
Cheers to an Auspicious Autumn, Ev'rybeast! Enjoy a hot cider and the cool breezes, as the year dwindles to its end. . .

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The Ranger's Adventure

Started by Redwaller, June 07, 2012, 10:10:02 PM

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The Ranger's Adventure


       It was a warm and sunny spring day in Mossflower woods, the birds were singing and the insects chirruped noisily. Further down out of the woods, a foul smell mingled with the smell of spring; it was the smell of a horde of vermin trekking along a swift running stream towards the woods. The leader was a gray fox named Dranfor Rofnard, he had a white tail tip and white paws, and mean piercing green eyes. After entering the woods and crossing a road, he lifted his paw, sopping the horde. "They will build my fortress right here!" He told his captain. "Bring the slaves and start construction!"
"Bring the slaves!" The captain told a nearby ferret named Bartel. The captain was garrtail, a big weasel with a curved sword for weapon.

   Maximus the Ranger was walking out of the legendary Salamandastron, where the hares had offered him bed'n'breakfast. He walked along the Broadstream towards Redwall. He had come from the North fighting otters, searats and birds. Now he was walking back to Redwall to find hospitality.

   Kreastle was relaxing up on the battlements when Danjosal walked up to her. "It's a bright day! Isn't it?"
"Yes! And warm too!"
"Let's go eat breakfast!"
They walked away towards the abbey, talking about long past times. Breakfast today was a time of gossiping about the new arrival of Timbalisto the Adventurer, a young mouse with much experience of battle and travel.

Chapter 1

The Mission

   Garrtail walked up to Rofnard. "Master, I am sending a party to get sandstone in a quarry not far from here!"
"Then do it! Don't just stand there and make your jaws work uselessly!"
Garrtail walked away hurriedly with his master's threat sounding in his ears. "Yew, go an' get sandstone from the quarry we saw earlier! Master's orders!" A bunch of rats walked away towards the quarry. A few meters away, Maximus was hiding behind some bushes. After waiting a few minutes, he unshouldered his bow and notched an arrow. Aiming at Rofnard, he fired. The arrow zipped by Garrtail and buried itself in Rofnard's throne a hairsbreadth from Rofnard's neck. "Quick! Fire at these bushes!" Arrows zipped alongside Maximus as he sped away, but an arrow buried in Max's arm. "Go an' see what it is!" Rofnard barked, trying not to show his fear. Bartel went to see what it was. He came back, shaking his head. "They missed! I saw a mouse run away with only an arrow in his arm!"
"Back to work! The show is over!" Rofnard barked. "How is it going, Garrtail?"
"The fortress itself is almost finished! The stonework is done, remains only the doors and such!"
"Good! Good! Soon I will be the master of Redwall Abbey! I will change its name to Rofnard's Fortress!"


Deathtail the Northlander and Grimmer the Foolish were making there way through murky bogs and treacherous quicksands in The Marshlands. "What a rotten place ain't it?" Grimmer said.
"Aye! I hates land and marshes. Gimme a good ship and a sea full o' defenceless merchants and I'd be 'appy fer the rest o' me days!"
They had rounded a dangerous looking stretch of mud when a trident came out of nowhere and buried itself in front of the travellers. As soon as it touched the mud, a swarm of vicious looking toads ran out towards them. "This is where I leave this stinkin' place!" said Deathtail, already running away towards the relative safety of the woodlands. "Wait fer me, mate!" Grimmer took a mighty leap and landed next to Deathtail .They were almost into the woods, when half a score of toads jumped in front of them. Grimmer  braced himself and bulled into them, sending them sprawling. They hurried into the woods towards a depression in the terrain. They were about to jump in when Deathtail grabbed Grimmer and pointed in the shallow pit, whispering hoarsely. "Look!" As soon as Grimmer saw it, his mouth went dry with fear. Down in the pit, a colony of adders slithered noisily in a mass of cold, deadly scales. Deathtail then pointed at a fallen tree trunk on the side of the pit. "This way!" They ran as fast as they could and hid behind a thicket of lilac. Not a moment too late, Grimmer had barely crouched down when a storm of toads came hurrying towards the pit. Deathtail and his companion closed their eyes in cruel delight at the screams of the toads being choked and bitten in a sea of slithering scales. When all was quiet, Grimmer stood up and looked over the brink. "They've eaten them all!" He exclaimed. "Not even a toe's shadow left!" Deathtail came out and looked down. "Aye! That's what I calls a slaughter!"

