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You know you love Redwall

Started by Redwall Musician, June 29, 2011, 02:54:28 PM

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Tiria Wildlough

@Redwall Musician, Why don't you add to your list, 'If you can associate movies you watch with Redwall.' I do that all the time.
Oh, and the other day I saw otters at the zoo. Soooooo cute!!!!
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


Quote from: CreggaRoseEyes on July 17, 2011, 09:44:54 AM
@Redwall Musician, Why don't you add to your list, 'If you can associate movies you watch with Redwall.' I do that all the time.
Oh, and the other day I saw otters at the zoo. Soooooo cute!!!!

Sigh...zoos depress me...
Well they dinnae actually depress me, I just dinnae like how they cage up animals just for public amusment. I ken some people argue but zoos also keep endangered species from going extinct by keeping them safe and well fed and etc... but the thing that they forget is that twas humans that put them on the endangered species list in the first place.

Now let's look at the life of zoo animal, shall we? You're born, you get taken awa from your family, and friends you mightae made in the short time you were free, and then next thing you ken you're locked up in a cage or some other area which you cannae get out of, or your wings are clipped so you cannae fly awa if you wanted to; and then you're put on display so people can throw peanuts or ice cubes or bird seed or something else at you aw day, playing with your instincts to eat so that you dinnae starve and die. (I was at an amuzment park one day and there was this bridge that overlooked an area where they kept two wolves, and I saw this guy throwing ice cubes at them. I was considering buying some ice to throw at him to see how he would feel if someone did that to him.)
NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.

Tiria Wildlough

This zoo wasn't the same.
At Taronga zoo in Sydney, my mum says they shouldn't keep elephants, though, because there isn't enough space. She says they should have smaller animals instead.
Anyway, can we get back on topic????
Yes, I know throwing ice cubes is mean. That guy should have been banned.  >:(
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.



You've been to Sydney then?
Received mostly negative reviews.

Tiria Wildlough

My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


Received mostly negative reviews.

Scragg the Weasel

Quote from: Redwall Musician on June 29, 2011, 02:54:28 PM
Okay, you know you love Redwall when you:

Have a dream about it.
(I had dream when I was in the Sable Queen)

Can refer everything you say back to Redwall.
(I can almost all the time ;D)

Select what type of animal your family and friends are.
(I have some hares and otters in my family. My grandma's a vole!)

Have played Redwall with your friends.
(I do all the time. And I'm not kidding)

If you can say you have done one or all of these things, you for sure love Redwall.
I definately love redwall.
1. I often dream of Redwall, some where I find it mixed with my real world and others where I am a redwall character (no one specific, just a mouse warrior, ferret warlord,etc.
2. I constantly say things in redwall dialects, or i say those silly redwall phrases.
3. Not only do I compare my self and others to redwallers, I try to act more like them! I try to rise early, eat redwall breakfast, lunch and dinner (I even started drinking tea in the afternoon and night and I live in Kentucky!), and I try to sing and have a joyful personality like a redwaller, who knows I become a monk just to live in an abbey.
4. I used to play redwall all the time in middle school but alas I am too old know... to do it in public.
Where do I sign?


I play redwall with my cat (i pretend i am Martin and she is Tsarmina!)
I also dream about meeting Mariel and her gullwhacker ;)
Old stories told by travellers, Great songs that bards have sung, Of Mossflower summers, faded, gone, When Redwall's stones were young. Great Hall fires on winter nights,
The legends, who remembers,Battles, banquets, comrades, quests,Recalled midst glowing embers.Draw close now, little woodlander


Hahahahahahahahaha!!! :D I feel sorry for your cat! I have two pet rats, and I like to pretend that they are from the Redwall series. I also crafted weapons so I could reenact the battle scenes from the books. ;D So far I have made: Martin's sword; a sling; a shield. It's been really fun. I want to make a bow and some arrows, but there's nowhere I could get hawk flights for arrows. And there's no yew trees around here for the wood.  :(
Feel free to send me a private message or visit me at my deviantART, FictionPress, or FanFiction accounts. Message me for account links.


Does the cat (Tsarmina) ever win
I know you can fight William, but its our wits that make us men. - Malcolm Wallace, from Braveheart


I dreamed that I was at Redwall the other night. Probably one of the best dreams I ever had.
LateRose is locked up in Martin's heart, and there she's bound to stay.

Tiria Wildlough

I play Redwall by myself all the time. I wander around and make up stories. But it only works when I have an idea and when I am walking around a set path.  :P
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.

Captain Tammo

"Cowards die a thousand times, a warrior only dies once. The spirits of all you have slain are watching you, Vilu Daskar, and they will rest in peace now that your time has come. You must die as you have lived, a coward to the last!" -Luke the warrior


I just put an otter on one of my flash cards for summer camp. Just thought you'd like to know.


Nice, Lily! What'd the kids think? Plus ten points if you fit a hare in there, too. ;D

Tiria: When I was younger I'd pace around the house thinking up Redwall scenarios. XD
Redwall is always open, its tables laden, to you and any of good heart.