on the bed. The next morning James woke up and found that everyone was still asleep so he got his coat and slipped out of the moles den. When he had gone out he saw millions of little fairy's dancing and singing. There singing was so soft that James could hardly hear it he leaned down to get a better position when the sun came up and all the fairy's disappeared. James got up and walked back in to the den finding Jumpis very worried when he saw James he said why were ye up there. James replied I just wanted to get some fresh air, alright lad your just in time for breakfast come on now. When they reached the dining hall breakfast was already it was fluffy pancakes with the sweetest syrup James had ever tasted. After breakfast James and Jumpis set off. They had been traveling through a beautiful forest when they came to a high cliff. Jumpis pointed out that they could see the palace of the fairy queen. They made their way down a path that led down the cliff into a thick mist and then they saw a dark ugly figure pas out in front of them Jumpis quickly grabbed James and ducked down behind a rock. It seems her majesty's palace is under siege good thing this mist is hear or we would a been goners. Then they saw the ugly figure again. Quickly lad before that thing comes again James was very frightened at the thought of getting caught by that creature. They ran and ran until they saw another and another figure in the mist. They dropped again then got up and ran when they finally reached the end of the mist there was the most magnificent palace James had ever seen it was not like any palace James had seen in England its towers reaches into the clouds it had layers and layers of taller and taller walls the gates were as big as two of James houses. But there was one problem with getting two the palace there was a hideous creature out a ways in front of them. How are we going to get around that? I don't know but we'll have to try James and Jumpis moved slowly toward the creature it heard them and was coming at them Jumpis unsheathed his dagger and jumped upon the beast and killed it at once. James was amazed at the little gnome's strength. Come on before any others come the gnome went up and knocked on the gate three times. The massive gates opened and a little hedgehog welcomed them in. Welcome and who is this you have with you sir James pardon me sir James the hedgehog bowed to James. As they were walking James saw many other creatures otters, badgers, gnomes, hedgehogs, mice and when they reached the inner palace they saw the queen's body guard a massive griffin named Wing fletch. Then when the door's opened James saw an amazing site armored guards all the way up red carpeted stairs. They walked down many hall ways until they reached two large doors. The guards opened the door for them. When they entered James saw the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her hair was black as the night, her dress was dark green trailing behind her. She was very familiar to James it was his aunt. Auntie you're the fairy queen? Yes James I am I have called you hear for a reason. Come with me and I will show you Zaggerungs army encamped around us. If you read your history books you would know what I mean. James and the queen had walked up many stair ways. When they finally reached where the queen was taking them it was at the top of the right tower. She showed James where Zaggerungs forces were placed around the castle. And when they reached her throne room the queen showed James her battle plans but first he must learn how to fight and ride a horse. That night they had a feast to celebrate James arrival. It was a grand feast with entertainment and all. After the feast James was shone to his room and told to get a good night's rest for tomorrow was going to be a long day of training. The next morning after large breakfast James was to pick out his horse. James picked a brown stallion and named him jack. From that time till lunch James learned how to ride his horse and how to hold a lance. When lunch time came James had a grape fruit and some mint cordial. After lunch James picked out his armor and sword. James learned how to fight with his sword and shoot a bow. He learned how to wrestle and throw a spear. After a week of such training James was ready to go into battle with Zaggerungs army. He gathered his army and met in the great dining hall for the briefing. They were to strike Zaggerungs army on the left side of the castle if came a time when James army was forced to fall back James army would get cover by archers in the castle and James army would fall back into the castle. After the briefing James was knighted by the fairy queen. Everyone cheered James shouted FOR THE QUEEN and led his army to do battle. When they reached the outer side of the left wall they had the first site of Zaggerungs army. James had never seen such hideous creature's hags, werewolves, snakes, bats, dogs with spikes on their back and evil spirits. The horn was blown and James shouted FOR THE QUEEN AND FOR GNOME. Zaggerungs hideous army came roaring at James's army they met half way across the field. It was like all of James nightmares coming at him. The first opponent James met was a werewolf.  James slayed it instantly.  On and on and on James fought through the enemy.  Cries of death and pain were all that could be heard.  Then James saw Zaggerung for the first time.  He was expecting a man, but he was no human.  His ears were like a dragon and he was covered in red hot scales.  He had feet like a bat and hands like an eagle.  He was holding a double-edged sword with jagged sides.  Slaying everything in his path, he saw James and was coming straight for him.  
James was ready.  Zaggerung snorted fire at James but James had his shield to protect him.  The two enemies came full force at one another.   Their swords met as they battled fiercely.  James quickly mustered all his strength and beheaded the beast.  A bat seeing his master destroyed flew at James, but an arrow from Jumpis' bow pierced the bat and it dropped dead.  Zaggerung's army seeing their slain leader retreated and were slain by James' army.
After the battle, James and his army victoriously returned to cheering crowds in the city.     The pleased queen came out to greet James.  She said, "James you will always have a home here and loyal subjects.  But now you must return to your own land and fulfill your purpose there."  Then James found himself back in the greenhouse in his home in Lindersville England hugging his gnome and looking straight into the eyes of his frightened mother.  From that day on James was a cheerful young boy who did not stay up in his room all day.  He had many friends and was never the same after that day.  James' neighbors always wondered what happened that sunny afternoon, but that they would never know.

By Luke Pacchioli    
God is coming REPENT REPENT.


I'm so glad you posted your story here! I was hoping you would!  :)
Doctor Who
Beyond the Western Deep
Ranger's Apprentice
Lord of the Rings
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Book Thief
Harry Potter
Percy Jackson
And many many more...


Wow! So creative how you connected a human world to the animal world. ;D


I know it's sortof like the lord of the rings and redwall put together with more imagination. :D
Doctor Who
Beyond the Western Deep
Ranger's Apprentice
Lord of the Rings
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Book Thief
Harry Potter
Percy Jackson
And many many more...



Luke, you need to write a series!!The adventures of James and Jumpis ;)
Doctor Who
Beyond the Western Deep
Ranger's Apprentice
Lord of the Rings
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Book Thief
Harry Potter
Percy Jackson
And many many more...


I am writing a short series, but I think his is better.