   After looking at the slithering mass for a few more minutes, they walked away further into the woodlands. The sun was approaching it's zenith when they finally came to a ford. A huge pike was guarding the way against unwanted visitors. Deathtail started looking for a suitable piece of timber. When he had found one, he tossed it to his companion and spoke one word. "Kill!"
Grimmer needed no second bidding, he advanced to the side of the water, and, with an evil laugh, he brought the branch down on the pikes head with all his might. The pike had no chance. His head exploded in the water. The water was filled with blood. Grimmer threw himself on the remains of the pike and began devouring it. When he had finished, he  came out, red with the blood of his foe. Ready for slaughter. "Ready for more?" Asked Deathtail. Grimmer gave out a blood-chilling growl and jumped right over the water. "Come on!"

   A few hours later, Deathtail stopped Grimmer. "Look!" He said, pointing at a huge fortress. "We have arrived at the place that old fool of a crow sage had told us about!" They walked up to the doors. "Open the gates!" Bartel hurried and opened the doors. "What d'yew want? He asked in an hostile tone.
"We want to see your master! We need to talk to him"
"Right this way, then!" They made they're way to the Throne Room, situated on the third level of the Fortress. Arriving in front of the huge doors, Bartel told them to wait there and entered. Soon after he came out. "The Master's not in a good mood today." He said, emotionless. "Ye'd better speak yer piece quick 'afore he makes you swallow it." He went away snickering evilly.
The two companions entered nervously and bowed before Rofnard, as they had been instructed.
"What's yer business here?" He asked, obviously annoyed of being disturbed during his nap.
"We've been told that a certain Dranfor Rofnard was looking for beasts to catch an abbey."
"You've come to the right place." Rofnard said expressionless. "Garrtail here will show you where you'll sleep and eat. After that you'll go to the training field and my captains will shape you into soldiers."
They exited the room, following Garrtail. When the doors closed, he beckoned to one of his servants. "Get me my Royal Messenger."


After he had been wounded, Maximus ran towards the abbey; it had taken two days to make it, but he finally made it to the gate. He only managed a faint knock before falling from exhaustion. At that moment, Danjosal's sensitive ears picked up the knock. He hurried to the gate and opened up quickly, seeing Maximus unconscious on the ground. "Help! There's a wounded beast at the gate!" Skipper and his daughter came running and picked up Maximus. "What happened?" He asked.
"I don't know, I found him lying on the threshold."
Skipper turned to his daughter and said "Let's get him to the infirmary!" She nodded and they hurried away.

