
For some, the heat of summer nears its end. . . And for others, the blooms of spring appear.

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RP: To Paradise

Started by Galedeep, May 23, 2012, 07:02:00 AM

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The mouse scampered up the rocky hilll with a the speed he could muster as the sun sank in the west horizon behind him. After a few tense minutes of navigating uneven ground, slipping in loose pebbles, and nearly falling down he reached the peak. Spread before him was a vast plain stretching as far as the eye could see, and more directly below him lay a large, well lit town, Brookwater. Aptly named for it's bubbling brook, the only source of clean water for miles. After pausing for a brief moment to catch his breath, he began his descent


As the mouse made his way down the mountain, a scene was unfolding in a tavern which the mouse would eventually pass if he continued on his current path.

A gruff voice was all the response the two little ones received for their begging. "I don' care about none of yore beggin'!  Yore thieving' liars like the rest of 'em!".  The tavern owner, a snide, stupid, loud, mean, and obese fox, had almost gone purple with effort, tearing the two apart with his foul mouth. They had come begging for a loaf of bread or table scraps for their ill mother.  As it happens, they were telling the truth and this particular tavern owner most certainly had the means to spare some simple fare for the poor dibbuns.  Tears began to swell in their eyes as they turned to go while the curses from the tavern keeper continued and increased in intensity.  Unbeknownst to both parties, the tavern's entertainment for the night had witnessed all, and being the "Carrier of News" that he was (Some had dared to call him a simple gossip!  Ungrateful!), Mota knew that the little ones spoke true.  In fact, so did almost every beast in this part of town.   Mota slipped out the back of the tavern with a small bundle under his arm.  after a little searching, he found the two young ones.

"Here," he said softly, "this is for you.". And with that, he gave them the bundle and dashed off, back to the tavern.  The little ones opened it.  There was choice food hidden away in the packet.  They rushed home to their mother.

Back at the tavern, Mota "accidentally" requested his fee again from the now tipsy tavernkeeper.  He had such a poor memory some times!  It was Hinit's general pattern to make some else miserable and then have a celebratory drink.  Or six.  Or more.   The coyote knew the fox wouldn't notice having paid him twice, nor would he be hurting for it, the selfish miser that he was.  As the sun began to sink below the horizon, Mota raised his voice. He had a marvelous tenor and had once sung in one of the best formal choirs in all the land.  Until he had felt the desire to move on.

"Far, far away in a land so fair,
Lies the Abbey Redwall.
Away from the setting sun,
Away from the the night,
Far, far away lies the Abbey Redwall."

His song was haunting, mesmerizing.  It told of a place that was nothing less than Paradise.  Where nobeast went hungry, where peaces was plentiful, where safety abounded.  It wasn't the song the denizens of thetavern had wanted.  They called out, admittedly only after the coyote had finished singing, for faster numbers with rousing lyrics.  Mota had to oblige.


Meanwhile, in the mines, a hard working raccoon made his way out, after a hard day of work. Jack the Miner was his name, and he was feeling sick of going into the mines everyday, hitting the same rock everyday. Feeling weary, he arrived at the tavern, going at the counter he called. "Give me a glass of whisky." The owner arrived. "Hello Jack, how was your day?" He asked joyfully, Jack being his best friend. "Meh, the same as everyday." Jack mumbled. "I'm getting tired of making the same thing everyday, I've done this  since I was big enough to carry a pickax."
"What do you want to do else? There's nothing else to do around here."
"I want to explore, go in the unknown, travel somewhere like this place in the song that Mota sings!" Jack said excitedly.
"What?! Are you crazy? You can't just go like that!"
"Why not?"
"Because... Because, because you can't!"
"It's not very convincing."
"I know, I know. It's that I don't want to lose ye, you're me best matey!"
"Then why don't you come with me?"
"Are you crazy? Me, leaving my tavern? Okay, let's stop there, will ye. Let's talk about it another time." At that the owner went back to his business.


