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Minecraft redwall server! Gonna be awesome!

Started by Gears, April 18, 2012, 03:26:02 PM

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(please do not send me the pm game messages)


Hello, dearest brother. When is it my turn? And I know your on.
"Every fairytale needs a good old-fashioned villain. You need me, or you're nothing."

"People have died."
"Thats what people DO!"

"Did u miss me?"
      ~Moriarty & Sherlock

Corporal Firalay

I'm in a rage. Why? Because some **** griefed the Abbey. I'm absolutely disgusted  >:(
Who would do that?

Also, I said some very unhealthy things when I saw that. Terribly sorry to all the people who can reread posted messages on the server. My character got absolutely outraged. I guess I'll try to clean up the water.

EDIT: the whole Abbey is destroyed. I'm pissed.
"My Horde is mighty, my Horde is fearless, shudder under the gaze of Viskata Tatt - fear my name!" -Viskata Tatt
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If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


To the dirtbag who griefed: (you know who you are) This is an absolute display of outright immaturity. Why would you do something like this? We've had one attack before, worse than this, and it did very little. You are a failure as a griefer and as a human being. Luckily, thanks to your stupidity, rollbacks to five minutes before the grief happened is possible, and i made multiple backups with idiots like you in mind. It goes beyond my plane of knowledge to understand how you could get pleasure from something like this. Obviously, your IQ must be equivalent to your age. But guess what? BACKUPS!!! Haha. We win, failures lose.

To everyone else: Since this grief was so recent, (thanks to our village idiot here) Little to nothing was built, and a backup was made right before hand. I also have multiple backups on my flash drive AND secondary harddrive. We lost nothing, except maybe faith in this person's ability to go find something else to do. XD I'm installing a password plugin so no one can just hop on with someone's name and go to town. :)
Yeah, I do stuff sometimes.


Does this mean the server's down? Cos I just tried to get on and I couldn't. But seriously. Why would anyone trash the abbey? The jerk.

(please do not send me the pm game messages)


Quote from: AxeHound on November 04, 2012, 07:50:59 PM
Does this mean the server's down? Cos I just tried to get on and I couldn't. But seriously. Why would anyone trash the abbey? The jerk.
Yeah, it's a mess. Dirt everywhere.... :(
Yeah, I do stuff sometimes.


did this happen today? i was watching my brother, SaberTruth last night play and Redwall was still there and fine, is the server down right now?


I was on last night too, and it was fine then.

(please do not send me the pm game messages)


Was it just Redwall that was destroyed, or were a lot of the other places torn up too? Thank you for having back ups of the server, I would be really upset if all the work every one had done was gone. I think the password is a good idea, probably best to PM it to every one rather than posting it here.


Quote from: SaberTruth on November 04, 2012, 09:11:06 PM
Was it just Redwall that was destroyed, or were a lot of the other places torn up too? Thank you for having back ups of the server, I would be really upset if all the work every one had done was gone. I think the password is a good idea, probably best to PM it to every one rather than posting it here.
I think it was just redwall. And yeah, the password is good, but actually how it works is that you create a log in password, so if someone's using your account, they wont be able to play on the server. (hint: Don't use the same password you use to log into minecraft.)
Yeah, I do stuff sometimes.

Dannflower Reguba

Wait.... What just happened!? I hear that the server is up, but then I go on Minecraft and can't connect! And what's this whole password thing you're talking about?....... If I get my hands around that...... THAT!....... GGGRRRRRRR!
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Thanks for the help on the new IP WONWILL
"Weapons may be carried by creatures who are evil, dishonest, violent or lazy. The true warrior is good, gentle and honest. His bravery comes from within himself; he learns to conquer his own fears and misdeeds.
- Matthias from "Mattimeo

Dannflower Reguba

"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This