Chapter 2
       Abbess Rodine was supervising the kitchens in the absence of brother Starlo, who had gone with a small group of older dibbuns and some otters to gather fresh wild mint for tea. The kitchen was a complete mess in the absence of brother Starlo: otters had taken over a part of the kitchen to make a huge pot of shrimp and hotroot soup, spraying hotroot all over; mole dibbuns were making honeymoles, making a mess out of it; the hare couple Glenner and Starryo were stealing candied chestnuts, and so on. Abbess Rodine was about to give up, when Cartile the badgermum restored order. "Look at what you've done!" She said, looking reprovignly at the troublemakers. "I'm ashamed of you!" All activity had stopped by now, and everybeast was shuffling there footpaws and looking down. "Clean up this mess and go outside to prepare the feast!" Everybeast hurried to clean up the mess and rushed outside, happy to be out of Cartile's reproving glance.
Out on the abbey grounds, Kreastle was sitting in an apple tree in the orchard, pondering about the last events of her life. She was getting tired and was dozing off, when Danjosal walked up to her in a hurry. "Kreastle! Come quickly!" He said, running towards the battlements, where a group of redwallers were watching something. Kreastle jumped down expertly and ran up the battlements. "What is it?" She said, peering down the battlements. "What is that?" A wearet and a wildcat were waiting to speak. "We have come to deliver a message!" The wildcat said. "We have word from the mighty Warlord Rofnard. Surrender peacefully and you will be slaves, deny the offer and die! What is your choice?" As soon as he had finished, a rock came knocking down next to Grimmer's footpaw. "You have our answer! Now go away!" Deathtail raised his fist menacingly. "You have chosen your fate! You will die!" At that, they were off.
"What are we going to do?" An old hogwife asked.
"We'll defend this abbey until they're defeated!" Skipper said. "Don't you worry marm!"
Kreastle walked away, supporting the hogwife. "Come on now! Let's go sit down peacefully in the orchard!"
Maximus was sitting down on his bed, refusing warm nettle broth sister Amabel presented to him. "I don't want that horrible thing you call nettle broth!"
"You need it if you want to heal!"
"I would rather die than drink that!"
Sister Amabel gave up and went to another patient. As soon as sister Amabel was gone, Maximus jumped out of bed and went outside. Arriving outside, he bumped into Danjosal. "Whoa! Mate! Watch your step!" Danjosal puffed. "What are you doing here?"
"Taking a walk outside!" Maximus sighed. "I'm tired of always being inside! And besides, my arm is getting better now!"
"If you say so!" Danjosal walked inside, leaving Maximus alone. Maximus walked away towards the pond and climbed inside the small boat. "Would you let me come with you?"
Maximus jumped in surprise, almost falling into the water. "You scared me there, Kreastle!" He said. "Come in!" Kreastle jumped into the boat and Maximus began paddling. "How is life at the abbey?" He asked.
"Never better!" She said. "Not because you were gone! But we have had a great harvest last year!"
"I'm happy to hear that!" They arrived at the other side of the pond.
"Can you drop me here? I have something to do!"
"Sure!" Maximus placed the boat next to the shallows and helped her out. "Here you go!"
   As soon as she was out, Keastle ran towards the kitchens, seeking Abbess Rodine. "Abbess! I need to talk to you!"
"What is it, my child?"
"I would want that a feast be made for tonight!"
"And what is the reason for this?"
"It would be a feast in honor of the return of the outcast!"
"But why?"
"Because i feel that he has changed!"
"Very well then! I will tell them to prepare the feast!"
"Ho! One last thing, Don't tell him about it! I'll occupy him for the rest of the day!"
"Of course, Kreastle!" Kreastle walked towards Maximus. "Do you want to take a walk in the woods?"
"Sure!" They walked away into the woods, unaware of the pair of eyes watching them.  
   The preparations went immediatly under way, all kinds of food were prepared: Shrimp and hotroot soup, oat scones with meadowcream and honey, mushroom and leek pasties, carrot and turnip turnovers, the famous deeper'n'ever pie, many cheeses too, summer salad, fruit salad, Great Hall cake, woodland trifle,.  The dibbuns were sent to bed to rest for the feast; the cellarkeeper and Foremole roled barrels and kegs. There was
strawberry fizz, mint tea, october ale, strawberry cordial, burdock cordial, raspberry wine, and numerous others. The hare couple were setting tables and games outside. The young beasts gathered fruit from the orchard to set on the tables. Night was falling when Kreastle and Maximus arrived. "Let's start that bally ole feast!" Glenner exclaimed. So everybody sat down and waited for the abbess to say grace. "Birds of the sky, fishes of the water and beasts of the earth, let us thank the seasons for the times of peace and happiness!" A mighty 'Amen!' aroused from the beasts crowded around the tables, and all started eating with a will. During the celebrations, Glenner sang is famous song.