All was dark on the outskirts of town. All was silent except for the occasional hum of singing from the tavern. All was still...except one beast. Two eyes appeared on the steady, dark horizon. They searched. Searching for something. Something to steal. A voice seemed to come from all around. Yet it was from the owner of those two eyes. "This town ain't big enough fer the two of us..." Was all it said. Then a hysterical laugh erupted as if it had made some great joke. The silent beast rushed toward the tavern. This would be his greatest feat yet. To rob the very heart of the town. This one would really make his name go big. Jester the outlaw raccoon...steals a keg of booze from the tavern itself!
"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman


Diana the chipmunk had spent another fruitless day on the streets. She needed food despertaly if she wanted to survive. Going to the local tavern she went to the bartender to ask for a job. She had a tough life at a young age and was ready to defend for herself. Sheknew the boss would be mean but she was wililng to take the oppurtunity.
In a voice bent wiht starvation she asked the bartender," Hello sir. I was  wondering if I ocould get a job here. I'm willing to do anything for little pay."
Fun. is a fantastic band.


Steve goes to talk to the newcomer "oh, there's no hope, he's not hiring, my servants have turned to slaves because i can't afford to pay them, but does he care? no."

OOC: sorry about not including that he was bankrupt, came up with the idea after writing the app.  gives him a reason for whatever role he plays in the story


Diana turns to Steve,"Well your slaves get fed don't they? I'd work for free as long as I get fed,  you know."
Fun. is a fantastic band.


"they do now, i sent them to live with a relative of mine who is much more successful, and can feed them better, and pay them better.  there are much nicer parts of town that might have more job options.  i recommend you try those areas first."


Diana's face fell. She didn't want to leave the area where she was born. She made way to leave but turned and said to hte gentleman,"Thank you sir,...One lat thing though. May I watch this last performance tonight before I go?"
Fun. is a fantastic band.


OOC: what?  i think your asking the wrong person.

BIC: "what? shouldn't you ask someone who actually has something to do with the performance?"


"O yes I'm sorry, wrong person," Diana turns her face red and walks out of the bar. She goes off to find where the performance will take place.
Fun. is a fantastic band.


The mouse, now exhausted from his long days journey, had made it to Brookwater. Even at late evening, the town was still bustling with activity. Merchants desperately attempted to squeeze one last penny out of their day by crying out special sales to tired traveling families just looking for a place to sleep. To add to the chaos were drunkards who stumbled out of the various bars in town, espicially one in particular. There at the center of the town was a rather large tavern, with light, music and laughter pouring out while many a beast came pouring in.

After regarding the insanity for a moment, the mouse tightened the straps holding a long object wrapped in cloth on his back and began navigating his way through the crowd to the tavern. Maybe there he could find somebeast drunk enough to commit to his doubtful expidition.


Jack was thinking. 'If only I could get out of this rotten place.' Then he saw a mouse entering the tavern. 'Never seen him before.' He thought. 'Let's go see what he wants.' Jack got up, walking towards the mouse. "Who are you? Young mouse. Never seen ye b'fore, yew new t'this place?"


Much to everyone's delight, Mota had just finished one of his magic acts.  Things had appeared and dissap peared, creatures did things seemingly against their will, Mota read minds!  The coyote moved fluidly through the busy tavern as he performed.  He had stopped enjoying himself almost an hour ago.  The patrons were nearly all three sheets to the wind.  "Why do I work here?  All they do is get drunk and ask for stupid songs.  Or worse, these idiots get overly excited and start trying to fight me," he thought to himself.   He sighed aloud and began calling to mind the last four or five songs he would sing before making his getaway from this . . . pesthole. 

He marshalled himself together and put out a good performance for the last four songs.  Then, he saw a small cluster of patrons.  An odd looking mouse with a lumpy bundle on his back, a fox, a raccoon, and a chipmunk.  They actually looked sober!  It was for them he would sing his final song.  Perhaps they would be less crass. He swiftly made his way over to their little grouping. "My friends," he said with a flourish, "I would like to share with you a song.  A song and a story.  But first, I must learn your names!  For what is a story by a stranger to strangers but idle gossip?" He smiled.  "My name is Mota.  Mota Liede.  And yours?"


 Jolhert was traveling south again but without his father his parent's had both died one from Rats the other from a sickness. He hated to leave the old cave that he lived in but his father wanted to go south so he that is where he is going
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.