'We're gonna have a feast,
So come, good beast
And eat your hearts desire.
You'll have all you want,
So don't go hunt,
And sit down by the fire.'

He was cheered wildly and everybeast asked for an encore. So Glenner obliged. When he had finished, he took a huge serving of apple pudding. "Well, it's been a while since i used the bally ole vocal cords!"

Chapter 3

Badrang was on his vessel, glaring at two rats that had deserted, kneeling on the ground. "What do you have to say for yourself?" He barked. The two rats wimpered with fright. "We was just running after this... er... mouse! Yes, it was a mouse, and, eh... it was running with a big treasure!"
The other rat was shaking his head vigorously in approuvement. "Shuddup you liars! You know what 'appens to deserters, dontchoo?" The rats threw themselves on the ground. "Spare us your Captainsy!" They cried. "We wasn't desertin', we was..." He never finished speaking. Badrang wiped his sword on the two headless carcasses. "Clean this mess up and go back to your stations!" He went to his cabin, planning there next course. He had stopped at Argutrot to hire a crew. His former crew had been killed by a kraken, he was the only survivor, But he didn't escape for free, he had lost half his leg and an eye. It had made him short-tempered and cruel.
When he entered the cabin he was greeted by a blue fox. "Haharr! What d'yew want Skyfur?" Skyfur sat on a velvet chair. "Where are we goin'?" He asked in a deep, booming voice. "I haven't decided yet. Maybe we could sail to Jima to buy some o' those rare spices." Badrang said with an evil smile. Skyfur spat in disgust. "Huh! We always go to Jima, i'm tired of always doin' the same thing!" Badrang took a seat next to Skyfur. "Then what do you want?" Skyfur looked at the dark woods outside. "Let's go earthwards!" He said. Badrang stroked his beard pensively. "Earthwards you say... Let me think about it first. Deal?" He stuck his paw out. Skyfur looked at it for a moment before shaking it. "Deal!"


Major Longsburrey and Conny the two Long Patrol hares were patrolling in Argutrot. "Whew! What a hot day!" Complained Conny. "Why don't we jolly well rest?"
"Because we've got a bally patrol to finish!" A shadow slipped quickly in a side road. "What was that?" Major Longsburrey said, running towards the side road the shadow had slipped in. "Follow me!" They hurried along after the elusive shadow.Conny slowed down a bit and looked over his shoulder. "Major!" He declared in a panicked tone. "We've got company!" Major Longsburrey stopped and turned around. "The jolly rotters've got us bally well trapped!" They took out there weapons and were about to charge when an arrow zipped by them from nowhere, followed quickly by another two. "Duck!" Shouted Major Longsburrey. They threw themselves on the ground and saw the vermin retreating. "What the lettuce is goin' on?" Conny exclaimed. A squirrel slid down from the roofs. "If you want to live follow me!" She ran towards one of the buildings. "Common then!" Major Longsburrey said, running after the squirrel. Conny followed quickly.


Argutrot was in plain sight now. Garner took an extra burst of speed. The cottages were growing bigger and bigger at the moment. 'Almost there!' He thought. He tripped on something and fell face first on the ground. He tried to get up but was pinned to the ground. "Well well well! What do we have here? A liddle rat racing to the city!" Garner was starting to panic, then all of a sudden all went dark...  


Rofnard was pacing the room nervously. "Where as that fool of Garner gone to? It's been almost a week since i sent him to get Badrang! He should be here by now!" Garrtail walked in silently. "Maybe he is coming with more then badrang and his crew, milord!"
Rofnard turned on Garrtail. "He better be for his own sake!" Then he walked to his throne and sat down. "Tell the Nighthaunter to come here!" Garrtail started trembling violently. "Y-yes m-m-milord!" He scurried away, searching for the mysterious creature of the night.

Chapter 4

       The Nighthaunter entered the room. "What d'yew want?" It asked in a muffled voice. It was garbed in a black cloak, it had black gloves and black boots, a mask covered half of it's face, snow white fur covering the rest of the face. Rofnard walked behind his throne. "I want you to do something for me!" The Nighthaunter shifted. "And what is the task?" Rofnard opened a secret panel and picked something from inside. "Here's what i want you to do..." Night was falling as the two figures conversed silently.

   Night had fallen over the Abbey, and everybeast slept peacefully in the dormitories. All but one. Maximus sat on his bed, pondering about the days events. Outside, a shadow  walked silently in the woods,  he stopped close to the wall taking a three-pronged hook from his belt, and threw it expertly. He was rewarded with a satisfactory clang. He tested the ropes solidity before he scaled up the wall. Once on the battlements he stopped, listening to the night's sounds. After making sure he was alone, he hid his hook in the battlements and descended the east stairs. Instead of going inside the Abbey, he walked towards the newly built Warrior's Cottage. He stooped by the door and opened slowly, carefully. He poked his head inside, taking in the surroundings. He slipped inside and walked towards the wall at the far end of the cottage. He inched close to it and looked up at the sword resting on a wooden shelf. He  then looked at the sleeping warrior and took a little pouch from his haversack. He took a pinch from it and sprayed it on the warrior's face. He then turned to the wall and took the sword down.

   Meanwhile, Maximus was walking down the stairs towards Great Hall. He slipped towards the door and  walked outside towards the outer walls. The Nighthaunter was out too, and walking in the same direction as Maximus. The night was dark and moonless, Maximus started walking up the stairs when somebeast bumped into him, making them roll down the stairs. Maximus got up first and was about to jump on the beast when a knife buried itself inb his side, making him screech out with pain. The Nighthaunter jumped upright and ran up to the battlements, wild cries ringing in his ears. He attached the sword securely to his back before he slipped down the rope. Skipper and his crew were up on the walls, each armed either with a bow or a sling. "Fire!" A volley of deadly shafts flew either side of the Nighthaunter. One of them managed to make it's way to the running form and buried in his shoulder. The Nighthaunter continued on running through the woods.

   Skipper ran down the wall and stopped next to Maximus, issuing out orders. "Taggalott, take a score of the best runners and catch that beast! Waterlily, go and reassure the Redwallers. The rest of you, go and patrol the grounds." She then turned to Maximus and took out her pouch of herbs. "What happened Max?"  Maximus was in great pain, but managed to rasp out the event. "I was walking outside towards the walls, when something bumped into me. I got up first and was about to pounce on it when he buried his knife into me."  
"Did you see who it was?" Maximus shook his head feebly. "It wore a black cloak, making it almost invisible. I couldn't catch a glimpse of it." Skipper tied the poultice solidly to his side and took him in her arms. "I'll take you to the infirmary, sleep now." She had barely finished speaking that Maximus went limp.


I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


Chapter 1

       Garrtail walked up to Rofnard. "Master, I am sending a party to get sandstone in a quarry not far from here!"
"Then do it! Don't just stand there and make your jaws work uselessly!"
Garrtail walked away hurriedly with his master's threat sounding in his ears. "Yew, go an' get sandstone from the quarry we saw earlier! Rofnard's orders!" A bunch of rats walked away towards the quarry. A few feet away, Maximus was hiding behind some bushes. After waiting a few minutes, he shouldered his bow and notched an arrow. Aiming at Rofnard, he fired. The arrow buried itself in Rofnard's throne a hairsbreadth from Rofnard's neck. "Quick! Fire at these bushes!" Arrows zipped alongside Maximus as he sped away, but an arrow buried in Max's arm. "Go an' see what it is!" Rofnard barked, trying not to show his fear. Bartel went to see what it was. He came back, shaking his head. "They missed! I saw a mouse run away with only an arrow in his arm!"
"Back to work! The show is over!" Rofnard barked. "How is it going, Garrtail?"
"The fortress itself is almost finished! The stonework is done, remains only the doors and such!"
"Good! Good! Soon I will be the master of Redwall Abbey! I will be the most powerful beast in the world! Hahahaha!"


       Deathtail the Northlander and Grimmer the Dumb were making there way through murky bogs and treacherous quicksands in The Marshlands. "What a rotten place ain't it?" Grimmer said.
"Aye! 'Tis nae gudd for beasts like us tae walk in such ae stinkin' area!"
They  walked around a dangerous looking stretch of sand when a trident buried itself in front of them. As soon as it touched the mud, a swarm of vicious looking toads ran out towards them. "This is where i leave this stinkin' place!" Grimmer said, already running away towards the safety of the woodlands. "Wait for me, mate!" Deathtail did the same as Grimmer, jumping expertly over the treacherous bogs.They were almost into the woods, when half a score of toads jumped in front of them. Deathtail and Grimmer didn't even stop, they bulled into them, sending them sprawling everywhere. They hurried into the relative safety of the woods, hidding behind some bushes. When they were sure that they were gone, they got out and ran away. The sun was setting when they arrived at a ford. They were about to cross, when a huge pike slithered through the water. "How are we going to pass?" Grimmer said gloomily.
"Easy, we'll just impale him with ae lance!" He said, searching for a pointy stick. "Haha! That should do it!" He went to the side of the water, waiting for the prey to appear. After what seemed an eternity, Deathtail thrust his spear in the water. "Got him! The way is nae dangerous now!" They crossed the river safely and were off again, trekking through the woods.


       After he had been wounded, Maximus ran towards the abbey; it had taken two days to make it, but he arrived safe and sound. He dragged himself wearily to the doors. He only managed a faint knock before falling from exertion. Danjosal was taking a stroll in the abbey grounds, when he heard a knock, bearily audible. He ran to the doors and opened up quickly, seeing Maximus unconscious on the ground. "Help! Somebeast needs help here!" He picked up Maximus and ran to the infirmary, followed by a crowd of curious redwallers. Danjosal knocked the door open, hurrying to an empty bed. "Sister Amabel! There's a wounded beast over here!" sister Amabel came hurrying to the side of Maximus. "Who is he?" Maximus was so dirty and scratched that they were unable to identify him. "Help me get this arrow out!" The arrow went out with an succion noise. Sister Amabel went to get clothing and dockleaves, and bandaged his arm tightly. "Could you get a wet towel to clean him!" Danjosal hurried away to get a towel. Meanwhile, Kreastle was picking up Maximus' sword and closed the doors. She went to her room and hid the sword under her bed. Then she hurried outside and went to the infirmary.  


       Deathtail stopped Grimmer. "Look!" He said, pointing at a huge fortress. "We have arrived at dae place dae crow sage had told us about!" They walked up to the doors. "Open dae gates!" Bartel hurried and opened the doors. "What d'yew want? He asked in an hostile tone.
"We want tae see your master! We need tae talk tae 'im"
"Right this way, then!" He walked towards the Throne room. They entered. "Master, you have visitors!" He said and went back to his business. Rofnard sat up. "what do you want?" Rofnard sighed. "Quick! Speak your piece!"
"We have come tae 'elp yae conquer dae abbey!"
"What's your names?"
"A'm Deathtail and he's Grimmer!"
"Garrtail, show our newcomers the barracks!"
"Yes milord!"
As soon as they were gone, Rofnard slumped back in his throne. "Garner, i need you to deliver a message!" He said in an authoritative tone. "I need you to go to Argutrot and get  Badrang the third! Tell him that his old friend needs his help!"
"On my way, sir!" rofnard poured wine in his gold cup, and drank greedily. Slumping down, he fell asleep, dreaming of his future victory over the abbey.


       Garner headed out of  Fort Blood and took north-west towards the Marshes. He wasn't too happy to go there, but he had no other choice than to obey.  Night was coming quickly and Garner stopped to make camp. He was eating his supper, when he heard a slight scratching noise. He got up silently, drawing his club. "Anybeast there?" As soon as he said that, scattering noises were heard. He went back to the fire, diciding not to sleep that night. The next morning, Garner stumbled up and started walking along. The day was gray and cloudy, threatening to pour down. Garner had the strange feeling of being followed, but when he looked back, there was no sign of any creatures. He quickened up his pace, the feeling growing stronger by the second. It started raining, adding to his misery. He was thinking that things couldn't get worse, when he tripped and fell in a patch of mud. Garner was a former searat, and like all searats he had an horrifying collection of curses. He got up, cursing and panting, and the feeling was so strong that he couldn't stand it anymore; he turned around and ran towards the woods yelling. As soon as he did that, the feeling was gone. Satisfied of himself, he walked along towards Argutrot. Swamps were beginning to appear, and the way was getting difficult, when he saw a little cave in the middle of the swamps. He ran and jumped right into it. After the rain stopped, Garner got out of the cave and was about to go away, when a huge net fell on top of him; he was struggling to get free, when something knocked him out. He woke up tied up to a tree with toads dancing around him. They had made a huge fire. Garner saw a wearet tied up to another tree trunk, he had to wake him up. The toads began untying the wearet and bringing him towards the fire, Garner had to act, and quick. He did the only thing he could think of. "Haaaaaayeeeeuuuaaaa!" The scream woke the wearet, and seeing he was tied up put him in a berserk rage; he broke the ropes and jumped at the toads, murdering them with his huge claws. Garner took his dagger and hacked at the rope. As soon as he was free, Garner ran away from the berserk wearet.


Interesting... keep it up! I love the creative names so far.
In process of rekindling my love for Redwall.


thanks! I didn't make it all by myself! A lot of names come from friends on the Forum!


Quote from: Redwaller on June 08, 2012, 01:57:34 PM
thanks! I didn't make it all by myself! A lot of names come from friends on the Forum!
Oh, well, it's still pretty good! About half of Chapter 3 in Pondicherry is up, if ye wanna go take a look
In process of rekindling my love for Redwall.



Hmm... I like that name...Maximus... it's...different,but in a good way.
In process of rekindling my love for Redwall.


kinda like the rp right well if you want to follow the plot of the rp it was me kreastle who heard the knock jsut to let you know it sounds great right now
Fun. is a fantastic band.


Added the finishing part of Chapter 1 and starting Chapter 2!


A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


I am working on chapter two as i speak now!


My favorite people: Obi Wan, Satele Shan, Jek 14, Kai, Longtooth, and Kili.



Here's chapter two:

Chapter 2
        Abbess Rodine was supervising the kitchens in the absence of brother Starlo, who had gone with a small group of older dibbuns and some otters to gather fresh wild mint for tea. The kitchen was a complete mess in the absence of brother Starlo: otters had taken over a part of the kitchen to make a huge pot of shrimp and hotroot soup, spraying hotroot all over; mole dibbuns were making honeymoles, making a mess out of it; the hare couple Glenner and Starryo were stealing candied chestnuts, and so on. Abbess Rodine was about to give up, when Cartile the badgermum restored order. “Look at what you’ve done!” She said, looking reprovignly at the troublemakers. “I’m ashamed of you!” All activity had stopped by now, and everybeast was shuffling there footpaws and looking down. “Clean up this mess and go outside to prepare the feast!” Everybeast hurried to clean up the mess and rushed outside, happy to be out of Cartile’s reproving glance.
Out on the abbey grounds, Kreastle was sitting in an apple tree in the orchard, pondering about the last events of her life. She was getting tired and was dozing off, when Danjosal walked up to her in a hurry. “Kreastle! Come quickly!” He said, running towards the battlements, where a group of redwallers were watching something. Kreastle jumped down expertly and ran up the battlements. “What is it?” She said, peering down the battlements. “What is that?” A wearet and a wildcat were waiting to speak. “We have come to deliver a message!” The wildcat said. “We have word from the mighty Warlord Rofnard. Surrender peacefully and you will be slaves, deny the offer and die! What is your choice?” As soon as he had finished, a rock came knocking down next to Grimmer’s footpaw. “You have our answer! Now go away!” Deathtail raised his fist menacingly. “You have chosen your fate! You will die!” At that, they were off.
“What are we going to do?” An old hogwife asked.
“We’ll defend this abbey until they’re defeated!” Skipper said. “Don’t you worry marm!”
Kreastle walked away, supporting the hogwife. “Come on now! Let’s go sit down peacefully in the orchard!”
Maximus was sitting down on his bed, refusing warm nettle broth sister Amabel presented to him. “I don’t want that horrible thing you call nettle broth!”
“You need it if you want to heal!”
“I would rather die than drink that!”
Sister Amabel gave up and went to another patient. As soon as sister Amabel was gone, Maximus jumped out of bed and went outside. Arriving outside, he bumped into Danjosal. “Whoa! Mate! Watch your step!” Danjosal puffed. “What are you doing here?”
“Taking a walk outside!” Maximus sighed. “I’m tired of always being inside! And besides, my arm is getting better now!”
“If you say so!” Danjosal walked inside, leaving Maximus alone. Maximus walked away towards the pond and climbed inside the small boat. “Would you let me come with you?”
Maximus jumped in surprise, almost falling into the water. “You scared me there, Kreastle!” He said. “Come in!” Kreastle jumped into the boat and Maximus began paddling. “How is life at the abbey?” He asked.
“Never better!” She said. “Not because you were gone! But we have had a great harvest last year!”
“I’m happy to hear that!” They arrived at the other side of the pond.
“Can you drop me here? I have something to do!”
“Sure!” Maximus placed the boat next to the shallows and helped her out. “Here you go!”
   As soon as she was out, Keastle ran towards the kitchens, seeking Abbess Rodine. “Abbess! I need to talk to you!”
“What is it, my child?”
“I would want that a feast be made for tonight!”
“And what is the reason for this?”
“It would be a feast in honor of the return of the outcast!”
“But why?”
“Because i feel that he has changed!”
“Very well then! I will tell them to prepare the feast!”
“Ho! One last thing, Don’t tell him about it! I’ll occupy him for the rest of the day!”
“Of course, Kreastle!” Kreastle walked towards Maximus. “Do you want to take a walk in the woods?”
“Sure!” They walked away into the woods, unaware of the pair of eyes watching them. 
   The preparations went immediatly under way, all kinds of food were prepared: Shrimp and hotroot soup, oat scones with meadowcream and honey, mushroom and leek pasties, carrot and turnip turnovers, the famous deeper’n’ever pie, many cheeses too, summer salad, fruit salad, Great Hall cake, woodland trifle,.  The dibbuns were sent to bed to rest for the feast; the cellarkeeper and Foremole roled barrels and kegs. There was
strawberry fizz, mint tea, october ale, strawberry cordial, burdock cordial, raspberry wine, and numerous others. The hare couple were setting tables and games outside. The young beasts gathered fruit from the orchard to set on the tables. Night was falling when Kreastle and Maximus arrived. “Let’s start that bally ole feast!” Glenner exclaimed. So everybody sat down and waited for the abbess to say grace. “Birds of the sky, fishes of the water and beasts of the earth, let us thank the seasons for the times of peace and happiness!” A mighty ‘Amen!’ aroused from the beasts crowded around the tables, and all started eating with a will. During the celebrations, Glenner sang is famous song.

‘We're gonna have a feast,
So come, good beast
And eat your hearts desire.
You'll have all you want,
So don't go hunt,
And sit down by the fire.’

He was cheered wildly and everybeast asked for an encore. So Glenner obliged. When he had finished, he took a huge serving of apple pudding. “Well, it’s been a while since i used the bally ole vocal cords!”